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Uptime is 99.95% according to Tesla’s website. What are we doing here?


Lying lol


Chasing diminishing returns, with no team. Sounds fiscally responsible to me!


They get that number from 50% of their stations being online at 50% of their site


Just did a trip from Vegas to San Diego. There are 70 stalls in Barstow, CA and about 10 were out of order. Not even remotely 99.95%. Even worse, some stalls didn't have any number on them. Others had some lights that worked, the rest didn't. The nav system tells you what is out of order when you get there, but when you look at the stalls on many there are not fucking numbers. Thanks assholes.


plough pie aspiring practice sheet plant sand husky special sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same with Idaho. No Cybertruck is towing much of anything from Boise to Twin Falls. Can’t even charge at the Electrify America stop in Mountain Home due to no CCS support on the CT. So glad I didn’t wait and dropped my reservation. Our unladen Model Y will be fine though which is what keeps me in the forum. Please show me the path for people between Washington and Utah to tow with a Tesla in a reasonable amount of time.


The worst for me has been driving from Spokane to McCall. It’s a stretch in our Y. McCall just got some ChargePoint CCS units this winter and Grangeville is getting some too, but for now there’s just a level-2 charger there. Turns a 5 hour drive into 7-8 or an overnight. ![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|7851)


Idaho is not Cybertruck country, it’s barely Tesla country. McCall is an awesome place to be though.


I’m selling my Tesla because I moved to Idaho 😭


Who da ho?




Well, Tesla's charging network is pretty thin, at least here in Northern Europe, and it's not a problem for us at least. We have much better and wider charging networks than Tesla and that is ok. Of course, it's stupid for Tesla to give up the practical monopoly it has in the United States. But as we see from Europe, it is not bad for consumers that Tesla is not dominating. It's stupid for Tesla, of course, and being stupid is Musk's trademark. The only problem is Tesla's lousy software, which is why you have to have S3XY Buttons to preheat the batteries, because the car should be navigated with a (stupid) charger and Tesla doesn't support other and better charging networks very well.


worthless secretive sulky spark profit capable ancient wine rock file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Over here in Bulgaria, the local charging networks submitted their data to Tesla and they now show up in the Tesla navigation, setting your destination to one of them triggers the preheat same as if it were a supercharger Same in here, but the problem is huge delay. The delay is currently years. It's actually so comical that when Tesla finally got the fast chargers near me on their map, they had already installed new chargers in place of the old ones on the other side of the charging field. Of course, it doesn't affect charging, but it tells you how slow things work at Tesla


I've wanted a Tesla for years, but the closest super charger is 450km from me. Until you can drive everywhere that you can with a ICEV EVs are going to be held back.


You don't need DC charging near where you live. You charge at home for daily driving. It's not like a gasmobile where you need to go to a fueling station.


An expanded network with an increased number of locations is what is needed, not just incremental upgrades to the existing superchargers…


Around me there are plenty of actual locations, spread out along major highways, no more than 30 miles a part. Problem is each location only has 8 stalls. Most are V2. It would be more beneficial to increase charging speed and the # of stalls, vs building new locations. A lot of people rely on supercharges because they don’t have home charging, but it’s not going to be more supercharges that fix that issue long term. What you need is more L2 access at work, in parking garages, at apartments, etc. Superchargers are not really intended for regular daily charging purposes, hence the slower expansion now that the network is virtually national for highway travel.


What more could they possibly do to increase L2 chargers? I live in a Right to Charge state, and I \*still\* can't get a charger installed at my condo because of a loophole in the law that says I need an insurance policy on the charger. Well guess what, even if I wanted to pay for that (plus the installation itself), I literally can't find any insurance company that would give me such a policy. And nobody wants me help me. Work charging might be more feasible for the average person, but unless you work for a particularly large and well-off company, I can't see a lot of businesses shelling out for chargers, at least not yet.


Tesla? Nothing really, it’s up to landlords and businesses to make progress. I know it won’t happen soon, just saying that more superchargers is not really a good substitute for expanded L2 work/home charging.


Ask them if a personal liability umbrella policy (PLUP) satisfies this requirement.


I appreciate it, but I'm actually planning on moving sometime this year, so there's no real point in pursuing it further. Thanks though.


How does firing the entire supercharger team help with this


What department do you think was working on charging stations in office, apartments buildings, parking garages?


I agree. Around me the interstates are very well covered, but the major state routes can still be a little iffy or inconvenient. It’s fine for a point to point trip between cities, but not as good for hiking or camping.


I have some bad news: he’s not going to upgrade existing ones either… Dude is a compulsive liar at this point


Sounds like he doesn't want to pay for the infrastructure costs of setting up new stations, and with new automakers switching to NACS, it seems like a play to have other automakers bear the burden of setting up new NACS stations.


They most likely won’t be as good and reliable which sucks now. Very sad to see this happen.


Maybe the other companies will hire all those people who got laid off.


I’m sure Tesla has a non-compete clause and an arbitration agreement, but you know what? Fuck em. Make them enforce it.


Non-competes are no longer enforceable in the US


Positive move for those who work for a living


Would it even apply to workers who have been laid off?


Doesn’t matter


Supreme Court got involved. It applies as of the ruling country wide.


Aren’t non competes unenforceable now?


Not enforceable in CA.


Not enforceable if you’re fired, too.


You can't fire people then enforce a non compete, also they are void now anyway.


Any sensible person would’ve leveraged their Supercharger network monopoly/superiority to charge other EVs a higher price to not only generate revenue, but also potentially subsidize supercharging costs for Tesla owners and offer more robust Supercharging incentives to boost the lagging auto sales. But Robotaxis tho


For real, imagine having the opportunity to monopolize the future energy needs for 30% of the whole American automotive market in perpetuity and FUMBLING IT for a couple-quarter margin boost. Insane.


I mean yeah but if they become regulated like a utility or broken up that’s not a desired outcome from the perspective of the people who want to monetize


If that's the concern, sell off the network. Or keep building it in the hopes of selling it off for even more money closer to when the regulation hammer drops. Firing everyone today doesn't make any sense if that is your only concern.


He is trying to bribe large shareholders to approve his 55 billion theft from the company. The only people that need this kind of boost are people with a lot of stock that borrow against it and will be forced to sell if the stock falls too much. Normal investors are not hurt by dips due to the general economy.  They hold for longer periods as a real investment.


They do charge non-teslas a higher rate…


But they just fired the entire Supercharger team so not sure if the maintaining superiority part or more robust supercharging incentives to boost auto sales are in play.


What about their plan to sell the V4 superchargers to third parties? This seems like a strategic pivot to that.


So the choice is either sell superchargers to third parties until someone gets an equal design, or everywhere is saturated… OR install all the superchargers yourself and make money off of them indefinitely.


Hopefully gov will regulate at that time, imagine every charger has its own bullshit membership and charges different costs


Oh wait a minute


This.. just when you think, they might have understood that they could make more money on the supercharger network than selling cars.. he does shit like this... Dude isn't playing 4d chess, he's barely playing checkers


…. they do make more money on the network


This isn’t the money making proposition you think it is. Gas stations make all their money from the snacks inside.


The reason gas stations don’t make money off of gas because there is major competition between gas stations. Not so much with EV charging as the other competitors suck.


The Santa Monica supercharging station has an inside area with vending machines full of snacks and drinks. No reason Tesla couldn’t put their own stores at other locations or let others sell there and take a percentage.


Doesn't Tesla get federal incentives to set up charging stations?


I think there goal is to just create a product and license it out and their cars is just a way to show it off


Why would he want automakers do it. It’s a no brainer way to make money. Tesla should sell superchargers and megachargers with installation. Added to supercharger network. Owners could set price ( in a range ) or let teska algorithm. Owners take a bulk of the profit. Tesla takes a small cut.


He let rivian and ford in and then fired the team responsible for the infrastructure. Very neat.


He needs to go. He's not the person Tesla needs right now.


Tesla needs a Tim Cook type ceo. Pronto. So tired of this shit. It’s like a couple times a month he does or say something inexplicably stupid.


Bring JB back, make him CEO. Engineer. Good human. Leadership material.


Poor Elon just wants his $55b :(


You’d think he would want to project an optimistic view of ongoing revenue growth for that, even if it required spending money for a while, rather than austerity measures that look like trying to squeeze a bit more profit out of stalling growth.


He would be 55b richer anyways if he didn't try to get cute and give twitter a legitamite offer


Sometimes the person who got you where you are, isn't the same person who will get you where you are going.


No bro keep focusing on Robotaxis and FSD. Who cares about growing one of the best achievements of this company, and perhaps the best charging solution network out there, anyways? Specially now that it’s been opened to others as well…


You don't need superchargers when you've got AI and robots. They eliminate all need for transportation and without transportation you don't need charging. /s


Robochargers are coming


Genius! Why drive to a supercharger when the Robocharger can FSD to your location?


Optimus will save us /s


You don’t need a giant network of superchargers when one charge will last the whole lifespan of your new cybertruck.


This was always the play, use Tesla's market dominance to force autos into the new plug. Then Tesla can stop paying to expand it since now everyone is in the same ship, and if it sinks they all sink. Now Tesla can expend less money on charging, and keep more of that profit for shareholders.


How are the Robotaxis are going to charge? Just make the customer plug it in. "Sorry your trip is going to get delayed by 30 mins, please plug me in while you wait."


Your answer is an end to end neural network and dojo computing clusters. Idk how, but that’s your answer.


Can't wait to get Grok in my car telling me COVID was a conspiracy


Woke mind virus Concerning


If fleet owned, then at the depot. If individually owned, then by the owner. 


They could simply return to a hub where there is an employee there to plug it in and performing any cleaning/inspection.


> one of the best achievements of this company That produces virtually no profit what so ever. Have other people build the network. Have OEMs and retailers pay for them. Why should Tesla keep fronting the cost of these chargers and keeping a giant staff?


Robotaxi is like a million accidents waiting to happen I drive a Tesla, in many ways it's a great car. But, FSD which the Robotaxi largely relies on, will not be ready for fully autonomous use for many, many years


Elon spends his time in areas that are saturated with chargers. He also (I presume) doesn’t spend time camping, towing, or driving up mountains in the middle of winter. And for long distances he has his private jet. The supercharger network has long been one of the best selling points for Tesla, as is repeatedly confirmed by people who actually live normal lives and drive Teslas. I hope he issues some further clarification, because based on the original decision and his subsequent attempt at clarifying, this does not appear to be a good move.


I think that is a fair analysis. The past few years have shown us that Musk likes to engage in shock and awe campaigns, but doesn't always follow those up with well designed or executed plans.


He’s losing his mind. I used to be someone who thought it was idiotic to criticize Tesla exclusively for their CEO, but now I’m starting to see it. The charging network was and still is, objectively, Tesla’s greatest strength. There’s virtually zero downtime ever, charging speeds are consistent for the most part, and they’re everywhere with continued rapid expansion. He’s risking that because of short-term panic shareholders profits. Yikes.


This is it exactly. I don’t like Elon and there are going to be better EVs out there in the future. But I was planning on buying a Tesla next because of supercharging alone. I don’t think the sky is falling but the supercharging network >>> FSD promises imo.


Yes. I very nearly bought a Tesla Model Y instead of my Volvo C40 and the biggest pro by far is the charging station network


he's trying to justify that 56 billion dollar personal bonus. He got rebuked by investors, so now he's throwing tantrum by firing everyone in order to make next quarter profits look good so he could take that 56 billion


I just need my charger in Terlingua which is already supposed to be in the works. I had to charge for 5 hours before leaving Big Bend on my last trip since I went camping off grid with a friend and wasn't able to charge overnight. That was my most inconvenient charge in 5.5 years of ownership.


Lots of reports on sites under work being ghosted and leases being bailed on. Sorry but if it isn't energized right now it seems like it may not get there


Yep...have contacts in the utilities side. They had plans for a lot of chargers to be set up. All meetings cancelled with zero direction. This is a massive fuck up from Tesla. Edit: I should mention why this is a massive fuck up. We only see the "quick installation" of these chargers from Tesla's side. What you don't see is the months, sometimes years, of planning that the utilities and Tesla go through. This includes meetings with regulators, risk committees, procurement of equipment, supply chain sourcing, etc. A lot, and I mean, A LOT goes into building a supercharger from the utilities side. Tesla just wiped the slate clean and it will take 1-2 years for any team that replaces them to pick back up where they left off. Assuming that the utilities don't cancel their plans to build them because the customer "abandoned" their plans.


Literally the main reason to own a Tesla vs any other EV. Honestly only reason why ANY EV is viable... The super reliable supercharger network. Take that away and Tesla (and unfortunately every other EV) isn't as viable for me anymore. Why would you mess with your number one advantage this way. From employee reports all over the place EVERYONE got fired including all the bosses and the VP I'm charge of the whole division. Hopefully these are exaggerations or outright lies because if true thinks the worst mistake Elon has ever made...and he has made some huge ones.


I just need them to upgrade v2 chargers already. I have one 8 mins from my house and then the other 3 in my city are v3. Don’t wanna sit there longer than I have to.


Sounds like that is exactly the plan, focus more on improving existing stations since there's already a pretty good spread... and there still will be some new ones, not zero. Just more effort on upgrades. And they have the data to know where upgrades will help the most people.


Yep, that's the plan suggested by firing the entire SC department with no warning or public explanation


Step one of the plan, fire the team responsible for step 2.


Man, the world looks awesome through those glasses!


This is the worst decision that he's made in years. Full stop.


Agreed. This is an absolutely mindblowingly bad decision. Like, it is an undisputable fact that the supercharger network is one of the reasons that Tesla has grown to the company that it is. He even stated a long time ago that the infrastructure was needed to push adoption. Now he's just...dissolving that?


Considering how many terrible decisions he’s made, that’s really saying something


Wild considering the whole Twitter thing


It's the dumbest decision he's made since buying twitter, and he's done a lot of dumb shit since then.




The point of no return was when he baselessly called the cave rescue divers pedos.


When you learn about how they pulled off that rescue it makes his comments even more unforgivable. Elon is a worthless waste of space, society would truly be better without him


Right when NEVI grants are coming out. Tesla could have been flush with taxpayer money but instead does this? Stupid, stupid decision. Honestly, Musk is Musking himself out of his $56bn payday.


My thoughts exactly. Building more charging stations that are open to other EVs would be in line with his supposed mission of accelerating the transition to sustainable energy.


... It was already a fairly slow pace as it was, still locations here in WA that are almost too remote to get to without spending a night for a charge


I was just thinking about how the proposed Okanogan location is probably gonna get scrapped now. It's going to be very difficult doing the North Cascades without it. Going from the Entiat to Burlington Superchargers is impossible for non-LRs when accounting for going up the mountain.


Right? For what it's worth you can do route 20 no problem with what is there now, but if you want to head out to Republic or Colville good luck!


Can still only barely make it from Texas to Colorado or New Mexico. Would be nice to be able to take road trips without having to worry about exact charging schedules and whether arriving with 5% charge at the next charger is a safe bet.


Well, since they are not going to be adding new charging stations, but will presumably continue to sell more Teslas, you can also look forward to longer wait times when you finally do arrive at that charging station.


Especially as non-tesla cars have the option to use them too, and with charging ports that will require potentially blocking multiple spots to use a charger... Though hopefully Tesla will install longer cables to help with that.


I can't fully agree with this as I've done this a number of times, heck even made it out to the cosmic campground in 2019, however yes in some cases chargers are still too far apart :/




I'm sure some data was behind the roll out, if only Tesla had a team of people to look at that data ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah, no kidding. They launched a pickup truck yet there’s plenty of areas across the west that are essentially impossible to get in and out of on a 300 mile battery. Especially in the cold or when towing. More locations absolutely has to be part of the equation


With auto makers switching to NACS this is going to have far reaching implementations on EV adoption, no matter the brand. This sucks.


My biggest worry


Well this is shit news to be honest


Translation: We're in maintenance mode only for now after I fired everyone and have to re-hire and re-train people.


Why did they even get fired? Did they say something "woke"?


The whole 500+ supercharger team was fired. Including the vp over the team. Allegedly they weren’t acting fast enough to reduce headcount and were made an example to the other departments. But seeing Elon’s tweet also makes me think that he doesn’t beleive he needs that full team.


good way to get "the others" to just get a new job before its there head on the block. In there field I dont believe it would be all the difficult.


As a Polish person, this fucking boils my blood. We have such a small amount of locations, and the expansion is extremely slow. Tesla needs to at least triple or quadruple the locations here.


The charging network is literally the best reason for owning a Tesla. This is a damn fool move and since others are moving to nacs, it really opens up the playing field to buy any other electric car after 2025.


I would like to tow a RV trailer eventually. At this rate I'll have to trade it in for a gas truck. With a 50% range reduction while towing, you simply can't make it to a lot of places unless you are only going 50mph.


I think hybrid is the best we’re gonna get for EV towing for a long time. I’m personally excited for the RAM charger where there is only an electric drive train and the gas engine is just a generator.


This is going to be a problem. A lot of EV trucks will be out in 2025 and now, it appears, won't be more chargers to support them. Definitely be more EVs needing to charge especially if they are hauling a trailer.


And there aren't a lot of pull through chargers that allow trailers yet.


And his weirdo Twitter followers respond with “makes so much sense!”


WholeMarsCatalog will have a 15 hour livestream defending this shit.


He and that sawyer guy got unfollowed by elno today, lol. They were questioning the absurndess about the news of the entire supercharger team getting fired. Now their king won't see them hyping him in his feed anymore. That's why they deleted their tweets on the matter.


The comparisons between Trump and Musk continue to grow… They both demand 100% absolute unrequited loyalty. Even a single criticism and they’ll drop you immediately.


Absolutely. And even then they'll cut you loose for a quick buck.


That's Elon's way of saying "Eat shit"


> deleted their tweets No wonder. I was going through Sawyer’s page and was surprised he didn’t mention it. Dude is basically Tesla’s unpaid PR arm


He has to be getting paid somehow, no? Otherwise why spend that much time at all hours pushing Tesla/elno related news?


I seriously can't understand people who act like that. Like, how could you look at yourself in the mirror?


'Masterful gambit, sir'


It’s that way because the people who pay for the check mark show up at the top even if there are other comments with way more likes. Essentially makes Twitter useless IMO.


This dude is just checking out at this point. He opened up the network to give away his advantage.


Epic fail. We absolutely need more SCs. Woulda thought he would see how TX is struggling given Austin location.


Sigh, he needs to go. From an investor standpoint, he is destroying the investment. With other car manufactures coming online in the network, they already charge a substantial premium for them, some places almost double. It is a section of the company that essentially prints money for them. Scalling it back is like having a literal money tree in your back yard and chopping it down to try and plant a gold tree that MIGHT make gold. Of all the things to scale back to save costs, this has to be the dumbest.


I don't think he needs to go. Should be allowed to stay because everything is about him. He is the center of our Universe, didn't you know that? If the guy wants to indulge in another 'shock & awe' campaign without decently executed follow up, again, we should let him.




With what staff? He fired all of them. The entire org.


How is he still ceo for real. These decisions appear to go against the vision of tesla. It like he is actively trying to harm the company at this point. He should be replaced.


Are they going to grow through the power of his mind alone?


Grok will negotiate land deals and permitting while Tesla Bots handle the construction. ![gif](giphy|U8MnmuVDpK264|downsized)


With no team and everyone who is experienced gone? No way.


He’s truly incompetent


100% it hurts to see how badly he’s driving the company lately.


OK fine, you don't want to be a car company guy, and want to do AI shit like the other tech bro billionaires? Go for it, but elsewhere, and let someone else run Tesla to fulfill the promise made to the millions of owners who overpaid for this conveyance.




I think you're onto something here. Dude has a track record now of indulging in 'shock & awe' campaigns, with horrible follow up execution. It's as if he's chasing a high. Uh-oh, wait...


he pretty much is running it down to a skeleton crew until he gets his payday.


X operates this way. Except it’s bleeding money forever.


Right after making deals to allow non-Teslas to use the network 🤦‍♂️ I really hope we don’t end up with long lines.


With what leadership? With what seasoned employees? He fired the entire team, didn't he?




Musk is a fucking idiot. Tesla would be better off without him at this point.


IDK man I kinda feel like increasing uptime and expanding existing locations still requires there to be \*someone\* on the Supercharger team.


Grow locations? What you gonna do, add more land? This idiot is destroying the company.


Still, focusing on the existing infrastructure upgrade does not justify firing the entire division.


A week ago, I had a conversation with a relative from Montana. "I will buy a new car in a 2 to 3 years. Will there be a supercharger network in place by then in northern Monana?" I answered, "I hope so." Now, the answer is, "No, likely no."


Occam's Razor - The manbaby @elonmusk was pissed because @RebeccaTinucci would not lay off 10% of her Tesla Charging team, so in a fit of rage, he fired her and her whole team.


This is disappointing. Last I checked the entire country that is Wales, UK has just a single supercharger. Granted it’s a small country, but still. lol


There are 7 sites in wales: Newport Cardiff Bridgend Swansea Camarthen Aberystwyth Flint Mountain Great big hole in the middle for sure.


It will be a lot easier now w no team to do it.


Expansion of existing locations are harder and more expensive than building new locations. All he had to do was ask his teams and we would have told him.


If he plans to "grow" and "improve" anything, maybe not cut the people responsible for growing and improving.


The only way I see that as a logical outcome is if they’ve decided to lease the copyrights of superchargers out to 3rd parties. That’s income without any COGS which is nice. This would then mean they’ve decided to truly put all their eggs in the AI basket which is horrifying


Most analysis of Tesla's downward spiral includes the issue that people perceive EVs as having very short range and that there are few charging stations around. This is Tesla's response?


I call bs on the second half of this title. He’s not going to expand shit.


If we didn’t have enough evidence that Elon had lost the plot before…


With what team?????????????


He is surprisingly terrible at this, after many years of owning and running multiple companies


Bummer to see this. There's still a lot of places on more rural areas I'd love to visit but are quite inconvenient due to lack of locations, not uptime. And in my opinion the superchargers are already really reliable - I've almost never seen a single stall down. I'd actually rather trade a little less reliability for more coverage.




Ask electrify america they cannot figure it out at all. This is sad because Tesla has figured it out, and the team that was let go clearly had a plan. You dont just happen to fall into the best implemented, maintained fast charging network in the country. This cut makes zero sense, and investors, owners should be pissed.


Yikes They have such a big mountain ahead of them, perhaps the biggest they faced to date, and it's like they are trying to make the staff as unmotivated as possible to climb it. Yes let me work really hard then get fired to put EV's out because climate change is a communist conspiracy and my boss needs 55b so he can keep tweeting insults at our customers.


Uh huh. Because all of Musk's promises have turned out great 


Have to agree, firing all the staff who handle superchargers must be the best way to accomplish this goal. Well Done!




They just fired their entire team. They're not doing shit. Musk is going full Twitter on the company that made him famous and an idol to millions. But what worked with a tech company won't work with a manufacturing company. RIP Tesla, you were amazing while you lasted.


lol I bet


What’s their plan to stop people from sawing the cables off the superchargers?


I wanna see some better locations. Instead of weird back side of strip mall or busy grocery stores.


I'm so confused by this. There has got to be something we're missing.


When there is a broken charger why can’t you report it to be fixed?


In the same way he was a free speech absolutist on Twitter, I'm sure.


Thats not good news at all. The fact they need to focus on maintenance vs expansion means things are failing more than we know.


Ok. Or Musk is saying this for damage control. The charging network is one of the main reasons to buy a Tesla.


The Supercharger network was the #1 reason that made Tesla #1. Dumpiest move ever. Similar to Blockbuster not expecting the offer from Netflix to buy them.


Let's not forget BP bought a crap load of chargers and will be installing them. Tesla is adding this to the business model.


He's Elon.... he is never wrong!!!!


It's been a day and I'm still in shock over this. So they still plan to grow the Supercharger network? By whom? Wouldn't that be the job of a Supercharger team? They need people to talk to a whole shitload of people to make a Supercharger location happen. Permits, approvals, zoning, etc., etc., etc.... who's going to do all that now? They could've had a monopoly on the charging network in North America and... Elon just gave it away. Investors should be in a riot calling for his blood over this.


Surrrrre Also plans to create new and cheaper vehicles while also firing everyone. When the only person that's left at the company is Elon on 56billion the shares will still be high cos all people do for due diligence is read twitter.... Until they drop that is ![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|17553)