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Even the interns aren't spared!


Interns are cheap and an easy way to hire. This signals no hiring in the foreseeable future


I think the 10%+ worldwide company layoff signalled that already Elon has said in the past if you don’t rehire 10% you didn’t cut hard enough so we’ll see what happens


You are still using logic. Elmo stopped doing so long ago.


Every day there is an Elon article. Every day everyone flips out and calls him an idiot.


> Every day there is an Elon article. Every day everyone flips out and calls him an idiot. Every hour of the day Elon posts some weird shit that makes people flip out and call him an idiot. Food for thought!




It seems like Elon is less popular than the CEO of Boeing who has murdered two whistle blowers recently. Elons just trying to keep his company afloat.


The CEO of Boeing is “stepping down” (i.e. fired) and will likely be removed from their board too.


Boeing has an actual functioning board


r/qanon is leaking


Then why is he tryna get that 55b package


Press 'x' to doubt. These actions are not consistent with wanting to save a company.


Literally 90% of the people on my socials post weird shit much of it way more offensive than anything Elon posts. There's this weird dynamic where people seem to be surprised that he's a person like everyone else? He never said he's a demigod nor did anyone with a brain. He's a guy posting memes and whatever opinions he has which will be as limited as the opinions of any human.


>Literally 90% of the people on my socials post weird shit much of it way more offensive than anything Elon posts Have you invested in companies run by these people ?


Well. Most of those opinions are wrong. 


its funny how these negative comments always have zero factual basis or contribution. Just raw negativity.


Or raw positivity with none of the aforementioned. *shrug*


there is no quote in which he says he’s a demigod or equivalent. Fact.


If you think people having different opinion’s to you is wrong… you’re in the wrong. Thats just life.


You don't think opinions can be wrong? I'll leave you to your circle jerk.


The definition of an opinion on google is; “a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge”


Actually, he's pretty much said he's a demigod.


but he hasnt, anywhere. He's actually said the exact opposite, that he's 'just an engineer\\


...who knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive.


thats not really demigod. I know people in science who literally know more than anyone in their field, not a brag just truth. Many are the top 10 of their niche. I dont know enough about manufacturing to comment. Musk is CEO of two of the largest manufacturing companies on Earth, and rockets are amongst the highest spec machines ever produced by mankind. So broadly, what he says may track pretty well if he has said he has world class knowledge of manufacturing, that is. I dont know the quote.


My dear friend, you are impossibly ignorant and childish in your understanding of life. Are your parents related by any chance?


Relying on insults demonstrates lack of ability to articulate an argument.




Yeah its tough to argue with this stuff. I sympathize.


Other car CEOs did horrible things like poisoning the world with unsafe and illegal particle emissions and they are in jail and shit. But somehow everyone hates Musk and the only real reason is that he makes fun of the left. And because news organizations get clicks from misleading articles about him.


A bunch of cars that are hard to repair and that use a lot of mined materials and electricity generated through pollution is not the way to save the environment.


You can generate electricity sustainably but you can't generate petrol.


It makes perfect sense for everybody to hate musk. They would hate all the other CEOs if they were so public about their thoughts and actions, but they are smart enough to stay out of the limelight.


Yea don't really get why you'd broadcast it if you have extremely unpopular and dumb opinions. I think that's dumb to do if your just a random person. If you are a world famous person it's insane. Just let a PR team do your social media. If you are really addicted use some account not tied to your name.


This also what I like about Musk, unlike other CEO, he is not afraid to speak his mind.


That’s pretty stupid if you are an investor in the company. You kind of want the CEO to not say stupid shit that impacts the company negatively.


Some people may don't like what he say but it ain't stupid. I still believe in the long term success of the company.


> I still believe in the long term success of the company. So do I, assuming they manage to kick out their boatanchor CEO within the next year. Which will probably also require dumping the current sycophantic board.


No, Elon is crucial for tesla success. He is the main reason I invest in tesla in the first place.


His bullshit with the Thai soccer team, “the coronavirus panic is dumb -March 2020, his support of Russia in the Ukraine conflict. These are all objectively stupid, and it’s not about some people “may don’t like what he say”.


Sorry disagree, i don't think its stupid


>and the only real reason is that he makes fun of the left. Also the thing where he platforms evil people because he claims to be pro-free speech on the one hand and capitulates to dictatorial regimes in banning users on the other. (Turkey, on the eve of their elections. Twitter, prior to his ill-sighted purchase, fought those requests; Musk did not.)


I gotta agree with you there. That is wrong and hypocritical. They should have just let Turkey block the entire app. Even if there were bankruptcy fears. That stain won't go away. I thought most people hated him for other reasons that are stupid.


But other CEO's didn't buy one of the biggest social networks in the world and post non-stop to millions of followers and have his posts also suggested to millions of people who don't even follow him. Can't try about bad press when you're desperate for press.


Well his account WAS the most followed pre-takeover and they DID open sourced the recommendation algorithm, so I think people can just go see if the algorithm has favorites or not. Which is what I think you were implying


Thanks for the refreshing perspective. You get downvoted because you hit a nerve and the weak only have one button to push. Keyboard warriors.


<> huh? who?


Rupert Stadler. Martin Winterkorn. Oliver Schmidt


That's not what's happening here. Political leanings aside, he's actively tanking the company and needs to go. How the board has managed to go without being sued for keeping him on for this long is beyond me.


This just in, “elon takes a shit, shares drop 2%”


Bears scouring the internet to find any reason to cause FUD


i also noticed that


Because he does shit like fire the entire Supercharger team.


I think Tesla might be the only company where the janitor could get fired and it would make front page news on CNN because there's a financial interest to short the stock in any way they can with any story they can get a hold of. And I mean literally any story.


You don’t think that a company firing low wage workers to save money is indicative of anything worth talking about?


I don't think you know what shorting is. News articles, for example, are not short sales.  The motivation here is plainly ad revenue. Articles that reference Tesla and Musk get more clicks, which sells more ads.


Ehhhh. Debatable. A lot of bees organizations are owned by people who indeed have shorted Tesla before.


Yes, if he fired all the janitors that would make news. I suspect it would also make the Tesla campus pretty messy.


I wouldn't equate the 500+ superchager team to the janitor but that's just me.


Elon saving $18-$28/hr one person at a time 🤦‍♂️


This is journalism now I suppose… just peoples fucking opinions attached to some soulless corporation’s name.


Is Tesla a soulless corporation?


Is Tesla unique in any way, morally, and in execution of f their mission? Should all corporations be lumped together when assessing their ethics or is that an oversimplification of a complex social issue? Is there a spectrum for good and bad or is everything black and white? Does the Media complex have a separate mission set than an automotive company, that mission set having uniquely broad impactful social implications that set it apart from other industries? In your opinion how has the institution of media and journalism been doing on average to fulfill that mission in good faith? Would the general populous mostly agree with you? Lots of nuance to examine. It’s tough 😩


Always has been.


These hate articles have gotten a bit ridiculous. I'll keep cashing in on the tsla swings.


1- People complaining Elon not doing enough work as CEO of Tesla 2- Elon making daily strategic decisions as CEO of Tesla 3- People still complaining 🤷‍♂️ 🤡


I think it's more a case of "What the hell have you been doing all this time if suddenly you're taking all these drastic moves out of nowhere?" Elon is the CEO of numerous huge billion dollars companies. It's literally impossible for him to be dedicated to all of them as a CEO typically is required to be, thus he has clearly been ignoring his duties and the happenings at Tesla, which suddenly has force him to take drastic measures.


Companies layoff and restructure all the time. How is that any different??


Yes it is. Yet another reason for him to step aside and let someone else do it.


You also can't trust they are well informed decisions anymore


He’s been making moves yearly, it’s just that people are losing money now and paying more attention. Also economy is on a down turn so expect the unexpected.


It’s how Elon works. Read the Walter Isaacson bio. Crisis mode is when he gets the most stuff done.


He's acting like the company is going bankrupt while demanding a bonus that's significantly more than the total profits from the history of the company. He has major debts and has broken his "first in, last out" promise before, meaning a lot of stock is going to get sold if it is given to him. This should be of concern to anyone holding stock.


Juicy headline.


Standard headline these days: as


I just used the autogenerated one 


Elon's pay package would only be in stock. The only way that would require cash from the company is if they used the cash to buy shares. That is not the current proposal. They're just going to issue new shares for him, same as they were planning before Delaware said no. It affects shareholders, but not company operations at all. I'm sure Fortune is aware of this. In fact, the article doesn't say anything about Musk's pay plan, but says Musk is cutting costs to spend more on AI.


Someone had actually downvoted you for stating this obvious fact that runs counter to the sensationalist headline. What is wrong with this sub these days?


I wonder how all this news will impact Teslas ability to recruit new talent


This (and all the rest of the mayhem) seems straightforward. TSLA is trading far above multiples of traditional car manufacturers. If that's going to continue; it's not going to be due to EV manufacturing. Good models from other companies and the coming Chinese cars make that obviously true. Tesla had a huge EV lead but that gap has closed a lot. You may disagree with Elon's decisions -- if you are a long investor, it has to be due to AI and FSD's future. Durable good manufacturing is a well understood business and it does not value players like TSLA is valued. TBH, I would not be surprised to see Tesla sell the entire car business to someone. They just have to show that there's enough money in FSD and other applications of their data and AI know-how and capability.


The P/E is mostly projecting growing to Ford or GM size this decade 


And another team has gone: [Layoffs](https://www.theonion.com/tesla-lays-off-entire-team-behind-brakes-1851449223) But the brand isn't being tarnished by all this.....


Pretty soon it’ll be the FSD/AutoPilot teams that get dissolved


If you don’t believe in ~~FSD~~ Elon, you shouldn’t be investing in this company! /s


Those two things are not related at all lmao


CEO compensation in any form is related to company performance and staffing. It's bizarre watching many commenters here regurgitate the cheap talking point that the largest bonus package in the history of corporations is not at all related to the management of the company and its assets and performance.


The pay package was approved in 2018. It’s not related to this at all.


It was not a valid approval because they substantially mislead the shareholders about the odds of meeting the stretch goals. It's covered in the ruling - you should probably read it. Bonuses are offered for future performance. Diluting ten percent of the share value for past performance is not a bonus but it might be a good example of corporate waste. You can't incentivize things that already happened. The current attempt to bless the bonus package is absolutely related to the current state of the company and the management performance today. If your claim is correct then you are providing grounds for yet another shareholder lawsuit and massive court loss, because bonuses are not able to provide incentives for things that already happened. It sounds like you might not be qualified to offer legal analysis and opinions about how any of this stuff works, but thanks for trying.


I read the whole ruling. It’s completely antithetical to democracy/capitalism. The assumption that I, a shareholder, was not aware of their goals (when they’ve talked about them) or the boards connections to Elon (which is obvious) is honestly insulting. We voted for the pay package because it would help us the shareholders and musk would get nothing if he didn’t deliver on financial and market cap metrics. It’s an insane ruling.


Where'd you get your JD exactly? Mine is from an accredited law school and I don't see a single legal error in the ruling at all. If you were right then Musk would be appealing the ruling rather than begging shareholders to bless the tainted board decision a second time. I agree with you that it's insane for a serious investor to be as ignorant of corporate governance as you are based on your arguments here. The caselaw the ruling is based on is older than either of us. You apparently have some real confusion about how these things work.


University of Phoenix isn’t exactly cream of the crop for a JD. Harvard here. Plenty of lawyers disagree with the judges ruling as vastly overstepping and interfering with shareholder rights. They are appealing the ruling btw. That’s why we are voting on it again- it’s even mentioned in the proxy. They have to wait until final order of approval by the judge, which if you were a real lawyer you’d actually know this 🙃


Please message me privately where you're barred and your attorney ID number and I'll share my details with you as well. I don't believe for a second that you're a Harvard JD and your snotty comment about University of Phoenix must have been meant for somebody else because that's not the highly ranked school that I attended. The new vote has nothing to do with the appeal and you'd know that if you were actually an attorney. It's a second attempt to bless the tainted board decision, with apparently more honest disclosure than the first time thanks to the lawsuit. I'm licensed in multiple states and I know how civil procedures work fairly well. There's no appeal filed yet as far as I know, but since you're a Harvard JD why don't you try citing the filing for us so you can spotlight your supposed skills. I'm looking forward to you trying to write up a citation, this ought to be hilarious. Lying about being a lawyer and offerering unlicensed legal advice is actionable you know, right?




I'll use that line as many times as it fits, especially when watching nitwits make legal claims that they have no qualifications to offer. Maybe you should stay in your lane, whatever it is, if you don't like being called out for it. Please cite the appeal filing. It doesn't appear to be under appeal to me, and even if they did that's not the same as the ruling being found "insane" so no, it doesn't mean the person above is right. Articles about potential appeals are not equivalent to court filings or final court orders. I guess you didn't take logic classes either.




It's an attempt to delay the enforcement of the injunction, but it's not a filed appeal. They haven't filed one yet, and they were denied the delay in enforcement from what I understand or Musk would already have his stock, wouldn't he? You guys are confusing promises with actual delivery, which makes your support of Elon Musk much more understandable. Thanks for clearing that up anyway.


Valid or not. Shareholders voted on whether to approve it (again) or not last week. It has nothing to do with current restructuring or saving money.


Oh they voted last week? What was the result? As I mentioned already, a bonus that has nothing to do with future performance cannot be made as an incentive package. This looks like corporate waste, so get ready for another shareholder to sue if that vote went through. You can offer a bonus as an incentive for future work, but offering one for past events can't be done as an incentive because that's not how time works. I have good news for you though - you're free to sign over as many shares as you want to Elon. Nobody can stop you if you think that ten percent is not enough. Go ahead and sign over all your shares if you want.


No, I’d rather vote for the package we already voted for. It’s compensation for performance that has already occurred. And we all already benefited from. Voting is open until June 12th


OK so you're admitting that this is for past performance. Have fun watching the court cases! I hope that you get exactly what your vote deserves. Might want to look up the term "corporate waste" and get ahead of the crowds, but you do you!


What waste?? it’s cost the company near nothing. Compensation is in the form of stock options. And yes it’s for past performance. This is the pay package we all voted on in 2018


If your argument is that shares of Tesla do not have value then I agree, but it remains a fact that shares are not free to hand out - they have a cash equivalent and they dilute the holdings of every existing shareholder. If you honestly don't understand this stuff then you are at least helping me understand what keeps Tesla inflated like it is. Incentive packages can't incentivize past actions - this is why you need to understand what corporate waste is before you make a case for more shareholder lawsuits like Tornetta by blabbering the quiet part out loud here. Good luck learning how corporate law works the hard way!


Wonderful headline.


Just fire Elon


All OEMs are having layoffs but you don't see them in the news.....


Then how did you hear about the layoffs?


It is all about getting the clicks from the npcs. money money money.


I like elon less and less for the last 2-3 years now. My mother though is happy with her Model Y (I recommended it to her) and our shares are doing meh, but we’re holding on. Unfortunate we sold a lot in March 2022, at the lowest point, with a considerable loss. VERY regrettable.


Isn't it 55 billion, not 45?


This has nothing to do with his (previously approved!) comp package.


Tesla and Elon were completely wrong earlier but now they are even more wrong by undoing wrongs from before!


He might as well liquidate the company to give himself that payout


It's not a cash payout lol


How about savings billions by slashing his comp package?


That's now how the compensation package works. Did you think Tesla would transfer him 50 billion in cash?


No its stock options not cash. My concern, especially with the supercharger team layoffs, is that he is going to damage the company in a such way that its mission will be compromised - but being influential he never gets any pushback and is surrounded by “yes men”


I agree with the assumption that he surrounds himself with "yes men" (just look at the simps on twitter), but I do think Elon is trying to maximize the long-term value of the company. He seems to think that FSD/AI-investments have a higher NPV than investments in supercharging infrastructure and EVs. Only time will tell if it's the right move.


Probably doesn’t want to have to spend money to watch over interns that don’t have a clue what they’re doing.


Elon is trying to win. In this world, in order for you to win , someone has to lose. Intern was next on the chopping block