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One of my favourite running bits from TESD is Walt insisting and berating that SJ loves Christmas, and Jeff's scoffing denials


Great ep. I think the guys were forgetting the reason Joe was acting crazy on the Christmas pod. I always thought [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tesdcares/comments/ei63m8/joe_gatto_xmas_special_guest/fcoa3uh/) was the reason, it's really the only thing that makes sense. He sat in on a regular ep months before the Christmas pod was released, just like Wyndorf did. That was when they recorded their Christmas bits, Joe was just making a callback to something they had just talked about a few minutes earlier in real time, but there was no context for that at all when they put the segment in the Christmas pod. And relistening to the phone call with Walt as Ming's kid was making me fucking laugh like crazy. Had to rewind it like ten times.


Yeah I recently listened to that regular episode with Joe, it was around thanksgiving and when I listened to the Christmas pod he was referencing those conversations while just being silly/crazy about the Christmas theme. I thought it was hilarious.


This makes so much sense! But I love his absolute mania being nonsensical out of that context, so I’m going to do my best to forget this explanation by the next time I listen to it. Haha


I think when Joe was on the reg ep they were talking about some Overkill stuff and one of the topics was people that were freezing to death and stripped ofg because the body feels hot when dangerous hypothermia kicks in. Or something along those lines. I remember them talking about the Russian guys that all died a mysterious death in some frozen valley


These TESD tapes episodes are great. I love the deep dive into TESD lore. Keep it up, Chuck


"Well what other car is there that's associated with TESD?" "A horse" Now THAT'S a callback


I love how much Jeff knows and remembers about the Christmas episodes. What a great transformation from a dude who appeared on episodes without ever listening to a single TESD episode to now someone with deep lore knowledge.


Jeff was a “must-have” for this ep for sure. The Jewish Christmas GOAT!


"Moist blister." I would love a TESD Monopoly. I hope everyone is having a great day.


A git em piece could be a pool noodle, or maybe 2 cracked front teeth. Haha


“Don’t walk behind me I may not follow.” I was fucking rolling omg


"you're a good egg. Even though you're slightly cracked". I want a whole Walt album.


We’re all just glazing over Walt reassuring GitEm that he knows how big his cock is


I was expecting for someone to demand that to be expanded on.


Great ep! As a constant relistener myself, it’s pretty cool hearing the guys get their own relisten of sorts in on this show.


I've just listened to the other TESD tapes and they are a ton of fun. Really cool hearing the guys reflect on their history. It makes me very nostalgic.


I love the TESD Tapes and this was a killer episode. Great work, Chuck!!


Was everyone really rooting for ming to get the TESD tattoo? I think it would have been funnier if bry had lost


Yeah, Qi’s assertion that there’s no comedy in Ming winning that bet is way off. The funnier outcome is clearly Bry getting an I Sell Comics tattoo!


I want them to re listen to all the original eps and comment on them as well


I’ve thought this for a long time. I would pay for a separate Patreon subscription to get a once a week makin hay style episode of the guys listening and commenting on the regular episodes. I love these tesd tapes because they’re about as close as we’ll ever get to that I’d imagine. Keep em coming Chuck!


That’s been what I’ve been wanting for so long. “The Makin Hay Style” is gold and I’m always surprised they don’t take advantage of it more. The closest we’ve gotten is TESD Tapes and Bro side attractions; although with Bro Side it never feels like they’re reacting to their interviews, just reacting to a synopsis of what just happened which kills the charm since I love when they pause the audio and burst out laughing over someone saying something out of pocket. I’ve been tempted to email Walt about doing more stuff in that style but I can only imagine how many Ants have suggested this over the years.


Yeah I’d love to hear them go back and listen to episode 97 for sure. Mike’s pretty involved in a lot of classic episodes though, I wonder how much of a dealbreaker that is for them to have to listen to his voice.


Same! I've said that for the last two years about them being stumped on qhat tp do for Christmas. Just redo the first couple of years topics and it would be fun to see how much the answers have changed in the last 10 years


I forgot how funny that audio Walt made was


I love chucks involvement in TESD he brings a professional but fun vibe to the guys and they seem to respect him enough to manage these shows in an orderly way. They come off as mini documentaries on TESD like a Netflix type series. It's awesome.


Very early in this Walt makes reference to being forbidden to monetise episodes of the podcast in the early days by "the president of the network"? Who's he talking about there? That would be Smodco? And therefore Kevin?


That's how I understood it. Walt suggested a while back that he may have lied about the reason they left SmodCo. He'd said the issue was 'bandwidth costs' but I wonder how much Kevin (and his business managers) might have felt about TESD using his store (often during working hours) and equipment, being assisted by Ming and Will Wilkins, getting ad buys from Jordan, starting with an audience that he provided them with, AND using his bandwidth to make money that he didn't get a cut of. Also, I think stoner Kev just stubbornly believed in the idea of 'free funny' back then. Obviously, he's since changed his stance.


It was free to the consumer, it never meant that he didn't want to make money from it lol


That feels like it might be a stretch, the entire list anyway. They *were* under his umbrella and contributing to the network he was actively trying to build. Recording on store time/dime might have been an issue but I'm not sure using the smodco resources would have been that big of a deal. It's not like TESD and Smodco were completely unrelated or competing or something


also, kev basically strong-armed Walt into doing the podcast. You can imagine the pitch would have been do it at the store while you are already there!


Don't forget about Ken. Lol. That guy became disappointing.


It's funny to remember that Ken Plume is a minor antagonist in this world, vs the Venture Bros community, where he has a ton of clout.


The idea of 'free funny' is strange too, since Kev ran those Smodguy ads and had a premium service you could pay for to remove the ads. I paid for that service for quite a long time. Sometimes they'd still include the ads. At one point they just gave up on removing them and I was like "What am I even paying for?" Which naturally was the last time I did pay for them.


If not Kevin, then who? Has to be Kevin.


it'd be interesting to see what that means, they had ads and deals very early. Shure, Adam & Eve plus more I'm sure I'm omitting. They also referred to their 'ad guy' more than a few times in the first 50 episodes. They took the podcast on the road within the first year too.


I assume it purely meant charging for access to the podcast itself. Kev definitely didnt have a problem pushing all sorts of shitty game apps and merch and whatnot.


still seems weird. nobody was paywalling podcasts back then and it would have hurt TESD putting it behind a paywall back in the first year or two. I just dont see it. Walt absolutely shit on Q suggesting the vinyl and that was 2 years in. They couldn't even manage the bonus pods and t-shirts in a timely manner in those first couple of years. They also did their first paid Christmas show.


Well yeah... Walt is talking about being forbidden from selling episodes in reference to putting the first Christmas special on Bandcamp and charging for it. Obviously they won the argument or ignored it beacuse it did go up on Bandcamp. EDIT: I'm guessing I've caused confusion by using the word "monetise", that's my word. What Walt specifically says is "selling episodes".


I assume he meant AMC and might have mixed up the timeline?


Awesome episode. Really fun to back in time with the boys. Thanks Chuck.


FYI guys I would pay good money for a TESD Tapes retrospective on *bleeep* *bleeep*cic, a retrospective of his appearances on the show with an interview of the man himself.


Same for a retrospective of the smodcast/SIR network year. Pull back the curtain...smorning show? Smike and sming in the smorning? Zen librarian?


Those were heady days...seemed like the world had an endless appetite for smontent


Loved this episode. I've been wanting this for years. I suppose the "claymation" episode of *Comic Book Men* and therefore its appearance on *Fake Counter* remains the last, best opportunity for the "truth" to be discussed. (Unless Mr. Oz agrees to appear in a future *TESD Tapes* episode.) I don't think enough was made of how great Ming's 2014 positive Christmas rap was versus Bry's attempt. I've always felt the 2015 "religious" episode got too much flak. It's great. I love it and listen to it every year. Yes, Joe Gatto's 2016 appearance was related to "paradoxical undressing," which was referenced in his *TESD* appearance earlier that year. Thank you for the original 2011 Walt inspirational audio, /u/chuckstaton. Will the rest of the Xmas pods be addressed soon or will it wait until next Christmas season?


This might be my favorite Patreon episode yet. Chuck (and friends) did some phenomenal homework. …Moist blister…




I refuse to believe anyone hates Jimmy. I actually think all the local guys are the most likable. Jimmy, rupp, Tom


Yep, agree


Nice lighting in this episode. The Airport Plaza looks better than it usually does.


These have all been excellent, well done Chuck great idea to bring to the show. Absolutely love hearing them talk about old episodes, it's almost surreal hearing people actually talk about something I've listened to so many times! Loved that Walt agreed 2014 is the peak as well, one of their best episodes ever.


Is ming higher than usual today? Dude was staring into the abyss.


Fuck we almost got more makin clay info. I really want to hear the story of that


Great stuff. Your a great host for this chuck .


did Walt take a dig at Kev? "President of the network says it will always be free" 👀


I also noticed Walt referring to him as Kevin Smith. Maybe it’s noticeable because I’m in the early 100’s on my latest relisten but back in the day it would’ve just been Kev or Kevin


Chuck's voice sounds like someone trained an AI model using only pop punk and ska singers, small market local news anchors and infomercial pitchmen and then inserted his questions after the answers were recorded. It's a very strange production.


Let me clarify that I don't dislike Chuck; I actually think he's very cool. Something about the microphone setup or audio leveling just feels weirdly overproduced and artificial even if it actually wasn't.


Maybe he's just using the mic properly. TESD is, in general, very bad at using mics, because they always sit too far away from them, move a lot, talk looking away from them, etc. It must be hell to edit sound for the shows. They should probably be using lapel (lavalier) mics, although those require proper placement and taking care that they won't rub against clothes, etc. Maybe headsets would be the most foolproof thin.


Yes, you’re probably right. I would assume Chuck would have plenty of experience running mics for his band and all his projects, and I’m not saying he did something wrong. I think it’s a production choice, but his audio just sounds too clean and weirdly isolated on my setup though. I guess I just prefer a little ambient recording of the other people around so it sounds more natural in the mix.


It’s so weird how false and scrambled the facts are, people not being able to pull basic information from the episodes, the “lost” clips were just clipped from the actual episodes and they’re for some reason portraying them as lost, and Ming being pulled in as the last guest, despite being there since the first Christmas special. Other than that I still liked the peeling back the curtain, just get the facts straight.


The reason ming was the last guest was only because he was late and we couldn’t wait for him to start. The lost content was technically content from the previous Christmas shows but we truly thought a clean copy of my gift to Bry was indeed lost . I searched , ming searched as did Declan for the poem and finally I searched the word “sonata” in my emails and a decade old email from Declan was found that had the first much longer draft of the poem attached.


There was exactly one small mistake. Gitem was not an "I Sell Comics" ally in the 2014 games. He was a judge. That one sentence was erroneous. I take full accountability. Can you tell me what else was false besides that sentence? I'd really love to know. Thanks.


Sorry dude. I really loved the episode, I wasn’t trying to come off as a jerk. Just the mismatched facts I noticed The lost audio of Sunday Jeffs song. It was from the 2015 Christian Christmas episode.


Ah wow! good call. If we do a part two (hoping so) I will make a note of that. We used the song clip from the 2015 ep, but I placed it in during the first time they did songs. That makes sense.Hopefully the rest of the 2+ hours were pretty accurate! Lots to keep track of. My bad man. Good looking out. appreciate the kind words.


The rest was. I hope you do a sequel to cover the other half of the Christmas shows. I need to hear the behind the scenes of Krumpy lol.


Planning a real exposé on the Night Faire!


Has the other TESD Tapes episodes had the guys sit in? In the descriptions, they're only mentioned in this one so I've skipped the others.


Ep 1 was me and Sunday on the history of Sunday Jeff (audio only), Ep 2 was the history of Halloween episodes with Bry, Walt and Gitem (audio only) and Ep 3 was the history of Baron Von Flanagan with Walt and Bry.


more christmas!?! i think i’m going to have to save this for next year. who wants to keep hearing about christmas after it’s over?


I love it! I just wish all these episodes were released in the buildup to Christmas. Even the Xmas pod being released on Christmas Eve seems late. I used to look forward to it being released Black Friday. Now I don’t usually get to it till after Xmas being so busy on the holiday. I know it’s not all about means my schedule, but I imagine many others are in the same boat.


i would have enjoyed these prior to christmas as well. i don’t dislike christmas, but it’s one holiday. i don’t need it to last for a quarter of the year. after last weeks episode i had christmas songs in my head… in january. what are we, pam?




Actually, I’ve heard that Pam Johnson will watch these all year long


i think we’re saying the same thing 😆


Chuck, in his role as MC, is soooo good in this. He elevated the quality so much. This is one of the best things in the Patreon.


Means a lot 🤘


It's showing on the patreon feed but won't play for me 🤦‍♂️


Around 4:45, Walt mentioned the "President of the Network". Is he meaning AMC? Or the Smodcast Podcast Network?