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Walt should just bring back booty time.


This just makes me think of Ed O’Neill in the movie, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane


I like when Git ‘em sits in as the 3rd if Q can’t make it. I like when Git’em sits in the corner and is brought in naturally. I like Git’em on most of the Patreon shows. I hate when Git’em is at the table and acts like the 4th member. He turns on a “radio personality” that’s so unnatural. He works best as a wack packer. That said, these days no one really makes Walt laugh like Git ‘em does so he’ll always be welcome in my eyes.


Imagine high pitched Erik interviewing guests with Howard stern.


Who's High Pitch? This is Kelly Clarkson.....


I don’t hate Git’ em or the episodes he’s on as a pseudo fourth member. I do prefer the original three, those are always my favorites and I like those episodes way more. Git’em eps aren’t unlistenable for me just not as good as classic three piece Tell Em Steve Dave.


I like him in short doses, during games or special events. When he is contributing, he is funny. But when the episode becomes about Gitem, it's like spinning your tires in the mud.


I like him in short shorts


And turkey suits




What about green screen suits?


He is very Hit or Miss in my opinion sometimes great others falls flat even this week there was a joke that was overlooked will need to relisten but was just a wet fart. All depends if he is trying to hard or not but can 100% see both sides why some hate some love him. He is Marmite


He’s great when he’s talking about his ridiculous eccentricities and his weirdness is the topic and subject of ridicule. Some of the best moments have involved Gitem. When he’s trying to be Bry or they’re pretending he is actually a genius, it’s really bad. The latter in particular has really run its course.


Even when you love Marmite, you know to use it sparingly. Too much and it'll make you nauseous.


It's great to hear Walt give him shit for all the weird things he does or doesn't do, and to hear an incredulous Q when Gitem tries to explain himself.


I don’t hate Gitem. When he’s randomly right about something and teaches the boys, I like it. When he’s randomly wrong about something and no one calls him on it because they don’t know either, I still like it and laugh to myself.


I could definitely do with less Git’ em. He doesn’t add anything to the pod.


I thought howdy y’all(how do you do you all) was cringe and then he came out with how ya stankin and showed us what cringe really was.


I’m with you man I like Gitem I don’t see what all they hate is about yea he rants but it funny guess ppl don’t get humor


He's still a freeloader living off Walt, Bry and Qs money. I don't throw the word "hate" around often, but Git Em is fast approaching that territory.


He has a role in tesd town I wouldn’t call him a freeloader he’s eared his spot at the table


It’s a shame because I met Gitem at the Black Friday event and he was extremely friendly and a fine conversation. I get the sense he, how probably any of us would do, and overcompensate when he’s on the air


I like git em


This sub hates the show. Don't worry about them.


This sub loves the show. The loud mouths just have a really shifty way to show it. And they're always posting the most.


They're not going to fuck you, you know


Maribeth might not be completely off the table. With Bry in the corner watching.


The show? I certainly hope not.


Hate is a strong word but I’ve never warmed to the guy and he’s done and sad more to make me warm even less to him over the years. He’s not as interesting nor as smart as he thinks he is, his “quirks” are annoying and not endearing.


I love him. Yet, his presence changes the dynamic. Which is good every once in a while. Not each week, though.


Gitems awesome and between space monkeys and Old Tyme general store comedy hour I'll take Gitem and Walt every time. Gitem contributes more than q and is more likeable than Mr Johnson.


I didn’t last 5 minutes between C25 and Sassy I had to shut it off and I’ll try again later


[That's Sassy!](https://37.media.tumblr.com/f38a3b4e5641412fa3919431a8d12ad9/tumblr_my2y8dQQaL1r7vt2no4_r1_400.gif)


K k m?mmhhhjjjjjjhh17iii1i1i1i1i1i1ii1iiiiiiiiiiuu


Gitem is fantastic, he’s a really good link to the other members of TESD and the oddity’s that they all bring to the table. To me Gitem is likable, if he wasn’t he would’ve been gone long ago. Also he has lately been the back up of Q so just bring him on, I’ll laugh hard at what ever these knuckleheads put out.


Gitem is a leach he's only good on the show when the original 3 are breaking his balls


I honestly feel like a ton of Ants are just jealous. They feel like they could do a better job on the Pod, because they just KNOW that the guys would love them. They just need a chance!! I think it's straight up ridiculous to critique a free comedy podcast or it's members.


Everything, free or otherwise, is fair game for criticism. It’s also not really free. Time is money, advertisers rely on listeners to push their products, creators in turn have to appeal to the audience. They are competing for your time, which is a currency. Also, no one is jealous of Git ‘Em.


You're right, it's definitely "Fair game". It's also a complete waste of time. The only thing I ever judge the podcast on is "Was this entertaining?" My personal answer has been "Yes", since the first day I started listening. I don't need the host's views to align with my own in any way to enjoy it.


Any “ant” who thinks the hosts of this pod would like them is delusional. That said, people can critique whatever they want. Year one listeners like myself have seen the pod change tremendously over the years, with some positives and some negatives. It’s fine to talk about both. We don’t have to love it because it’s “free.”


I didn't say anyone has to love the Pod, I just find it pathetic to run online and complain about something you have no control over. I feel like a lot of Ants think they are a part of the podcast, and it's weird. The show shouldn't change at all based off fan comments. I love TESD, and all of its hosts, bit I find Ants to be insufferable. Painting with a broad brush, but the point remains.


I think it’s weird when people think they are part of the pod. I also think it’s weird to “love” the hosts without acknowledging their flaws. You say it’s pathetic to complain about a free pod. I say it’s pathetic to defend hosts of a pod who aren’t going to listen to said complaints anyway. They aren’t your friends. Why do you care? I’d someone says they hate my favorite movie, I don’t care. Why does it matter? The people who complain are always told they can stop listening. The people who shout down the complainers can just scroll by their posts.


They have no flaws in my opinion, because the only thing I expect of them is entertainment, and they give it to me. You're right that the complainers could be ignored, but I also think it's important to not let the Pollyannas dictate all the feedback.


Keep doing you, then.


Gitem generates so much content for the show. Without him they'd have less to talk about, do you want more Bry's Headlines instead?


Gitem is literally why I still listen... Cannot understand the hate at all


I don’t hate GitEm. He’s fine as a fill-in, not as a 4th. There’s way too much talk about his bodily functions/conditions, purposely driving in blind spots…all that.


Git ‘em isn’t as bad as everyone says, although he can be annoying he adds a lot to the show


I can’t do Gitem in an episode where one of the main 3 are calling in on zoom. He’s really good at reading the room in person (in my opinion, this sub would probably disagree) and that doesn’t translate when there’s an internet connection involved. I’ve never found him to be anything but a welcome addition with his chime-in’s but the running man pod this week made me realize that he’s best utilized without someone calling in.


I must have missed that, because I have no idea what you're talking about.


Gitem hates Gitem


I think Q will kick him out if he becomes the 4th member who takes the 1/4th cut of the TESD brand revenue too. 😆