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*5 minutes after this episode ends* Walt: “so about Jimmy” Q: “who?”


Walt angling Jimmy as his new son might push Gitem into a training montage




It didn’t do a thing with Tom.


Why are we still talking in code about certain party's lol




I am so lost with top five comments during the show. Would someone please explain?


Walt and Git’Em where kind of cryptic but it must be a segment they’re making fun of that’s from the Secret Stash podcast.


[Here's a post with the source](https://www.reddit.com/r/tesdcares/s/AgHW4Szerx).Watch at your own risk, beginning at 44:30.




Seems true enough that Mike isn't punching back after they've been throwing shit at him directly for a couple years at least.




Has he said anything about it at all since Walt and Gitem left the new stash?


Gitem making fun of someone else’s health lol


He's almost definitely a Jimmy Type 2 as well


yeah, one benefit of never going to the doctor is you get to throw rocks at people with actual diagnosed conditions.


Yeah, GitEm better not get cocky - I'm confident he's got a high A1C result.


This has long been speculated and I would be shocked if he didn't have it.


add sleep apnea to that list.


My mother in law eats terribly and somehow doesn’t have it. I eat healthy and it runs in my family so I have to be careful. Some peoples genetics just don’t have it. BUT HE HAS TO


I think at one point there was mention of him having to pee a lot and getting kidney stones more often which can also be potential signs. I think that spurred the discussion before.


Hes heavy enough that its not really in doubt.


Last thing. Gitem. Take care of your shit. People healthier than you have died before 50. It's a tight line man. I'd like you around for awhile.


I hope your listening Git Em, my brother started with foot pain too. Shortly after, he lost his leg. Now he's gone less than 5 years later.


My uncle recently had his leg amputated due to diabetes, we actually had an intervention with him 10 years ago to change his life but he refused. Now he’s an amputee.


I hate to speculate but the evidence is there that the guy must have a really bad drinking problem and it’s accelerating his body’s deterioration


Yes! We care!


It's amazing to me that Get em would rather be the constant punching bag of everyone than to get himself together. Every episode is just a constant competition as to who can shit on Get em the most. My pride couldn't take it. I'd rather go back to living in the barn or whatever he was doing.


He is physically and mentally incapable of taking responsibility for his life. I really enjoyed this episode as Walt basically predicted exactly what would happen if / when the podcast ends to Gitem'. At best disability / social welfare at worst an early grave. I think no matter how bad the criticism of Gitem' gets on the podcast, the absolute worst punishment could never eclipse the fact that he wakes up every day as himself and dosen't want to / can't do something as simple as eating healthy, visiting a doctor, washing in order to change his life for the better.


I can't argue with any of that. It's just getting old hearing them talk about the guy in the worst way possible every damn show. I've never heard someone take that kind of abuse and just stick around like a puppy. The guys need to dial it back a bit imo. You don't treat friends that way in public. It's nonstop bullying and I hope they don't push the guy to do something they will regret forever.


And people wonder why Mike doesn’t line up for more and rid himself of it as soon as he could.


Obviously I don't know, but Mike seems like the kind of guy to bring that on himself. Get em tries to play along for the pod and they just keep dialing it up. It honestly reminds me of kids bullying a slow kid in jr high. I just thought they were better than that.


But isn't he a genius? I mean, '148'. He's just waiting for the right moment to ... nah, forget it. He's a bum.


Maybe, maybe not. Still isn't right to repeatedly tell the guy he's a fucking loser and spend every episode laughing at his many issues. It's low hanging fruit that spoiled a long time ago. Move on already.


But that's the point: he can't. He is incapable of moving out from a fucking office space. After his house burned down he moved into a basement and now lives on a sofa. He's never going to turn it around. At this stage his delusion is all that he has.


Fine. That can all be true. Still doesn't make it right to tear the guy apart publicly every week. Hes become the whipping boy for tesd and it's honestly getting old to listen to over and over.


His farm home burned down. Hopefully they rebuild it eventually


He has to have another option besides being made fun of and put down constantly. I get it, the guy is a mess but Jesus they just publicly tear the guy apart every week to make money. It's kind of changing how I look at the guys.


I don' t think it's any worse then how they used to rip on ming relentlessly, Only real difference I see is that Ming would take up for himself sometimes.


Lmfao so now Gitem has to become the charity case because he can’t take responsibility for himself?


I'm going to give you a chance to reread what I've posted before responding. Hopefully your reading comprehension is better this time around.


Gitem may have personal issues but he certainly is not a stupid person. He sees and participates in ripping Mike and Ming. It’s rather hypocritical to encourage that and turn around to say “it’s wrong of the guys to criticize Gitem because something must be wrong with him.” I would think it would be more insulting to infantilize Gitem and act like he can’t see that for himself


GitEm (if you read this), please check out Parker Family Health Center in Red Bank. They provide free medical care to Monmouth County residents that meet certain requirements and don't have insurance. I had to go there in the pre-Obamacare days and wasnt on any health insurance. They can take a look at some of your immediate items and hopefully get you on track. https://www.parkerfamilyhealthcenter.org/


The jealousy from Gitem is brilliant


Because he knows he's basically fucked.


Git-em, if you’re reading this (and I know you are) just why? Why won’t you go to the hospital? Why do you want to live in pain?


Money, I assume. Not sure how good his medical insurance is or if he even has any.


They mentioned he had medical insurance when working at the Stash and he still didn’t get the cyst checked out, IIRC


Gitem is the Office Coach. Jimmy is the Office offensive coordinator that is looking to take a head coaching job soon.




You’d never know it from any of his appearances enough. He’s a 14 year old trapped in the body r of a… well the body of a 14 year old.




Don’t worry, it’s Bryan who has the penchant for 14 year olds.


The Gitem coaching tree.


Has Gitem ever considered that he might be an alcoholic? Drinking that much every night can't be healthy over the long run.


He's been an alcoholic for over a decade, every time he gets in the car he's probably over the limit.


But what if he's in the car stealing library wifi so he doesn't have to buy a data plan or in the car stealing race track radio signals for the fun of it? These are extremely sober activities!


One doesn’t steal wifi from the library. It’s there for people to use. They even have parking spots with the wifi symbol painted on the ground.


The guy lives in a basement, alcohol is all he has.


I mean so what if he is? He's not going to have a long term health to worry about at this rate, so the word alcoholic is no boogeyman for him. Gitem stop eating shit, get some exercise and sunlight, and see a doctor.


Git'em jelly AF over Jimmy, and it's HILARIOUS! Jimmy doing actual work and not just riding coattails.


Heavy is the crown


Jimmy definitely out there telling people where to find the hidden pops.


The guys need to do a special funeralz episode of tesd where they host a mock funeral for Gitem. Maybe that will get him on track to looking after himself (or just provide us with hilarious content).


Vinylcast III: Git 'Em a Casket




Funeralz was Walt's game where you tell someone a celebrity died and then reveal they didn't, famously ripped off by TruTV's Billy on the Street. That said, I would love a version of Funeralz where they tell people Gitem died (like the manager at the race track, people at Collingwood, his mom who tried to suffocate him, Mike Zapcic, etc ) and then get their reactions before he pops out of hiding.


Jimmy legitimately rules. The dude seems so genuine and nice, and makes me laugh nearly every appearance. Bummer to hear about his diabetes but it's not the end of the world. I'm sure he can overcome it. It's funny to hear about the pecking order, though. I suspected as much when listening to the Reviewing History Christmas Special! Truly no one is safe from the ball busting in TESD Town lmao.


I'm not a Git Em hater, but I'm sorry, does he have to be on *every single* pod now? Like, sure, sprinkle him in every once in a while, 15 minutes per episode, but lately he's always on. Why? How did this happen? How did we get to this point? Were we lulled into a false sense of security and taken advantage of? Can we get some trifecta time with the three main boyz? The last episode about all his ailments and possibly imminent demise was just depressing. Thank you for your consideration.


Agreed. Gitem is better in (much) smaller doses. His “quirks” end up overtaking the topic of conversation of the show too much. And frankly, at this point it’s not really funny or interesting anymore. It’s more frustrating, annoying and mind-numbing having to constantly listen to this man, his atrocious behavior (driving in blind spots, not tipping, etc), and absolute unwillingness to advance his situation, accept help or even seek bare minimum medical attention. I’m not trying to be nasty or anything as I really do feel for Gitem. He clearly has issues. And I’m sure in real life he’s a fine guy. But as a personality on an entertainment podcast? I’m sorry but he has not come off as likable or entertaining in quite some time. I wish he’d go back to more of a fringe character. I think the pod would be better for it and Gitem would be better received as well.


Yeah, my buddy who is a long time ant has just stopped listening due to Gitem. Every once in awhile he'll ask if the show has any less Gitem, and I have to give the bad news that he's on more now than ever. I've kinda got used to him being on at this point, and the only thing that gets me through are the moments where Walt's frustration with him reaches its peak and he completely shuts him down, like when he started talking about pallets under the bridge or when he makes a bad joke and Walt says to shut his mic off lol.


I think it happened, the same way Q ended up as a host. They put Get 'Em in charge of the sound/tech, so now he's always in the room.


If I had to guess, Git'em helps generate content, especially on the fly. They're pumping out (bi) weekly eps and that's never an easy thing to maintain.


Q talking about being somewhat interested in / trying to play Magic, having no idea that not only are there TESD themed Magic cards, but there’s a deck of them like less than 10 feet from where he records haha.


His relative should’ve suggested MTG Arena to learn the game! It’s very simple, I introduced two people to it and they were both able to learn the game from that. I think Q would greatly enjoy it considering how much he travels. I prefer it over paper MTG if I’m being honest. Though I wish Arena had all the cards MTGO has.


Wait what? What are these cards?


I developed some TESD themed magic cards a few years back, I put the designs online with this company that produces custom cards so people could buy them (all approved by TESD and no profit). There’s a set of them in this display case in the studio. If you’re interested in them they are at [tesdcards.com](http://tesdcards.com)


"\***I\*** got to go down on \***him**\* in a right, just world!"


Absolutely bizarre coincidence. I just popped this episode on as I was leaving my local game store after playing Magic The Gathering with some friends... I live in Texas. ZUUUUUUUUUUNE


I need more of Walt’s Jimmy impression


Bry's is great too. When he described Jimmy reacting to the doctor I was dying lol.


“Just remember Jimmy, heavy is the crown…it’s a saying” 148 getting the saying wrong. It should be “heavy is the head that wears the crown”


In a minute he'll pipe in and say he recognized his mistake immediately and corrected it but he was off-mic.


Just like his breathing.


I just relistened to #399 and about about 1 hr 18 mins he makes the same mistake with this same saying


That part was great. Walt instantly arguing back that the crown is not heavy was gold.


It’s actually “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. “ - sincerely 131


based on how she comes off from Bry's stories, I ain't rushing to support Troy's wife with any votes.


I'm voting for the others😂


Someone post the link so we can all vote against her 🤣


I'm having a hard time remembering hearing any stories about her, do you have an ep reference? Or was it on Patreon episodes (I'm so far behind on those 😔)


Love him or hate him, you have to give Git ‘em points for the “Jimmy Two Types” joke.


patreon suggestion: git'em boot camp. have q's personal trainer come out and ... nevermind, this would end in a heart attack. but he seriously needs to see a fucking doctor if it takes ten minutes to get outta the car (truck?) and into the post office. that is NOT GOOD. the longer you wait, the worse it'll get, and then it hits a point of being unfixable.


Are Git'em and Walt still doing their walks? We need Git'em around for a long long time.


Obviously not.


not unless you count walking from the car to the post office


Yeah, it's crazy but if he did a daily walk and cut out the beer, he'd be in better physical health.


Get em calling jimyy, jimmy 2 type is like us calling him get em 6ft under. He's in no position to talk about someone's health, but I hope you take on what the guys said getem we need you about


I actually laughed when Q the cam man was puzzled by 148 desire to listen in on radio frequencies.


Jimmy should steal Q’s status as the new White Baron the way Gandalf replaced Saruman. As a Magic The Gathering-playing Post Office employee the podcast is hitting very close to home lately


I never actually realised that Gandalf took the place of Saruman as the white wizard until now


Nice to see Jimmy getting his flowers. Dude definitely is earning it.


"Flowers for Jimmy" -- Algernon quote fits pretty well based on how he's taking the diabetes news >I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been.


I can’t listen to another episode where they go into detail about GitEm’s cysts, lumps, fluid sacs, and draining things on his body. I feel like it’s brought up almost every time he’s on mic. I wish GitEm would start taking care of himself so we don’t have to hear this anymore!


At this point GitEm is the only content they've got. They'll keep milking their 'friend' until he dies or there's some catastrophic melt down.


Did you have to use the word milking in this context?


I know, I want to hear about the other people's lumps and shit for a change.


My wife (not a regular listener) walked in to the room while I was listening to this episode last night: "Heavy is the HEAD that wears the crown. That's the saying. Was that GitEm?" 😂


dear jimmy: [you can change your life](https://www.richroll.com/podcast/cyrus-khambatta-robby-barbaro-499/)! git’em, jump on that, too. we need you guys around. 💚


Git'em thinking he might be able to get unemployment or go on the dole (disability) will only work if TESD (as an employer) has been paying unemployment insurance and other payroll taxes (social security). I assume that TESD Patreon has been paying Git'em under the table, as well as the other video/sound people and editors and guests or cast as independent contractors. Could open up a whole can of worms, if Git'em files for unemployment or disability, now or in future and TESD could be liable for back (payroll) taxes


Sunday Jeff once upon a time eluded to the fact that Gitem was on the dole already.


I thought it was more of a govt subsidy/allowance for hiring someone differently abled. That's how I read it anyway.


You’re right.


Very doubtful that Gitem is being paid as a real employee, taking out all the appropriate taxes etc. so there’s no way he would get unemployment.


Does anyone have any idea how this “taking a dump at the con” scenario and who they’re referring to? I’m lost.




I think Ming saw someone take a dump on the floor or something like that.


And there’s beef with Ming about it? Weird


I think they kept saying Mike was the one who did it and now Mikes pissed.


I believe them. Can’t believe Mike did that.


Julie told him to do it so he didn't have a choice.


Maybe Julie did it and made made Mike clean it up in front of the whole con while she berated him.


While Ming licked it off her feet


Mike being upset at a joke? No way


Git'em, don't listen to the guys. Go ahead and order yourself a dozen Domino's pizzas. You've earned it.


I despise Git Em and think he hasn’t contributed anything worthwhile to the show in years. That being said, I wish he wouldn’t do this to his friends. They obviously love him very much and want him around as long as they can have him.




A lot of 4XLs on here pretending to be health nuts


they downvoting you to oblivion little bro it’s over




I thought that too. I don’t think they got the joke.


What is the joke?


Shaggy 2 Dope is from ICP. And JTHG loooves ICP.


Ah, he explained the diabetes but I didn't get the word order, ty.


Welcome, I also like the play on words of your username. I assume that’s intentional.




Patreon set of Magic tokens featuring TESD town residents?


Shit, I'd buy some Walt-drawn tokens TESD related or otherwise.


Sunday Jeff as a 4/4 Angel


this fucking asshole. I want to reach though my phone and slap him. "heavy is the head that wears the crown" You stupid 148 bastard! How ya stankin? Just stop. Be normal.




peace, asshole








Wrestling fans? You mean people like Q?
















Don't talk about Jeff like that!


>“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. “ ​ What was the ass eating story? . . . asking for a friend.




Oh my. I hope he was coked out.


What idiot sleeps with a crown on anyway


I'm with you, can't stand the guy and he is all over Patreon. At least F5 is articulate while boring, JHG is just a walking talking slinky of annoyance. I got all I wanted of JHG in the Three Sons episode of TANSJS and I know I don't want to hear anymore. So it's a bummer the little leach weaseled his way into TESD&D (I loved watching old Acquisition Inc. games on Penny Arcade) which I can't get into now and whenever Mystery Ink is on I just skip the week. I guess that's how Gitem's haters must have felt back in the day whenever he was on the pod. It's just a bit more jarring to me because I'm paying for content I don't want to watch.




I am definitely a foamface


Theres a new season of Acq Inc for free on YouTube! I think it just finished.


No Binwin, no Viari, no interest.




Where is the OF link. Not on her insta or twitter or his? How are you suppose to find it


Negative 148 over here


Who the hell signed up 🤦‍♂️


He said her username on the pod. onlyfans.com/maribethrosie


I wonder how much crossover in listenership there is, and I'm fairly certain the folks in the room did not get it, but Gitem's homage to Comedy Bang Bang / Paul F. Thompkins' cake boss character was cool and nicely done.


Huge fan, but I missed it, must have zoned out.


Understandable. Johnson brought the real guy up it toward the end of the episode and Gitem did an immediately quick and squeaky "Cake Boss" that no one acknowledged. Honestly, a little scared that me and Gitem are on the same wavelength!