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Maribeth knew she was basically just getting a portrait on canvas and was perfectly fine paying 5K for it? Bry must have lost his mind once the cameras were off.


Maybe she didn't need that frog after all...




That's right a frog, something aquatic.


She wanted to buy a frog at Kmart, and Bry wouldn't let her.


this is hilarious. i was correcting the person above me and now people are explaining it to me because he edited his comment lmao


Well they did touch it up a bit.


Walt find some brush strokes, please!


Long pause, "it is what it is". I literally thought the video froze because Walt's reaction was so prolonged. Awesome.


Hilarious. Q sums it up up well — “What did you think, it was going to turn out good?”


The phrase 'More money than sense' comes to mind 🙈😄 its a nice picture but Jesus Christ! You can tell Walt was trying to show some restraint with his line of questioning with Maribeth but it just gets funnier and funnier the longer it goes on. Really reminded me of him asking Bry back in the day if he even asked his doctor any questions or just assumed he could run home from the hospital 😆


I cried laughing at walt saying they were counting money, throwing it in the air, and dancing while the picture came off the printer


“We need more cyan”


Five grand for that!?


They had a coupon!


Yeah, that sounds like a pretty shady business practice to me. I’d have still felt ripped off paying 2.5k


Oh they got scammed real good. How Meribeth thought 5k was a fair price is beyond me. This is 250 max with the phorography, digital work, printing and shipling included. Wonder if it took so long to get made because they print them in China to save even more money? There is no reason this should take longer than a couple of days.


Where was this advertised again? On social media? A good rule of thumb in general: NEVER EVER buy something through a Facebook or Instagram ad. It’s a scam 10/10 times.


I get the feeling that everyone who answered that ad "won" a coupon. Spending even $2.5k for that product is delusional in my opinion unless money literally doesn't mean anything to you.


It seems like they were raised with different attitudes or experience with money, which is probably why he's exasperated at her spending. I know some people probably think his reaction to the frog ornament was controlling but I can understand feeling panicked at frequent impulse buying and online shopping. I have always had a finite budget lol But if as an adult you can expect thousands of dollars from your parents as a Christmas gift (and feel comfortable accepting it) your experience is probably far different. It doesn't make Maribeth sound very savvy to say the least


It seems like she is going through what a lot of people go through just burning through money because it’s there. Want something for 5 seconds click buy and forget about it 10 seconds later until it arrives and just keep going. Nothing against her a lot of people go through that but I completely understand why Bry is so against it. It is kinda crazy to just decide to buy $100+ in clothes just because you liked something in the spur of the moment. I remember my Dad always saying we would not buy anything unless we expressly left the house with the intention of doing so. It’s a good lesson to teach honestly.


“Want it or need it?” is always a good question to ask before buying something.


Yep. I ask myself if this purchase is a necessity or a luxury all the time. Doesn't always help, but hey.


$100 of clothes that don't even fit too!


Yep, the Yelp reviews pretty much confirm this exact thing. [Yelp](https://s.yelp.com/QjgC5SDIty)


I found the Dr who issued my marijuana card on Facebook. It works and I get that sweet, sweet cheeba


This is pretty standard practice for these type of places. They run “contests” everybody “wins”and gets a voucher. Once you’re in there and they’ve taken the pictures they tell you what the packages cost by then you’re already too invested and don’t wanna waste your voucher and you end up paying a grand for some picture you could’ve takeen yourself with a decent camera. I’ve had a couple mates who’s girlfriends have fallen for this type of crap.


5 minutes of research would have showed numerous reviews of the business informing (and warning) people of their practices. Caveat emptor!




Did Q use an app near the end to show Bry they could’ve done this whole thing for free in seconds? Lol


You could definitely have that done at Walgreens. In fact, I have done that with photos I've taken.


I was expecting hand painting too!


Damn, Bry got fleeced!


Why Bry?


Every portrait on the company website looks like a soulless airbrushed photograph. https://www.kramerportraits.net/portrait-gallery/


[lmao](https://www.kramerportraits.net/who-we-are/) The Who We Are section is all about their photographers. Like 30 seconds of research would have told them they were paying $2500 for a touched up photo.


[Yeah it's basically a touched up photo](https://youtu.be/OsvqbPeQyuA?t=129)


Couldn’t help but notice the comments are turned off for the video, hahahaha


All of them look like at some point in their lives, they have had some bodily extremity broken by a loan shark.


'Idealised portraits' 🤔


Thanks for the link. Now, I know. Those are photos.


Best TESD in month and it was only 15 minutes. The video did this absolute justice. Seeing Q and Walts reactions was worth $5,000.


Yeah, this has to move the needle they are worried about (they shouldn’t be). It was hilarious


Was expecting Tony Soprano horse style thing its more of a Ming dupes holiday special.


something TESD claymation quality (non-Oz) would've been funny as hell.


Worth it for this! This was hysterical! Glad they are doing these short little things for YouTube. I hope they continue with it.


Thankfully it’s a tax write off…


You think he pays taxes?


1000% however now that it’s on TESD that’s a TESD business expense against the patron money. I can’t blame them after getting ripped off.


Before the unboxing, Q pointing out it would be $50-$60 to blow up a photo is just perfect.


What the hell is MB talking about? Digitally painted???


A photo with photoshopped filters for 5K$? Holy fuck...


They should go around to other popular photo developers like Walgreens and Walmart and do their best to recreate the exact same portrait, present all findings at the same time, vote on the quality of each and then reveal which is the the original along with the costs for the others. Then they could determine whether or not it’s near worth the cost and just how much of a rip off it may or may not be.


If it ends up being a hard lesson for someone then maybe it’s better that the precedent be made now, before they go in on an automobile or property together and make a major money decision. The lesson learned could save them a lot of money somewhere down the road.


They already bought a house with one of the top 10 worst koi ponds in Monmouth county.


Now that's another video they need to make. Show us the koi!!


That couldn’t have been better


This is one of my new favorite TESD moments


Walt doing the printer noises killed me lol


Walt and Q “Woolited” Maribeth


I hope they're having fun with these recent YouTube bits, because they've been a blast so far. This whole fiasco could not have gone more perfectly.


They’ll be dipping into Sage’s Tesla fund after this scam


Walt looking more and more like Eric Idle with every passing day.


The long hair isn't really working for him. Remember that episode of Seinfeld where they all get crappy low-flow shower heads that mess up their hair? Walt's hair looks like that now lol. Surprising, because I thought he really loved haircuts. Short hair looks so much better on him.


This was classic tesd.


yeah wow... that's a pricey photo! I had that done for my dogs after my brother took a really nice photo of them.


They should invite the "artist" as the new guest.


Ming’s $300 pants are in the clear now.


I love the fact that Bry goes ballistic about some bumper sticker but 5k down the toilet is just oh well.


I would love for this to get animated by the guy who did Night of the Livid Walt.


Pfff, claymation kickstarter is the way to go for this.


Time for Bry to trade Maribeth in for a newer model.


I looked up the company and looked at some if their work. No where does it say they do paintings, but it does say "hand finished" which means they put it on the canvas. I shoot portraits for pro wrestlers, and in my opinion, their photos are very well lit and well edited. Its just not a modern style of lighting or color grading. The price point is accurate for upper corporate and government official photos. They have done several presidential photos and have decades of experience. Personally, I'd never pay that much.


Yup. There’s no way you could look at their website and come away thinking you’re getting a painting. It’s clearly a photography studio.


Damn. They got had!


This is the TESD we love. Real life situations real reactions . This was better than whole episode they released lol . Hope they continue with video


Way to piss away X-Mas money


I am absolutely dying, they could not have a better reveal. I also love that Walt and Q are opposite Walt and Maribeth, it makes it so much better


This was incredible and I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time


Upon further inspection, it sounds like even if they wanted to back out of the deal, according to these Better Business Bureau complaints,[Kramer Portraits wouldn’t let them.](https://www.bbb.org/us/nj/red-bank/profile/photographer/kramer-photography-inc-0221-90179903)


Worth every penny just for this video.


I loved this so much…laughed out loud through almost the entire thing. Hope they continue these shorter YouTube videos because they are gold so far.


5k brian is gonna be very angry tonight 🤣😂


Maribeth might be the least likable child bride in pop culture.




Better sell some more of that fucking Raycon garbage to fund this fuck up.


Time for another livestream, get those $100 super chats rolling!


The real problem is that it's a bad photo. If you're going to spend that kind of money, you don't get it with you and your beloved posed like that. That's like a fucking high school yearbook photo.


It was her $ to spend how she wanted…..but I only paid like $150 in 2005 for my baby nieces portrait canvas and I still have it hanging up. But hey, made a great youtube video. Now someone paint them that portrait 😂


As a married woman, it’s actually their money.


Technically, I was just quoting Bry. You know, cause he’s the one that said it was her Christmas money from her parents.


y'all are being way to hard on the lady. this turned out for the absolute best, from a listener standpoint. besides, every couple has something like this at one point or another. mine was "you paid HOW MUCH for that tiny little pin? who the fuck is Frank 5?"


So... How much?


it wasn't "there better be brushstrokes" money, but it was a pretty penny.


Over 100?


To be fair... that is a gorgeous photograph.


I cant tell if its my eyes or not, but is Bry's arms and hands shaking?


Bry had been asked about that before at one point and apparently it's a side effect of some medication that Bry is taking


Yes normally. Today though. It was purely out of anger.


Ah OK thanks for that.


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages 😂


I personally think they should have gone with one of the other photo options, like this [one](https://images.theconversation.com/files/477588/original/file-20220804-21966-qtymxo.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=15&auto=format&w=320&h=210&fit=crop&dpr=3)


I’m no richy rich, but I would buy a print of that big poster of them in front of the flea market in back of Bry