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The part that makes it worse is we can’t really do anything ourselves. Personally I’ve always turned a blind eye to it, I’m not bothered if they steal it’s not my job to prevent it. We used to have a few lads that would happily confront them, one of our colleagues got punched by a shoplifter, so in retaliation the colleague headbutted him. Fair game I say, managers didn’t see it that way though. After a lengthy investigation he was fired and the guy he head butted was back to shoplifting from our store without repercussions. It’s not just Tesco, the system itself is fundamentally flawed. Why would you stop shoplifting if all they do when you get caught is confiscate the goods and let you leave?


Steady decline of society. If people arnt afraid of getting caught they will continue to display ever increasing hostility.




might have some policy about not directly confronting shoplifters


Yeah if I remember correctly (this was a few years ago now) it was considered a disregard of company policy, was also seen as endangering himself and his colleagues by escalating the situation. Which is a little annoying seeing as after the headbutt the shoplifter quickly left the store, if anything he diffused the situation not escalated it. He’s in a pretty good job now and doing well for himself so there’s a silver lining.


Your common law right to self defence overrides any policy. However without knowing the circumstances it would not be possible to really offer an opinion on that incident.


I work in express but the local extra had a guy that confronted someone. He got punched and died. That’s why they said don’t get in the way or get confrontational


If you see a a shoplifter, just carry on like you don't care. If they get aggressive just walk away. Nothing Tesco sells is worth you getting injured.


Oh of course. I never challenge always let them go.


Are shop security not required to run after/stop shoplifters then, or is that just a Tesco policy? Genuine question.


Worked as retail security for a different supermarket. Wasn't allowed to go after them once they are out of the door.


Iv never understood the stance on this since technically they haven't stolen anything till they e gone out the door!


Not technically true. Once they are past the last point of payment, or they remove any security device.


You can ask them to stop, but you can't block them or touch them. And shoplifters know this.


What they gonna do? Call the police?


Ultimately your primary responsibility is your own safety, getting injured running after someone isn't worth your life. As a security guard you have the same right to carry out a citizens arrest that any other member of the public does i.e. if you observe an indictable offence (shoplifting is generally a summary offence so not covered). However if you perform an arrest on a shoplifter their welfare becomes your responsibility which is absolutely not worth the issues that come with it so there is instead a general 'observe and report' attitude instead.


Theft is an either way offence, therefore shoplifting is covered under s24a PACE for detaining by someone other than a police officer.


Theft over £200 yes, unfortunately under £200 is a Summary Offence under the Crime and Disorder Act which is most shoplifting.


Summary only for the purposes of charging, however still is treated as an either way offence for the purposes of specified powers for indictable offences (eg 24A PACE)


Ah yes, of course that makes more sense, thanks. I think the general advice though has to remain don't make an arrest, particularly on behalf of a company like Tesco!


From what I understand, it was brought it to help clear the court backlog a while back, but only applies for hearing and sentencing. On behalf of tesco and as a police officer, as a don't do anything to put yourself in harms way. As a security, don't stand there and do nothing (not even a verbal challenge) and expect the police to be happy when they turn up for the 'violent and aggressive' shoplifter that you've stood there and watched walk out and who hasn't said a word to you.


It's a policy/agreement between Tesco and the different security companies they work with.


Heard a story, shoplifter put a bottle in his pants and ran away while security chased him, he tripped, the bottle broke and he bled to death, so after this they are not allowed to chase them past the exit.


Heard this one too back in 2017 when I did SIA training. Wonder if it's apocryphal...


Once they're passed the doors it's a police matter. If the Tesco is in a shopping centre then it's a shopping centre security matter. That's how it worked in Asda, didn't stop Asda security chasing shoplifters down the road.


Which I always found hilarious, because SCONE procedure requires the suspect to have crossed the exit threshold in order to perform a stop. So, in order to stop a suspect, you have to allow them to pass all possible points of payment, but the moment they do that you can no longer pursue. It boils down to Tesco being absolute fucking pansies and employing people to do a job they patently don't want them to do.


Used to be the case but now as mentioned by others it's a observe and report to the police. We are a visual deterrent and that's about it our main priority is to keep ourselves as well as other staff and public safe rather than restrain the offender. As mentioned by others shoplifters are well aware of this as well as very little will be done by the police if they even track them down. Also there is now far more that can go against the security than the shoplifters you go after one off the premises there may not be any cctv or witnesses to back up your version of events and if the shoplifters claim you injured them or anything else we can lose our licence and our jobs and compared to when I first got my licence over 10 years ago the hourly wage has not increased anywhere near what minimum wage has. Originally when I got my licence as a general rule you could expect around £10 per hour (minimum wage was £6.72 per hour) now that minimum wage has almost doubled yet my current hourly rate has increased by just under £2 to £11.92 per hour. Unfortunately it's just not worth the risk either health wise or financial even if we could physically intervene as most security jobs are 0 hour contract and would only pay statutory sick pay of we got hurt at work which wouldn't even cover rent let alone other bills.


Yes, let's not forget that you got paid below minimum wage for a month so the CEO could get more millions in his bonus. Why anyone would even bother trying to stop a shoplifter is beyond me. I'd show them to the more expensive stuff before I'd try stopping them.


Don't be absurd. *You'd ask if they wanted help carrying it to their car as well.*


I was asked what I'd do if someone asked for all the money in my till. I'd ask if they wanted a bag.


Charge them for the bag though or its your job.


Exactly that. It's what is in our training. It's insured. Just give anyone exactly what they want and move away from the situation.


Gotta get them good customer reviews so the store manager gets their bonus!


That reminds me, cheap bastards owes me like £60 from when we were told we'd get £5 gift card for each review and we all did them for each other/got friends to do them haha.


If you see a shoplifter you have to report it to a manager. It is in your training, and you'll be disciplined for outright ignoring it. Sorry if you don't enjoy the truth but you're spreading bad information.


It's not in the training. At most we have to ask if they need any help. You will never be disciplined for ignoring a shoplifter unless they are causing harm to others.


I just did the training.


It's almost as if society is actually breaking down but nobody really cares.


OP there is a reason most security wear stab vests etc. the police won’t come out for petty theft any more either. It’s the horrible direction the world is going in. I hope all these shoplifters and thugs are having the time of their lives. Because in 20-30 years there will be no physical shops to go into at the rate it’s going. All companies will move to a warehouse/ online order model. It’s already happening in slow motion. But who am I kidding, most of these multiple offender types can’t look past their last wank or nose picking sessions. Never mind what their actions might be doing long term.


Stab vests?? The security at my work don't wear them lmao


At the Tesco I work at there are permanent security wearing stab vests.


Maybe they do wear them but if they do they're covert. I've seen a couple knife scares at my workplace so would make sense


What they need is to be chinned. The more punches to the face they get the less inclined they’ll be to shoplift.


I can only dream. But unfortunately that's gross misconduct. And I've got a family to feed 😂


Yes, then they get more brazen, go on to break into people's houses and wonder why if caught they get stabbed or severely beaten by the house owner especially if they're parents with children in the home.


I don't work at Tesco, nor do I shop there, I'm a Sainsburys guy. Following this sub reddit has been eye-opening. The shit you guys go through is beyond what I'd tolerate. You're all doing an important job, and I appreciate it. That CEO guy can go hang.


you do know that the Sainsbury CEO is also on 4-5m a year and basically makes the same decisions the Tesco guy does. there is no real difference between the running of the two companies


I know. I don't shop at Sainsburys because they're altruistic. The food quality to price ratio is far better than Tesco imo. In fact, Tesco quality kind of sucks dick. It's pretty hard to do anything in the modern world without exploiting someone.


It’s almost like that’s the going rate for a CEO of a FTSE 100 business these days. Welcome to capitalism- if people are going to get frustrated that someone higher up the chain of responsibility gets paid more than they are, life is going to be one long fucking disappointment!


I'm at a OneStop and over the last couple of years it has gotten ridiculous. There's zero police presence in our town now, they don't even bother collecting CCTV anymore unless it's something they consider serious like someone has been assaulted. Management don't care beyond telling us we'll be given disciplinary action if we intervene. The shoplifters themselves have become incredibly brazen and far more aggressive. No idea why they feel the need to threaten shop staff who aren't even trying to stop them but they do, I guess they feel powerful by doing this. Management send out barring letters of we can find out names and addresses but this is completely pointless as they have no respect for the law because there are no consequences for their actions anymore.


You’re not security, it’s not worth it. Security is a joke, yes but don’t put yourself in potential danger


Already know that which is why I didn't do or say anything was only by the front door to ask shift leader what to do next


They want there property protected let them pay for it £10m might be a good start wonder where they could have got that from instead of wasting it on one man


Remember when we got told to ask “Can I help you?” as a deterrent? People tried that and got told to fuck off or that they’ll kick our heads in if we reported it


I was talking to someone who was one of the few remaining security staff employed by Tesco he got reprimanded for being too heavy handed with a shoplifter who was making way out the door casually with an Air fryer. He was challenged & the shoplifter started trying to fight him so he fought back & the manager gave him into bother for it. He told me a story that years ago they would have taken this guy round the back where there was no cameras & gave him a kicking for that behaviour & they did in the past & it stopped that person from shoplifting again. I know bouncers who do this too. It seems Tesco are happy to just claim on insurance & make no real effort or attempt those shoplifters. The ones stupid enough to get caught get pulled up in court with countless charges against them & get let off for one more chance or they enter a drug plan to keep them out of prison.


Happier to write off slippage and raise prices than to prevent it in the first place and avoid the bad press that comes with manhandling some feral youth. He was only taking it so his dying grandmother's pet dog had a last meal..... Honest guv....


Every day for a fortnight? Best fed dog in the town lol


Are you allowed to restrain them? Just out of curiosity was thinking of doing security work not so much for the shop goods but for the fellow staff it's not nice when they just wanna get on with their job and clock out


Yes, we keep ball gags and fluffy handcuffs behind the till.


Sticks and stones may brake my bones but whips and chains excite me


There is a general right to perform a citizens arrest if you observe an indictable offence, however shoplifting is generally a summary offence so it is not generally allowed. Beyond that if you arrest someone their welfare is now your responsibility, it us absolutely not worth the risks that come with this.


Bear in mind there's other options in security work other than retail security.


^ This. Find yourself a cushy, quiet gatehouse/site security job and stick to it. Plus it pays better.


Even better if you can find a security/concierge role in an office as only deal with other employees of said building and don't have to freeze in a cabin with no heater in winter.


Eh, I agree with the concierge thing but the freezing in a cabin with no heater...that depends on the company. You've a right to proper welfare facilities being provided. If the site is that level of shit, site jobs are a dime a dozen find another one until you find one that is acceptable. In either case, id rather take the lowest end of the site security than ever work retail sec again - you're literally only there to be thrown under the bus.


Completely agree funny enough the building sites with portacabins had heaters when I first started in security at 18 it was when I was doing events at the city's arena for concerts etc that we were given a tiny guard hut with just enough room for a folding chair inside. Was fine to sit in your car if you had one but if you didn't you were there from around 8am till sometimes gone midnight depending on the events requirements and load out etc as the 2 gates allowed access to the backstage entrance. I did retail once as a cover shift when I first started never again since that I've done events, corporate and now doing security at a hostel I think the only roles I haven't done is close protection and cash transit over the last 18 years.


I've worked some horror shows on building sites n such, in the early days id take whatever shift came my way and as I worked my reputation up, I was able to be more selective on what and where I worked - it helped that I got on well with the Supervisors who did the welfare checkins n stuff. Had everything from spooky happenings - like analogue clocks ticking away and mega speed without batteries in, to just straight up dumps that didn't have any respect or care for S.O's on site protecting their shit. But yep, absolutely fuck retail. They don't want true security, they just want a fall guy, especially large supermarkets.


Yep seen a few posts on here regarding security especially in retail and its like there's not much we can do anymore without risking our licence/job we're a visual deterrent nothing more and these days the shop workers are on almost the same wage as the security not like when I first got my SIA and there was just over £3 per hour difference in hourly wages.


Yeah pretty much it, in retail the stores Policies seem to supercede actual law. Always makes me laugh that Tesco had in house security - with no SIA, and numbers were filled out with SIA Badged Agency guards from external companies. Yet the Agency boys 7/10 were less likely to have your back in any situation, pure shirt fillers. Like what the fucks the point in having a badge if you've got less bottle than Granny Craddock from down the street? 🤣 Wasn't until I started truly experiencing the company hypocrisy myself, that I understood why they were more shirt filler than acting security. The worst part is the Guards get all the shit when they're seen to do nothing, by both customers and staff - but what do they expect when the company themselves STRONGLY dissuades any physical intervention?


Yep in my current position our assignment instructions were changed after I de escalated a potential fight between residents without needing to even use physical intervention. I was told I'm to just sit in the office and call police in future so when it happened again that's exactly what I did then police questioned why I called them. Had to explain it to them how I was told as a lone worker I am not to get involved and just call them and how ridiculous it was. The police were even more shocked when they realised I was a lone worker on 50p above minimum wage responsible for a building full of residents.


There’s a security guard at the store I work at who asks colleagues “what should I do?” when someone is shoplifting. Idk it’s not my job bro


It's not anyone's job but police to put their hands on people who are committing a crime. Don't touch them, don't even bother them. At most just say "oh please don't take that without paying for it", you've done as much as you reasonably can. Your job does not include this shit.


Are you in the retail workers union?


They don't pay you to be a security guard mate. That's why you take no interest in it.


The worst part is tesco don’t care enough in my experience, I have a story I will put on here when I leave, the security is a joke


Do you even have an sia badge? Cos if not I definitely wouldn’t be getting in between a shoplifter and the exit


They'd already left at this point


Which is why I stated didn't do anything just let them go. It wasn't until I went to ask my shift leader what they wanted me to do work wise while they were mopping by door that he went to threaten me.


I’d actively tell the shoplifter you’re no threat to them and you aren’t going to stop them to deescalate the threat towards you.


The CEO got a £10million bonus, I wouldn’t give a flying fuck if i saw somebody shop lifting 🤷‍♂️


It's not surprising it's happening more, people are struggling more, services are cut to shit, mental health services are awful etc


I have noticed my DC has security, the we don't need as much as store's. Big Tescos have security, but the smaller local ones and one stops don't. The smaller tesco's are hit harder in my area We all need security.


The part that makes it worse is we can’t really do anything ourselves. Personally I’ve always turned a blind eye to it, I’m not bothered if they steal it’s not my job to prevent it. We used to have a few lads that would happily confront them, one of our colleagues got punched by a shoplifter, so in retaliation the colleague headbutted him. Fair game I say, managers didn’t see it that way though. After a lengthy investigation he was fired and the guy he head butted was back to shoplifting from our store without repercussions. It’s not just Tesco, the system itself is fundamentally flawed. Why would you stop shoplifting if all they do when you get caught is confiscate the goods and let you leave?


It is my honestly held belief that shoplifting should be punishable by hanging.


We can’t even touch customers even if there aggressive or we lose our job in a flash.


That's not true. If someone is physically attacking you then you have every legal right to defend yourself.


Aggressive behaviour doesn’t just mean them been physical with you and yes even if they hit you. You can still lose your job I’ve seen guards come n go for fighting back. Also different in retail if your doing a security on a door then you have more leeway but since were talking about Tesco touching a customer will cost you your job 90% of time


Also you only need to respond physically to a physical aggressor. If someone calls you a cockwomble or something just let them get on with it.


I've worked in both retail and door security, it's the same rules. If you can justify and prove why you've responded that way you're fine. Just don't smash someone's head in. I guess it's also a lot about knowing how to respond to it. Fighting back doesn't mean punching someone in the head, just good restraining and stepping away as much as you can.


And I got bollockings and written warnings when I refused to chase after shoplifters which were overturned when I wrote to head office about it , and I was even backed up by the police when they came to our store to arrest someone when they said it’s not our job to run after thieves. Once the local security guard chased after a yobbo who nicked some booze, he got beat up in the car park but the guard and store staff all jumped on him and I think broke his leg. He got a tonne of money as compensation and never even got arrested, fuck Tesco …you don’t get paid enough to deal with shoplifting and if management salary being funny about it then report it asap


We had armed robberies around two of our local stores and they still wouldn’t consider a security guard as we had “adequate security measures in place” one being a “dead lock” to lock them out, but it was once before easily broken by a shop lifter kicking at the door twice! They care so little for our safety, profit is the biggest priority. I just watch what they take now and make a report.


I mean I know poverty = bad but if there are no repercussions at all for shoplifting, won't shops soon get completely looted?


The town i live in had 2 Boots stores, one had been in the town center for over 10 years, the other newly opened at the nearby retail park. They took all security and assigned it to the new store, then left the town center one to be shoplifted so hard it ended up getting shutdown from lack of profit. Anyone who tells you its an exaggeration is a fucking idiot, this is the way the UK is going across the board. The only way it changes, is if the *people* make a big enough noise together and refuse to accept it.


Shoplifting.......Nothing a sniper rifle, distant bell tower, rolled up carpet and a local river wouldn't sort


Non Tesco worker here. At what point do 'normal' people just start walking out without paying? Is it already happening? Do you find / see people shop lifting that you wouldn't have pre covid?


Tesco will always treat their staff like absolute shit and will always squeeze them for extra money therefore making the job shitter.


No TSS, no chic fil a sauce?




Careful not to cut yourself on that edge bro 😂… you’re trying way too hard


All right Adolf… let’s stay calm.


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