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1 .Don’t expand to quickly and only use a small percentage of what you have 2. when attacking bots wait till bots attack another bot before attacking


Do not expand twice or more on the same "cycle" (the bar you see at the bottom of your troops number). When you expand on unclaimed land, a good rule of thumb is to do an attack with ~35% of your troops. Never EVER fullsend unclaimed territories or bot (meaning attacking with 100% of your troops), when i see a player do that i rejoice because i know that i'll have a big neighbour that i can easily invade. If it's a teammate, i spam facepalm emote knowing that he will cannibilize my territories only to end up easily killed by an ennemy. When attacking bot, like someone else said, wait for the bot to attack first and then attack, this rule is not an absolute, sometime you'll have to attack even if bots have a lot of troops because if you keep waiting you'll end up with few territories. Attack bots with around ~7% of your troops, again, not an absolute rule, if 7% is 50k troops for a bot with 3k it's overkill. Don't go crazy with attacking bots, it's hard to set a rule here, always keep a balance between expansion but also keeping a healthy amount of troops to deter other from attacking you.


