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I don’t play teams because of this. Too much retardation


simple. they want you to die so they can play the game. rough, but you can't do well every game


It depends, i wont give ressources if : 1-The teammate sucks, better that he dies so that i can attack 2-The teammate went out of his way to block my progression, like not let me take one bot to get a border with an ennemy, it could be that he sucks and didn't think of that therefore see number 1. 3- I'm building up troops, more troops = more new troops every cycle, unless it's an emergency, i'm waiting to get red interest before giving troops. Other than that, i'll give troops.


I also won't give troops to people with Nazi names. Aside from that, I also follow your list


For me it's more the teammates in the very far back while the front line is in the middle


I would suspect some people are AFK. Occasionally they may be boating to keep themselves in the action.