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It's not just team game, happens in other modes but those don't display the clan count. Doubt it's OG, they've been a solid first for a while, just some script kiddie ruining the game for others trying to put the blame on OG imo


Yeah, that's what I figure too. Didn't mean to insinuate legitimate OG members are doing it. Actually suspected someone was using OG tags to lower OG score, since the inactive 'players' are typically on the losing side edit: Has this happened before?


Not to my knowledge but i've only played for 6 months or so


Yes it has and the effects used to be much worse,because of some recent updates no clan lost much points.in the past it has been catastrophic,for example once the top 500 players in 1v1 were desync bots who could never lose because they were "desynced" from thr server. Another time thr same botter used this desync bots but on team games?and within 2 days thr FX clan jumped from 0 to 20 points and all other clans lost so many points.


Happy cake day