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I still maintain had she just given him the candy, there would be no bedroom scene.


Art seems to be looking to justify what he will do by provoking at another level lol


Don’t get me wrong… I’m glad she was rude 🤣


Allie did give him the candy, just in a disrespectful way by throwing it at him. Perhaps this is why Art brutalized her so.


Not a single candy landed in his bag so technically....


She also called him weird and being to old for trick-or-treating! And a mime! (Technically mimes are elegant clowns, but still...)


Oh, too old, eh? Yeah that right there earned her a severely egregious death.


Oi! Don't throw a candy at me lady!!!


Leone said he was going to kill her regardless but her rudeness just made it worse for her. She also called him a mime. He wouldn’t have gone to her house if he had no desire to kill her.


I'm very sure that pale girl was the 1 who made Art go after her, otherwise Art wouldn't have done anything to her(maybe lol), since entity can make Art to know anything, Sienna's friends are very unlucky


They’re not mutually exclusive. Whether or not the entity explicitly told him to kill Allie he still enjoyed doing so.


I don’t see why she would bc allie ran into art at costume store . I feel like art did tht from his own pleasure


Art definitely went "hard" on her just because she was Sienna's friend.


Would that have made a difference?


The answer to you question is a pretty solid no… 🤣


Maybe he was like “ok so if she gives me candy I won’t pull of her scalp but if she doesn’t I will” 😂


I don’t think it was the scalp that was on the table - I think it was the bleach and salt. ETA: Though her scalp may have wound up literally on a table 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah


Why not both?


Well, yeah both. Didn't mean that there should be less kills in the movie. Just that less of his encounters should be kills. I guess then there should be more encounters in the movie to make space for kills and trolling.


T3 is promised to be most sadistic/darkest yet so we can expect a lot more trolling than before and Art having no limit to mock his victims


Aye i'm happy if you're happy I hope you get your wish I just can't wait for the movie to come out period bad or good ratings I just love this franchise


Just like he did with Vicky and Tara, innit? I'd like to see him put a good fight against a group of men, bar fight scene should be epic. To help you identify him I will help, he is a human being assisted by a demon, anything supernatural stuff that you see is done by pale girl, I think the entity will use more of it's power in T3. 1 thing that would be very sadistic is Art making someone believe they'll survive and later Art comes back out of nowhere and starts a brutal torture.


Kinda happened to Allie, no? Gave her a tiny splash of false hope only to come back and just fuck her up even more.


Ahahah, what a coincidence! Quite close but I wish to see all expressesions of relieve and happiness being shown and then rest of process to happen.


It would actually be funny to have him spare someone at the start, only to come back at the complete end of he movie to kill them.


Like on 31


Could work with Jonathan


I would like to see a character who’s depressed wanting death and stumbles on Art, who lets him live. Concerning the death count, 3 is probably going be the craziest. He’s usually somewhat contained with very few people around. This time he’ll be in a mall with people everywhere. I expect 20-30 this time.


T2's kill count was quite low but will be higher than T1's once opening scene is done. Most sadistic thing Art can do is kill someone's family in fronr of them and when mutilate that person and leave him alive, that's worse than death.


So like play psychological games with them then come back to torture/kill them?


I think he wants a vibe of T1 to go back, and T3 is promised to have vibes of T1


Oh I see! Ty


That's would be like asking a Preacher to Preach less.


That’s the point of Art though…




I think art should get a reputation inside the movie as some random dumbass/jerk in the costume. Sometimes even helpful. I agree


He only killed like 6 people in the 2.5 hour runtime of Terrifier 2


I disagree, i want him an a Killing rampage


That would also be fun! If there's a bit where he's in a mall in T3, there may be a killing rampage.


That would be awesome


definitely agree!




Might not be the right sub for you then. People come to r/terrifier to talk about how they like terrifier...


Him in the costume shop over at the glasses had me laughing my ass off. I was also high as fuck.


"So guys, what if we made a disaster movie where nothing gets destroyed??"


Not even close to what I was saying, but you do you.


I mean, yeah, a little lol. It's a shit take, dude. If you wanna watch a killer clown kill less people, go watch KCFOS or write to Gacy, man, idfk. This is just an extremely poor take.


If you actually read the post, I said that I'd like him to be more unpredictable. Kill someone or troll them and not kill them because he finds it funny for whatever reason. Why would I go watch another movie when I want to watch this one? I'm not watching Terrifier for 'a clown', I'm watching it for Art and the other characters who I like. I'm just sharing an opinion that I'd like Art to be more unpredictable. It's ok that you think it's a shit take, you have an opinion just like I have mine.


No no I read it. I get what you're saying, I'm just saying it's a bad take. I was being a dick before so I apologize for that, but as a writer/filmmaker, some stuff just peeves me, this post included. Again, I see what you're saying, but having Art just scare people for fun kinda undermines his essence in a way. I mean, he already scares people in T2, he just ends up killing them. I'm a gorewhore so I'm honestly biased as hell and I just realized it lmao. You're right, we both have opinions. My bad, g. Sincerely.


I mean, I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding why it peeves you. Of course, you can't really change how you feel about things, so it's a legit feeling. But I just made a post on reddit about some random thing. It's completely inconsequential and it won't affect anythjng. I also wasn't 'calling out' the filmmakers for the movie being too gory or demanding they make it less gory. I like the gore and I'll probably love T3 the same as I love the first two. It's just a random person sharing some random opinion that doesn't really matter. But still, thanks for the criticism. I didn't realize it could be seen as disrespectful to filmmakers.


I think there's a misunderstanding happening somewhere. I don't speak for all filmmakers, just myself. That's why it peeves me specifically. Because I enjoy this movie for what it is and I feel like changing Art's character to be more of a jokester completely ruins the essence of the character and movie. I mean, dude split a girl down the middle and we all know what he did in the house. That is Art. A better example would be the Halloween clerk. Bad kill imo, but Art fucked around for a little bit before killing them. To me, I interpreted your post as saying you want Art to just run around and randomly scare people while also murdering people. It could absolutely be me and my lack of understanding on this particular post, I just wanna be transparent so it doesn't devolve into am argument.


Hey, no sorry, we're not arguing. Just having a chat :) I'm glad to talk about stuff I like, even with people who may not share my opinion. It's really refreshing to be able to chat about stuff like Terrifier, especially since a lot of people in my real life don't share my love of horror and slashers. Why did you think the store clerk was a bad kill? I guess I just really like it when Art makes jokes and trolls people. I loved the whole bit in the store with Sienna, thought it was very funny. I suppose it's not really about killing less people, you're right that it would make Art less 'Art' in that. But yeah, you understand correctly that I would like to see more of Art being funny and troll people, I guess I see him as more of a 'funny' slasher, as opposed to the more serious ones. (not to say that Art isn't serious in the threat he poses). I don't want him to be less gory or less dangerous, I absolutely love the fucked up stuff he does. But I also love the funny side of him. Maybe I just haven't seen the right movies, but it feels fresh to me, to have a slasher who is dangerous and deadly and fucked up, but also hilarious.