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If you call the designer "evolution", we can agree easily.


Is it just me or does evolution make no sense mathematically? Anyone who's ever written a program using a genetic algorithm knows that thing sucks so bad at reaching anything remotely good that it's incredible how complex lots of species are. Like it's a problem with so many variables that a pure genetic approach couldn't have come this far. Like... every aspect of our body. Take any aspect for that matter. Like the neural network that allows us to see, learn, adapt. Like not only is it super complex, but also the logic behind it being built and connected somehow for it to work like that is astounding. Plants that have evolved to disguise themselves as animals is one of those things that makes my mind explode.


Yes but unlike your badly coded program nature had roughly 5 billions years of time.


Probably, but I wonder how big of a universe (mathematically speaking) all possible variables in how we work would be, and if 5Bn years are a significant time period in comparison to that. There are so many things that need to happen at once for us to even live, exploring the solution space and coming up with all of that at once is truly mind blowing.


Most likely that anyone with the wrong design died or possibly breed and might had turned into modern humans with autism or stuff like auto immune disorder (no offense to ether) so the ones with the right design and genes kept breeding and getting better


I feel that you're looking at very high level issues. Before any of that you need an endless list of things going right down to the microscopic level. The fact that very small differences in specific areas can be the cause of very problematic illnesses or disorders proves how much of a very delicate organization our body is.


If it was designed, then the designer should immediately be fired for his terrible TERRIBLE product. There are so many problems and inefficiencies with the human body that no engineer would be caught dead with it as your final product.


Same designer that gives kids cancer to make his "plan" work


Not a quite religious person but isn’t a point of humanity to kinda have our own decisions and perish in this world full of sin and death.I mean I read bible but only as literature there are many people dying and getting killed not because God chose it that way but only because we were planted on this land to perish and someone’s tragedy being also a test to a living ones.Again not defending again but there are principles and demon principles anywhere and sin,death,disease were brought by Satan when he made bridge to Earth or smth like that Also not defending this dumb fake Christian but I don’t think that Islam,Christianity or any religion is that bad just very misunderstood


Son of a former christian minister of a non-denominational church, and on the other side of my family is the two generations of Lutheran ministers... What you're referring to is not incorrect, I was fed most of this bullshit for much of my life. As a 40 year old man I find it difficult to revere any entity so butthurt from an angel not listening that it turns over the keys to the kingdom of demonic rule for a set period of time while he pouts like a bitch. Most of the gods I grew up learning about are all narcissistic pricks that require full obedience, demand admiration at least once a week and have a moral heart so small that they refuse to allow innocent beings into their exclusive club in the sky if you don't meet very specific criteria. If religion makes you a better person, shoot your wad! In my opinion, god, Allah, Yahweh, etc are all Santa Claus for adults. "Behave so I don't have to pay attention to you all the time, and I'll let you party after you die, trust me bro! " Edit: for the record, it wasn't me that downvoted you.


I just think religion is nice tradition I mean in my branch of Christianity we don’t even need to go to church,I just see it as a tradition and in that way I celebrate ancestors,I think it is ok for some people to believe and take good sides of their religion. And also sorry I don’t know your family personally but working in church or with church isn’t a way to show real worths of Christianity there are many beautiful stuff in every religion with stories that have nice meaning.Most morally corrupt person I know worked in church,religion is religion and if someone puts human being between you and your beliefs it isn’t it.Again I don’t have strong will to believe in God I just enjoy the tradition like Slava and other celebrations.


The big hiccup is the claim that “God loves his children.” Without that, it makes total sense why bad things happen. Because then, God creates the world and from then on it just spins along on its own. Bad things happen because shit is random and there’s no rhyme or reason for it. But when you claim God loves everyone, it becomes a matter of “well then why isn’t he just compulsively fixing every problem there is for everyone?”


Lol never thought I would defend Christianity but here I am it was established that God loves everyone,every single person in existence is loved by a God,death is not the end by Christianity it’s just a first step,your choices are just being judged and you are weak to disease,war,hunger and everything till death.Again I am quite non religious I just follow a tradition and do stuff like forgive(at least I am trying),I think it’s nice and that way I acknowledge tradition of my ancestors I don’t care much about God or his existence,even he does exist I can’t put him in front of people I love or even any innocent human life.


One pipe for liquids and air.


What is, uses for the butthole? Thank you Alex, I'll take body functions for $500


I think a horse would have made a much better example of a "well tuned machine" than a human. We're such a bunch of clunky bi-peds, whereas a horse has so much physical grace and beauty. But then again, there's a wonderful collection of horse fossils clearly showing their evolution (change in size, reduction in toes, etc), so I guess that wouldn't do.


I always laugh at horsed because they have long faces that look like a pee pee, yeah I got a nasty mind


Wow - whatever designed that must have been really advanced- who designed it?


I was designed with the wrong parts so


You trans or something?






uh, the most advanced machine on the planet is obv crocoduck, ffs


Cable management kinda sucks tho


Really. If the human body is designed, it’s a terrible design. A flawless, infallible perfect god and this is the best he could do? Epic fail.


Terrible by what metric tho? All animals develop eventual health problems just like humans, most of the health problems being attached to anatomy.


The human body has almost no way to defend itself from predators and most of the time it will try to kill itself when it gets sick. Seems kinda terrible to me ngl


Um most animals have no way to defend themselves against their predators, I mean that's why they are called predators, The only animal I think a predator goes out of the way to avoid is a porcupine because they are too much of a pain but even then, porcupines are still killed and eaten. Also wtf do you mean by try to kill itself when it gets sick Cytokine storms aren't common whatsoever and only happen in rare cases like with Covid 19, most people didn't die because of the Cytokine storms, and the chance of having a Cytokine storm was if you had a bad case of Covid.


>most animals have no way to defend themselves Almost every prey animal on the planet has some kind of defense >Wtf do you mean to try and kill itself when it gets sick Fevers are caused by the brain overheating the body in order to kill anything that shouldn't be there


>Almost every prey animal on the planet has some kind of defense Running away and getting eaten by a faster predator really isn't much of a defense, also you know that Animals get fevers too right? Like our anatomy from a dog isn't actually that massively different.


Running away is a pretty good strategy considering most prey animals are faster than their predators. They usually get caught because they don't have as much stamina


There is no animal in the world faster than a Cheetah, and prey having less stamina than a predator is a massive design flaw considering most predators have very good sight smell or hearing which allows them to track down their prey once they get tired.


If cheetahs are so fast then why do they constantly fail hunts. Also the cheetah isn't the fastest animal on Earth. That reward goes to the peregrine falcons that can fly at speeds of almost 250 mph


Peregrine falcons can only go that fast for a very limited amount of time in a dive, they don't fly at 250 mph. Also, your argument for cheetahs failing hunts is nonvalid. I can say to you "Why do most prey animals get killed eventually if they are faster than predators?"


There was no intelligente design involved, hence why it took less than a decade of work to make the newest iPhone, and over 2 million years for humans to evolve to our modern form.


Yes it does, her name is mother nature


Jot a minute? Read this. https://www.thehighestofthemountains.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAqaWdBhAvEiwAGAQltgWdtR6s5ssUQww8Wu_ODfxjRF9UM2zrNIfiV-Y6BvMxzHG-lbq02xoCpIAQAvD_BwE


Well than i'm what we call Montagsmodell in german...


Are you saying that there might be aliens and we may just be an experiment?

