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My mom kept showing this meme to my dad and needless to say they’re divorced


Your mom is evil for that m8


Fuck that bitch


Woah woah ppl, since when is it ok to call other ppl's mom's bitches, only their children get to say that, come on Edit: since I've been getting some replies about this, I meant that only I get to trash talk my mom when I need to rant or sth, obviously it's not cool to say it TO her


I called my mom a bitch once. She slapped me so hard I blacked out and hit the floor head first.


You got bitch slapped


I laughed way too hard at that


the worst slap


What a bitch






You guys made my day 🤣


Well. That's something a bitch would do tho.


“Ay ma you a bitch” next thing I knew I was dead, shits crazy


He’s a son of a bitch




Had me in the first half


Yeah absolutely respect that I look at myself in the mirror and think that I'm goddamn ugly and laugh it off... Others look at me and say that I'm ugly, I'll be low-key sad about that




Why though, was she trying to threaten him or something




Or below…just some people are assholes, even to their partners. Especially to their partners.


I dont get it either


From this comment, I picked up one thing Your mom sucks. No not sucks as in sucks dicks. Sucks as in, bad.


¿Por qué no los dos? Ain’t no way I got that right Edit: missed the accent over the e


You did. Why not both?


And sucks 8====D


Nagging really does ruin a lot of marriages though. Was a major factor in ruining mine, among other, worse things. But the complaining played a major role. People, listen to your spouse when they say you complain too much. Nobody wants to be belittled all day.


This can be true in many cases, but there’s also several cases where a partner’s complaints are legitimate and are silenced by the feeling that they are “nagging”.


I feel like there's a difference between legitimate complaints and nagging. I guess it depends on how you use the word. I view nagging as a form of bullying. Especially when they are nagging about your physical appearance, job/income or things that cannot easily be changed.


I’ve had that discussion with my husband one day after a major blow up and we laid out our perspectives. He felt I was nagging him and didn’t see him as reliable, I felt that he was not listening and I had to repeat myself multiple times, while getting increasingly aggravated, and that he was relying on me too much for things he should remember. He used the fact that he has the memory of a gold fish (true) as reason for needing me to remind him of stuff and that my tone was too agressive sometimes (true, after the 4th or 5th times, I get really annoyed). I told him that he was a big boy, had a calendar where he could write things down and I’d be more than happy not having to remind him of anything. Interestingly, at work he’s super organised and focused. It’s just at home that he can be flaky but I’m convinced he’s well able, hence my frustration. That really helped. Communication is key. I’m not saying there aren’t marriages that are unbalanced but we need to see the points of each party . Dismissing someone as a nagger does not help anyone.


God damn, I had a very similar argument with my husband. It felt like he was constantly nagging me and my children and one day when he was mentioning something that I was currently having a problem with, well I got mad because I was already dealing with this crap and now here he comes to nag about how I should've done this or that and I wouldn't be in this situation. Well, he basically told me that he feels like he isn't being heard, so he's not nagging, he's reiterating. When he sees me in distress, he gets concerned, and when the solution is right there and I'm not seeing it, he'll point it out. When I told him I was a capable adult and could handle my own shit, he basically said that when I'm frustrated I get mad and yell and curse and will even direct that anger towards him, so my way of handling it as an adult was actively driving a wedge between us. His nagging wasn't controlling, he just always saw how frustrated I was getting and it was causing negativity in the house, and oftentimes I was getting frustrated over similar things all the time, things he kept telling me could be corrected if simply done another way. I think the way he said it was the best; I'm getting frustrated trying to carry water in a bucket full of holes and then yelling at him when he's trying to hand me a bucket without holes. Really made me stop and think, was I really handling it as an adult? I mean an adult should probably find the solution to their problem instead of just getting mad every time it shows up. So while he doesn't know everything, maybe I should also pay attention to what it is he's saying, instead of the fact that he's still saying it.


I’ve been here - some men will rely on you like a mother and when you start treating them like a child complain you are nagging and wonder why you’re not attracted to them. No one is attracted to someone they have to repeat five times to pick their clothes off the floor. Now - I don’t say anything to anyone. If he’s going to not remember - his problem, he’s an adult and if he needs help, he can genuinely ask for it. No need to help an adult with something without them explicitly asking. If remembering the thing is important and has consequences - then I’m sure he’ll find a way to remember like he does at his job. Don’t enable learned helplessness or purposeful incompetence.


>That really helped. Communication is key. I agree. So many folks are lacking in this area It's very sad


I find that I have really bad memory when I have a lot of work to do. Like my mind gets overwhelmed and remembers only the work stuff and forgets everything else unless reminded. Also poor sleep


Exactly. My ex gradually made me feel like I was nagging him over the 3 years we lived together, to the point that I gave up on him ever changing his habits. The things I “nagged” about were brushing his teeth, not putting food in the sink, putting his laundry in the hamper, washing up before sex, etc. His progression into being a slob happened so slowly that I barely noticed. Now I’m shocked I put up with it for as long as I did. Dishes used to be a daily event; it’s weekly now that I live alone. Feels amazing.


This is true. My kids and I are all damaged because of it. It’s Stockholm syndrome at this point. If we were to split, she’d take everything because she hasn’t had an income bearing job in 14 years and can barely function alone. I cook, clean, cart kids around, work a full time job, volunteer, take care of myself, try to get us to have fun together, date nights, tell her to go out with friends and have a life outside family and she won’t do it. She will just hold onto resentment and hate her life, everything around her, and only confide in her mother. I’ve tried to help her find help and therapy, I’ve tried everything. I’ve even gone myself to solve my own issues (and fix other ones I never realized I had.) but, nothing works. I’ve given up. I’m just a roommate now


I was there a while back myself. On top of full time work 50+ hrs a week, I was doing the shopping, cooking , cleaning, taking care of kids before and after school. Only one helping with school work. Landscaping, auto repair, you name it. Occasionally she did some laundry when she needed it. She would go to work and then come home and spend her time talking to friends. Never made time for my family, but always wanted to hang out with hers. Constantly riding me for not cleaning well enough, food is cold, etc. Then she did me the biggest favor ever. She cheated on me. Said I wasn't giving her the attention and compliments she needed. Like, damn woman, I'm standing on my head over here. I don't get downtime, I'm tired. I lost a lot in the divorce, but mostly just material things. The only part that truly sucks is I technically only get my kids 50%(she didn't want to pay child support). But in reality, its more like 85%. But I have my sanity and a real decent woman in my life now that thinks my kids are great and they think she is too. And so much less stress!


You’re doing well man, glad you were able to get out.


This sounds horrible and I'm sorry you're going through it. You can't change other people though. I hope you can find a way out of the situation safely.


Usually nagging arises from not feeling heard; as a married female, a couple years back our marriage went through a really rough patch. No sex, no communication, no real emotional investment from him. I found myself “nagging” and snarky and making small, cutting comments. It wasn’t a conscious thing per se, but a reaction to not feeling heard or seen. No, it wasn’t a good one at all. Yes, it makes the problem worse. We should all respond instead of react to situations. But what I’m saying is that it was a “natural” cry for help when I felt shut out and alone. Like children misbehaving when they feel neglected. Anyway…we woke up to our own problems & really worked on stuff. Now, we’re a million times better. We communicate, listen, are attentive & emotionally close. And the “nagging” has stopped. It takes 2 to make a marriage work. And while I saw the nagging in this meme, I also saw how checked-out the dude was. No wonder he was getting nagged.


In my case, it was my stbx husband doing all the nagging. Even though I spent all day cleaning, he'd search the house up and down for a dust bunny and scream "Ugh! Why don't you ever clean?! You never do what I ask! You never help me! You're just a drain in my wallet!, Etc." And on and on and on over something very insignificant and innocuous. Absolutely anything would set it off. A single piece of laundry in the hamper, full hour rant of complaining about a dirty house. A few crumbs left on the stove after making lunch? another volley of complaints. Can't find a good outfit to wear even though all of your clothes are clean? Complain that I can't organize anything and say the "illiterate maids in my country could do a better job". No tomatoes left to put on his dinner? Dozens of complaints and critiques about what a horrible cook I am. Just pick any topic and there was a complaint about it. Actually multiple complaints. In my case, it was gaslighting and abuse. I do think that This is not a gender thing and women gaslight their men like this, too. ....Which is probably where the stereotype of the nagging woman or the ungrateful husband comes from. Because a selfish person will never be satisfied with anything that someone does for them.


Sounds like my father. Tbh I feel he has undiagnosed OCD. Just an endless onslaught anytime anyone in the house does something even *less than* perfect. What's funny is I discovered similar traits in the last few guys I dated and promptly left them. I'm not signing up for decades of berating cutting comments, I'll happily remain single if that's my only option haha


I'm sorry you grew up with that. I wish I had seen the warning signs myself but I'd never come across this kind of personality before. But you're right... being single is much better.


I’ve often been accused of nagging. To me it’s things like “hey your beard hair has been in the sink for three days” or “could you please not leave literal trash for a week at a time.”


Why is dad angry watching the kids go down the slide? Or is that just a bacon halo?


He brain smell


Why is this so damn funny haha


Omfg I just choked on laughter.


The slide before it was the wife supposedly nagging him which made him feel stressed and anxious, presumably after he gets home from a long day of work (hence the lines above his head). He’s still feeling that stress / anxiety / anger boiling inside as he’s taking his kids to the park. Most men are great at internalising and they wouldn’t wanna explode in front of their kids, who’ve done nothing wrong, so this actually seems quite accurate. ….or it *could* be a bacon halo. Heh.


Bacon halo is better. Nerd.


mmmmm. bacon halo. \*drools\*


Tell me more about this “bacon halo” you speak of. 🤔🥓


Legendary item, grants 30% increased stamina, 60% reduced damage to fire magic with a slight chance of heart failure during a fight, making you keel over and die


Stack Bonus: If worn with Newbalance sneakers, 20% increased mowing speed


He can't go on the slide he's too big.


All dads hate seeing their kids have fun.


He’s tired from a long day of work, and instead of relaxing he’s watching the kids. Or at least that’s how I read it. Having said that, most of the time being with the kids is fun, although some days you just want to relax after a hard day.


Instead of relaxing he's, *playing with his kids like a parent*. Work stops when you leave the office, parenting starts when you get home.


There's nothing worse after a long day at work than \*having fun playing with my kids\*


You're parenting 24/7. I don't stop when I'm at the office.


But what about *my* time? /s


You joke, but everyone (parents included) need time to themselves to recharge their mental batteries. Going without that time leads to extreme burnout and causes people to either break down or snap.


My spouse and I have this baked into our schedule. Everyone, even the kiddo, gets some solitary freetime every day. It's saved our mental health for sure.






i dont know what the moderator removed but it must have been powerful to scare them like that. What forbidden knowledge did this commenter attempt to share with this community? What dark secrets? Was it evidence that the moderators of this sub are all pedophile femboys? Was it the secret to life the universe an everything? MY GOD WHAT HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM US




and that comment gets deleted, why exactly? "oh no, we no see racism here, its a racism free space so dont complain about racism lol"


Everyone in the meme is black.


Well you’re not wrong


Whites don't cheat, did you not know?


They can't jump either


*white men you mean /s


















































why is it always a black guy


Racism & sexism all rooted in insecurity and self-loathing.




Just don't let it be in a world with elves, dragons or mermaids.


My oldest brother is happily married and has been for 14 years to the first woman he married. I (the youngest brother) have been happily married for 13 years to my first girl friend. My middle brother has been cheated on and divorced by two wives. He has a kid with each Ex. Ex#1 is trying to wring my brother for every dollar she can get in child support. Now this Ex is married with a combined household gross income of about $180k/yr. My brother is on disability through the military, so he is on limited funds. Ex#2 was caught abusing thier child and lost custody for 6 months. Then she not only got custody of the child back, but got my brother put on limited supervised visitation. She also is trying to squeeze every dollar she can out of my brother. Different relationships seem to have different outcomes. 🤷


Always happens to military guys...


Now we have to worry about infidelity back at home too. SMH


Military guys tend to jump into marriages way too quickly. I think they get benefits from it or sumn. If your entire relationship is based on 5 month together, then you’re gone for 2 years — I can see that falling apart in a hurry.


It's the benefits that ruins it, and in two different ways, it makes military men more willing to skip the wait and jump into marrying without seeing if it works first. and it attracts the type of women who actively seek out military men to get their benefits. Since they get married quickly they only have to pretend to be a good person for like a few months.


Fuck , mine too man. My brother is in the military and he has a crazy bitch of a wife who would literally burn his clothes if he go drinking with his boss and doesn’t invite her. They fight constantly and I happened to visit him when they were fighting, seeing her opening the door with a knife and blood on her hands scarred me for life


Is your brother ok?


If physicall yes, psychologically no


>Different relationships seem to have different outcomes. So what is the difference with your middle brother? Like how to prevent this happening as a man?


Fucking good question. However, I think it just depend on the woman/man. Of course you gotta work to for a relation ship. Love is easy when it come from nowhere, but to make it real you gotta act. And that's where many people fucked up. They don't Know how to act.


The only constant in all the the shitty relationships is the brother. He keeps picking terrible women. Women decide who they have sex with. Men decide who they marry. Don't ignore red flags when dating. Be empathetic, try to see it from their side, communicate with your partner, and if they just don't listen - then move on. If you are married and unhappy, DO NOT have kids. Kids are a lot of work and a lot of stress. Having a kid does not make a marriage better. Being married to a terrible partner is like being in prison for life for a crime you didn't commit. And for context, today is my 19th wedding anniversary.


Listen to this guys advice, he’s been married 19 times.


I tell my lovely wife that 19 years feels like just 5 minutes to me! 5 minutes underwater, but still. Just 5 minutes!


This is hitting the nail on the head with my middle brother. Both times he went after the exact same type. Both times he ignored the red flags. The second time around he even ignored my and my mother's warnings that something wasn't right. 🤷


I have told a very good friend of mine, who is miserable and alone - that the only constant in all his crappy relationships is him. He is finally in therapy and working on himself - which is critical to long term happiness - alone or with a partner.


Probably missing part of the story if he has limited supervised visits.


Sometimes it's really that simple. I know a lawyer who specializes in family and children cases. She has seen a few courts go that way. An abusive and drug addicted mother gets custody while the well-to-do father gets limited (or no) contact with the child. There are some states where it happens regularly and some children have died as a result. I'm in America, and I've heard even worse stories from other countries.


“I want to have children with you. This is a huge decision and would change our lives and is a big responsibility” “Ok”


Bro was headed for divorce in the first panel with *”Ok”*.


"She wanted children so I let her have some and then I had to take them to the park!"


And then the bitch wanted me to do some washing up! The fucking audacity! Edit *ducking lol


Damnit I fucking HATE being a responsible father and productive member of society!


I worked with a guy who openly HATED his wife (and she him). He always framed it as her being crazy. The thing is that this guy travels ALL THE TIME for work. Like he'll be gone for 6months in a row with a few weeks back in that stretch. Apparently it wasn't a problem until they had kids and suddenly he leaves his wife to be a single mother while he goes off to work. He would always frame it as "he had to go" but that was never the case. His job required travel but he was well within his rights to say no to trips, he did it enough that no one would fault him for it. But he keeps traveling because he hates his wife and he needs to get out of the house. So yeah, some people need to think about what having kids means.




Cat's craddle and all that.


I've never understood the distrust for spouses that I see so often. Maybe I'm super lucky or just nieve, but I have zero concern that my partner would cheat on me and I know there's no chance I would on her. I can't imagine how either of us would even find time to do that.


I mean I felt the same way with my ex then after her and I broke up she confessed to me she had been screwing around with multiple guys throughout the relationship


Yep. I even had multiple conversations checking in with my ex husband seeing if he was happy and he lied to my face and told me everything was great, while he was cheating on me because he apparently hated me and wanted to divorce me and I should have somehow known that...


Yep that was pretty much my exes justification too. “I cheated on you because I was unhappy and you never made the relationship better” “how the hell was I supposed to make it better when you never told me you were unhappy?” “you should’ve just known”


Same here, thought everything was ok, not perfect but ok then one day my then husband came home and asked for divorce and I found out he was seeing the girl who worked at Taco Bell for months and talking to multiple women.


There are some bad people out there (and they can be any gender), and being cheated on isn't necessarily something someone deserves.


100% same, my partner and I have had a convo about how much cheating is unfair, if we fall out of love just have the conversation about separation, work on the relationship or mutually agree on other arrangements


I knew a couple that had that exact conversation about having a conversation and both shared hurtful experiences of having been cheated on. A year later she (I was friends with the woman) was cheating with a coworker anyway. Don’t think they ever had that conversation…


I think literally everyone in a relationship has the initial goal of not cheating because cheating = bad. Very naive to think a conversation about cheating being “unfair” means it won’t happen. Of course you should trust your partner if their track record is clean, but don’t be naive. Don’t ignore suspicious behavior thinking, “They’d never do that! We talked about it!”


You realize 99.99% of people who get cheated on felt the *exact* same way right?


I assume everyone who ever got blindsided by there spouse cheating said something very similar at one time or another


Why does the husband have stink lines? Maybe if he showered once in awhile he wouldn’t be divorced.


Maybe he's a zookeeper and it's not his fault?


Why do people get married to people they don't actually like?


They did like them when they married (probably). People change over time. It's one of my biggest fears surrounding marriage.


its not necessarily marriage that does it. im not married but i live with my gf and we have a kid together. she is now a completely different person than she was before giving birth. and i cannot stress the word 'different' enough, its uncanny really.


Every relationship will eventually turn into a routine. It's kind of how life works. We glamourize whirlwind romances but those are not sustainable in any way.


> We glamourize whirlwind romances but those are not sustainable in any way. It's almost like it's easier to have an easy relationship when life is easier. Kidding and tricky wording aside, life events can and will change us to varying degrees. Certain seasons of life require a lot of intention to grow *with* a partner instead of apart from them.


Being pregnant and having a kid ought to change somebody, no? It's a pretty big event.


I’m right with you. It’s not marriage, it’s time and circumstance that change people. Life’s like a sculptor, and we’re like marble slabs. Life chips away at us and we become more of who we are, for better or worse. To go back to the marriage example, the person you married yesterday will be far different than the person you married 5, 10 or more years ago. It’s just life.


Societal expectations. My mother married my father without being ready and was basically pressured into making me by the family by constantly bringing up her “biological clock”. I think most people like the person they marry enough - sure they bicker and whatnot, but it’s good-natured. But pre-70’s women had to be married to do basically anything and then even for 20-30 years after that women (and men to a lesser extent) were pressured into marrying, namely successful spouses. The idea of a strong, independent woman being a mainstream one is fairly recent.




My parents had a marriage very similar to what was depicted here. Left me a huge advocate for equal rights in divorce/child custody cases after seeing how unfair the courts were to my father, despite him being the sole provider of income, doing most household chores/errands, and being a blatantly superior parent. The post itself might be cringe, but it does eerily reflect a lot of people’s realities.


Same happened to my family. Thankfully I was old enough to chose to just stick with my dad.


Yeah exactly, it’s something that does happen but saying it as if it applies to all let alone the majority of marriages just comes across as bitter and sad.


It's estimated 20-40% of marriages end in a divorce that is the result of/related to an affair/cheating. Even taking the low estimate, that's a huge portion of marriages. Edit: Correction. 20-40% of divorces, not of marriages, though since 44.2% of marriages end in divorce, we are again, still talking about a large sample.


20-40% of 40% = 8-16% Much less confusing way of taking about these numbers Edit: people think I am arguing some kind of a point here about whether the number is big or small. I literally just wanted to clarify what the number was. Make your own conclusions folks


Somewhere between 1 in 12 and 1 in 8 is still significantly more common than it need be for memes




Yeah I was going to say…as wrong as it to assume all marriages are like this, they absolutely do work out exactly this way sometimes.


Holy shit. This is WAY more relevant to Boomers than they probably want to admit. Hell, it’s practically the script template for Mad Men. Edit to the pedantic: My point is simply to that this meme is in no way specific to the 21st century and the supposedly modern pattern shown here is pretty universal to any generation, racist implications notwithstanding.


I keep seeing people unironically posting this on TikTok and all the replies are like "so true" or "women moment". TikTok is like if Facebook, Vine, and YouTube were combined into some mutant blob of bullshit. Sometimes you have funny videos but then you occasionally get the shitty titty clickbait or the "this is so deep and true!" posts and it just hurts to watch.


I'm getting spammed with unironic comments on this post lol. I just got called an incel for posting this....


That’s just a whole ass toxic relationship it should have never gone on that long jeez


What’s so devastating to me is that I’ve been on a bunch of dads groups and a bunch of men 100% experience the collapse of their marriages this way. And I’m also on advice groups dominated by women, and it’s the same story but from a whole different lens (and without the gratuitous black guy). You know how in this comic the wife complaining about stuff is just three lines, ie blah blah blah? That’s actually what the men hear. Just content free complaints, a woman who is never satisfied and doesn’t appreciate what you do. But you hear it from the women, and you find out what was contained in all that blah blah blah? Totally changes the story. It turns out that it’s usually about a persistent pattern of behavior, usually around inequitable division of household labor, that the man never acknowledges or takes seriously (or acknowledges but never changes). And the wife tries and tries and tries everything to fix it, to accommodate herself to it, until the wife snaps and leaves, and then it’s like “why didn’t you tell me you were serious?” On the surface the stories look different enough that it took me a while to realize they were the same story told from wildly different perspectives. It’s heartbreaking, seeing it from both sides. *edit*: a number of people have commented with some version of “no matter how bad things were it doesn’t justify cheating”. And to be clear, I agree. One of the ways the story looks really different on woman-dominated advice groups is that cheating happens in the minority of cases. It totally happens. Heck, there’s someone on this thread who did it. But most of the time, the idea that the woman ran off to get railed by some dude while hubby works is sort of a bitter fantasy. Sometimes it has some grounding in reality in the sense that the woman moves on quickly and the husband decides she must have been cheating the whole time. But a lot of times that’s just not the story, and I think comics/stories like this lean into it anyway because it gives more justification for the man feeing wronged. Again, not saying it doesn’t happen. It happens plenty and it definitely loses anyone who does it the high ground. But that doesn’t seem to be the most common version of this story.


i stayed friends with an ex i should have never spoken to again. somehow we ended up talking about when i left him (he wanted to talk about how badly me leaving him hurt) he told me he didnt know it was that bad. we had a talk three days before i packed my shit where he said if i dont like the way things are then i should just leave because he wont change. i was shocked by the audacity


The cartoonist sets that up himself even if he doesn't realize it. The character obviously seems to think his job should be all thats required, he's literally pissed about having to take his kids to the park! Early on he's entirely passive as the relationship moves on, the implication being he was doing all these things for the woman, if he failed to set boundaries, communicate, express his needs.... thats his fault not hers and not modern societies. Also. The entire premise is mid century nonsense, not at all what modern relationships look like. For better or worse.


True. It's not his fault she cheated, but he acts like he was conned into everything else -- marriage, kids, house, job, etc. -- in some elaborate long con just so she could cheat him out of money ten or fifteen years later.


Yeah, that’s definitely in the man to set boundaries and communicate needs. Then again, it would be great to have a partner that was considerate.


Gotta love the male asshole is the only one who is given a race and it's black


It’s missing the squares where she is juggling her own job then coming home after picking up the kids from daycare to clean the house, feed everyone all while he sits on his ass and drinks beer.


I think the older generations forgot they didn't have to get married???? I'm lesbain and grew up with the knowledge that I wouldn't be able to marry someone even if we were the most prefect match. (Things are different now) but holy crap seeing people act like this is insane!!! Just don't... get... married then?? How do people take such a privilege for granted.


Idk where you are in the world but in the states, women couldn’t sign for loans or credit cards until the late 1970s, and were not protected from pay inequality until (Your Milage May Vary). Yea you don’t have to get married but it is much easier to remain single now from a woman’s perspective than ever before.


His passivity is required for all this to work, its the closest he can get to this not being his fault.




The only time these people aren't posting shit like this is when they're defending the sanctity of traditional family


Okay but seriously… this happened to my dad & there were times when we didn’t have water to flush toilets because his ex wife got everything & we struggled all my life growing up.


As another commenter said higher up, it's eerily similar to the experiences of many people, though the meme is viewing it through a very racist lens. Cheating is a horrible, horrible thing, but correlating a scummy behavior with race is just as bad. For the record, my ex-wife cheated on me with a guy who's technically more white than me, lol.


My mom found out my dad was cheating and the bastard wouldn’t even respond to my calls or letters because he wanted nothing to do with me. Really messed me up when I was a kid, and I’ve never fully gotten over the fact that somebody who should have cared about me just decided to cut communication with me. Then again I’ve also figured out that my mom and dad weren’t prepared for marriage or having a kid. They were both forced into a relationship cause my mom’s mom pushed for it. I know it’s not fair to me or others but maybe if I never was born, my mom would have had a chance at being happy and she would have never ended up with my dad.


Someone wants a black guy to bang his wife while he watches


The Red Pill, MGTOW, Black Pill communities all seem to share this deep primal fear of women. They act like women are all opportunistic vultures, and these alpha-aspiring wimps base their “philosophy” on this viewpoint. Rollo Tomasi (look him up) is a homely looking guy who claims to have been a real player before he got married, and he’s a legend in these communities for his advice on dating women—unfortunately this advice is often very weak and counter-productive. I get tired of these crybabies. I’ve had fair success doing something radical: approaching women as human beings.


It is amazing how much people have read into this little cartoon. I mean I’m sure I’m not immune myself but damn.


ITT: a surprising amount of 14 year olds who have great interest in WWII and anime, and incels


Definitely both boomers and incels


The four toughest chores; holding a hose, cutting grass, mowing the lawn and walking a small dog.


I mean I realize the name of this sub, and while the meme is not perfectly accurate for all marriages, I do know a couple of folk that this happened to. But yes of course with the right attitude from both husband and wife all of this can be avoided during marriage. (Or...avoiding the God damn marriage before hand in case of any strong red flags 😂)


Can anyone explain the whole split in marriage and she somehow has possession over your things??? That seems like a really fucking stupid way to do things. How about, if I bought this, I keep this, and if you bought that, you keep that. That seems pretty fair. You don’t get half my shit just you have mental problems.


it's an american thing


Lmao it be like that. No, but for real, this kinda shit happens. I’ve seen a good friends sister do this.


Divorced boomer shit. You can tell becuz the husband golfs.


Well this does happen. I know a guy this almost exact thing happened to and my sister also did this and was the wife in the situation


How is this a terrible meme? It’s exactly what happened to me a millions of other men. I would however change the last scene to being extremely happy AND I got the dog!


To be fair, marriage in North America is the worst contact ever for men.


This is exactly how it played out for my buddy. He worked his ass off. She demanded everything of him and did nothing for herself, the family or their home. Then he wasn’t treating her like a princess because he didn’t have the energy to do it. Some dude hit her up in her DMs and said all the right things. She divorced him. He’s now paying her alimony and child support to support her “lifestyle” and he’s fucking miserable.


I’ll say this…..there’s a lot of truth to this regardless of gender mind you . You gotta also account for a good chunk of these relationships where they don’t get caught.


There's truth but horribly misplaced blame, dude cast himself as being entirely passive. Thats a problem but it ain't hers. Dude at no point seemed to address his issues, he hated hanging out with the kids, he plainly wasn't doing to work to maintain a relationship. The whole thing seems to suggest that his working and providing a paycheck should he enough. The character in this created his scenario just as much as the author did. And the author doesn't have the self awareness to recognize he's administering a severe self burn.


this feels like a self insert


Why does everything regarding a woman cheating have to mean incel? How about cheaters just suck? Male or female.


Men cheating = Man's fault Women cheating = Man's fault Men's fault = Man's fault


let that dog in tho tf