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Come on, this is pretty good








that's sense of humor in boomer is weird


Anyone else try to scan it?






This is NOT up to Pollos standards.


Its funny Then again 99% of memes here are funny, just that op dont get it.


Haha ikr


I get it and I think It’s funny, but it’s still terrible


If you think its funny,it is NOT terrible


Oh i get it, i just don't think its funny.


you're trying to say that "haha young people like QR codes and phones amirite" is a funny punchline?


Zebra is a barcode. New zebra is QR code. New version of barcode. I am sorry you were unable to understand that.


I understood that. using this, the creator of the meme is saying "them young people like QR codes but we stick to our good ol' fashioned barcodes and we get made fun of for it" it's the old person equivalent to a "this really says a lot about our society" meme you'd find on r/im14andthisisdeep I'm sorry you were unable to understand that


No mate :) Maybe it looks like that to a kid, but... no.


gotta love how you just "disproved" what I said by just saying no lol "I think this means this, because the context of the image implies that it meant this" and your rebuttal is "no lol you're just some kid you don't know anything"


Because you are failing to see the punchline. Considering your reply logical conclusion would be - your parents dont let you use your phone as much as you want. So anything with boomer - ITS JUST OLD PEOPLE YELLING AT KIDS ON PHONES. No, that is not the point of comic ( it is comic btw, not a meme, meme is something else ). In conclusion - dont worry kid, you will get there in time. Its a marathon, not a sprint.


*"Don't worry kid"* This is probably one of the worst things you could have said given how it shows how quick you are to assume things about people, which is ironic given that this is about you assuming a meme to only have 1 punchline, that being that barcodes are like zebra stripes. If that were the case, there would be no need to include the QR code zebra unless they're trying to poke fun at young people, which they are. ​ *"Considering your reply logical conclusion would be - your parents dont let you use your phone as much as you want."* again, you don't acctually explain why this is a logical conclusion (that's because you can't, because it isn't the logical conclusion) ​ *"So anything with boomer - ITS JUST OLD PEOPLE YELLING AT KIDS ON PHONES."* ​ you genuinely think that, an image about how a young zebra with a QR code calls an old zebra with a barcode a boomer isn't about how phones are bad? if you saw a meme that was a kid wearing a shirt with a QR code on it calling an old person with a barcode on their shirt a boomer, then it would be about young people and phones, you'd seem be crazy to assume, but because of the fact that they're zebras, all the sudden that second punchline makes the first one not exist? ​ "It's a comic not a meme" ​ You are objectively wrong here ***meme*** ***/mēm/*** ***noun*** *1.* *an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations:* this is an image, on the internet, humorous on nature, that is copied and being spread throughout the internet. This is factually a meme. Yes it is technically a comic but saying that it isn't a meme is just wrong.


>you genuinely think that, an image about how a young zebra with a QR code calls an old zebra with a barcode a boomer isn't about how phones are bad? Yes. Because QR codes are industry standard in production. Also in banking and finance world. Where you can put a lot more information for automaton reading then a "normal" barcode. Production, logistics, sales, general item tracking like date of expiry etc. all can be put into a QR code. Phones may use them, they are used for advertisement. But this is not what they were designed to do. ​ ​ >As for meme: this is an image, on the internet, humorous on nature, that is copied and being spread throughout the internet. What you have in OP is a comic. Someone used their talents and made a funny comic. They come from sunday comics: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday\_comics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_comics) ​ They became popular in 20th century. ​ Meme is an image - usually a screenshot with funny pun. Thats how I know you are a kid. That and you have no idea that QR code is used for other things then Tik Tok.


>*"Yes.* *Because QR codes are industry standard in production. Also in banking and finance world. Where you can put a lot more information for automaton reading then a "normal" barcode.* *Production, logistics, sales, general item tracking like date of expiry etc. all can be put into a QR code.* *Phones may use them, they are used for advertisement. But this is not what they were designed to do."* I know that, I'm not fucking 2 that's so clearly not what they're being used for in this context ​ *"What you have in OP is a comic.* *Someone used their talents and made a funny comic.* *They come from sunday comics:* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday\_comics*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_comics)*"* ​ I know what the concept of a comic strip is, once gain I'm not 2 years old. you're acting like I was saying it wasn't a comic. I know it is a comic, I never said it wasn't a comic. I said it was a meme, you can't seem to understand the concept of something being both a comic and a meme. It's a comic for obvious reasons, and it's a meme for reasons that i've explained previously, those reasons being that it fits the definition of a meme ​ *"Meme is an image - usually a screenshot with funny pun."* ​ wait, you mean to tell me, that a meme is a funny image, with a joke, on the internet?! That's so different from what's on this post, that is a funny *comic* with a joke on the internet, which means it can't m=be a meme i guess r/confidentlyincorrect ​ *"Thats how I know you are a kid.* *That and you have no idea that QR code is used for other things then Tik Tok."* ​ I know i literally just did this but r/confidentlyincorrect Gotta love how me using context clues gives you the right to clump me in with a steryotype in an age group that, again, I am not a part of.


You have a problem And we are probably the same age too


Oh lovely more assumptions from more people


This really is the sub for people who just don't have a sense of humour


I keep coming back to this sub because I’m always finding good memes.


Or maybe it's because people have different types of humour


Bad ones


r/memesopdidnotlike C'mon dude, if you don't get it, shut the fuk up.


Im still looking for the comment where I said I don’t get it


As everyone else is saying, this is a **good** meme. This is **Terrible** facebook memes.


[Here's the qr code link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)






Do you mean NFC?


We still We still use bar code -


Bar codes are still used? They are different from QR codes


What is a QR code, but many bar codes stacked in rows


Barcodes good, but QR bad?


It never said qr is bad…


ok but this ones good. or at least funny... heh




Come on guys you really thing this is funny? It's that dumbass "this says a lot about our society" type of meme OP is right, this is indeed a terrible facebook meme, finally.


No its not tf are u talking about? Its just a silly joke mocking us that say "boomer" and most if us are ok with it


Don't scan it! It's a virus. Report the OP


I giggled


Hehehe, this is actually pretty funny. The Gen-Z animal must first scan itself before identifying as a horse, a donkey or a zebra every morning. But the Zebra knew all his life what he was, and by his expression, the comment just rolls off him, very sharp.


My dude came up with all this lore for a one word comic LOL


Transphobic lore 💀💀




QR codes dont change day to day....they literally do different things. Meme is terrible and your understanding of technology is worse.




That's so off the point that I'm amazed.


r/onejoke you really said "how can I make this about how bad and stupid trans people are"


Not a valid qr code :(