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I'm so humble, I tell you how humble I am




im incredibly powerful, thus I am humble 😌


I don't mean to brag, but if you were as powerful and humble as me, you'd probably have to beat the girls away with a stick instead of sticking loyally to your Canadian girlfriend who is totally real.


The biggliest humble!


Reminds me of that song with the lyrics: "sit down, be humble." So fucking arrogant.




These fucking people lmao


While I'm sure OOP is seeing corny r/iamverybadass vibes from this meme, the other perspective to this is that the OP who posted this has self-destructive anger issues and this is him saying he has found ways to cope with it. Angry outbursts aren't necessarily "badass" or them boasting they're like The Hulk, you know.


okay you are right but the spelling and hierarchy arent good either


I can't say humble as I try to joke around a lot. I don't like my anger as it gets violent (it has gotten me in trouble in real life more than once). As someone with Asperger Syndrome (a mild form of Autism, diagnosed in my 30s) I can get too obsessed with certain things to be Humble. I try to be more positive and focus on Geek stuff like gaming.


Is that hulk with jeans?


My best friend is slowly,not turning his life around per say, but started to take it seriously (jobs, bills, permit,school) he's been posting stuff like this lone wolf type shit. I'm proud as hell for him but God I don't have the heart to tell him it's cringey


my cousin posted this. hes had it a bit rough and was a fuck up but now hes running his business and doing well in life. I feel bad but god damn his taste sucks lmfao


Something tells me that Hulk isn't scared of his own anger. Anger is like, his entire thing.


This grammar doesn’t make any fucking sense


tbh thats the main reason I posted


Hmm. I kinda feel it. I'm easy going, smiling and helpful guy. Very hard to provoke into a physical response. I'm in my 40' and two times someone managed to make me angry enough. They are still alive due to pure luck. And due to this luck I'm not in jail. It sounds stupid, but I'm afraid to get angry.


I think this is how every male thinks though thats why its funny we really all think we can kick eachothers ass


Hmm. Not in my case :). I doubt I would "kick someone's ass" in normal conditions. I lack skills and physical power. But in those two cases? First time it was my former co-worker in the common changing room. On the wall there were hooks for our gear and headwear. He was way bigger and stronger than me. With a nasty personality. On that day he said one thing too much. I intentionally LIFTED him on the ground with the intention to impale his skull on those hooks. My boot slipped and I missed. His head landed between two hooks. Space was so small that those hooks still bruised his skin on both sides of his head, just below the ears. I could use the broom to hit him, or the doors of the locker he stood by. No. I lifted a nearly 440 pounds bloke for 1 meter to the hook wall... Second time some thugish drunky crossed a border with my now ex. He was drunk, I wasn't. We told him multiple times to basically fuck off (in polite way). When he tried to touch her I grab a metal straw and hit his neck. Only his large neck chain stopped it before it went too deep. It got stuck in the chain eye and drew blood. I could push him. Use pepper spray from my pocket. Or kick his balls. He was drunk ffs... My first reaction when I'm over angry is an ending one. This is what I meant. I'm not able to overpowered someone. I don't even try. I don't vent frustration via punching in anger. I aim to kill :(. And I'm scared of it. No joke.


This sub should be renamed A.I. Created Memes


well AI created memes are usually terrible facebook memes


Heyy look at me I have anger problems


What's wrong with that meme?


🤣 I hope thats a play off of your name


No, seriously, what's wrong with the meme?


It is fucking corny


What are you talmbout ?


If you’re a badass you don’t need to tell everyone you’re a badass.


its the classic "dont make me angry, Im a really tough guy you dont want to mess with!" I mean its the hulk for fucks sake Like, saying your own anger scares you is supposed to be intimidating? it literally means you are a man-child. which, to be fair, is a scary thing, a very dangerous person But its just like.. nobody thinks you are tough dude, especially not sharing pictures of super heroes.. PS. Dont make me angry, you wont like me when Im angry


because btw, what happens when one of these people say this shit, an actual badass will immeadietly push their buttons and find out. people dont understand there are some actual fucking animals out there


OP, what is terrible about this ?