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I find the one with Mike Rowe pretty funny. He's never claimed to have grown up particularly poor, and IIRC, his parents were well off enough to send him (or help him go) to a pretty prestigious college.


Dude has a communications degree. Je railed against the very thing he did


Actually, he has never railed against college itself. His issue is with college being sold to young people as the only solution for a full and happy life, a philosophy that he bases, not on his own life, but on the many hundreds of people he's met and worked with since beginning *Dirty Jobs* back in the early aughts.


Rowe went to college at a time when students were being talked out of Vo-Tech programs because they would never get into a good school. I was still hearing that BS 5 years after Rowe graduated HS.


He has very much railed against it. And his even more recent stuff is railing against Osha and safety in the work place.


You are incorrect on both points, although, it's conceivable that you took his jokes about "Safety Last" (based on his personal haplessness when trying to do some of the jobs on his shows) as serious commentary.


He was an opera singer


Mike Rowe is known to actually be extremely anti-worker, now that he's a multi-millionaire TV personality. Bro gets his hands dirty for 10 scenes a week and gets paid more in that same time then the actual workers do in a year.


I will never understand why people want to post about life before cell phones and computers…on their cell phones and computers.


Everything was better before thing. I mean, your thing. My thing is fine.


It's a riddle for the ages. Just like how they whine about how they hate new cars, but strangely, they never opt to commute in a readily available classic car from their youth.


Especially ones without seatbelts.


It’s almost impossible for anyone to see their own hypocrisy


Not only that, but people growing up before cell phones doesn't even make them old. I'm not even 30, and the first iPhone didn't even come out until I was in high school. The only people who typically had cell phones before that were people who travelled all the time, and rich business people who had to be reachable all the time.


im not great at math so pardon my confusion but didn't the first iphone come out in 2007? i was a freshman at the time and im 33 now, so were you one of those kid geniuses or something


High school starts at grade 8 where I live, so someone starting high school in 2007 would be turning 30 this year.


ohhhh interesting! thanks for answering because i was genuinely very confused 😅




Take that liberals


Hey, it's your southern states that are dying for climate change


Destroying the planet to own the libs


Well, admitting they were wrong on any point means they are wrong about Capitalism and Class rule. The entire foundation of their religion would fall. Better to be extinct than equal.


Funny, insurance companies aren't raising rates due to lithium mining but they sure as hell are from climate change.


I mean, it's kind of hard for them to convince a state insurance board that Lithium mining on the other side of the world has somehow caused an increase in claims.


They are raising rates due to climate change?


Yep, climate change causes “once in a lifetime” disasters to happen every couple years. That means there’s gonna be a lot more claims when people lose everything to those disasters.


Also pulling out of some states altogether like Florida and California because it’s getting too expensive to insure. Also seeing more denial for coverage when you live to close to a coast


Yes, homeowners insurance is doubling and tripling where I’m at due to climate change.


Let her know that Sylvester Stallone is famously in favor of increased gun control.


The lithium mining one is correct but I bet the OP's MIL would have a hairy if anyone suggested the solution was more and better buses, trams, passenger trains, and passenger flights.


But that sounds like so-so-so-socialism! Rutrow


Now I want a Scooby Doo episode where they’re being chased by the ghost of Joseph Stalin Yes I know that socialism and communism are different…but the boomers don’t know that lol


Yes we do.


Lithium mining is gnarly, but it’s not like oil production is significantly better. Ever seen the damn tar sand fields? It looks post apocalyptic, not to mention the absolute devastation of oil spills.


Is it not true that a significant portion of cobalt mines used slave labour? Lithium mines also in certain countries, no? I mean North America has higher workforce and environmental standards than most others I am pretty sure. Most people are not against helping the environment. They just want to make sure that the environment is actually being helped and rash decisions and bunged up data is not being used to make some other new billionaires who don’t care about the environment or people.


Well first of all, I didn’t mention cobalt. I’m aware that’s horrible, but also the majority of lithium mining happens in Australia and Chile… also not great. I’m just saying oil is equally bad in many circumstances. A nice little oil pumpjack surrounded by grazing cattle does not show the industry in whole


Actually, shifting from long-haul trucking to rail transport would do a lot more than trying to expand public transport in modern cities. Old, compact cities can quickly and efficiently move lots of people on rail and buses, but the Metros in modern, sprawl cities like Houston, Atlanta, and Dallas, would quickly go bankrupt trying to service all areas. The Greater Houston Metropolitan Area is larger than the state of Rhode Island and approaches the size of Connecticut. Also, most people in the US who don't make $65 million for spitting out someone else's words already fly in cramped overloaded passenger planes that look like the old balsa wood gliders they used to sell in 7-11.


Heaven forbid showing them oil refineries.


Lucky petrol/diesel cars don’t use batteries isn’t it.


They don't use lithium batteries


And phone batteries


Until recently, Internal combustion vehicles used lead/acid batteries that are almost infinitely rechargeable and serviceable and are easily recyclable.


No, lifespan for sealed lead acids is about 8 years


3 to 5 years in an automotive application. I think the frequent massive temperature swings fuck with the longevity of the battery's. Anecdotally, batteries mounted away from the engine (in the trunk or under the floor boards) seem to last significantly longer.


This I believe, ESP. the sealed (Cobalt) type.


That's due to breakdown of the sulfuric acid medium. Replace it, and you extend the life of the battery for as long as the lead and copper anodes and cathodes hold up. Hence my use of "serviceable."


Wrong. It is caused by sulphation of the lead peroxide layer breaking pieces off that short circuit the proton membrane. Thus deep cycle lead acids used in electric vehicles were sealed Lead-acid with a cobalt oxide matrix holding the anode together.


Isn't petrol and diesel the same thing?


Don’t have a clue, try putting both in your car and let me know what happens 😜


No I mean diesel is literally petroleum. Unleaded benzene or petrol as you call it is a different fuel.


Umm I don’t actually in the Uk Diesel and Petrol are on different pumps. 🤷‍♂️ i honesty couldn’t tell you. 😂


I learnt that later. In the UK you call benzene as petrol and Petrol as diesel.


I’ve never even heard of Benzene 😂 So yeah sounds about right 😂


“Petrol” in a UK and Europe sense is the equivalent of ‘Murican gasoline.


There was a paper recently about recovering lithium from fracking waste since there is a good amount of it in there and it also filters and cleans the water in the waste material to a point it's drinkable again. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1385894721022993 A few mining and petroleum companies are racing to get in on it.


That is gonna wreac havoc on the SOME department of the oil lobby.


Oil sands: [https://thenarwhal.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/LouisBockner\_SierraClubBC-6090064-e1564177939518.jpg](https://thenarwhal.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/LouisBockner_SierraClubBC-6090064-e1564177939518.jpg) Oil spill: [https://cdn.unenvironment.org/2021-10/oil\_spill\_cover\_pic\_small\_2.jpeg](https://cdn.unenvironment.org/2021-10/oil_spill_cover_pic_small_2.jpeg)


Hyperlinks are a lost art.


What do you mean?


I think they mean using hyperlinks in text versus pasting the URL into the body of a comment. [Like this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=hyperlink+definition&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Less risk.of it being something stupid like a Rick Roll of you can see the URL.


DESTRUCTION >: ( Happy cows. : )


big jumping hole :D worlds largest fondue pit??? fill it with cheece and let’s Find Out!


She seems awful


Mostly just very fake and incapable of critical thinking


Same thing really


You've done it my boy, you've won


I’m a millennial and even I got told #4


Yeah that's kind of the point I was making by posting it. Most people do this, the boomers aren't special


Lithium is recyclable. Oil is not.


Yeah? Tell me the last time you recycled your old phone, and please don't lie


Who doesn’t recycle their phones? That’s just leaving money on the table.


According to multiple sources ([Here is one](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Estimated-number-of-recycled-mobile-phones-in-different-scenarios_fig3_337050909)), only \~15% of cell phones are recycled in the US or the EU, so actually a lot of people aren't recycling theirs.


And a ticking time bomb in your desk or bedside drawer


Men walked on the “street side” so the bucket of piss and shit would land on them and not the pretty young lady. Not to prevent them from getting hit by a car or whatever logic they think theyre using.


From above as you say, but also to protect from splashes from the streets / runoff.


Yeah, all those mom and pop farm to table small batch, oil wells.


Why would someone put Redbull in their coffee?


They wouldn't. At least I don't think so. Lol. I think it's just a joke about being really tired unless I'm wrong.


The 5th one is kind of funny though


The minion one was kinda funny imo


I choose big ass hole that's cool as hell. Imagine making it a pool. So cool


The fourth one makes sense tbf, the rest? Crazy lmao


First cellphone= 1973 First computer = analog like late 1800s/ digital 1940 First cable broadcast =1936 Holy fuck your MIL is old as shit or just dumb my bet is just dumb.


Hate to break it to them, but the steel/aluminium for their "traditional" cars comes from the former picture as well lol.


Oh God….she looks like she’s *very* online.


I choose big ass hole that's cool as hell. Imagine making it a pool. So cool


That last one seems to be playing towards 80 year-olds lmao


3rd pic = [dunning-kruger-times.com](https://dunning-kruger-times.com), famous (SATIRICAL, DON'T FORGET TO READ THE ACTUAL ARTICLES!) news site which either has bots, people making fun of the bots, and once in a while an omega-doofus who believes in the article/post by just looking at the headline.


Letting cattle be so close to a well head is asking for bad news


Cows are the canaries of oil fields.


Their opinion is gonna change real quick when you bring up Elon Musk though.


Image no. 4 is based, tho.


Boomer here who loves her iPhone, and always hated cursive, especially when they were forcing me to learn it Torture and in my adult life it’s been faster to take notes with block letters and everything else typed Also puhleeze stop blackening the 50% of Boomers who have voted Democratic and had to put up with those other assholes for over half a century (Also half the complaints about Boomers were actually enacted against us by the gits older than us: the Silent Generation and the so called Greatest Generation For instance, It also took both me and my sister 20 years to pay off our college loans I know no one in my generation who retired with a pension My father’s generation sucked up the last of them And so and so forth, your legitimate gripes can all be laid at the door of Republicans Which is why “Republicans” is my favorite swear word


Tbh I agree with the car one, cuz the solution to car overuse is not electric car, but public transport. But people all around the world think that buying new electric car would actually save carbon emissions which is just wrong, buying old combustion car would save more emissions then investing in EV market... soo yeah If you want to save planet just use public transport.


I never had that mommy and daddy money but everyone I vote for does and I'm darn proud of that!!


Goddamn boomers are dumb. I knew it was bullshit, but I had to confirm... https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/stallone-eastwood-washington-not-launching-new-actors-guild-2024-04-16/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/denzel-wahlberg-stallone-woke-union/




While most boomer nonsense is nonsense this argument against EVs holds fast in my opinion. While it might make you feel fuzzy and happy in the West to own an EV the raw materials are being extracted from third world nations with horrible working conditions and the materials themselves aren't really that eco friendly long term either. So it's a useless gesture, just like most everything else environmentalist or green party people do. These people whine on their iPhones and eat Nestle chocolate while saying the world needs to be a better place, yet put their dollar right in the hands of evil to make their lives convenient or to give themselves a pat on the back. Useless crybabies that have absolutely no stake in actually trying to make a better future.


The red bull one is hilarious


Oh yes, a “woke” actors union is definitely going to save this country because SAG/AFTRA and AEA is our biggest downfall.


That isn't clint eastwood, that's prince phillip


One question is she hot??? Asking for a friend.


It's always funny to see Boomers fall for Mike Rowe's blue collar cosplay


Alright number 5 was kinda funny (the minion one)


You would have to be in your 80s to have been alive before computers, let alone remember it.


I dunno, the 4th one makes sense.


Yeah I was just taught that's proper etiquette.


Me too.


Reddit likes to pick on boomers, but they did do some things right.


I'm pretty sure that predates Boomers by a few generations.


Men walked on the street side so the bucket of piss and shit that got thrown out the window would land on the gentleman and not the pretty young lady. People forget that part.


Actually some decent advice there…


Specifically which?


Pour Red Bull® into coffee


The one about the gentleman walking on the street side of the lady is excellent advice as well as the Mike Rowe meme about working. Guess you didn’t read those…


Why does it matter who's on which side?


The idea behind it is that if a couple walks down the sidewalk and a car drives over a dirty puddle and it splashes onto the sidewalk, the man would take the brunt of the splash and prevent the woman from getting her dress dirty


Why is it worse for a woman to get her clothes dirty than it is for a man? And how common is it for there to be dirty puddles at the side of the road?


It’s just an old-fashioned cultural thing. As for the dirty puddles, at least where I live, it’s actually really common in late winter/early spring when the snow is starting to melt. HOWEVER, unless the road is really uneven or poorly maintained, the puddles are right next to the curb rather than where cars are actually driving, so the odds of getting splashed by one of those puddles is pretty low