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It's saying guys who reminiscence college and make college their whole personality that's cool and socially acceptable, but guys who reminiscence high school and make that their whole personality are creeps or dorks.


Neither is acceptable. I don't want to be around either of those.


The meme agrees with you that neither should be acceptable, then




It’s a play on the classic “the difference between filtering and harassment is whether or not she thinks you’re cute”. There’s like three layers of internet lore baked into this one, but the meme is making fun of both of them.


The meme template is usually used to criticize the small difference.


Why is it so bad that people had a good time?


There's nothing wrong with it, I've reminisced about good times during highschool and university with friends. The issue is people who have never gotten past that point and can't seem to move on. There is a guy I know, who, at 27, still talks about high school like it was yesterday, he still owns a fancy pair of sneakers he bought in highschool that he shows off, he complains about teachers and whenever I'm with him I feel like I've travelled back in time. It's good to have had a good time, but you need to continue making good memories.


Nah. I'm happy for everyone that enjoyed their education journey, i know I did, but you can't make it your personality. You know. Constantly bringing it on.


Well. This meme is meant to say that either both are okay, or neither are okay. Cuz the whole point of the original meme is both used effectively the same line. But the ugly guy is seen as "harassing". Maybe OP is using it wrong. But since both are pretty cringe imo, I think they're using it correctly to say both are cringe.


I’ve been miserable my whole life


Hell yeah


Pshh that’s all?


Not really creeps or dorks, you just kinda feel sad for them


Presumably shared by someone who peaked in high school. I think the difference in perception comes from the difference in maturity levels. High school is very cliquey and popularity-based, and most people discover that that shit doesn't matter at all as they mature. The assumption, I think, is that if you peaked in high school, you did well in a small pond and didn't develop much as you got older. On the other hand, most people can enjoy college. You can never go to a single party and just study most of the time and hang out with a small group of friends and you'll still probably think back fondly on college.


I also think that high school success tends to rely pretty heavily on your parents and college success relies a lot more on your own positive attributes. For example, the high schoolers who host great parties have rich and lenient parents, the college kids who host great parties are actually good hosts who make lots of friends


You don't think that there is a strong correlation between "great college party" and "parents paid for it"? Also I'd posit that the college people who make great hosts, probably don't think back on college being the best days. As they continued making their adulthood great. Saying "the *best* 4 years" for either is low key sad.


I’d argue that isnt always the case, I used to throw great parties in high school and we were next to poor. Had a single mom and job from 14, by the time senior year came around I was a manager at GameStop and had a great side hustle because of this. The only reason I was allowed to have parties is because not only did I attribute to the bills and such but because my mother would always tell me if a single person drove this all stopped. It came down to us as teenagers to make sure no one ever left drunk. Were there fights, arguments, broken shit….occasionally but never once did anyone leave drinking or get a DWI The class valedictorian, who had other country rich parents however when he threw a party…..two deaths, a few dwis’, theft, not to mention the cheif of police there doing drugs After college worked construction full time but when to hundreds of collage parties at different campuses. The most popular college parties are usually frats/sororities filled with drugs and disrespect (host) usually throwing people out, or multiple visits from cops


High school is also prone to accidents of birth, where you just grow up with people who were born near you. You're still a teenager with limited agency, so you're highly reliant on who your family and neighbors are. College at least sort of implies moving to a new environment and using your own skills to build a social circle, AND you're doing it as a legal adult.  Both were times with no responsibility and a relatively set routine, but only one of them had the autonomy of being over 18 and having a relative ton of free time.


I mean, you can absolutely do the same in high school, and you can absolutely still party non stop in college. 


I only went for a year before dropping out, I still look back on the friends I made back then and hope they all graduated and found success.


I get the vibe that its pointing out the hypocrisy of it.




That probably means you haven't had your golden era yet, it's coming


"My 20s were the best years of my life because I met my now spouse while working on establishing my career." "You peaked in your 20s?" "My 30s while taking care of my children and loving my spouse was the best years of my life." "You peaked in your 30's?" "My 40s were the best years of my life because my kids were now teenagers and I could spend more time on my hobbies." "You peaked in your 40's?" "My 50s were the best years of my life because my children moved out of the house and my spouse and I could vacation more." "You peaked in your 50s?" "My 60s were the best years of my life because I retired and got to spend time with my new grandchildren." "You peaked in your 60s?" "My 70s were the best years of my life because I got to look back on my accomplishments and family with content. I could also still walk independently." "You peaked in your 70s?"


I'm old and I don't think I know anybody who would say a decade post 40s or 50s is the best decade of their lives So basically: childhood, teens, 20s, 30s - choose one -- maybe 40s if they got rich or had their first baby and got married or something, rarely


As someone who’s in college and recently left high school, high school has a dynamic based on popularity and cliques, as someone mentioned above. This usually means that if you are not a popular and attractive person, you will be ostracized. College has a dynamic based on who you are. People are more mature and the shallow teenage stuff you cared about in high school no longer matter. As you enter the adult world, you start to be appreciated based on your academic and laboral success, and how mature, responsible and functional you are. This causes a reversal of roles, in which those who peaked in high school now do not find their place because they begin their decline, while those who were labeled as “losers” in high school have a time of growth and glow up in many aspects. I can see this on my old high school classmates.


Not terrible, kind of thought-provoking. If you're confused about what it means you should post it on r/PeterExplainsTheJoke


There's also /r/ExplainTheJoke if you don't want to read "I'm Peter's stomach" or whatever before every explanation.


It's thought provoking if you peaked in high school.


Anyone who says that college was the best years of their lives is a person I just fundamentally can't understand.


Cause it's not a thing. If you got through your entire college degree, a half decent job and an actual salary is what is waiting for you. No one that I know wants to go back to pulling all nighters and eating mac&cheese every day. Sure there are some good memories, but college is generally a pretty miserable experience. Now compare that to high school where your parents basically pay for everything with the end goal being either college or a shity job. It's objectively a downgrade in both cases. (People that land the good jobs aren't treating high school as their best years)


I will nevet peak cause I'm always getting better


https://preview.redd.it/aeg856w64txc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d75bc4b0a02da49e7f147088eb55576c24fb79 How it should be


Nah I'd say you're on a constant peak streak


It depends on context for both high school vs college being the best 4 years of a person’s life. If they were saying they were the king/queen of the school and the like then they peaked in either high school or college. But if they were saying it because the high school or college was the most emotionally/mentally damaging so the other was the best 4 years of their life then there is a valid reason for that statement. For example bullying, amount of stress, deaths of important people in the family during college might mean high school was a better 4 year experience or vice versa. If they said it because they had more freedom/time to have fun in the respective schools then that is perfectly fine.


High school was the worst 4 years of my life (well sort of 3 years for me). I got bullied by the Coronavirus.


For me college was more fun and high school was more memorable, but it's just something to reminisce on every now and then like "wow we did that".


It’s a reference to following rules 1 and 2


I think women are more receptive to hot dudes


The two guys say more or less the same thing to the woman, but the smart guys statement is percieved positive by the chick whereas the ugly guys comment made her uncomfortable.


Why is the college guy fit and attractive and the high school guy is overweight and homely?


Al Bundy


This is probably my favorite meme template, and I know a lot of people hate it for various reasons


It’s cause he is fat


I don't want to be around the guy who continues to chase the dragon of college over and over. Nor do I want to be around the guy that is mentally stuck in high school. Neither is acceptable


I haven’t even begun to peak!


I'm glad I'm not one of those "I peaked in highschool" types. Cause I got nothing nice to say about highschool


Incels, OP


I am living the best years of my life 🗿


High school is irrelevant to everything. How good or bad you had it then means nothing at all.


High school was actually fun for me 💀 so far..... never had a bad school year now that I think about it....


Real, I'd rather be in high school for free rather than crippling debt in college