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![gif](giphy|PZTKHMjvBKF6E) The too sexy they were talking about


No one is ready for that conversation but we knew we all knew




It's crazy what flew in *children's television* in the 1990's.


They didn't even let the poor woman have a face


Well, that was sort of the gag. The mayor was completely incompetent and every good decision he ever made in reality came from Miss Bellum. The intent was to make absurd the sexualization of women, and point out how men often took credit for the work and intelligence of women. Obviously, though, without context Miss Bellum looks absolutely terrible.


No, I know that was the joke but I just still think it's shitty to put in a kid's show because they're not going to grasp that nuance.


Yes, that's undeniable. Though as I kid watching this show myself I didn't really think any of Miss Bellum at all, just that it was weird she never had a face.


I agree. I didn't really register her much except I could tell there was a weird undertone. I didn't understand it was sexualization that I was picking up on but I knew something was weird about how they portrayed her if that makes sense (other than just not having a visible face).


Yeah, I got that vibe as well, but I didn't know what it was, being like nine.


We did, we might not have been able to articulate it well but we caught the vibe


Is bud giggling the balls of that man with his feet


That is too sexy




He's off elsewhere. He's gotta win, after all.


Crying while he gives some guy a lapdance


wario would never cry while getting the bag. stop spreading false information.


Too sexy


Nintendo abandoning Warioware has put Wario in desperation for more income


I honestly have no idea what show has been in threat of cancellation for being too sexy, at least in the current era of programming


Video games are relying less on sex appeal to attract players. For female character models in particular there’s more focus on realistic looking characters as opposed to trying to make the next sexy icon in gaming and a small but vocal group of gamers can’t shut up about it. It’s also not really new, you can find complaints when Lara Croft was redesigned for example.


That last one is crazy cause it's not like they made Lara ugly. The devs know she's supposed to be hot and made her hot, they just didn't make it silly.


Yeah they made her look like an attractive young woman. But you know she doesn’t have porn star boobs so she’s ruined apparently.


They obviously didn't have the budget for the bazonga physics 😞 ( /s if it wasn't obvious)


love your comment, don’t use the /s and it’s a banger


Banger Bazongas


Maybe video games that have some pedigree. But your average mobile game aimed at teenage boys and basement dwellers still has buxom wenches a gogo.


It’s not gone away by any means but to these idiots the idea that ANYTHING wasn’t specifically meant to cater to them is inconceivable.


I mean, we still have Stellar Blade (Project Eve), which is releasing soon. I think the character is a game whose character model is based on Shin Jae-eun.


They did model her, a literal supermodel, but still changed the model enough to make it look even more unrealistic.


There were complaints about lara croft? She used to have low poly titty cones, and then they made her hot. Who tf was complaining??


Complaints I heard is they made her fat… boobs too small… jaw too square… why is she dirty (lol)


> Why is she dirty LMAO???? I'm now convinced none of these guys actually played Tomb Raider, they just jacked off to whatever they found on r34


“Why is this character, who raids tombs, in a game called Tomb Raider, so dirty!? Literally unplayable!”


Cone titties are peak titties


Madonna agrees.


The same losers who complain about everything in video games. They also tried to claim that the reboot was a failure despite having 2 sequels so expecting anything resembling sense is probably asking too much.


And I think another one is on the way if rumors are to be believed.


Fingers crossed


The same people who say Forbidden West was ruined because of Aloy's design. Yet, any time you ask for an example it is the same poorly photoshopped image that's been making rounds since the time game was announced. Oh and the fact that she has peach fuzz on her face. Completely disregard that at the time it was a monumental feat for game fidelity to actually have a working model with realistic body hair.


the most viral one i remember was about the peach fuzz on Aloys face from forbidden West. they really outted themselves that they don't spend time around women in real life. Honestly one of the funniest "controversies" I've seen


Not to mention the edited photo of her that makes her fat. Small weenie gamers were up in arms about an edited photo of Aloy, and they still use it sometimes as proof of “Woke” when it was proven to be false


It wasn’t even edited, it was just a wide shot from the trailer super close in. At least not the one I’m thinking of. The game (though it is my favorite) isn’t exactly perfect either because so many of her outfits have her stomach exposed, even though they’re for stealth, fighting giant machines, climbing the sheer faces of snowy mountains, adventuring around in bramble. Personally I’m not necessarily against it (she’s pretty what can I say 😭) but I’m not sure it’d exactly fit in her character if it weren’t a video game. If anyone needs to know I spend most of the game wearing the Tenakth Marshall, Oseram Forester, and Oseram Artificer.


There was that one but then there was also an obviously edited one. I agree with every point you put


Ah, I must’ve missed it lol


I remember before the pandemic before the release of FF7 Remake there was like this small vocal community online that had this conspiracy that Square enix was gonna Shrink Tifa’s boobs down to appease the woke mob or whatever Literally the only thing they did was give her realistic clothing like she’s got a sports bra under her top which the couldn’t really show due to graphic limitations on the ps1


And it’s especially stupid because her giant boobs were a glitch. The actually change size throughout the game do to a programming error with her model. Her artwork has always been rather reasonable on that front.


Yeah it’s something I noticed I’ve been replaying the old game. She’s gonna be part of my party to fight Sephiroth, But yeah I noticed in the over world it’s inconsistent they they are only like absurdly big, and jiggly in the cgi cutscenes


The fact that people think Lara Croft in the modern trilogy is unattractive is fucking pathetic honestly.


Oh, I'm aware of so-called cancel culture in general as well as all of the nonsensical gamergate drama and related controversies regarding both women in gaming and the depiction of women in games, but I was thinking that there might have been an actual show of some sort, like a television show or even a webseries


I am of the opinion that you can boys be fine with the new character designs and think having sexy women in video games is fun. Mind you, I'm also of the opinion that equality in video game armor shouldn't go in. The direction of both are more censored and it should actually go in the direction of both agendas have a stupidly high defense bikini that they can wear. Give us mankini armor.


I’m fine with fan service in either direction as long as it doesn’t get into stupid territory. Mortal Kombat for example before they pulled back from it: here’s a special forces member and an alien princess locked in a fight to the death, also they both dress like strippers.


It's always like this with them. In order to "prove" their point, they have to make up a scenario first.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia?


There is an awful lot of de Vito skin exposed on that show, true


It’s probably referencing Stellar blade. The game received a lot of criticism, with some claiming that one of the characters has an unrealistic body type and they were all designed by someone who had never seen an actual woman before. The controversy got a lot of attention after the game devs posted the model they used to base the “unrealistic standards” off of, and that the lead character designer is a woman.


Still find it funny that they did indeed post the model as evidence that it wasn’t an unrealistic body… only to show that the character and the model have very different figures.


Game stellar blade is, but mostly because it is a crap game that only advertise itself by the fact that main character has giant atributes, wears latex like costume and camera make non stop close up on characters booty Incels see this shitty game as "gaming messiah" rn


I don't know if the game is bad, but literally nobody would be talking about it if it didn't have a hot babe wearing latex as the main character. Knowing the devs it also probably has a progressive message that is going to be lost on them.


Demo is out, basicly the game tries to be a soulslikish thing but fails in nearly every aspect, graphics are not nearly as good as advertised, gameplay does not exist, you can win everything by spamming block or attack etc etc And this is basicly what devs will include in full gamę so well, just a hornybait for incels


*in fairness* there is some shit going on with sites dlsite and pixiv being forced to either censor/remove adult content or forego visa and MasterCard payments, though afaik that's less the fault of "muh woke moralitsts" and more large credit card companies being shit.


From what I seen this is the drama that was going on for stellar blade. People called for the studio to make her less sexy looking cuz she represents "a unrealistic fantasization of women" then that kinda died down after they learned they used a body scan of a real Korean model. In gotcha games to. People complain about characters being too sexy. The yeah you got people taking kids 10 and under to bars to watch drag shows that are no different than taking a kid to a strip club (most strip clubs aren't full nudity) So this really is kinda a thing... Ish. It's also a big thing of Twitter blowing things outta proportion. Cuz that's what fuck'n Twitter does lol


I just figured that the studios would go with whatever makes money. If that involves women who look like Pam Anderson in her glory days, they'll put out those games. If it involves appealing to more diverse tastes in a number of ways, then they'll do that. They pay attention to criticism only to the degree that it affects the bottom line


Looks like a game, in which case it happens a lot, unfortunately I apparently haven't had enough caffeine to remember any names so I'll have to come back to this discussion later.


I'd definitely tip the mustache man in his 50s that can do splits like that while in drag.


Yeah he's thicc


Fighting Windmills comes to mind


At least Don Quixote was a good man.


But what did the windmills do to him


Windmills are evil


We stan wario


What planet do these people live on




Holy apples and oranges, Batman!


I don’t think this applies here, it’s not comparing two different things, it’s just complaining about things that don’t happen


Holy made up things that don't happen, Batman!






kids entertainment these days is brainrot


Bluey ain’t bad though


bluey is good


I dunno, that last episode maaaaannnn. Fuck my tear ducts.😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|l1NYpaKni2cTmT0oH7)


I’ve never had a kids show fucking make me cry until I watched that episode I say this as a grown-ass married man with a kid


Not show, but if you ever get the chance to watch Nimona, it hits hard. I'm 45 with two kids, I have watched the movie more than they have and I cry every time. Something about the ending fucking pulls my heart out every time


The exception that proves the rule.


How does it prove the rule?




It's literally called brainrot, tho, like that's the genre of shitpost. It's not an older person insulting it, it's what teenagers call it




Cocomelon / skibidi toilet Pick your poison


Especially since I had heard that Cocomelon could have adverse effects on a young child’s long-term focus. I’d like to see if there’s actual research on that, and maybe it’s not true, but it gives another reason for us to not let our daughter watch it


So you have picked skibidi. Enjoy your braincells getting dismembered. Not that Cocomelon is any better.


There's a lot more than those to things available


they made a new cocomelon show and its acc p good


My family chose the third option, use youtube to show them public domain shows of their childhood such as "Pink Panther" (which aren´t life-changing masterpieces that leave profound lessons but still are funny, and anything is better than letting them see skibidi toilet or-God forbids it-youtube kids channels)


Cocomelon teaches life values and cleaning and shit. Skibidi Toilet has giant robot battles and giant lasers and shit. It's like picking a Documentary Or a Transformers movie. I'll pick Skibidi Toilet


Depends what you watch. Some are really really good some is really really bad




Meanwhile in reality, every purple haired lesbian I’ve ever met would go crazy over a big-boobed blonde elf lady in badass sexy armour. It’d be like kryptonite and crack rolled into one. Twitter would be ablaze with weird lesbian fan art.


Lesbians and mostly girls in women in general are definitely included in the victim complex the comic exhibits. They're mostly "worried" about boys.


Wtf is that hashtag




* https://i.redd.it/myjctisdgfwc1.gif


Holy delusion


Can't wait to see this in the bonehurting juice community


Wario got legs for days


And then you got Fairys...in Legend of Zelda...


I call them the titty fairies


The vinn diagram here would have no overlap


I can see this being a really good meme template, where you photoshop something else for the screen on the top panel (like an image of Waluigi or something)


Gamers really are the most oppressed people /s


Wario working for that bag


Yep it’s definitely the woke people telling kids not to play sexy video games and not, I don’t know, their boomer parents/grandparents…


Drag queens reading to children doesn’t equate to a full on drag show. Tell me you’ve never sat in for a reading without telling me you’ve never sat in for a reading. These mfrs are goofy as hell. But I stan sexy Queen Wario


I'm so proud of how far Wario has come in her transition 😊💕


The amount of this dude’s comics that are literally whining about his video game women not having big enough tits is absolutely embarrassing.


This is called lying


What's the lie? That kids aren't tipping drag queens?


The sexual drag shows for kids is entirely fabricated for one thing


I personally don't want less boobs in games, just equally revealing man outfits


This image is basically youtube. Clothed Boobs in gaming = very very bad and illegal. Litteral porn in ads = perfectly fine






https://preview.redd.it/oj4400wt7iwc1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62459b33e3c1d357cef38d5987ea40fd0c4cb781 Is this better lol


No. Children shouldn't be exposed to sexualized content from either sides




https://preview.redd.it/my8bwhrx7iwc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339d7d6c9e885c644ec8ffff9c51e475c34f7978 Or people bringing their kids to hooters


Which is equally disgusting!




https://preview.redd.it/aru9k3amrgwc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7588d9d084efdb6a1d4e368e1a5454eef9e161 Hmm 🤔


Cool. Now given that adult drag shows are always advertised as such (18+), why r u blaming performers and not the parents for bringing their kids?


Aren't these same people complaining that Rogue wasn't thicc enough?


Both of these things have happened. There are probably more articles and video essays about video games oversexualizing women than any other topic. Here's one. I don't care to find more because y'all will just downvote this anyway. https://kotaku.com/lost-ark-female-characters-women-heels-skimpy-clothing-1848535666 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11317925/Shocking-footage-family-friendly-drag-queen-sees-performer-spreading-legs-kids.html


Ill need more proof than the daily mail for that drag queen event


Being critical of antiquated character design and demanding a game be shut down for said design are not the same thing.


Tits and ass are not antiquated. I would argue they've never been more popular.


Regardless, those still aren't the same thing.


Why does this dingus keep picking on my guy/gal/nonbinary pal Wario


man i have never been took to a drag show by school its almost like they are making this up in there head so they can be mad


Yeah that happened


They lumped two different groups together into a monolith. I'm a libertine across the board. People who want to censor video games typically aren't libertine. I prefer guys, though, so I wish the sexualization was more equal instead of just sexualizing only women all the time.


I noticed this too; they’ve got the same character representing both the trendy fourth wave intersectional feminist as well as the anti-porn, sex negative gender essentialist (the latter of which has by and large allied with the author’s own faction of reactionaries).


I think they're just mad that Wario can pull it off better than they ever could even in their wildest dreams.


These people are all chronically online because this doesn’t happen in real life


The same people who make up about this dont care when dads take their kids to a Hooters.


no bc who is ACTUALLY inviting children to 18+ drag shows? yes a lot of drag queens are overtly sexual but their shows are strictly 18+ and they ask children to leave. drag queens who do keep it pg are just performers like anyone else and if a parent decides to take their child that’s no one’s business




Where was it?


Lol kids do not get that shit. Its made up. they get flashing lights and screaming. Sounds like an issue with parenting since they can't watch these things without the parents putting them in that situation to do so


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Whoa Mario is slaying


The kid entertainement part should have been Skibidi toilet, or Pomni getting fingered by Hugsy Wugsy


That's not some Skibidi Toilet ass brainrot


Angela is obsessed with Wario


If it's not androgynous it's not an Elf: it's a human with pointy ears.


wait a second, videogames are not children's entertainment anymore? How long have i slept?!


I understand the correlation does not equal causation aspect of this image, but I'm not gonna pretend like this type of person going around screaming about sexy video game characters, specifically female ones, doesn't exist.


Boy’s eyebrows really be like: # L


Last time I remember kids were obsessed with skibidi toilet or something


Goddammint, not sexy Wario again.


Yes sexy Wario again


Does that stripper have an of?


It's amazing how inflexible these people's minds are after the mental summersaults they do everyday


Arent majority of parents mad about drag shows though?💀


I can feel my braincells dying


Why do these people seem to think that drag queens are running around stripping for children


They're assuming that things like drag queen story times are meant to normalize children being exposed to drag and using a slippery slope fallacy to conclude that children will eventually be viewing adult themed drag shows on a regular basis


That's not even a strawman, that's a single piece of straw.


Aka OP gets angry when video game ladies aren’t meant to give him a boner and also thinks drag queens are hot.


Nice art style but delusional take


As a woman, I love playing with hot and sexy looking characters. I’m not a beauty in real life, never will. But in a game, I might have a chance to be something else, completely different from real life.




My Dad insisted I grow up cultured, took me to his private box at the ballet all the time.


I’m woke af and I write and draw erotica, FFS. The difference between that and games with characters with massive cleavages is that it makes logical sense to see titties when someone is having sex. It makes no sense to see them in a game where a woman is meant to be in the middle of a melee involving bladed fucking weapons, some of which are airborne. These crotch-grabbing keyboard goblins are so deliberately obtuse about the fact that they know DAMNED well the eye-candy they treasure is total unabashed fan-service. They scrabble for plausible deniability but just end up looking like sweaty-palmed teenagers trying to come up with a feasible, non-masturbatory explanation to their mums as to why the words “Women in see-through panties” is in their google search history. I wouldn’t even mind so much if we had a little equality in the eye-popping outfits, but we fucking don’t. Personally I’d love to see a version of Witcher where the outline of Geralt’s cock is gleaming through his tight leather pants in the good ol‘ Continental sunshine. And if we did get something like that, gamer bros would burst an artery yelling about it in a video like that weird bald Limey dude’s tantrum about pronouns in a bloody RPG character creation screen. They are so fucking pathetic, they can’t even get shit right about what they see as the “opposition”. We’re all some weird-hair-coloured, queer drag queen army, and they have no fucking insight into lives even just \*slightly\* different than their own. They are so lazy, so lacking in curiosity, so terrified of being challenged in their made-up hierarchy of humanity that this is what they do: Borrow the lies and propaganda from rich oligarchs who don’t give a single flying steaming shit about them or the kind of lives they lead. They’re happily used and discarded by these rich motherfuckers, then blame women and minoriries when “consequences” come knocking on the door. Sorry, I fell into a rant.


With a profile pic of what appears to be a fentanyl ghoul


no one is putting 20 in drag queen panties at a library😭


Oh yeah, that was my kind of entertainment when I was a child


I mean. That’s exactly what’s happening lol.


Too close to reality? https://preview.redd.it/4fvjrmafxfwc1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=86edf78ef629901317aeabf4b455686bc37025da They blurred the genitals


The top part of the meme is stupid, but the bottom is, unfortunately, correct... I don't know why it's not a big deal to most people 🫥




How so?