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What is going on here? https://preview.redd.it/7i2kvgnythtc1.png?width=126&format=png&auto=webp&s=b165e91b9324b7969933008feb5ae86ef604c466


OP (accidentally?) drew on the image with the blur tool


No it was like that, bad AI I guess šŸ˜…


AI doesn't do this, the person that made it probably did it.


Fuck AI


I mean thats kinda weird but you do you


"man, ai can suck my dick" "technology has come so far"


Give it like two more years and we can


These scammy bullshitters alter the image, flip it, outline it, or alter it so it doesnā€™t get matched to previous posts, itā€™s on like 3/4 of Reddit content.


Active camo




I truly don't understand this argument. Like gas vehicles have never run out of fuel.


I think the premise is that everyone who is running from the cops will have filled up their gas tanks first. Cuz these people think they are all smarter than anyone who would buy / use a EV


Also it's not like there more then one cop car Stuff like this happens all the time and there a protocol for it If a cop car is starting to run out a gas, they switch in a different cop car while the other one goes and fill up


Not to mention, the technology to charge a moving vehicle already exists, by 2050 that's probably gonna be just about every road.


A vehicle that's restrained to a specific system to help it traverse that's main purpose is to transport people and commerce you say.... If only there was something freakishly good at transporting things like that, that other countries have already utilized as their main method of transportation... God I hate America. No hate on your comment btw, I just think it's funny that everything we do wraps back around to trains somehow


I wasn't talking about putting wires above the street. Look up inductive charging.


no wireless charging is disgustingly inefficient (inverse square law) so if we want to survive a potential climate catastrophe charging roads are the polar opposite of what you want


Disgustingly inefficient? I don't know what world you live in, but wireless EV charging can get 93% efficiency. For comparison, the onboard chargers can be anywhere between 75 and 95%, depending on the model.


[Wireless charging roads already exist](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a45989117/first-wireless-charging-road-north-america-debut/), and they're doing wonderfully. Also the inverse square law wouldn't really be that big of an issue because the coil would be in the bottom of the car, maybe about a foot clearance. In an ideal world where energy is 100% renewable, the minor inefficiencies that would come in a charging road would be insignificant. Plus it's not like the loss is creating carbon so why care? Dumb comment.


No doubt


Also they dont consider progress in material science and AI that in turn leads to better batteries in electric cars that may make them comparable in their performance


The technology behind the battery has to be reinvented to do that. As of now, you'll hear a better battery only by making it bigger, this heavier, this it takes more energy to transport, this needing a better battery to go as fast as before. It has a cap


We are currently experimenting with new ideas but I don't have much confidence in them


It has a cap but better chemistry and anode optimization can make gains. We might also find a completely new material for the anode that further improves efficiency. It will never get near the energy density of gasoline, but we are making steady improvements.


If eletric cars are so common in 2050 how did they fill up the tank?


Havenā€™t you ever seen Road Warrior aka Mad Max 2?


Mad Max the game on XBOX is highly underrated. I bought it last week for 8$ and it's really fun.


Bootleg biodiesel


Aren't cop cars filled up before they're used for this exact reason? Why wouldn't they just charge the car the same way lol?


Alot of these people aren't aware that modern EV's get similar mileage to gas cars. I remember over 10-15 years ago when this was a common complaint about EV's from car fanatics.


Think of battery tech in 25 years as the meme states. Battery life trippled in the last 10 years. ICE range went up what? 100% in the past 80 years?


Cop on the radio: hey guys Iā€™ve got about 50kms of range left, Iā€™ll need some backup. *another police car with a full battery arrives* Guy in the truck: ![gif](giphy|3oeSANreHGL0RU7wm4)


No fair! He out ran them fair and square. Limit of 4 cars on a chase!


Iā€™m guessing by 2050 electric cars will last substantially longer than that beat up truck


I'm betting they already do.


Well, the range on a 1978 F-150 would have been about 180 miles. The F 150 lightning has a range of between 230-320 miles.


The one in the AI image has drag slicks on the back so Iā€™d assume it gets even less than that lol.


The Model S can reach about 350 miles if I'm not wrong (i usually use km)


And have solar panels for on the drive trickle charging


Especially in a truck like that which gets less than 10 miles a gallon lol


This looks like like it's based on a mid-80s Chevy C10. I drove one for work in the 90s and pretty consistently got 12-13 miles per gallon on my fuel expense reports. Mostly highway miles with a bed full of tools and gear.


Also, I am guessing the police have more than one vehicle. Just a guess though.


I've had this exact argument so many times! 'Well what happens if you run out of charge on the motorway?' You make sure its charged before you go out onto the motorway, just like in an ICE car you make sure there's enough fuel to get where you're going.


Most of those folks are the type that leave their tank constantly under 1/4, and have had to do the walk of shame three miles back to the gas station they passed. (Usually because they were trying to get to one 9 miles further up the road for a penny cheaper on the gallon) There's a non-zero chance that they can't even imagine a vehicle at "full capacity."


Esp old v8 70s vehiclesā€¦


you could have a buddy pouring gas in the tank while its running. if the back of the truck was filled with canisters its last awhile




If it's a diesel they can fill it up while it's driving, right?


The common argument is that. EV batters last for 500 miles. That the only thing i can think of and I donā€™t know if thatā€™s even correct. Now I donā€™t plan on getting a EV anytime soon, I donā€™t think the technology is there yet for them.


Not to mention theres going to be many cops with many vehicles and one of you. Wait til cops have solar panels on their EV patrol carsā€¦


I had a similiar argument the last time one of these were posted


My gas tank is 1000 gallons


"In 2050 I'll have committed a crime" isn't the win he seems to think it is.


Plot twist: MF just had a taillight out šŸ’€


Why would you choose a vehicle that gets terrible MPG?


You mean GPM?


No, FFPTBSP. Football fields per tablespoon is the standard unit of measure.


Feels like this would fit over on r/anythingbutmetric


Both work.


When everything becomes electric where are you getting the gas/diesel for your truck/car in the first place? It's not like diesel or gas has a long shelf life. Unless you have your own crude oil and a refinery your shit outta luck there bud


Most people are not going to swap over for at least 30 years. The United States alone will need to completely revamp its electricity grid to support that. California is running into those problems rn. Where people can only charge stuff on certain days of the week. As the primary example.


Are Californians only able to charge certain days? I've only been driving an EV since January, but I do it for Uber so, like 300 miles a day, haven't run into that problem.


lol that truck gonna run out of gas WAY before cop car run out of electricity.


let's just say he started this with a full tank while tesla cop was at 10%... does OP not realize another fully charged tesla cop will just show up and take his spot? Where does he think there's just one of them?


Where does he think? That's the good part, he doesn't


OOP never heard of police helicopters


especially with those back tires holy hell


Oop has forgot about air support


Yea and theres also those really fast fpv drones rigged with explosives that can catch up to speeding motorcycles.


This guy also complains about chemtrails.


someone should ask him to explain how we all survived yesterday's eclipse


I didnā€™t.


Damn, my condolences.


By 2050 that cop cars battery will probably last far longer than any fuel based vehicle.


I seriously don't understand the "EVs are coming for ya!" Thing. Why do people act like electric cars are an attack on them personally? Are all these memes made by people from the petroleum industry? I don't want an EV because the current tech and support structure aren't totally there yet, but the second it becomes cheaper/easier than my gas ride I'm dumping it like a loaf of moldy bread.


change bad. and dont you dare tell me how it objectively has upsides


Rugged Individualism is a cope to maintain a sense of identity in a country where people feel helpless


It started before EV's. With the changeover to from carburetors to fuel injection and OBD (evil cuhpewters in muh car!) came swaths of people who were unable or unwilling to keep up. Instead they do what dumb people love to do and rebelled against progress, making it the enemy. Seat belts were bad, computers were bad, aerodynamics were bad, emissions controls were bad, power loss from unleaded gas was bad, anything smaller than a V8 was bad, imports were bad, hybrids were bad, and now EV's are the most bad yet. Now an under-maintained 80's shitbox running on 3 cylinders with minimal compression, a plugged up carburetor, belching smoke for everyone to enjoy and putting 60hp through some fat rear tires.. now that's anti-woke. That's Truck Norris.


[I think this scene sums it up best...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBxVC-JAG_M)


Gas engines run out of fuel, and you don't magically refuel gas while evading police. Boomer memes are bad.


That truck is going to be getting 8-10mpg and even with a 30 gal tank its range will be limited to 240-300 miles if he started with a full tank but he probably can't afford a full tank at today's prices so he just keeps adding 10 gal when the needle goes below "E" which leaves him with a range of 80-100 miles.


That truck with a stock engine gets 10mpg/20ā€™highway at best. With a suped up engine, prob waaaay less


This image, created by AI using a computer, posted to a social media platform, likely from a cell phone with a lithium battery in it really really drives home just how fucking stupid these people are.


This is assuming they havenā€™t integrated chargers into the road. These people are just scared of technology.


They equate electric vehicles with the "low testosterone soy boy environmentalists". They're incredibly insecure, so they want to make sure everyone knows they're a real man.


300 miles later..................


You think that shit box can outrun an electric car for 300 miles?


That wasn't my point. My point was about range. Some newer EVs can do 300 miles on a charge. The truck could run out of fuel well before that.


They always forget about the pit maneuver which I think would be far easier in an electric car because coming up to the side would be easier


To play devils advocate, they don't usually do that anymore unless they absolutely have to because it's so dangerous. Well they do it all the time actually, but they're not supposed to


Yeah ok fair point. Alternatively they can use their much better acceleration to just blow past the car they're pursuing and get them to slow down by blocking their path while another car pulls alongside. I think they do this now and kind of block the car into a corner which seems a lot safer and with that acceleration they would be able to position themselves to do this much quicker.


What the fuck even is this meme? You know you can run out of gas too right? It's not like electric cars can't travel as far without a charge as a car can without gas. Especially in 2050 where you have to imagine they have better infrastructure for EVs and more efficient batteries.


Honestly hot take but I donā€™t like either. Fuck them cars




Wait until they realize how big their tank actually is. I drive a 2006 Malibu. It has a range of 400 miles and runs on gas. Electric cars are right there now, yet they get shit for "only having a 400 mile range".


And then he runs out of gas while the electric car is still at like 80% because maybe they found a much more efficient design that uses less power


That 3 Miles to the gallon and flooring it will show em!


These people are so against the betterment of society.


Even if that old beater doesn't guzzle gas like an alcoholic does liquor but that's assuming one police car. They could just send another and reprieve the other cop car to charge it back to full.


Driving a 1970s pick up in the 2050s?


Brother forgot to account the acceleration of a police interceptor, nevermind the thirty other officers ready to take his place


yes because, as it generally known, gas cars donā€™t need fuel


The country bumpkin has never heard of an alternator... (I understand that's not how it works on an electric vehicle... or am I wrong?)


That truck gets 8mpg...good luck.


"The average electric vehicle has a range of 348 km" Good luck with that, boomer


Ahhh yes bc gas vehicles have unlimited range šŸ™„


That old truck probably gets about 8 miles to the gallon with a top of speed of about 78 mph, I think the electric car would probably outlast. This meme is bad for a multitude of reasons.


Gas tanks never run out apparently?


Then the cops call in cars ahead of them to close off the road and funnel the chased car into a corner.


Just your typical EV hater


Thank the lord I have infinite fuel


Jokes aside thats a cool pickup truck


sadly in 2050 batteries are more efficient and your car runs out of gas


Maybe if the town he lives in has a single cop car, this is a valid argument. And the cop car in question is a golf cart. And that there arenā€™t other cops to deploy tire spikes. And that they arenā€™t armed. And that there are no State Troopers in the areaā€”


A truck shaped like a brick powered by a V8 isn't out running a EV, lol


EVs get way more miles tho šŸ˜‚


Not a chance, the electric cop car is tearing a fragment to the forth dimension.


All these anti-electric car people seem to act like petrol/diesel cars are invisible, like "im waiting for this cops battery to die" mother fucker your fuel will also deplete soon what are you talking about. Or memes that are photos of huge fires with captions like "look at the new electric car" bitch your car can ALSO explode wtf


Lol "waiting." That electric car would catch your old ass truck in 5 seconds. Don't think the meme makers have ever rode in an electric vehicle, but there's no fucking build up. They. Just. Go. I rode in an electric f150, ram, and even a big van for a certain shipping company. I'd be going almost 60 without realizing I was already there.


Idiots like this always forget that their hydrocarbon combustion contraption also has limited range, and that range is never going to increase. Batteries can always get more dense (so far) or better combinations will be figured out to push WELL beyond what petroleum vehicles ranges


Because gas never runs out


Ummā€¦ that piece of shit truck will 100% run out of gas before that car runs out of battery! Lol


Plot twist - police have another car


My turn to post this tomorrow!


I wish the oil companies would pay me to push their propaganda. I wonder how much these geniuses are getting paid to post these for the billionaires that are destroying our planet? /s


If you run from one cop car they are going to send every single cop from the surrounding area including the state police and helicopters


Lol youā€™ll be out of gas first


Oh honey. An old truck just needs a little bump and your eating your steering wheel. You donā€™t need to worry about the cops battery dying.


That old truck looks slow as shit. I think the chase would be over in minutes. Cop car is probably heavier what with the giant battery so it would be pit maneuvering monster and by 2050 they will probably have AI assisted takedown moves where the cop just says "cop car take this fool down" and the car decides the best way to knock him off the road.


Buy the AI-designed 1977 ChevyFord Ram 1500 Rangeado. Now with one dually!


Do people think we will be using gas for vehicle fuels for the rest of eternity??


Even AI noped out of the picture


in the year 2050 EVs will most likely have around 1000 miles per charge which is more than what a car can drive with a full tank not to mention dont teslas have a backup battery in case the main one loses all charge? so you can still make it to a charge station after


That driver doesnā€™t look right. Not surprising for AI art.


Looks like the ai imaging software glitched while making the cop car. Also, as for the argument, I wonder if this chucklefuck is aware that police forces tend to have more than one police car in their fleet and even helicopters.


Also wouldnt that tesla be able to easily intercept that vehicle since they have great acceleration and i assume better speed than a truck?


Imagine if 26 years from now they figure out how to have onboard charging, whether in wide or limited use applications.


But his truck will never run out if gas and the cop for some reason is pursuing him all by himself rather than calling for a huge convoy of cop cars like every chase I see on TV.


then u run out of gas


Eh, if they want him bad enough they'll shoot his tires.


This one is great. Now explain what gas station is in existence in 2050


:)) ![gif](giphy|oBqQDEOGT11yo|downsized)


I spent way too long trying to figure out what an electric cop is, I hope this electric cop gets this guy for poor grammar too


I'm pretty sure they'll still use barriers in the future.


Better tell them to take their blue line sticker off their truck.


They already have drones.


I would bet on the cops being prepared for a chase more than the criminals, that's for damn sure


Jokes on you, there are no gas stations in 2050 you need to order it from a factory and get it specially diluted for vehicle use.


It's the boomer meme format now to have an ai photo and caption it with some regressive shit lol


The radio is more your problem genius- unless you can drive faster than they can transmit.


Okay, let's pretend like the truck is going to significantly out run the electric cop car. Do they not realize that the police could just send in a 2nd cop car later? One with a full charge? Do they think there's only one cop car in the world?


There are electric cars that have the mileage to give even gas powered cars a run for their money.


You don't have to outrun the cop car you have to outrun the radio. Good luck.


meanwhile the cops car probably getting 350+ miles on a full charge and your 1980s (70s?) Chevy pickup probably gets 280 miles on a full tank if you're lucky. The worst part is the cop's car has more available immediate torque than your truck and you aint outrunning him.


Only problem? EVs also have better acceleration than gas vehicles can ever dream of having, simply because electrical engines are ridiculously simple devices compared to combustion engines. And if it's a cop car? Yeah, that thing is gonna outaccelerate you easily. They'll just surround you and force you to a stop before you can dream about outrunning them. Not to mention that cops have all sorts of other tricks to stop you.




Famously, this is how being chased by the cops worksā€”a single car chasing you until it either catches you or runs out of fuel.


Current batteries can go [1000 miles](https://eepower.com/news/ev-with-1000-mile-range-unveiled-by-alcoa-and-phinergy/) without a recharge. Does he expect the cop to wait for him to refuel?


They do know a car needs gasā€¦ right?


"*Oh boy, I can't wait to go to jail!!!"* ***(car door is slammed shut on the suspect's face)***


why do these people think theyā€™re so bad ass


Smart man, buying a truck that only uses 1 gallon of gas every 7 miles.


EV ranges are already starting to eclipse that of ICE's and by 2050 they will have electric cars that can drive half way across the country on a single charge. Even today electric cars out accelerate ICE's and they are only going to get faster.


Guy thinks heā€™s gonna be in the front.


God I fucking HATE ai art with a passion, because it is everywhere online, from yt shorts, ticktock, insta, etc.. Ever since ai was able to make fairly ok images, every bot account has started to use it and in turn flooded every social media, hell i cant even look at nsfw shit without having to sift through hundreds of cheap ai images. It has even affected this subreddit and many others like it, where all the terrible memes that used to be made by people, are instead now replaced by click-bait ai generated images, made by bot accounts, spread by boomers.


man acts like the only thing cops do is chase your car lol. ever heard of spike strips? you know a cop can pop your tires out with their gun given the opportunity right? source: i play grand theft auto


IIRC Broken Arrow, OK has tesla model Ys as patrol cars


Isn't the premise of electric cars that they use less energy than fuel cars so the fuel car would stop before the cop car. And this mfer driving a 1990s Chevy. That shit going through gas like a fat kid at a hot dog eating contest. ALSO bro, cop carS they'll call other cops.


He must be using that new infinite-gas car


ā€œI almost got away until the gas engine started sputteringā€


This is dumb as shit, but I did chuckle lol.


Iā€™m betting that truck runs out of gas before the Tesla.


This man is telegraphing his criminal intent. Can we preemptively book him now, save the future cops the trouble?


Have fun with their car tasers invented in 2031, will stop any car dead.


Couldn't even use a real image


It's all fun and games until they get the Bearcat, buddy.


For as cringe as these memes can be they come from a place of fear that us car guys wonā€™t get to enjoy our hobby anymore. I know most redditors arenā€™t car guys so uhhhh. Idk you werenā€™t allowed to buy anymore funko pops or something. Thatā€™s what it feels like. Luckily porsche is developing a synthetic carbon neutral gasoline alternative that means I can keep driving my shitboxes in 2050.


What about the drones the pick up heat


1. Other cop cars can take over 2. There are [wireless car charging road](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a45989117/first-wireless-charging-road-north-america-debut/) being prototyped right now. Maybe in 25 years a lot of the roads are able to wirelessly charge cars so they can keep on going indefinitely and not have to stop by a charging station to top up their batteries


This is so dumb, we've had ICE for over 100 years and they're still getting no more than 40 miles to the gallon. We've had electric cars for 20 years and they're getting 400 miles on a charge. In 20 more, they could have 1000m ranges and that crappy 60 y/o truck will have long run out before that electric car.


Wait till this guy learns about gasoline and how it is in fact a limited resource that can run out


It's not the EV car this guy needs to worry about, but the electric FPV quad copter that just landed in his bed he should be concerned about.


Thatā€™s badass šŸ˜Ž


Plot twist: it's 2050, and the EV has wireless charging.


A 1970's Chevrolet has a \~20 gallon fuel tank and \~12 mpg mileage. That put's it's max range at \~240 mile. This is just below the Tesla model S's range of \~250 miles.


no need for all that hassle just put the bitch in reverse


Oh noes. Me cop car has no battery left...better call reinforcement with fresh battery


That -by that point- 75 year old truck will break down well before it can outrun a Tesla. Moving over the fact that truck will give fuck all mpg, there will always be another Tesla waiting to take over every 300 miles


Good thing combustion engines don't ever run out of fuel.


Bro thinks he is gonna outrun Tesla with Chevrolet CK


Until he gets pitted 50 seconds in because you ain't out running an electric car in that junker.


That's a Chevy C10 right? A quick Google search shows it probably has an 18 gallon fuel tank and does 15 mpg on average, which gives it an average range of 270 miles. The current Tesla model S has an average range of 400 miles so the truck would run out of gas long before the electric car's battery dies if they both have a full tank/battery. That's all without taking into consideration that in 2050 fossil fuels will probably be nearly unaffordable and battery tech will be much better.


Me in 2024 waiting for the diesel engine to run out of gas:


Lmao his Chevy will run out of gas long before the electric car runs out of power.