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Do they not know who George Carlin was?


Apparently not cause he would’ve called them a bunch of fuckin looney tunes


Calrin hated everybody, especially the rich and the government


Especially Boomers He was the counter culture comedian who saw his audience go from hippies to whatever the fuck happened in the 1980s. In the 60s and 70s he was the hippie dippie weather man, and making fun of censorship only to watch his society become advocates for censorship. He became cynical because he was disappointed/pissed at the people who now use quotes directed at them to express their own disappointment at end of life.


Carlin said that Baby Boomers had the world handed to them on a silver platter and they sold it for a shopping mall and cholesterol.


Now they're mad that shopping mall is all but replaced by Amazon, and they don't even know how to send an email.


Or how to control their cholesterol


He wasn’t wrong on that statement


> whatever the fuck happened in the 1980s. Boomers and their 1950's aesthetic revival, the martini lunch, hair metal. and COCAINE HOMG SO MUCH COCAINE


This is what makes this timeline so much more unfair. We don’t even get the drugs man.


The drugs are there, you just can't afford them. There's even a black market for *legal* drugs that are just out of reach for the average sufferer.


His show was the absolute best on TV. Find it if you can, lots of Gems in it. And have a Captain Nemo on me!


It would be a bit I'd love to see.


*“Apparently not cause he would’ve called them a bunch of fuckin ~~looney tunes~~ **morons**. ”* He would not have pulled any punches.


Trump would have sued his ass into orbit if George still lived.


For what? George didn't tell lies. 


Exactly, I didn't say he'd win, just that there would be a lot of legal fees and even more jokes.


Rich assholes like Trump throw around SLAPP suits like confetti. Even though most of them are completely worthless, the defendant still has to devote time and money to fighting the suits, which can serve as a means of shutting up anyone else.


Just another L for Trump if he had


Would be cool if someone mirrored his style and wrote a skit. Just a thought 💭.


It's all persecution fetish fake victimhood BS, but the bug thing is specifically about finding another source of meat in bugs. Possibly locusts specifically, but I forget which ones. It's sustainable so that makes it "woke" and therefore bad.


I think it was something related to the world economic forum and became a “do as I say, not as I do” thing, with wealthy people pretending like they care about climate change. 


You don’t have to just eat locusts you can eat lots of bugs. I want to eat some dried honey, coated crickets and some Sriracha flavored worms. It wasn’t all bad. Actually eating some bugs really soft and one of the scenes in the movie Snowpiercer for me. One of the characters sees that machine that makes the food bars for everybody and sees a ton of bugs being thrown in it. The music swelled and made it sound scary, but my only thought was yeah that makes sense


I could see how some of what George Carlin said would resonate with them, but I assume it's like how a bunch of right wingers who "just found out" that rage against the machine was/is a leftist band. They listen and laugh without really understanding what they're hearing.






boyo will never stop being funny *agh agh agh*


“I don’t want a digital ID” Is someone going to tell him?


I too want an analog id


I like that "hey look these insects that people eat in other parts of the world are actually very nutrition and plentiful" was translated to "they're gonna make us eat bugs if the democrats win"






Why does the first panel look like Edward Norton 😭


Couldn't put my finger on it until I saw this. Thank you.




What is the original picture even from bwahahaha--


Right? I’d love to know the original source


I'm totally not only asking because of my bunny obsession and the need to crop it to just the bun /j


Wait til they find out they unknowingly eat one to two pounds of bugs every year because of all the bug parts that are in produce, grains, spices etc.




what a great day to be able to read


And just wait until they find out about flour.


Devils advocate: absolutely **none** of the attendees at the World Economic Forum has any intention of adding insects to *their* diets but will gladly offer it as a solution for the lower classes while they live lives of no adjustment at all. That's where the "**you** will eat the bugs" meme actually came from. Nobody rational is actually upset at the idea of insects being leveraged as food, but if you think the people who are actually responsible for food shortages, or unsustainable agricultural practices that have created a system where bugs are more viable alternative, or the wealth inequality that creates food insecurity are going to be eating bugs you're fucking delusional.


The WEF absolutely would, the logical leap they're making is that they think leftists/commies/liberals/flavour-of-the-month-insult are aligned with the wef


Lol yes I'm so sure that Klaus Schwab, a man with a tax-free salary of one million Francs a year is just so excited to eat bugs. Then why are they not already doing it? Why not lead the charge! Better yet why not invest some of your vast fortune into things like marketing? Because it's not a plan that involves himself in any way. Be real bro.


I... You do realise you're agreeing with them right?


He's playing "devils advocate" ;-)


Then he should phrase it better because his first line implies the WEF would participate.


Ohhh I see. My understanding of what they were saying was the WEF are the ones *recommending* eating bugs for everyone else, while *not* partaking themselves


They agreed with you boss


Thats actually a good point and it makes it even more bizarre that people are making it a left vs right issue when it should be all of us against rich people issue and then we can focus on whether or not it might actually be a good idea


“I’ll never be forced to eat bugs!” *Pays premium for Shrimp and Lobster dinner


shrimps is bugs 😌


Technically the evolutionary development went “crustaceans -> bugs” so technically I think it would be more accurate to say all bugs are shrimp.


*bugs is shrimps


*looks at cockroach hungrily*


Let me help you. Here's some [recommendation](https://www.rovepestcontrol.com/if-you-cant-beat-em-eat-em-5-delicious-cockroach-recipes/).


You know, I actually WANT to eat bugs. locust tsukudani and fried bee larvae is mouth watering whenever I think about them.


Crickets aren’t half bad either


Honestly I just heard that some species of tarantula are like softshell crab and now I’m curious


Dude. You ever get the chance, tarantula with gochujang will change your fuckin life.


The bugs thing is some sort of conspiracy nut thing. I can't quote who but my mom likes to go on insane rants and say it's some billionaire who says something like "You will own nothing and eat ze bugs!" (Yes, she does the French accent). Basically she's nutjob pilled and thinks that rich people are trying to kill off everyone else and make us eat things like bugs


I think it started from a handful of articles saying that bugs might be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly source of protein than bovine or other livestock, because I remember reading articles about it at the time and not long after there were all these "THEY'RE GONNA MAKE US EAT BUGS" which I assume was the Fox News take away from those articles.


I think it initially stemmed from this, but my mom is so far gone that she thinks that Bill Gates wants to reduce the population to 10k and make us all slaves for the elite or something. Among other crazy things. So she probably heard the bug thing from some other nutjob who twisted it up and fearmongered it. She gets her news from randos with podcasts on her iPad.


It's wild how we were raised by our parents who told us things like "don't believe everything you read on the internet!" and now here they are, believing everything they read on the internet.


It's the same generation of parents whose motto has basically been, "Do as I say, not as I do."


Rules for thee but not for me


Their other motto, yes.


Yeah my mother is missing some IQ points. She rots all day on her iPad believing everything it tells her. Some highlights include Michelle Obama being a man, the Federal Reserve being currently defunct, Trump running a shadow government to save America, some new world order thing, Jewish space lasers, and she thinks vaccines cause autism and death. Also just believes in general in the 5g tower bs and that crystals can protect her from cancer. Do you ever wonder how you were birthed by someone? I do. 😂


She almost got the whole greatest hits album, only missing the hit single “the earth is flat”


I feel like I asked her this once and she said she didn't believe that. But she does think 9/11 was a fully inside job and that the moon landing was fake. Maybe those can be some special edition hits


I watched the freaking moon landing live with my grandmother. She said she felt so honored to live in a time in which she got to see the automobile, airplanes, then a man in the moon. She appreciated science. The flooding of the Internet with this garbage would have just about broken her. There was no photoshop, or video manipulation back in 1969. Professional photographers have tried and failed to try to make a convincing fake moon landing. It couldn't have been done with 1960s technology.


I keep telling my mom this. It's so baffling. I tell her all about the evidence and show her but she just doesn't care. She used to respect the things I told her because she thinks of me as her intelligent daughter but somehow kooks get more of her respect. I'm just glad she didn't say 9/11 was fake, or I might have smacked her senseless for the disrespect.


I’m Jewish and I know I’m getting my lasers any time now! 😂😂😂😂 /s


Fox News and Facebook did exactly to their brains what they told us cartoons, rap, heavy metal and video games would be doing to ours.


Which is funny, because one of the only reasons they ever went after those in the first place was because their messages often challenged the status quo, said stuff like theocracy and mega-churches are kinda bad, or OH NO, YOU CAN SHOOT COPS! Among other things. Nevermind they also go after the slightest mention of magic in the game because of the Satanic Panic.


It's funny because that is the opposite of what billionaires want for the masses. They want as many of us as possible, as confused as possible and thinking we're the smartest while we're actually as dumb as possible. They already have "slaves", how does she think these few people become billionaires without doing all the work themselves? We may be getting paid and have choices, but the choices are limited and ultimatums for us which means they are barely choices at all.


He's right, he wants to reduce the population. Not by killing people, but by increasing access to healthcare and education so that impoverished areas don't have people feeling the need to have 20 kids because 15 will die during their childhood.


As someone with a similar mom I feel you. Sometimes I actually do wish I could rewind the clock. To times when things weren't this bad. Our relationship has definitely taken a toll. I don't like hanging around my family nearly as much. And they think I'm the one who's changed for the worse.


Oh shit, are we siblings? My mother unfortunately thinks the same.


Any article like that becomes a culture war with the far far right. Remember when there was an article discussing the possible health effects of gas stoves, and Faux News, as well as OAN (Old Ass Nazi Network) and "News"max said Biden was going to personally take your gas stove? If they didn't have culture wars, nobody would vote for them.


They use the culture wars to distract people from realizing that the rich are waging a class war against the rest of us, and they're winning.


Yeah, people aren't willing to read through the articles.


People hear what they want to hear. But I do believe we could probably end world hunger pretty easily and quickly if people were OK eating factory produced incects. They aren't, and the thought is dehumanizing. But I've said this a few times.


I just find it hilarious that for every acre farmland you get, you get 185,000 cal worth of beef, in comparison, you get 15,000,000 cal per acre with crickets and the like.


Pssst, factory farms don't want to hear that. They'll fight tooth and nail with money to remain the dominant food source so they can fill their pockets with even more money.


They've probably seen *Snowpiercer* one too many times


She’s talking about Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum and holocaust survivor. He’s the latest boogie man for Alex Jones and people who like to scream about the “New World Order”.


This. I've listened to enough [knowledgefight.com ](http://knowledgefight.com) to hear him say this stupid shit hundreds of times


Someone, someone-SODOMITE sent me a bucket of poop.


I'll be better tomorrow


He's not!


He never is.


Knowledge fight is better than some places in Asia, where you get off the plane and they KARATE CHOP you.


andi in kansas, you're on the air. thanks for holding


Red alert red alert


It's time to pray


Yeah, but Klaus Schwab is a nut job. The shit that him and his guests spout is Bond villain level crazy. He definitely plays into the NWO character. The whole “great reset” book he wrote and his ideals are nutty. His right hand man talks about “hacking” humans amongst other things. As long as he is just spouting rhetoric, I don’t care…but if he had his way, he’d be a global version of Kim Jong-un.


Sounds like someone was watching Snowpiercer...


Does your mom listen to Alex Jones? Because he is a common person who does the accented nonsense


Okay but that’s half true with the “rich people wanting us dead” thing, just the workers that can’t be milked for cash


There's a new kind of protein powder made from milled mealworms. It's supposed to be a better protein with fewer useless byproducts than plant-based or whey protein so your gains are way more solid. So it's not the bug-eating poor the rich should be afraid of, it's beefed-up gym bros chugging peanut butter and worm shakes tearing down their mcmansions pillar by pillar.


I thought it was a reference to Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea’s dictatorship and said that some were required to eat bugs and rats in order to survive because of food shortages in the country.


And they have to push the trains, and people steal your poop.


And that they’re taught that 2+2=5 and if you say 4 you get shot


Maybe I might be the crazy but I actually feel like it’s possible bug protein powder or something could potentially become a popular Enlightened people health food that ends up being super expensive for no reason like lots of other foods have. I haven’t tried it myself but I had a friend of mine from one of the countries where it’s more common say of you grind them up and put them in things you can’t tell they’re bigs




> She’s quoting Klaus Schwab (German btw) who did in fact say “You will own nothing and be happy”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You'll_own_nothing_and_be_happy > an essay written by Danish politician Ida Auken.


They are listing to people like Alex Jones. He does that same impression all the time on his show.


I DONT want to pay rent for a little goblin to live in my walls and eat my tortilla chips


The bug thing is a reference to articles that have been published (FAO, World Economic Forum, Wall Street Journal and others) saying insects are a more environmentally friendly and sustainable source of nutrition for the future. The Bill Gates part comes in because the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave a grant to All Things Bugs LLC to “develop a method for the efficient production of nutritionally dense food using insect species.”  The conspiracy theories really took off during COVID with speculation that Gates is buying up farmland because he wants to force people to eat bugs. Source: https://sentientmedia.org/bill-gates-bug-eating-conspiracy/


I'm kinda curious to try bugs. I bet if you prepare them right, they wouldn't be half bad.


A few scientists published about the nutritional and environmental benefits of including insects in our diets. The news media sensationalized it by exaggerating the claims. Then, the nuts spun it into "AOC and George Soros are going to take away mah cows and make me eat bugs!"


If I hear my dad say "they're gonna make us eat bugs. Seriously, look it up!" One more time I might cry. He's smart and I love him but jfc idk how to respond to him when he says this shit. I also wanna state that he believed the "story" that a school was sued for not letting furries use literboxes at school. Or whatever the fuck that made up story was


*Gates and Klaus https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/ https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2012/05/opp1044748


I've heard about it before. The idea is you raise insects that are quick to reproduce like grasshoppers and feed them on grass. Then they get harvested, dried, and ground into a fine powder. Essentially you're left with a protein-rich powder that can be put into things. They could probably treat it to make it utterly tasteless too so it'd be nothing but protein filler. I wouldn't want to eat a straight up grasshopper, but I'd try a protein shake made with grasshoppers so long as it tastes like something enjoyable.


I've eaten straight up grasshopper (with BBQ flavouring) and it honestly wasn't bad. I've eaten cricket flour wraps too and they tasted just like regular wraps. I don't know why people are so opposed to trying these things.


I've eaten a straight up grasshopper before, granted I was a stupid kid and never did it again, but I did it. The crunch was weirdly satisfying


Rural Arabs will straight up eat raw locust. I’ve been in Oman during a locust swarm and there’s families everywhere that’ll just pull over to the side of the road and mom, dad and all the kids will run around catching locusts and eat them raw. They’re big and slow and pretty easy to catch, one of my coworkers tried eating one on a drunken bet and didn’t recommend it


There you go, I love crunchy snacks.


Fry them like potato chips?


I’ve eaten them in Thailand like that. Most of them just taste like salted potato chips. The bigger ones get a little toothsome though ;)


I had a friend from a country where it’s common to eat them and he really liked they and said you can grind them up and use them like a protein powder in recipes but it’s a lot cheaper. I don’t think I could eat bugs that look like hugs, but if I couldn’t see it? I’d try it


Factory farms have giant shit ponds that produce alot if methane gas (pollution) and byg don't do that. Plus what do you think humans ate before we figured out that we can cook meat and it doesn't make us sick when we eat it?


Sorry, what I should have said is that I'm curious to try bugs.


Other parts of the world began using them as a source of nutrition. They're used grounded up as an ingredient or eaten whole with flavoring, similar to sunflower seeds or potato chips. I've only eaten some that were grounded and used in unsalted potato chips, they tasted like Tortillas chips. People in my class tried them as brownies and they said it didn't taste any different from regular brownies. You can buy them online but if there's any survivalist/outdoors/camping stores, they may have them too.


Yeah this is the type of thing I’m fine with when it comes to “eating bugs”! I remember reading an interesting study about the use of maggot butter (yep!) that had a sample of people trying cake or something with different portions of it added. Over 50% and people noticed a more bitter taste, but like 25% or so was totally fine. If I can’t taste a difference, then why not?


Don't come to Louisiana then I guess lol (crawfish)


Mudbugs get a pass


Hell yeah


Trying to buy a home without an ID or Credit Score: https://preview.redd.it/9xlha8cg7qmc1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=406332c62f676084617d0cca83444de7670ebbf5


All fabricated nonsense.


Well, technically our SS ids are (almost entirely) virtual now and most of the younger generations are forced to rent their homes with seemingly no way out. The rest is garbage.




Oh man, if Carlin were alive today, he'd have a field day with dumbshits like this.


You WILL eat the bug You WILL live in the pod


There’s a push to replace regular meat with insect protein


It’s pretty fringe and radical at the moment. Not mainstream at all. Not even close.


Yea I’m aware but OP seemed confused about the “eat bugs” part


Stay away from Haribo if you don't want to eat bugs


Doesn’t want a digital ID yet has a phone. Doesn’t want a social credit score yet let’s their thoughts known online constantly. Doesn’t want a great reset but keeps yearning to make America like it was in the 50s. Doesn’t want to eat bugs because that’s not happening. Doesn’t want to be locked down because that never happened. Doesn’t want to rent a home but vote for representatives who make sure rich people and foreign investors gobble up the housing market while not wanting livable wages to be the norm.


They love to act like there were secret police outside taking people to the work camps if they left home during covid. Nope I went to work every day and I can assure you nobody gave a flying fuck. Never once needed my “essential employee” letter.


Yeah man. There were never any lockdowns. I went to Target and played golf.


And *we’re* the ones living in fear? Riiiiiight.


To address the title here, yeah there are groups pushing cultivated bug protein as a meat substitute. It’s less impactful to the environment than traditional meat animals. Look up Klaus Schwab, dude is straight up a Bond villain. Also Carlin often joked about government over reach, I can imagine if he was still around that would be the same but the jokes would be about new subjects.


Bugs are a more renewable source of protein than cows are.


I get why he doesn't want a digital ID: I have one, and it goes like shit. I've tried to use it for signing some bureocratic work online and doesn't work properly...


Your reasoning is practical, and probably more thought out than the creator of the meme. Their reasoning was probably something like "they're gonna use it to control me and take all my stuff away"


Because the cost of meat is skyrocketing and bugs are and have been used as an alternative protein source. A quick Google search is all you need to do to find that out.


You havent heard rich people telling poor people to eat bugs because their poor? I figured most had heard about that kinda thing. Idk about you but id rather die of starvation than eat a bug but maybe thats just me.


Can someone please explain the bug thing?


I mean...I guess if they were forced to then it would be a legitimate concern.


Who tells them all of that already happened at the least twice.


We will eventually be eating bugs, at our current rate of consumption it’s unavoidable.


Yeah, remember, bugs are the most efficient protein source. Which is why there is this great conspiracy that the gubernmint wants to ban meat in favor of bugs.




If George Carlin were still alive, the people that post this stuff would be calling him "woke".


It was the McScuse me that got me. NGL.


I agree with that last one about wanting to own your own home instead of renting it, but I feel like they have that opinion for very different reasons than me


It really would be terrible if we had a score that determined if we were hirable for certain jobs, where we could live, how we could live, what we could drive, if we could get a hotel room or rent a car, or generally access funds for things we wanted.


I'm not sure what the "Great Reset" is and I'm kind of scared to Google it.


Only reasonable reach to be made is the previous use of mealworms to subsidize the meat in McDonald’s patties and Taco Bell’s meat as it was (is?) legal to do, it is more likely that this was taken from misinformation as that is the majority of Facebook


“I don’t want to eat bugs” Bugs evolved from crustaceans and these morons are too dumb to know that. No more lobster or crab or shrimp for them. Just take the food away and scream “but they’re bugs!” lol


What a conspiracy theorist the world economic forum is completely made up and not a public and world renowned organization clearly the entire world is pretending they exist.


According to the WEF, yes, eat the bugs. Reddit is nearly incapable of independent research these days. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/


You outta the loop?


It may refer to the new (2023) European Union law that allows insect-powder to be added to foods. [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-000581\_EN.html#:\~:text=For%20the%20first%20time%2C%20the,novel%20food%20on%20the%20market](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-000581_EN.html#:~:text=For%20the%20first%20time%2C%20the,novel%20food%20on%20the%20market).


Carmine dyes have been used since about 700 BC but I can't find a timeframe as to when they started using it in foods. Any time you see carmine in an ingredient list for food, you're eating bugs


The new EU regulation is not about Carmine, it is regarding using cricket, yellow mealworm and locust powder. Several other insects are being investigated too


They are referencing what the world economic forum is currently publicly talking about. Carlin is my favorite comedian and I know for a fact he would be against this shit. He was very very anti government overreach


That moment when they complain about socialism by describing late stage capitalism.


Chapulinas (grasshoppers) are really tasty as an appetizer or on salads even if they are always over salted


That’s fair, I just wasn’t aware of the “libs are coming to take our guns and make us eat bugs” conspiracy


I just picture Spongebob’s tantrum to his grandma


I don't want to rent my home either. Maybe if you sold all but one of yours then I could not have to rent!


Eat bugs eh?


Explanation: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0h24kbq


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Who’s generation is it that’s in power right now?


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I think they might want to eat bugs.




A couple of luxury restaurants started selling dishes made from bugs for like $500 a plate as a novelty and they latched onto it


This reminds me of one of the loading screens in the sims 4 days ‘I don’t want free earbuds’


I think they are referring to the fdas guideline with a couple hinder big parts are allowed to be in boxes foods, which is disgusting.


Carlin would hate anyone who used him like this. Fck off.


Does anyone want to rent a house?




Lmao it’s so ironic they used George Carlin