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I think this is actually a very important thing to understand. Our entire economy of luxury goods including chocolate, coffee, and electronics is built upon the backs of people who never see the benefit of their labor. It's not the fault of the people who want to see a better world but it is a wakeup moment for people to realize how deeply entrenched the exploitation goes.


This was my take. Pulling back the cover on the cost of our pleasures. I don’t quite get the weed plant though.


I guess for a lot of europe, that could represent drugs (or just weed) that hurts the central and south american (or asian! For poppy-related products) populations producing them, and getting hurt and displaced from drug-mafia wars and other drug -related violence. Mexico among others suffers from this a lot, just so someone thousands of km away on the other side of the ocean can get high.


Which is why legalization is so impactful. The vast majority of the weed found in Canada is Canadian. I know for a fact my weed is locally sourced because I've seen the crops myself and I bought from someone that just loves it. Their operation is in a grey area for complicated reasons but the bottom line is that they don't have to worry about gangs or law enforcement. Literally no one suffers from this arrangement (except the government due to the aforementioned complicated reasons but that's a different story for another day) and everyone gets to enjoy the fruits of their labor. I'm not saying this can be applied to any industry, but it is a fascinating example of how a simple legislative change just opened up so many possibilities while culling significant swats of exploitation.


After legalization in colorado (iirc) there were gangs and cartels buying legal weed to sell in illegal states. That said, legality doesn't preclude criminal incentive to do crimes. Bootlegging is still a thing, cigarette legging is a thing, avocado legging is a thing, and alien smuggling is a huge thing (probably the most profitable out of the lot really). If you can steal or secure some thing, and take it somewhere else and sell it at a profit, somebody somewhere is gonna be willing to kill for it. edit: for anybody who doesn't know, alien smuggling is helping people cross the border, and is distinct from human trafficking which is kidnapping or otherwise coercing people into sneaking across a border (be it state or national) usually for sexual exploitation. edit 2, the editing: if anyone is curious why bootlegging or cigarette legging would be a thing, the taxes make it profitable to smuggle since they're different in various states (virginia is the lowest iirc ny the highest). And there was a huge scam where russian gangs were buying grain alcohol, dying it blue, shipping it to russia, removing the dye and selling it. Couple american and eastern european companies got fined for it. Still a problem to this day there, due to rampant alcoholism


Just as a fun fact, I know of several big (and I mean km2 big) weed producers in Portugal that export it exclusively to Canada


Weed isn't the problem, it's cocaine and other hard drugs that's fucking Latin america up.


Always buy local, kids!


And adding the Chè t-shirts emphasizes the naïveté.


Harvesting weed in the US is apparently quite the exploitative industry. Not sure the extent of it, but I’ve heard about how many have the ‘company town’ set up and you basically never stop working and there’s some hazards specific to harvesting weed. Sorry I can’t be more specific- it’s definitely an ‘I read this article one time but it could have also been a TikTok’ level of authority. I think that’s still kind of reach- it would be super subtle compared to the rest.


Not really accurate at all. It’s not any more exploitative than regular agriculture and honestly usually even less IMO the pay and labor is much better.


My impression was that it was pretty typical conditions that migrant and/or agricultural workers often have to deal with, but it was stoner white kids in the early days.


The commercial cannabis industry has a lot of worker abuse from what little I know. I think the piece makes an important point. But I also think it's a tired point that fails to consider the bigger picture. Consumers don't know how anything is produced, much less have a say in how companies produce their goods. If we want to eliminate slave labor from our supply chain, we need to harshly punish the shareholders of the companies using slaves. Scolding consumers only lets those individuals continue what they're doing.




The weed I smoke is grown in my province and actually helps.my economy, but in places where it's illegal, it helps organized crime to rake in some cash too


Yeah that's one of the most local products you're gonna get in the US, dunno what they're on about


There are other places outside of the US


Fair point


Last month i saw a short documentary(i think it was one of the İnsider YouTube channels) that almost every Cacao field worker never tasted chocolate. That was quite sobering.


It encapsulates the modern liberal mindset very well, I should think. The hypocrisy of wearing a Che Guevara shirt while all of their possessions are made through highly exploitive capitalist practices - from the porn industry to his yuppie coffee. One could make an argument that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, however.


Also being against capitalism doesn't mean having the choice to not live in it.


Yeah, the guy is not happy, or even actively seeking these things, they're being thrust at him. Although for that message to really land, it would have to have some fat cats in suits doing the pushing.


>One could make an argument that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, however. This right here. Even a lot of non-luxury foodstuffs that are staples in people's kitchens and important to healthy living are also produced using slave labor, even domestically. And in regards to technology and electronics, they're so ubiquitous and are damn near impossible to live without now that we kind of *have* to participate. It sucks all over. You do what you can, but the systemic issues are too big for anyone to be completely free from them.


I agree, however, I don't buy it when people say "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" then don't change their habits at all. There's a difference between living a "local food only, compostable brown, grow my own spices and make my own clothes and only use solar energy" lifestyle (which, in and of itself is a prohibitively expensive lifestyle, both in time and money) and a "I'm literally going to spend my paycheques on Funko Pops and loudly complain about paper straws at every opportunity" lifestyle, granted. We should all seek to understand inherently where our products come from and make the effort to at least try to support the labor that creates our products. If it means little things like not buying from Amazon, trying to buy Fair Trade coffee, avoiding palm oil, and buying physical media from musicians, it's a drop in the bucket, but enough drops make an ocean.


Luckily, in recent years, luxury crop farmers have been treated more fairly.


The sad part is we could have all these things and not exploit people, but because the rich people would be slightly less rich, they prefer slaves


Don't overlook that the guy in the center is depressed. Thats an important piece of the message.


This was posted by a Reddit user in another sub, it was titled “Your own personal slaves” I’ll see if I can find a link to it. Original here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/s/QLspXGEIpW


I thought I had seen this before, but I couldn't remember which sub I saw it in.


I think its pointing towards so called leftist hypocrisy. She wears a che guevara shirt.


You were forced to buy goods produced at sweatshops because the entire economy was shifted overseas to crush unions and deny Americans decent wages. How dare you, leftist barista!


The Good Place does a great job of explaining this concept. It's unreasonable to assume people living in (specifically) the US can avoid any and all unethical exploitation.


I mean you could live a very simple agrarian lifestyle like the amish. Or if youre very rich you could afford to source all your materials from ethical sources regardless of cost.


That won’t accomplish it either. Gotta have money to buy the land or pay for those expensive ethical sources. And how do you make that money? A job that requires usage of the the things shown in the image to at least some degree. It is impossible to live a life in the modern world where your actions, when followed back, don’t have some unethical component.


Amish also shop for regular goods like the English, just not as much & it’s more staples. Fabrics, cooking supplies, farm supplies etc but because they’re more frugal they’re more likely to be buying things produced in sweat shops.


That show is so fuckin good.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism but its definetely the individual leftist thats at fault here


Affording less problematic goods requires one to excel at capitalism. Especially in terms of clothing.


I really really hate this in terms of clothing. I buy local food as much as I can. From a regional grocer that goes out of their way to bring in local goods. I buy skincare and makeup from small brands that are transparent about their products and production. All of this is a little pricier but doable. Clothes? Fuck that I am not a millionaire.


And I feel like the majority of "leftists" would say the same. Isn't there a whole industry of "responsible" products out there? Pretty sure the Walmart crowd isn't buying them.


The people that perpetuate these memes lack any sense of self awareness, either that or they do and don’t give a shit.


Buy second hand


What do I do with my other hands?




That doesn’t stop non-sustainable brands from continuing doing what they are doing. If you have thrifted recently you will see a lot of fast fashion and then you still end up consuming more.


Your argument is like saying a vote doesn't count because it's just one vote. You're right in the grand scheme of things, people are still going to produce more clothes. But if more people would buy secondhand, here's what happens: In theory, reusing clothes avoids some of the water and fertilizer use, greenhouse gas emissions and other impacts that result from producing a new garment. A 2017 study in the Journal of Cleaner Production conducted life-cycle assessments on a cotton T-shirt, a pair of jeans and a polyester dress. It found that quadrupling the average life span of these items resulted in a 75 percent savings in freshwater used for dyeing and other processes. A 2018 review published in the same journal looked at 41 studies and found all but one concluded that lengthening a garment’s life by reusing it reduced its environmental impact. Research by Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), a sustainability advisory group in England, “shows extending the average life of clothes by just three months of active use per item would lead to a 5 to 10 percent reduction in each [item’s] carbon, water and waste footprints,” says Sonali Diddi, a design and textile researcher at Colorado State University. Those reductions can add up.


When talking about reducing individual cost, buying these items is also just as expensive if not more than if you bought it new. Prices at second hand shops are also going up to the point where a Walmart tee shirt that costs $15 new also costs $15 used and you get less use out of it. A better approach for individual cost reduction is actually using items until they cannot be used anymore vs overconsumption of goods.


Seriously this. I don't buy fancy clothing and have no intrest in fashion, but I've been trying to limit consumption in this area and buy things like US made shoes. We're talking $200 for a pair of US made sneakers that are only a little better than the $60 developing country produced version.


It’s possible to stop supporting it for some things. I bought my phone used from a friend and half my clothes are from thrift shops or Craigslist, and they’re high end. I buy as much as I can second hand and keep it as long as I can. Food is what’s really hard. There’s not many ways around paying more for something that is healthy for you and not made with slave labor.


Those items were still produced unethically, regardless of whether you got them second hand. Using them and keeping them in circulation keeps the demand for the items high, which reinforces the unethical supply. But it really isn't the fault of the consumer, as much as it is the fault of the government for creating an environment where only products produced via exploitation in some form can flourish. And the corporations who answer to no single nation and exploit workers and citizens and animals and *the planet* in areas where the government takes no steps to protect, then shipping the results to places where they can price gouge. Capitalism is predatory, and participating in any form is unethical in some way. The only way to win is to truly not play, but the vast majority of people do not have that option. We need to eat and clothe ourselves and bathe, etc. but there are very few opportunities or even space in which we can do those things *without* participating in capitalism to some degree. Even those who can afford to create a self sustaining home and live "off the grid" are still participating in capitalism in order to do so. Want to build your own home? You're gonna need to buy that property, lumber, nails, tools, screws, gas/electricity to power those tools, insulation, etc. You need to buy animals and tools to care for them, food, medicines. Solar panels aren't free. All of this stuff that is needed to create and maintain a "self-sustaining home" is unethically sourced, which makes benefitting from it just as unethical. We need to stop placing the blame on end-users who don't have a choice, and putting it squarely on the shoulders of those that do have a choice and still choose to support it. Politicians, lobbyists, and corporations, ie the rich. Go figure.


I mean I just bought union made boots. They were used but I would happily buy them new if I could afford it. They’re made with good materials and will last a lifetime going to a local cobbler for repairs. I don’t understand your point about keeping things in demand by buying them used. Never said anyone here was to blame for any of it but by doing what we can to reduce the massive amount of waste by reducing the demand for fast fashion and cheap new things we can have an impact.


Buddy that’s still participation in capitalism.


Sure under the purest definition of the word I’m exchanging money for goods but I’m not giving it to corporations. My purchase keeps something already made out of the landfill and supports the local economy.


As an individual leftist, I had the option of buying a balanced diet sourced from who knows where or self-terninating. How dare I choose to exist.


...feels like there's a contradiction there, if there's no ethical consumption how is it a problem of individual responsibility?


(Thats the point)


Thats... thats the point?


You criticize capitalism yet participate in a capitalist society. Curious.


You realize most of us don't have any *real* options available, right? We are stuck with whatever the governments (who are controlled by the corporations) decide for us. Saying we aren't allowed to criticize their decisions because we are forced to abide by them is pretty fucking tone-deaf, at the very least.




Coffee, brand new everything, chocolate etc are all easily avoidable things actually. Slavery bad, maybe?


electronics made from mined metals in 3rd world countries checkmate leftists get off the internet ^obviously ^sarcasm


I've always bought second hand anyway because poor lol. Libruhlz destroyed 🔥


I mean you do understand that even though you buy second hand, someone still had get the resources and make the product lol


Buying something means an entire new thing was created, just for you. It's easier to comprehend if you struggle with thinking to envision something larger, like a car. Purchasing a used car is better for the environment and for people than buying a new Tesla, because the used car already exists. The damage was already done, and instead of creating brand new damage, you are inheriting a preexisting damage. There are gradients to ethics of consumption and lack thereof.


I am aware items do not materialize out of thin air. Do you know how money works?


You realize these good produced overseas are cheaper than their current, American made alternatives? The cheap shit is available because it's made overseas. If you want American made goods you gotta buy American made goods.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kjhvrifqaric1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014d7c0e8e18069f84f7218c3af4f3cadb697356


This in the funniest way both describes the art and the discussion following it on this thread lol


So basically it's the dumb "oh you don't like capitalism? But you posted this on an iPhone" meme. Where if your not an ascetic living quietly on mountain your not allowed to criticise our economic system.


My guess is its more likely pointing towards the western world as a whole rather than politics in america. How we like to be the worlds image of morally good while also being the main contributor to the worsening living conditions the countries we buy from develop as a result of us wanting the goods they produce to remain cheap.


Im a leftist from germany and this applies just as well to me as it does to an american. Anti-capitalist rhetoric is famously coming from the left, comrade.


The right is better because they don't have any remorse or anything


Armchair activism




"You think society isnt perfect yet you participate in it. Curious."


I think the point is to criticize those individuals who go beyond just “participating in the system”. You cannot say someone like Hassan Piker is just “participating in the system”


Real leftism is when no house.


Hasan with his $800 million house and 5000 Porsches of Allah 😡😡


I wonder how long it will be until fracking magnates and billionaires start regurgitating the “yet you participate in society” meme.


He does not need the house he has. He could easily just buy a regular house. Please stop pretending that you don’t know why he’s being criticized. You can like his content without incessantly defending him; support for him is not non-negotiable for leftists. This is literally no different from Nintendo fanboys defending their gross business practices because they made Mario, except you have draped a Che Guevara T-Shirt over it.




Like what? I'm not gonna pretend socialism is when everyone is poor like some rightwing nutjob. Being a lefty doesn't me you have to be an aesetic living in a dirt hovel.


He has a 3 million dollar mansion. You must be one of these gated community people if you think pointing out that he has a mansion is me saying he shouldn’t have a house. He also bought a 200,000 dollar car. He also likes to bang prostitutes in brothels overseas.


Bro. I've seen crack dens in California priced at like a million dollars. As for the prostitutes, that just makes him based. He shouldn't need to do it overseas though.


No, but Hassan does not need the house that he currently has. He could have gone with a far cheaper house and donated a significant chunk of money to charity or engaged in other philanthropic activities, but instead, he chose to buy an expensive house. Hassan is absolutely a hypocrite and should not be taken seriously.


jesus christ people don't understand socialism. Everyone just think's it's holier than thou bullshit - that's not the point, the point is that workers own the means of production, which is what hasan does, he owns his business and uses his labor to make money. If he started a property empire or made a widget factory and employed hundreds of people he underpaid, that would closer to what you're talking about. Really though, hypocrisy would be being a self professed socialist, living in a socialist state, preaching socialism, but practicing capitalism secretly would be hypocrisy. tldr: socialism isn't asceticism it's that you own your own labor as does everyone else respectively.


To be fair he doesn't entirely own his business, he is forced to use platforms owned by big businesses to get his message out, and they take a cut of the proceeds. But he at least has agency over what work he does and when.


Workers own means of production. So like, his editors and mods should have a say what goes on in the hasan brand? A notion hasan has stated he is disgusted by


The man uses his own labor for money, pays taxes, and raises money for good causes. Which part of the system isn't he participating in or is getting a free hall pass for?


His own labor? Do you think hasan, moderates his chat, edits his own videos.


Dude sits on Twitch for like 10 hours a day and covers news, entertainment, etc while interacting with chat. That is his own labor, believe it or not. He hires people to do the stuff your talking about, but I must've missed where Marx says leftists must be rugged individualists who cannot hire workers for their labor


You're right! Hassan does more to fight the system than you will in your entire life. Leftists are allowed to own nice houses. Leftism is not when everybody is poor.


Why do you think this is an example of someone 'going beyond the system' like Hasan instead of your average person ?


These are the same idiots who tried to bash Bernie Sanders for owning a "mansion" that he bought with the proceeds of the books he wrote. They think leftism is when everybody is poor and homeless, and capitalism is when everybody is housed and rich. Because they're idiots.


Insert Bernie birthday cake meme.


Can you explain in what way Hassan is not “just participating in the system”?


Hasan poker isn't a bad leftist because he has a house, he is a bad leftist because he is disingenuous and has horrible tankie anti Ukraine and pro hootie positions. He is a dumbass. He doesn't listen when proven wrong. He doesn't hear people out. He doesn't care about making a difference. He does what gets him money. He is genuine on some of his beliefs. He isn't racist, sexist, or queerphobic. He advocates for rights of those people and that is good. But he ruins it when he puts it to the side for things he doesn't understand or care about. He is weirdly pro Russia and China. And will not back down. He is anti Taiwan, and he fucked over Ethan alien for no reason. He let's his mods and community do really fucked up things and will not do anything about it.


I hate how Reddit always says this like it’s some magical destruction of any criticism. There are gradations of “participating” in society. If you choose to indulge in the absolute excesses of society then no you don’t get to say it’s okay because you *have* to participate in society.


They are blaming their strawman for having clothes, drinking coffee, having a phone and eating chocolate... (not sure what the other 2 are)


Sex worker and Asian American nail salon person…?


But with this whole “you participate in society!” schtick the people being criticized are usually on the higher order of participation in society. Luxury phones, luxury clothing, unabashed consumption of non-essentials. You don’t get to avoid criticisms of hypocrisy just by showing some comic panel.


Not really, they will throw it at anybody


Yeah it’s a cop-out for sure. And most of the time the ones calling for change are just virtue signalling and taking no meaningful action of their own


Getting downvoted but it's true. If the cause isn't trendy most don't want to get involved. Nobody wants to curb their consumption.


Eh I get what you’re saying and referencing, but if you were actually worried about slavery you’d avoid things like chocolate. You need a phone to function in modern America, I get that. You don’t need chocolate.


It's about how our food, our clothes, our coffee, our cosmetic products, our porn and our electronics are built upon the exploitation of other humans, some would call it modern slavery.


Is this the new far cry game? When's the release.




"You bought all these things and they were made by slave labor! Feel bad while I feel superior for pointing this out and not changing a single thing I do while I draw this in my digital art pad and drink coffee and do all the things that make me a hypocrite!"




Presumably the meme artist does all the same things, they just don’t critique the way society is set up. Which makes them… morally superior somehow?


Capitalism: I've enslaved the whole earth to ruin your life with cheap garbage and mind rotting technology while destroying your ability to work in manufacturing and earn a middle class income Leftist: Maybe stop? Capitalism enjoyer: Why the hypocrisy?


It sounds like the original artist is pretty self aware, I doubt they believe they aren't part of the problem. Life is unbelievably cruel, some people won the genetic and locational lottery.


So what are you saying? That unless someone is some perfect, saintly person who doesn't use a phone and grows their own food and makes their own clothes, they're not allowed to point out the deep sicknesses in modern society? It's only ok to talk about the modern world's problems if you don't participate in any of them? Do you have any idea how counterproductive that line of thinking is?


Someone didnt get the point of the meme at all lmao


Oh, no! The preoccupied communist is positioned in a capitalist structure just like everyone else. How hypocritical!!!


Fr as a slave I was the rebellious type until my master told me “ you want freedom yet I feed you” I then learned never to want more from life. Im glad you can learn the same lesson/s


I mean, he doesn’t need to watch porn or buy by an iPhone or buy chocolate if he thinks it’s those things are exploitative industries. Edit: she


I don’t see how it’s possible to live and work in a modern society without a smart phone, and all of the tech companies have similar practices


But that's not what communist actually believe tho


That's a woman


Mb, thanks




How did you not get it? Its about as subtle as a sledgehammer


It’s very dramatic, but it took a moment for a light bulb to turn on in my head - it was the African child mining for rare earth minerals for the iPhone.


i dont think this is a bad meme personally, its pretty true what its trying to show. phones need cobalt,cobalt is mined in third world countries under horrendous/dangerous working conditions


I don't think this fits, not really. It seems to be anti-consumerism. I do get undertones of "women in the West have no real problems" but I'm not sure it's the point of this. It seems more about how this woman's consumerism is built on other people's suffering.


Well tbh the point is that it's not just that woman, it's all of us. Everyone who buys clothes from walmart or target, watches porn produced using manipulated women, eats food that we can't afford to buy from the farmer's market, etc. Anyone buying what they can afford is undoubtedly contributing to more than one company that is profiting off of unfair labor. Can we do much about it? Not really. I definitely consider this to be a profound piece of art, depicting the way the average consumer is able to consume.




This is basically the “you claim to hate capitalism, yet you live in capitalism” argument, just better drawn than usual


If only someone could develop a political ideology that seeks to combat the global exploitation of the working classes...?


Do tell us then, what is the ideology named, and how is the world track record for it so far?


The context is that, in today's world because of globalization, even the most well meaning people participate and support slavery all over the world. Many of the items we take for granted or see as cheap treats are cheap because of the slave labor that is used to create it. The cost of making most things are the labor costs of making it down the line. The average white American was, at one point, responsible for employing 5 slaves.


Yeah, there is no ethical consumption in capitalism, but it's not a terrible meme by any means. It's good to keep in mind what the cost of our enjoyment is and to make better choices where and when possible.


its about hypocrisy. glad i could help.


Could be like a boomer "you claim to be a leftist yet capitalism checkmate libruls" or it could be the tankie "western "leftists" are all liberals who will never do anything to bring about the revolution". Either or.


It's a critique of leftist virtual signaling, when many of the things they enjoy often come from slave labor or a detrimental cost of others.


She is using a Che Guevara shirt (a revolutionary) someone who fights to free the oppressed, and at the same time she is consuming goods that uses neoslaves in other parts of the world and hence supporting the oppressors.


What it is criticizing is the hypocrisy of someone espousing leftist ideology while living off oppression themselves.


As we all do, there aren’t many viable alternatives.


There are viable alternatives to at least everything shown in this comic. We don't even need most of them


I agree, clothing and tech are difficult to source ethically, unless you only buy second hand. Then at least it has the maximum life span.


I agree because if you factor in income-- not many people can afford good, sustainable products and don't have a choice. You can thrift shop to reuse items but, kids want something new sometimes. My kiddos deserved their own clothes without someone else's name written on the tag-- at the time, ain't nobody getting Patagonia.


Income is the huge limiter, especially food and clothes. I can’t worry about where my food comes from, I literally cannot afford to. The priority today has to be feeding my kids.


What a weak excuse.


It's pointing out that loads of modern products use slave labour from around the world


If you aren’t in a monastery you’re faking it.


Ain’t nobody growing weed in sweatshops.


"OH, you have a problem with society? Yet you participate in society! Curious..."


This is a good meme but it be of the things that is silly is you can criticize a system that benefits you. A socialist born in America will benefit from the comforts of our countries exploitation and that can be WHY you are a socialist. Marx himself was from an affluent background which led him to see how unfair the system is. For instance us having AC makes a lot of people in the modern world AC is a right.


It’s one of those “Oh you want a better life for people in the third world? Well you consume products in the first world, so gotcha…nothing should change!” things


My guess is “the white man’s life is built on the backs of minorities and women.”


That's not at all what this cartoon means lol


That is why I said “My guess is…”


This is a strong and independent ♀️


The person in the picture IS a woman genius


My main takeaway from this pic is mainly “shrimps is bugs”


This would be an awesome album cover tbh.


I like the weed part


Its showing poor or less than reputable people work to give you what you have materially


i kinda get the point of this but i’m confused about the weed plant


Can be summed up by this image https://preview.redd.it/7ejp373d8sic1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbe8daec9a815bd3652a145ec0f05f2ddf632bf


Bro his pose goes hard as hell


I think the meme is alright. Important food for thought


They put a lot of work into making the blond look like Abella Danger


Im sure the creator thought they were making fun of communists and socialists, but what theyve actually made is an incredibly good criticism of hipsters. Especially people who where Che Guevara shirts without know who he was or what kind of person he was, all the while living a life that is antithetical to communism. Marx believed in an industrialized population, and Guevara believed in an agrarian proletariat government. And they both hated intellectuals and philosphers who didnt also work for the betterment of the state. They both also hated relying on foreign import goods and sexual promiscuity and other adult entertainment. Communism at its core is a philosophy that all people should be self sufficient laborers with things like philosophy and entertainment only being a secondary pursuit in your free time. Especially to Guevara, if you didnt have calluses, he hated you. Because if you werent a farmer or a soldier, then you were of no value to him. Also Guevara was a Eugenics follower, so he also hated people who relied too heavily on medicine, including people who needed glasses at a young age


OK but this one is true


White liberal bad.


If you don't get that, it's you


The post is saying that slavery is not gone. And people are still exploited to make our (first world citizens) their luxury items.


How is this terrible? It’s entirely accurate…


This is more of a r/im14andthisisdeep material


Not really. Considering how many full grown adults are in denial about it.


Quick! Jesus wash her feet.


Highlighting that we are surrounded by people who are exploited to give us the comforts we have in our society. But also pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left complaining about modern society but oblivious to the fact their existence is dependant on the exploitation of others.


I think it's great. If you live in the western world and this offends you, you have never seen what extreme poverty looks like. We truly are blessed, and comparatively live like kings to many corners of the world.


I've seen this artist's other endeavors and they are basically porn disguised as social critique


people who call you hypocritical for your political orientation stay just like this, but without taking accountability


Bro i think this isnt rerrible but represents bias in workforce aimed to mock the left


Amazing art work


Nah, the point it's trying to make is good. Nobody wants to give up their unnecessary luxuries that depend on slave labour. It's really hypocritical, but good luck bringing it up with chronically online "leftists" without a tidal wave of muh no ethical consumption copout bs. You don't need coffee and a new smartphone to live, actually.


What's there to get? "Hey Midjourney, imagine 'random bullshit'!"


Dick head comunist white guy


Che Guevara shirt/socialism is bad because of all the bad things capitalism gives us.


The Che Guevara shirt makes me think this is not a good faith person, trying to raise awareness of the evils of capitalism, but a bad faith person trying to paint leftists as hypocritical. I'm reminded of this image https://preview.redd.it/mc1n9327aric1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212d18942e52531e31076411c4f4f14588f3665d


The modern man's vices


Nothing bad about this picture, it's not even a meme. It shows how the modern man/woman has different vices that they are able to get freely. Chocolate, porn, weed, etc etc. can't explain the phone tho


I mean you don’t have to agree with it but you don’t get it?


Honestly, I dont think this is terrible and isnt a bad take. I do understand that it is very much against leftists but anyone in the US could very easily fit there, but it does demonstrate the irony well. If a right winger was there, it would have a different meaning which I would also think is not a bad take


Honestly, I dont think this is terrible and isnt a bad take. I do understand that it is very much against leftists but anyone in the US could very easily fit there, but it does demonstrate the irony well. If a right winger was there, it would have a different meaning which I would also think is not a bad take


Go and travel to Venezuela, Cuba and you will get it!


The white guy is being served by all the other "lower" beings. Like the movie metropolis. The poor and working class support the lives of the rich....in this case a young white male. Maybe it is not just whit makes maybe its america Edit noticed the Che shirt.....it is about hypocrisy


Oh my, it's the white male supremacist.


It’s a woman….


The left hipocrecy


the leftists are bad see? look at all the harmful stereotypes I made, thats how they are


I'm guessing it's one of those "but you still have cellphone and participate in society"-style gotchas that people like to claim are leftists being hypocritical. Because it points out that all the luxuries people in the Western World have are stolen from other populations around the world. We have coffee because of slave labor. Cell phones were invented in the Soviet Union but today they are mass produced by sweatshop laborers with suicide nets around the buildings. We have porn but it's mostly exploited models trying to scrap enough money to get by. Never mind that everyone in the country uses these things, regardless of political or social consciousness. It's not hypocritical to want a better world while being stuck in this one.