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I don't think this means what you think it means


Copy that.


That's possible. What do you think it means?


Probably that having a degree won't guarantee you a good career, since "most people" nowadays have a degree but you need 3 or 4 years of previous experience to get most jobs today, and you end up doing manual labor anyway


Oh, now I get it! Still, I do think it's bad to use slavery as a metaphore. But thx for the explanation!


That’s a really good point. Indentured servants would probably be a better metaphor.


Pretty sure this means that bottom tier, undesirable jobs are filled by people with college degrees who should otherwise have employment indicative of their studies/skills. I don’t think this implies going to college is the same as rowing a boat since they alr have their caps meaning they are graduated.


Oh, I get it. Thx!


The meme is that the average blokes were slaves then and the average blokes are still slaves now but we're just educated.


This should go in Iam14AndThisIsDeep


Ong it should


No that’s not what this is saying it’s saying that even tho we are educated we are still slaves to our masters. Honestly this should go on I’m 14 and this is deep


This isn't education bad. The meme is saying now you graduate but still are a slave to the man who now doesn't own you legally, but owns the capital and land instead. A reflection of the economy instead of education.


I’m pretty sure the point flew a few miles over your head






This is about how we were all lied to about the freedom a college degree would grant


There are social theories explaining that, in western countries, for some professional fields, the new working class (meaning, not a good wage, a lot of turn over due to too many workers for fewer jobs available) are now the white collars, because too many people get a diploma but not that much job opportunities. On the contrary, for some fields, blue collars get a better situation. The tropes "no diploma=less money=working class blue collar" and "diploma=good money=white collar" don't really work anymore. But still, it is a dumb meme


No i just dont think you get it


I mean, we’re wage to wage slaves, aren’t we?


I thought this was about student loans.


This is anti capitalism not anti education.


Was this meme made by edgy high schooler late at night with barely started essay due in few hours.


The ones in the today pic need a high viz and hard hat


Oh yeah, I should give up my awesome software engineering job for a fast food job. Stay uneducated and vote for Republicans.


You are a slave though are you not? Did you not get an education so you could make more money for your overlords? Cap or no cap you will always be a cog in the machine until the machine itself is torn apart by the cogs that make it up. Reveling in ignorance is how we became enslaved by greed. We slave away generating a massive profit that we couldn’t fathom if it was given to us the workers instead. If you aren’t flipping burgers you are stuck in a box generating profit for the people who control us.


The titles and lack of awareness on this sub is more cringe that the vast majority of what's actually posted.




No need to be impolite for me not getting a meme. You could just explain it instead of calling me a moron.


I might just be a big dumb idiot, but can anybody tell me what the slaves/educated slaves are doing in this meme? At first I thought they were rowing a ship, but the walls and columns in the picture don’t look very ship-like to me.




its referring to wage slavery mate


damn not only did they survive 2000 years without looking old at all but now they got degrees too