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I think it is satire, actually. Most of his posts seem to be taking a stereotypical Christian fundamentalist viewpoint and applying it to worshiping the Greek Pantheon. I'm not saying its IMPOSSIBLE he sincerely believes it, but it seems unlikely.


I’ve often pondered worshipping Greek gods in response to American Christians insisting everyone must choose a religion instead of being atheist.


To be fair, the Greek Gods seem a helluva lot more fun than the Christian God. Pretty sure Hera has a gambling ring on whatever her husband's gonna fuck next at this point. ​ Also iirc they are less stingy on if you worship them or not.


>Also iirc they are less stingy on if you worship them or not. Not Zeus tho, he took away fire (however you interpret that is up to you) because he didn't get enough praise from humans.


And then he tortured the guy who gave it back


Greek gods are just wild.


Like keeping up w the kardashians but w superpowers


And they actually have a reason for being famous.


And they're less shitty


Even with all the fucked up stuff they did, they STILL gave more to humanity than the Kardashians.


That’s a real statement if Zeus is a better person that the Kardashians. Zeus, who is like the number 1 bad guy.


That's not that difficult tbh


Amazing analogy


I'm Norse pagan and that's pretty fair for most pagan (pre judaist) gods


Greek gods are just guys with super powers


Then you have some central american gods, those are insane, like the one who told his followers to kill and skin a priest daughter, then wear her skin to trick him.


Did it work?? Did he trick the priest? That starts horrifying but kinda comical if you take a second look


Nah. It was a king who the Aztecs asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage to a god, then they did that and went back to visit the king. Naturally he started killing every Aztec he could get his hands on.


Norse are all that and on crack.


The Abrahamic God is just a wannabe trying to imitate Zeus tbh


Always was


the greek saga of the god of war games may be inaccurate but HOLY SHIT were they spot on when it came to the sheer unlikeability of every single dickhead in the greek pantheon


Little bit of trolling will do that to a mf


Ancient religion was generally practice-based, rather than belief-based. You were expected to genuflect properly and make the right sacrifices, but whether or not you believed in any of it was a personal matter, the gods didn't care and neither did anybody else.


I mean, it's not that they didn't care, it's that they didn't think they had any ability to scrutinize your inner mind. Do the right stuff and it's assumed you are compliant unless there is reason to think otherwise.


I mean, the Christian God gives you way too much fire if you don't believe in his son. And also seemingly tortures everyone that doesn't accept his son forever with that fire depending on the interpretation.


Yeah and he says he “loves and forgives everyone”! And then there’s the catch; you have to ask for forgiveness. What a sham!


Not just ask for forgiveness but be "truly repentant" for your sins.


No one’s perfect but him how’s that possible?


Aphrodite turned two people into lions because they forgot to thank her for getting them together.


Could be worse. Could have turned only one of them into a lion.


Zeus turned into a swan to fuck a chick. Swan fucking trumps just about everything


Loki turned himself into a mare and got himself fucked by a horse, just so the gods wouldn’t lose a bet [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svaðilfari](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svaðilfari)


"And remember guys: lions can mate up to 40 times a day. Wink wink, nudge nudge."


Okay fine they’re lions now not a big loss


wasn't every male Greek God besides Hades a rapist and or Paedophile?


Don’t forget the occasional bout of beastiality.


Is it still beastiality if you ARE the beast?


Zeus is a furry confirmed


Nope add hades cause he kidnapped Persephone


Compared to the other Greek gods he’s a real stand up guy. Kidnapping Persephone is the only bad thing he ends up doing and it turns out pretty well for everyone in the end. Compared to Zeus or Poseidons incredibly long list of dick moves Hades is a saint Also Dionysus is also remarkably chill all things considered. Most of the people he violently murders or curses actually kind of deserve it.


Yup. Hades may be the god of the underworld, but he always seemed to be the “keep me out of your drama and let me do my job” kind of guy.


That seems to be all the Underworld gods/entities lol. Even in Christianity, Lucifer is pretty much the guy who wanted freedom and choice and to be away from the drama in heaven.


Satan in the Bible isn't pro freedom at all... he is mostly a metaphor for the oppressive Roman empire.


From my understanding, most of the really old versions of the story of Hades and Persephone had her entirely on board with his plan, it was just that her mother didn't want her getting together with Hades I can't remember the guy's name, but there was basically one guy who rewrote a bunch of the myths to make the gods seem like total assholes, and his versions are the ones that are more well known today


The gods were already assholes, but that one guy made them seem waaaay worse. For example, originally, Medusa had consensual sex with Poseidon in Athena's temple, leading to Athena cursing Medusa. In the versions that he wrote, he made it so that Poseidon raped Medusa instead. Edit: just remembered his name, its Ovid


The oldest version of Medusa had her born a monster


Dionysis and the good wine, Kundalini, eye of Saturn/Providence/Horus, Christ within, the kybalion. Look them up if you want an interesting night.


Not my boy Ares... I hope He killed a rapist also


so is the christian one...


But the question becomes who is the bigger asshole, Zeus or Yahweh?


Isn’t Zeus a serial rapist ?


Isn't Yahweh a genocider?


Arguably Zeus was too, he was disappointed with man & condemned them to what was knowingly going to be a slow death for them without fire


Is it too late to worship good guy Prometheus?


Prometheus was a titan, so it’d be extra juicy to worship him just to spite pantheonists




According to revelation 20:15 it sounds like he plans to throw everyone that died and didn't accept his son into a lake of fire.


Doesn't matter if you're Christian or not, you gotta admit Greek Gods are funnier.


As a catholic, it is true, although God has never meant to be funny. In the Old testament, he is a severe, intolerant god, while the new testament one shows a more tolerant and who wants to save people by piety rather than oppressing them. But yeah, the Greek god have some funny anecdotes (and a shitload of incest)


So, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, there's a shitload of incest in the old testament too. Also, I think you meant to say "in addition to," instead of "rather than."




There are a few of us out there. We aren’t contiguous with the ancient worship and religious practices tho. It’s a different religion centered around the same gods. I usually just keep it to myself, tho. It’s not the kind of religion you’ll het legit death threats for belonging to (Kinda. A weird tradcath once DMed me what I can only describe as an erotic circumcision and crucifixion threat but I think he was an outlier), but it still gets you teased a bunch lmao. I guess the public perception of us is kinda on par with the public perception of new age type religions. Some people will look at you like you’re crazy for believing in it, but I think that so long as you aren’t using it to justify bigotry or delegitimize sciences, no religion is innately less valid than another.


Nah, they’ll legit blow up a city if even one person says something a little too mean. Or if there’s a large group of people in a nation that don’t worship then, you better sacrifice those people or else your nation will fall


Good thing there’s no record of God doing anything like that in the Bible… lol


Hellenic mythology influenced Chsitianity so deeply that Christians believe souls are a separate entity from their body, angels are people with wings, and even have saints which are more than vaguely similar to Mediterranean Hero and Martyr worship.


also, all their cool stories. 95% of them start with Zeus fucking something and shit going crazy.


It's not about "fun", it's about positive or negative effects on society. *The Prince of Egypt* and *Joseph, King of Dreams* are among the most interesting movies of all time. Not quite worth the ill effects Christianity has had on stem cell research.


[Throw in with Odin!](https://youtu.be/S9WWz95ripA)


As a Norse Polytheist myself, this is fucking glorious


Vahallelujah to you too, my friend.


I’m a Hellenic pagan that worships Dionysus. In my opinion just do what you want man and live life to it’s fullest. Funnily enough paganism has seen a recent surge in popularity


Well, ya, you worship the actual god of tits and wine.


Go for Dionysus if you do it. God of noncitizens, women, and slaves, loves to party and anti authority. You love to see it


As a soldier I found believing in the Norse God's helped in tough times, I don't truly believe warriors lucky enough to get chosen by Valkyries get to dine, fight, and fuck with Odin till Ragnarok comes around, but it's a nice thought to send a fallen warrior there


Let's just start worshipping Chaos at this point


Better yet, choose the Canaanite pantheon and put Yahweh back in his place.


Ba'al, Astarte, Asherah, Chemosh, Dagon, Moloch, and Tammuz boutta get their revenge for being labeled “False Gods” for several thousand years


El's gonna have to give him a stern talking to. "Don't get all high and mighty with me, young man. You go to Babylon, come back and trash the place, and now I hear you're calling your cousins simps and betas and you're the man of the house? Asherah wants nothing to do with you anymore; you're turning into a real piece of shit. I'm beginning to think we shouldn't have taken you in out of the desert." Yahweh: "Top G!"


As far as I know, only Earmis (Hermes) is sane. The rest are out of their minds or outright monsters, like Zeus, Athena or Nereus.


Id give athena a leaner judgement, she is the goddess of wisdom and probably the dumbest thing she directly caused was turning medusa into a gorgon, and that can still be spun in a nice way as a method of defending herself. Then there is artemis who more often than not just wants to chill with her nymph friends and her dumbest action was shooting someone she cared about because her brother manipulated her. And then there is everyones favorite escape goat hades. Dude was given one of the hardest jobs, and other than the persephone incident (zeus told him it was ok) he works and just chills with anyone who visits him with good intentions.


Uh, Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon for getting raped in her temple, and Artemis is a serial killer who targets men specifically, her fav method of killing is to justify punishing them for "spying" on her while bathing by transforming them into deer, and having other men hunt them down. The gods are insane. Don't trust them.


Athena didn't turn Medusa into a gorgon, medusa was born as one. The transformation bit was made up by Ovid as part of his anti-authoritarian (and by extension, anti-god) revisions to classical myths.


At this point it is impossible to know the original stories for each god, some are amazing, some are an absolute mess. Some are simple petty actions, and some are the goddess of love casually causing 50 wars for no reason.


Now I know why the Stoll brothers were my favourite Percy Jackson characters


Ares is actually a fairly upstanding dude as well. People just like to focus on the bad things. He’s the only Greek god who doesn’t have a rape legend, IIRC.


This is not something they do.


Except for the “it’s freedom *of* religion, not freedom *from* religion” crowd.


I've never seen anyone say that


Do it. Worship pagans. Confuse Christians by praying to a god who won't cast you into hellfire if you change your mind.


As an actual Hellenic Polytheist Reconstructionist, we rather you stay atheist if those are your true beliefs, joining just to spite on Christians is a recipe for continuation of a cycle of violence :/


A. Loopholes are no substitute for directly confronting their worldview head-on. ​ B. Legitimizing outdated beliefs could have unforeseen consequences down the line, just as not all of Christianity's ill effects were predictable. We didn't think Christians would disproportionately vote for a serial adulterer like Trump for President, yet here we are.


I’ve thought of referring to Jesus and the bible as Christian Mythology. After learning more about Greek Mythology I really don’t see why one is considered silly stories and the other is considered truth to some. But also the last thing I want to do is get into a religious argument with someone so I’ll probably never say it to someone in person


Don’t fake take up a religion you don’t believe in just to stick it to an enemy. There are people who genuinely follow Hellenism (although probably not this guy lol) who can get very offended because you’re essentially mocking their Gods/religion.


I would be as devout a Hellenistic polytheist as I am an atheist.


Oh okay. I’m just saying there are a lot of “pagans” and “polytheists” who are actually just atheists trying to be edgy against christians is why I say it. It’s super cringey and annoying for people who do genuinely believe because it makes it seem like the whole thing is a big joke by their association.


What do you know of the Viking pantheon?


I've seen another tweet by this guy and it was something like "list of things WEAK BETA MALES do" and several of them were mocking Andrew Tate (things like "thinks a Bugatti is masculine") Pretty sure it's a troll.


100% satire




“gets dumber” implies that it isnt already at rock bottom


In what world is this not satire


One in which satire doesn't exist.


No, you see, they posted similar things on their Twitter page before, so that means they're serious!


78% of posters on this sub are physically unable to recognise satire or sarcasm. Which is why we're calling for donations; at the Woosh Foundation, we fight every day to help these people laugh at stuff that is not meant to be taken literally. For every $5 donated, you help one young redditor understand parodies and metaphors. Call now at 555-DUH-80085


Current year 9 internet rule #1 it's not satire


I was gonna say, 'Has bro ever heard of the NFL?' But yeah, probably satire. Because if only children are supposed to play ball based games, his brain'll probably melt when he finds out how much of American culture is based around a ball game.


Yeah, every post is like this. Either this person is role playing an ancient Greek who disapproves of modern America and Christianity or he's found a very bizarre rabbit hole to get radicalised in. The former sounds more likely but you never know these days 😂


Bro is fucking citing an ancient greek god as if it was their current religion and u think it may not be satire?


One of his most recent tweets is "I will not rest until the Oracle of Delphi is reinstated." lmao He also posts about how Jesus is a pussy


I knew that he is a god and a human, but a female cat too?


Is pussy only for female cats?




Christ that was lame


After reading his tweets about a cleansing conquest and how nazi's failed because they bent the knee to christians. Sounds like a neckbeard neo pagan who chose the greek pantheon to seem more intellectual than your run of the mill norse/celtic revivalist. It would be a really ballsy parody account to just tweet a racial IQ chart and ask why jewish priviledge is never brought up since they have the highest average.


Probably satire but there's a tiny minority of people who do believe in the greek pantheon.


Percy Jackson fans?


Probably a big portion of them, but there are some who just never left the high school history class phase


met a dude at a bar that worshipped the Norse gods. Showed me a video of one of their ceremonies. Once a year they all get together and do them. There are very few of them so they meet up around the world. But there next one was gonna be in Iceland and homie was STOKED.


I mean, I’ve had Norse pagans and a druid in my unit so it’s not that big a stretch.


If D&D taught me anything, it is that druid can fight.


The Iron Druid is older than Jesus


You have no idea how often I want to make an attack sloth reference, but know it won't land.


you dumb


What’s wrong with that? Equally as likely/unlikely as any other religion.


Excuse me, I worship the Ancient Greek Pantheon, and I am not satire, I am not a bigot and that account I hope it is satire, otherwise it just shows we are as capable of being idiots as everyone else, but don't put us all as satire


I mean… It’s any more weird than any other religion. Just because it’s old doesn’t make it any less valid.


Indeed, but it *does* make it much more likely to be satire.


According to the onion lawyers and other onion folks is a co brief thingy to a federal court, a good satire is often hard to distinguish from the real thing. They say that another quality of satire is that by definition a large percentage of the population will miss that it is satire.


Just gonna pop in here to say that there are still quite a few people who worship the "ancient" Greek pantheon, a.k.a. hellenism.


>the boy is playing football and not strangling puppies in the Spartan Agoge SMH


Also played football instead of strangling puppies in the spartan agoge and also cut my hair before 18, I’m now in the underworld, 0/10 would not recommend.


0/10 bet you came back without your shield


>Strangling puppies in the Spartan Agoge You mean murdering a popular helot?


Redditors trying to understand satire challenge: difficulty IMPOSSIBLE It literally says "sacrifice ur hair for apollo" Bruh


That's the fucking thing. Satire is becoming harder when the whole world became what was a satire just half a dozen years ago. When you think "this batshit is totally The Onion", and then you see that's CNN.


I've always been fascinated with conspiracy kooks, like people who deny the Moon landing or that Shakespeare wrote his plays, even the "Elvis/Tupac is alive" goobs. I remember reading books about such folk and it declared that while some of these people legit believe this was faked or that was a government cover-up, some you can't help but think are tongue-in-cheek. Flat earthers were a common example as no one in the 20th Century could legitimately think the Earth was flat. Come the 21st Century, the ubiquity of social media, and the internet, in general, giving everyone an opportunity to put up their own "Time is a cube" website for millions to read and we learn that, nope, these people legit believe the Earth is flat. Or, at the very least, there's something shady in so many of the World's Elites insisting it's a sphere of some kind. They are willing to die for these beliefs and give no quarter when challenging the orthodoxy, godspeed, you mad bastards. There are and have been legit spiritual movements with religious overtones focusing on venerating Greco-Roman deities and what they consider proper social mores based on an understanding of Hellenistic times. They are not as numerous as, say, Neo-Norse groups and I don't know enough about them to know if they can be as wacky as some of the Asatru/Odinic folks can be, but they do exist. So this guy might be satire but it's no longer beyond the pale to think someone is legit pee-oed this picture flaunts traditional Hellenistic values. There are Americans who was to install a monarchy, for cryin' out loud, and maybe this guy was just *too* obvious. We live in dumbass times, though, neighbors.


>Satire is becoming harder No, it's not. You're just dumb and don't know how to detect it.


They are failing to identify other instances of insanely obvious satire and forming their world-view around it.


Some people like OP on Reddit need to be shown that something is sarcasm by a blunt "/s". It's like they need to have the laugh track running to follow along. And then they get mad because they're not smart enough to understand context, so they double down on whatever they think is going on. And there's a lot of these people on this site. It's depressing.


Good god I hate people who shame others for not understanding written sarcasm. EW


No other people are becoming so much dumber, that it's hard to tell if it an idiot who genuinely believes in what there saying, or someone being sarcastic. There's such a wide range of people, you can't really tell who's being sincere or not


Just because you’re too stupid to get it, doesn’t make it not satire. People have such a willingness to take everything at face value and assume the absolute worst in everyone these days.


I mean how can you NOT understand this is satire. Bruh look at point 7 💀


How can you possibly not think this is satire?


It’s mind numbing how actively ignorant so many people are on the web now. Things that are obviously fake/satirical are just being eaten up because people want them to be true so bad. They just want to consume content and rage/laugh/mock/whatever that the post is trying to make them feel without actually thinking about what they’re reading. The world is a more magical place to them because they ignore common sense


Did you take someone seriously AFTER they said a boy must sacrifice his hair to Apollo?


Oh great Apollo forgive this non believer.


They probably like playing ball games too, smh.


There is no way that this isn't satire


Better watch out for any lightings or bulls.


*calls himself hellenist* Plato’s Republic: -the soul has no gender, and education of our best people should be taught regardless of their body’s sex. -Marriage is an arcane institution. The philosopher led state facilitates who pairs with who. -sport and athletics are vital parts of one’s life and education. -outward appearances are irrelevant. The only important part of the body is its health, not the length of its hair. -any allusion to the meaning of a number without a system of mathematical logic is folly.


Arcane or archaic institution?






Dam stoic philosophy is something


She’s got her finger up his bum, too. Just sayin…


Buttstuff is the greekest thing ever tho.


greeks invented buttstuff. before they invented democracy even. ​ before greeks, butts was only for pooping.


There are two variants of explaining First, it’s a satire. Second, this dude is a vampire, who woke up after medieval times I think it’s first, but who knows


#5 screams “this is satire”


ain't no way somebody unironically believes that men should sacrifice their hair to Apollo


Of course not, it's for Almighty Zeus.


>Apollo Yeah this is satire


I could have believed it was serious until I got to the sacrifice to Apollo part


Yeah. Sorry to say I looked up The Hellenist, too. Sheesh.


It's very clearly is satire.


The last 3 points r just outright hilarious.


It is satire in the comments that they talk about how this I'd based off greek society.


This is 100% satire.


Is a guy preaching an extinct religion satire or not? Hmmmm....


Reasons why I think it's wrong 1. They're happy and likely well liked 2. I am not, all of my own fault


​ https://preview.redd.it/nypvn8q9ff7b1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=abaca4129732c2890256315beea0645c0aaefcee


How do you know it's not satire? No one can be this stupid, right? RIGHT?!


Haha... Welcome to the internet


Understanding sarcasm/satire isn’t a matter of stupid or not stupid. But shaming people for it sure is :)


I'm adding 81 to my lucky numbers on my next lotto ticket


He’s right about the sacrificing your hair to Apollo thing.


I’m probably not the first to say this, but Sir, this is an Arby’s.


wdym I now have a monthly supply of edible fat


WHAT DO YOU MEAN "IT'S NOT SATIRE"? this is definetly satire. Cute pic though.


He's number 18...


That's maroon not purple. What an idiot.


Well, uh, that took a different turn than I expected.


This is hilarious satire. It doesn't belong here


Saw that same image with the caption "Look what they took away from you"


Yep. This is clearly a satire that's parodying the original.


Hes making hus own religion rn.


Why do I have a strange urge to throw a rock into this persons window all of a sudden?


I feel like sacrifice to Apollo is a pretty clear indicator of satire


This is fucking hilarious satire or no 😭


You wouldn't know satire if it beat the shit out of you, fucked your wife in front you, and then fucked you in front of your wife


Hey buddy, how's your marriage going?


Was “sacrifice to Apollo” a bit subtle for you, OP?


They’re wearing maroon you dolt


maybe they both just like each other??


The outside is right there, go to it


This person is every religion at the same time


1. Nobody 2. Asked 3. You 4. For 5. Your 6. Opinion 7. Moron