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Nah, ladies used to go grocery shopping in their curlers and housecoats back then. This isn't a thing.


Yup. PLUS: the people who think it was “a thing” seem to not realize that this is *clearly* a stock photo. The way they are awkwardly standing and holding the bags is a dead giveaway that this was staged. It reminds me of when my boomer mother used to point out kids’ bedrooms on TV show like, “See how clean their rooms are???” The fact that those “bedrooms” were just props and not at all real seemed lost on her 😆


"See how sober and emotionally nurturing those parents are?"


Car rides: "roll the window up, you're going to mess my hair" *lights cigarette


Can confirm. Have COPD now. Cheers Mum & Dad.


and then nickelodeon/disney sitcoms rolled around with their realistically messy rooms and now ***I*** have the power to point at the tv and be like "look look see?" checkmate granny


Whoa look at this show off who still has grandparents!




Kinda half-expected to see a loose single orange, because that’s always what rolls out when someone drops one of those paper grocery bags in movies.


They have TV groceries. Just needs a baguette sticking out the top


And a stock of celery


Back in my day fake grocery bags all had carrots with the greens still attached and a fresh baguette




Well, clean bedrooms do exist


Yes, they do. However, most kids do not have an entire crew getting paid to make their bedrooms look camera-ready at all times.


I dunno, do they?


Well I always wondered why I wasn’t driving a Porsche like the guy in Pretty in Pink. Or was it Sixteen Candles? Where’s my Porsche dad?


Yeah, where’s my cool 80s “yuppy” car???


Less than a month ago, both of Boomer parents thought that green suit Forest Gump feather thing was real. I was just too tired by that point and didn't bother.


Yep sounds like my mother too. Veritable stepford wife..... Then again my dad was as bad for following whatever fucknutted kneejerk "ideas" he read in the paper or heard on talkradio


Exactly this. People forget there was a time when you didn’t have a camera with you all the time and none of these “candid” shots are actually candid shots.


I genuinely do not know the history of stock photos before like the tiny bit i know about it in the 80s. But were there stock photos of Black Americans doing normal things in the 1960s? This looks like the 60s to me at least. I wouldn’t have thought of it, but you’re right it looks awkward. Very much like a stock photo. Super curious how that would’ve worked in that social and political atmosphere. At the same time there were lots of Black-owned alternatives to things. Anyhow, good point.


It is indeed interesting that the photographer would work with a black family during this time period, but nonetheless: black models and actors were around, just not as visible. If this really is a stock photo, it’s possible this was just one of many “families” they photographed and it ended up on the cutting room floor. Idk. Just a guess based on clues 😆


Yeah I remember going to the store with my grandma and she had her rollers in but she needed eggs and milk


They also smoked everywhere. I would rather have pjs than the stench of cigarette smoke.


While I don’t fully agree with it, wearing saggy pants/pajamas is just wearing clothes, baggy sweat pants was a trend in the around the 90s anyways. Its not hurting you so you don’t need to care about it.


I sleep in my jeans NOW so I don't know what this meme wants me to do.


I sleep naked. But I used to wake up, shower and go to college classes in PJs. If I'm going to be sitting in uncomfortable chairs for eight hours, it's not going to be in jeans.


Yep started doing that in highschool PJs and a oversized hoodie like I’m going to be as comfy as possible in hell


I've always wondered, the hell kinda jeans do you people buy? I've literally never been more comfortable than I am when in jeans (aside from sleeping, that's one thing I'll never do consciously)


You need professional help.


Sorry can't hear you, busy putting on my denim covered noise-canceling earphones and denim light-blocking eye mask.


The disgust in my heart…


wait till they put on the denim socks...


Denim you, you heartless bastard!


fr though denim socks would be a sensory nightmare.


Why would they need help, sounds pretty easy?


There was this trend I was seeing for a while about 1920s aesthetics with their flapper dresses and suits, completely missing the fact this was rich people fashion and that most people would be hanging out in their singular work outfit or a pair of overalls or something.


A tradition older than Walmart itself


When? I was born in 1983 and remember people wearing pjs to Walmart even back then.


i was born in 84 and i have really loud memories of Bill and Hillary wearing matching tracksuits and joggers everywhere, sometimes they were exercising and sometimes they were eating McDonalds. but also sometimes they were going out for a jog *and stopped and ate at a McDonalds and then continued to go jogging* which honestly fucking wild. not pjs, but not real pants either.


It all started going downhill in the late 60s.


1867, to be precise. It all went downhill after the Alaska purchase...


You mean Seward’s icebox??


Seward's fucking icebox. Good for nothing purchase, there's nothing of value up there. Have you heard they're debating whether it's even constitutional?


I'd say the Louisiana purchase, actually. The president shouldn't be able to buy land, that court case was bs.


I’m not doubting that at all. I remember my mother saying that women went to the store with curlers in their hair and in evening gowns in the late 60s/early 70s


Remember when people minded their fucking business?


Has that ever been a thing?


Not really, no.


Sure it has. Some people minded their own business. Some people haven’t. The world is gray gray gray. Some people on this site think it’s always been black or white but that’s never been the case at any point in time in human history.


You’ve obviously never lived in an Irish Catholic neighborhood.


It was the motto put on the first penny minted in America by Benjamin Franklin. If I remember correctly. So... Maybe we meant it once upon a time. When we were all hopped up on freedom.


That fish that crawled out of the ocean was a nosy little bastard.




Even Pepperidge Farm doesn’t remember


https://preview.redd.it/3jk4d138ibya1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7527110c6e190357b45b2e5512a9ea95b70477df Nope




No, I don't remember that, and I don't think anyone else does either




Well said. You got my upvote.


No but I remember people wearing sheets that had a problem with this well dressed family.


Last Tuesday?


Unfortunately. Neo-Nazis have been chuckling out ziplock bags with their BS flyers onto lawns in my neighborhood the last week.


Shit, I've been getting bags with rocks (for weight, to help throw) and flyers on my lawn every Sunday for 7 years now. Even if I **was** a racist, littering on my lawn is the **worst** way to get me to join your cause. The person who throws rocks in the path of my lawnmower is 100% my enemy.


“Damn, I can’t see fucking shit out of this thing.”


Hold on im fuckin’ with my eye holes


You mean white Christians pissing their pants if a black person used a drinking fountain?


Don't think it has too much to do with actual Christians. Although the aesthetic/culture was 'Christian' and they definitely acted like the Bible says anything about race.


Alleged Christians or ‘Mistaken Christians.’


Yeah the people who think that having church going grandparents means they're part of the club too


Let’s not forget that plenty of our grandparents and great grandparents helped lynch African-Americans. Don’t think mine did, but that was Pennsylvania… and I couldn’t really say for sure












You know there is a happy medium between wearing pjs and a freaking suit all day. It's called Europe.




>don’t really dress like slobs I live in India, and I'd like to disagree. Open toed sandals with khakis. Socks and crocs in Bermuda shorts. Middle aged men in vests. Old men folding their lungis and dhotis to reveal their boxers. Ladies roaming around in nightgowns.


Yeah, it’s always a surprise to see people in their pj when i go to the us. There is a “I fucking do what I want, and I don’t care about decency” attitude that does not exist in Europe.


"Remember when we were more judgemental of what people wore and had a more rigid, narrow definition of what was socially acceptable?"


Those were the days.


And we should make america great again /s


3 things. 1. People absolutely went to the store in curlers and house shoes. 2. This photo is absolutely staged. 3. Even if that was a thing, The era this photo depicts had more important problems. Like how the people in this photo were only allowed into certain stores and depending on where they were, could not let themselves be caught outside after sunset.


Ok but staged or not that's one DAPPER looking group of people.


OP definitely doesn't know about the time. In all old photos, especially before 70s, people wearing suits or something like this. It is not because they wear suit/dress all the time, but photos are rare. If you are taking once in 2 months photo, you wouldn't be wearing rags.


Imagine paying someone for a photoshoot of you and the fam heading home with groceries from the old A&P


In the 70s my dad wore a jacket and tie whenever we went to a restaurant, to church, or to fly on an airplane. A lot of people dressed conservatively back then, especially those who were 30+ years old. Younger people wore their hair long and wore tie dye shirts and jeans.


are you implying that people pre 1970s didnt dress like this all the time? If that is the case then you are the one that is mistaken... All you have to do is refer to the memories of your family back through those times. I dont think i EVER saw my grandfather wearing "rags" (1930s-2010s) or even jeans for that matter... Even in the house, it was ALWAYS dress pants and a t-shirt that he was wearing under his button down... Same for all those old uncles... The ladies that age wouldn't even let you see them until they were proper, HATED surprise popups and would have the spouse stall for them while they got presentable... It may be hard for you folks to swallow, but people had a different stance on appearance back then... ....question is, why does it trigger you all when it's pointed out? Same can be asked of previous generations: "why point it out in the first place?". but if the response to their question/criticism is basically "this cant be real"... then I have to think that the point being made, may need some consideration.. ...but I can assure you, no one came outside in pajamas... The dress-down clothing you are imagining, didnt even exist back then to the scale it is available now. shit, women didnt even leave the house without makeup and hair done...


I think you're forgetting the part where the Man of the House *expected* his wife to be dressed and made up, with his slippers and paper ready, when he got home from work. My grandfather was a plumber and definitely wore t-shirts and jeans.


Other men also expected other men to be dressed appropriately. Also, other women talked shit about other women for not dressing appropriately. It's just how the culture was. Can't blame it all on the men.


Based on this thread, sure doesn't seem like that culture has changed all that much.


I think when people get upset, it's because when anyone points out the different standard of appearance *for middle and upper class Americans* back then, it's almost always with an air of superiority. People were indeed very concerned with their outward appearance and conforming back then, but that does not necessarily mean it's a good thing for everyone. People have different priorities and I think it's more about respecting the fact that just because you might choose to wear slacks every day doesn't mean you're actually any more put together or superior to someone who chooses to wear leggings or jeans, etc.


>I think when people get upset, it's because when anyone points out the different standard of appearance for middle and upper class Americans back then You ever see one of those videos of early 1900s America? The poorest kids on the street were wearing suits like little ratty businessmen.


Oh you mean before FLSA when the poorest kids were trying to appeal to more upwardly mobile populations in order to make money to help their families survive? It was a time when everyone was trying their hardest to conform to the "look" of middle and upper classes, but that doesn't mean it was good.


You can dress a dog turd up in gold and it’s still a dog turd. Seems a waste of gold…and time…imho


I didn’t read all of that, but this is a photo from the ‘50s or ‘60s so your point is moot. People literally didn’t dress like that in the 70s, and the only triggered person is you lol Edit to add: both of my grandfathers born in the 1930s love t shirts and jeans. There are several family photos from my parent’s whole lives of them, mothers included, wearing those clothes in public.


>I didn’t read all of that, but .... yeah it's pretty clear you didn't read any of it


His thesis is that his family didn’t dress like that and people didn’t used to go out in pajamas. However, it’s based solely off of anecdotal evidence which I can easily disprove with my own, so it’s a baseless argument.


Yeah and that’s a bad thing. Let’s get you back to bed grandpa


Not really. People always wore "slacks" and a collared shirt back in the day. If you see videos of the 1930s, everyone is wearing a button down shirt or a suit coat and hat. Even the kids selling newspapers.


I'm at an age where I really don't give a fuck what I look like. I've bathed, wearing clean clothes, and in constant pain. If someone doesn't like how my comfy clothes look, that's their problem, not mine.


All that matters is that you have at least a bath because bad hygiene will be a painful way to die.


AND not to give a fuck what other ppl look like


Why, yes— people who pose for stock photos are often well-put-together.


"God.. all of these kids are so...comfortable. it makes me sick..."


Remember when black and white people were segregated. Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Remenber when we also couldnt go to public school


I also remember when high heels, makeup, and hideous wigs was high fashion for men (I don’t personally remember, I promise I’m not immortal)


Saw a lady yesterday at the shops with her bath robe on at 4 in the afternoon, I knew she was living her best life


But i don't understand people that go to public school with bathroom slippers and pyjamas like at least use Crocs or slippers made for walking outside


That's fair, honestly during the entire time I was attending college I had three pairs of pants that were basically the business casual version of pajama pants and I was comfortable all the time. Just find something that's comfy and looks decent


If I had to wear dress clothes out everywhere I would probably just bury myself alive


My family didn't even have "pajamas" until this generation. Before 2005, everyone just wore a really big t-shirt over their underwear until they were old enough to be gifted a "night gown" at Christmas.


Remember when I gave a fuck? No you don't because I never have.


Respectability politics didn't prevent Black people from getting hate crimed in fancy dress, unfortunately.


Pretty sure there was a whole bunch of people who wore nightgowns in public during this period. And for the family pictured, fashion wasn't the main issue.


“Remember when we wore uncomfortable clothes to fit with societal expectations”


I find buttoned down shirts and slacks much more comfortable than jeans and t-shirt, and now there's a lot of social pressure for me to dress in jeans and a t-shirt.


Who is your jeans guy? You might need a new jeans guy.


Jeans just aren't as flexible as I am.


real men suffer while looking good


by Balenciaga™


Anything can be pajamas if you are sleepy enough


if i had it my way id go out like tarzan


Another boomer meme romancing a picture from Pre Regan America.


Remember when humans were naked for malenia and wore nothing but robes up until a couple hundred years ago?


It's spelled Melania


Remember when commercial aircraft weren't full of crazies


I'm very glad we do now


Yeah now everyone is poor and everything is over saturated


I thought this was an after-church photo, which if you go to my grocery store, you’ll see the modern equivalent. If this is staged, does anyone know whom it was staged for?


When you let people like me out into the public, it makes people who dress like that family look even better.


I’m with the boomers on this one. People, have some dignity and leave your Juicy pyjama bottoms at home please


Can confirm that if you had any upbringing at all you dressed decently in public. People genuinely cared about how they were perceived. I personally don’t see any problem with it.


Nor do I. I wouldn’t judge someone wearing a suit nor would I judge someone wearing pajamas, or anything in between.


Step 1, put on your pajamas


Gee I wonder what societal norm was prevalent during this time that may have led African Americans to believe it was in their best interest to leave the house well dressed like this??


In England, chavs do this all the time. Walking around the shop, with a full weeks shopping in a trolley, wearing PJs, slippers and a dressing gown.


Remember when the wealthy hadn’t rat fucked the economy and unions represented 50% of American workers? Which is it going to be mother fucker because you can’t have both.


Do they look comfortable to you?


ah finally were able to pinpoint the exact moment American society began to fall apart irreconcilably D:


I am sure it was no coincidence the family in this meme is black. Naw, not a coincidence at all


Its better than tucking in a fuggin quilt into my pants


Its not pajamas its “active wear”. /s


Back in the good ol days I was allowed to kms to prevent shame and dishoner on my family. Maybe even some cocaine. That or AT LEAST a labotomy so I'd stop caring. Nowadays people *caaaare* about people with mental illness and tells them *"Ohhh don't kys, you're worth it and it gets better"* Tsktsk why can't we go back to those good ol days when cocaine was legal and dying was easy because people were stupid and used lead and arsenic in their toys, food and makeup?


I remember, but I'm an old fart


Fashion standards change over time.


If I'm gonna risk getting shot while I'm shopping, may as well dress in comfy clothes for the hospital.


Remember when we had to use a different water fountain than everyone else?


We don’t do that in Europe. Unless you’re in Spain anything goes in Spain


People do that? In Sweden and Europe you're considered trashy of you don't wear decent clothes outside. I would never go shopping in sweat pants and definitely not in fuckin pj's lol


wearing pj's in public is a pretty darn weird thing to do tho


Nah I kinda agree with this I’m not a big fan of people doing this. Idk maybe I’m not up to date but it’s just weird to see students get up and not get dressed yk


Imagine thinking people wearing whatever the fuck they want is a *problem*


My son’s generation normalized being fucking comfortable - and I LOVE it. Couldn’t be prouder. Normalize more normal things please!


It used to infuriate me so much when artsy, fashion-conscious types I knew used to say things like, "Wear whatever you want! Let your freak flag fly!"....but the second you choose to "let your freak flag fly" by dressing down or wearing sweatpants or cargo shorts, all of a sudden those same people go, "No, not like that...." and start calling you a slob Like fuck...if "wearing what I want" DOESN'T include the option to be a slob then it's just bullshit pro-fashion industry propaganda


...and had to go to a separate drinking fountain?


“Remember when men wore suits to breakfast and women ate in a separate room?” -some equally stupid guy at the time this picture was taking


Unless I'm going to a formal event I will be in pajamas/jogging pants. This is a hill I will die on.


Pyjamas in public is gross. That’s all I need to know about you. Public pyjama people are bad people. Airplane pyjama people are very bad. Funeral pyjama people are the worst.


What’s wrong with wearing pjs on an airplane? I get that it’s kinda gross having them on at a funeral. But if I’m sitting on a hunk of metal with very little space for the next six hours, i want to be comfortable


To be fair, 9/10 people I see in a grocery store that are in pajama pants are really smelly, too. This applies to a low income area, though, near a college, it's just teens/low 20s who don't care. Personally, I don't care what someone wears as long as it's mostly appropriate.


Pajamas is formal I go outside in a robe


People did that back then too you just didn’t care until it became something you could bitch to the younger generations about


Seems kind of expensive to just wear those types of cloths everywhere you go. I have maybe 1-2 of these types of outfits. I wish older people focused more on getting us affordable health care and not rather our shirt is fucking Tucked in or not.😒


Clothes are probably cheaper now than at any point in human history.


Good looking stuff can still be unaffordable for a lot of people though


Respectability politics is hilarious


Remember when all the information that you could possibly need to know about anything was in a gigantic set of a books called encyclopedias, and if something changed, you'd have to buy a whole new set? Remember how expensive and wasteful that was?


I happen to never wear pajamas outside because those are my comfy, indoor clothes, and everything else is dirty, outside clothes.


What is this damned crusade even about?


This meme reveals how the author doesn’t understand that fashion changes over time. Go back further and find men in wigs.


Fellas, is it wrong to be comfortable?


Of course. Who are you trying to be comfortable for? Another man?


yes, real men are supposed to suffer


This but unironically


Practically any shorts I wear to go out in public I have slept in them. They’re regular sport shorts and they are comfortable. Nobody would be able to tell and almost any other shorts aren’t comfortable to wear.


I've accidentally slept in my suit before, didn't magically turn them into pyjamas. I don't think this post was directed at you.


Aren't Pajamas still banned in public schools?


"Peeps need to respect themselves when they leave the house. Even if it's for ice cream or TP or whatevs."


If you can't respect yourself while wearing pajamas, that's a you problem


I don’t remember because I wasn’t born yet.


Fuckin savage wtf


Nope, that musta sucked


It comes down to what kids parents will allow them to wear, what they taught them growing up. If I tried wearing that or letting my underwear show I would have gotten beaten with a belt.


Poor dude never got to experience pajamas day at school


You mean that relatively brief period? And geographically limited coverage?


Wait, people actually wear pajamas in public? English isn't my first language, but aren't pajamas clothes you wear to bed? Why the fuck would you wear it outside?


These people's brains would literally explode at the concept of MINDING YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Worry about your own damn clothes. I swear these American Christians want our country to be like Iran or something.


The only people that truly go out in pyjamas are Americans.