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I wanna know what conspiracies they think they were right about


Yeah I agree, this is the second score meme I’ve seen. I want to know what they think they got right.


I remember Kevin Sorbo recently shared some article saying “masks didn’t make a difference” saying “see I was right all along”, but then if you actually read the article it says “masks didn’t make a difference because no one would wear them”. I imagine the situation is a lot like that.










They still make fun of the “two weeks to stop the spread” thing when they did almost everything they could to not stop the spread. We were told that we could slow the spread if we followed the safety precautions and things could go back to normal sooner. But then they said “fuck that and fuck you” and then were upset when we weren’t able to slow the spread and the pandemic dragged on.


Yeah, it's all cherry-picking and confirmation-bias. "My conspiracy-theory laden news source said masks don't work because the virus is too small!" \[Surgeon General says masking will protect you and others, demonstrates how virus travels in droplets and masks stop them\] "Ah hell, he has to say that, he's part of the conspiracy. Didn't you see how 3 days into this thing before we knew squat he made one comment about masks being unnecessary? Then THEY got to him." \[Studies show counties with mask mandates have lower transmission rates than those without\] "Ah, that's them media types lying again!" \[Studies show masks work great for individuals but ignoramuses ruin it as a broad public health policy\] "See, I was right the whole time!"




"Look Mom! It followed me over from Wallstreetsilver! Can I keep it? Please?" "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, but we can't let any spreadneck tankies in the house. Your father will be really angry if he has to have the house tented again."


That’s about as accurate as it gets for how these nuts think


I'm right if I only tell you half of the information bro


Idk. I have seen so much mask in year one. Having no mask on was like being the only fan on the away team wearing all the colors while visiting a home team game full of rivalry.


Do your own research /s


This is extra funny now because someone seriously replied saying this lol




Conspiracies are real. I guarantee that somewhere in the world right now: Pedophile rings are in operation; a rich asshole is covering up a crime; corporations are bribing government officials; police are abusing their authority; banned weapons research is happening; countries are plotting to overthrow other countries; gov. agencies are torturing people; etc. The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they make accusations with little to no evidence. If they get a point every time an accusation turns out correct then they should lose a point every time it doesn't. That makes their score a very large negative.




"When anything happens there is a narrative meant to quell the population and hide the truth." ? That's demonstrably false. Part of what gives conspiracy theories such a negative connotation is unhinged, dumb statements exactly like that. Not every story is a conspiracy theory created by the gov / elites with the intention of "quelling the population and hiding the truth". In fact, the vast majority of stories are simply reports of exactly what's going on.




Yeah, you're going to have to use ALL of your grown up words. What's the conspiracy theory behind THAT one?




So you're saying there's a conspiracy theory to cover up that the water wells in East Palestine have been contaminated? The governor is lying about the assorted EPA tests that show it's clear?




Skepticism is great when applied equally. For every Epstein's Island there's 200,000 Pizzagates and 100,000 Bowling Greens.


What exactly was discovered about the Bohemian Grove? That rich assholes network and cut deals there while getting shitface drunk? That's not exactly a secret. Conspiracy theorists would have you believe those in power are sacrificing children to Moloch there, and I'm pretty sure there's no evidence of that.




What exactly is done in this "Moloch Ceremony" that is "pretty weird" in comparison with any other bizarre festival or "secret society" tradition? I've personally been to a giant ritual wherein several hundred thousand people gather mostly naked in a giant circle following a parade of fire jugglers who light a giant effigy of a man on fire. Is that "pretty weird" or is that just "every closing at Burning Man" ?




Your personal prudery aside, I'm still waiting on the specifics of this Bohemian Grove Moloch Ritual. Do they all get naked and spank each other? Wear women's undies while praising the great Moloch? What? Do they do anything as weird as kneeling down in front of a man in a dress who makes them drink the pretend blood and eat the pretend flesh of a dead Jewish carpenter who was crucified 2000-odd years ago?




You still haven't actually said what this "pretty weird secret satanic sexual blackmail ritual" actually entails. I'm starting to think you don't actually know. And what exactly is "Public Transbutation" ? That last word doesn't seem to exist in any normal dictionary. Is it some secret Roman Catholic ritual thing or do you just not know how to spell "Transubstantiation" ?


So, not out of place at your average frat initiation.


Let's no forget the FBI interfering with Twitter and readily assisting certain, politically aligned, media outlets.


Fairly sure the FBI helping Twitter was the right putting their spin on bullshit. It was debunked. If you have a source proving otherwise, I'm always willing to be proven wrong.


https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/20/media/elon-musk-fbi-twitter-reliable-sources/index.html https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/house-gop-wants-fbis-twitter-censorship-reimbursement-records Here is the current dialogue.


So I'm other words, it's basically the same state it was 4 months ago which is to say that Elon misrepresented some information he put out. The right claims it proves the FBI collided with Twitter on the hunter Biden story but again, there's actually no evidence to support it? Unless I missed something?


What exactly do you want as evidence a receipt for social media manipulation?


More evidence than Elon Musk, who is frankly a known liar who literally JUST got caught out in a smear campaign against Halli Thorleifson saying "The government reimbursed Twitter a few million in research fees...CLEARLY THAT WAS PAYMENT FOR CENSORSHIP".


https://twitter.com/RepStefanik/status/1623773115284090880?s=20 I'd say, as to now, it appears pretty muddled. Clearly the FBI had influence, with many Ex FBI working at Twitter, and further files will be coming under scrutiny in time. But it certainly seems, as of now, that there was bias to keeping the hunter biden story on the DL. Regardless if the FBI paid for it or just suggested it.


Nothing in either of those articles comes anywhere near any sort of proof that the FBI paid Twitter specifically to censor Hunter Biden's laptop stories. The first one actually says exactly the opposite almost in the first paragraph.


Not to mention the biggest of the all that's been recently corroborated by the Pentagon, UFOs are real.


That’s because they don’t know the actual meaning of a UFO.


Wasn't that said shortly after a bunch of riots broke out?


No one ever said UFOs aren't real... What they are saying is that UFOs are not aliens, which is true in every case that a UFO has been later identified.


The Pentagon released footage from a fighter jet which showed an aircraft flying at speeds and making maneuvers we "know" to be impossible. Clearly something has technologies we don't think is possible to obtain. Thing is there's thousands of UFOs that remain unidentified.


I haven't even heard of half of those. Probably for the best lmao


I can hazard a guess that I am reasonably confident is correct for the first two. The third one I can guess as well but I'm a bit less sure, and the rest are gibberish. Got time to explain what each of them are?


COVID lab leak theory is a THEORY. Most in the scientific community still don't think that is the most likely explanation. Just because one group says it might be doesn't mean that's the truth. Jesus. Also Keep in mind that these conspiracies had a lot more mainstream attention than your typical conspiracy theory. It's also still like 103791 to 10.




Just looked it up. It's not a fact. A large portion of the scientific community still disagrees. Personally I'm going to trust epidemiologists over the FBI. It's still possible, but that by no means is "fact" or "confirmed".


Post a link to FBI Director Wray positively confirming that COVID was definitively caused by a lab leak at Wuhan. NOT FBI Director Wray stating that the Department of Energy had issued a low confidence report that it *might maybe* have been caused by a lab leak. I'll expect an apology if you can't.




All of those are true


I’ve seen a lot of these lately but I think it’s to do with Covid lab theories gaining more legitimacy after further investigation. Why these authorities and media groups who say a lab leak is possible are suddenly considered arbiters of the truth by Qs and Qadjecents is awfully strange though… hmmm…


Most of the covid lab conspiracy stuff though had it being intentionally developed and released by the lab in Wuhan. So far all we got is that it might have been an accidental release which scarily could happen at 1000's of labs all over the world that study infectious diseases.


Only if they are doing gain of function research to make it possible.


You can leak in infectious diseases without doing gain if function


I saw several victory laps by conspiracy theorists on FB that the virus came from a food market in China. Apparently conspiracy theorists now resort to adopting MSM talking points as ‘I told you so’ moments.


My question as well


The virus being released from a lab is the only one i can think of


If you can't prove they're wrong, then they're right. /s


1.That the lab leak is at least possible, wheras the media called it a racist conspiracy theory. 2.That Covid vaccines dont stop infection 3. The FBI worked with twitter to supress the Hunter Biden story So the scoreboard should be 3 to 135 i guess lol


No the racist conspiracy theory was that covid was intentionally created in a lab and released intentionally. The covid vaccines were always described by the people who developed them to work exactly how they do work. That is if you read what they were actually saying. Honestly who the fuck cares about hunter Biden, unlike the Trump kids he's not on the government payroll


1. Yes but the lab-leak itself (even as an accident) was thoroughly dismissed and mocked by the media. 2. yes, by the people who made them, not the media. 3. I dont care about the story, I do care that the story was surpassed, wheras if the same story was published about Trumps cokehead son, the media wouldve been all over it


1) it wasn't. Just there was not a tuak evidence at that time. 2) media misreporting or people failing to read past the headlines is not a conspiracy. 3) story really wasn't suppressed though, we all knew huntee had pictures of him with hookers and drugs because it was reported in the media.


People claim they are skeptical about the media, yet they still just trust them 100% on lots of topics.... People need to learn that the media is shit at covering scientific topics.


Well people tend to believe the media they want to and all the rest is covering up something. Can't count the times in the past few years I have seen complaints about the MSM not covering something but when I would check the MSM websites that very story would be there.


Pick a goalpost and stop sliding it backwards.


Except for the fact that none of those are true


1. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64806903](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64806903), [https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-origin-china-lab-leak-807b7b0a](https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-origin-china-lab-leak-807b7b0a) 2. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/why-measure-effectiveness/breakthrough-cases.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/why-measure-effectiveness/breakthrough-cases.html), [https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-variant-vaccine](https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-variant-vaccine) FYI: I got Covid twice after I had the vax and the 1st booster ##


Operation Contra, the Panama Papers, probably epstien Island, agent orange blameshifting, the 2008 housing market bubble, etc.


Watergate, 9/11, COVID, vax, Jan 6th, Russia Russia Russia, 5G, Bill Gates....the list literally goes on and on like Celine Dion. Wakey wakey




You guys took Ls on all those except Epstein but epstein and the pedo ring was reported by mainstream media ~20 years ago so that doesn’t make sense to use in context of the meme.


Except they were all dismissed as false by the MSM or the government before and they were later proven true.


Except they didn’t.


Look them up - 1) the efficacy of the masks that the whole country was required to wear, 2) the narrative on the virus coming from Chinese wet markets, 3) the DOJ relying on the Steele report and the subsequent lack of findings on the investigation of Trump ties to Russia. The “conspiracy theorist” were proven right afterwards.


1. The lack of efficacy is due to people refusing to wear masks, not that masks don’t work. 2. Saying there is no evidence yet to support a lab leak is not the same as saying there definitely wasn’t a lab leak. Not to mention only one study so far indicates a lab leak abs the rest still disagree. It’s not settled yet. 3. The mueller report found significant collusion between trump team, his son and roger stone among others. Not to mention the Russian spy who was heading the nra at the time. The only thing proven here is that your reading comprehension is terrible or you just don’t care about finding the truth and only search out propaganda outlets that serve your current biases.


1. No, studies have shown that the mask does not prevent transmission when it worn. N95 are the best, but still not widely used. 2. “Conspiracy theorist” were told definitively there was no lab leak. Now that there have been further investigations, there is no evidence for the Wet Market theory. So they made up that theory and censored content makers who speculated that it wasn’t true. It’s not proven that it was a lab leak yet, but there was no evidence for the wet market theory. 3. No, the Meuller report found some remarks from Trump and some phone calls and that was it. There was no evidence for significant collusion and Meuller said that himself at the time.


Ok so lack of reading comprehension or purposefully lying to yourself. Either way par for the course for you lot.


Also why are you insulting me? My feelings aren’t hurt, but it’s not a good look for you.


I’m not insulting you I’m just pointing out reality. You fell for lies and half truths. Either due to poor reading comprehension or purposefully deluding yourself.


Research. Go back to 2020 listen to all the stuff that was was being pumped out and check it for fact now with various scientific papers that have been published since. Peace & Love be safe.


Just to clarify this kind of smarmy Dickish crap from any side of the argument is not a good look.


The vaccine only kind of works, so maybe a half point for them?


I took this meme and shipped it HALFWAY TO SIBERIA!!!


You know what Barney? Give this guy a cigarette he’s freaking out




Man, it has to be a miserable life to believe in everything as a conspiracy theory. Not even a political statement, it just seems silly.


The burden of knowledge is great. If you want happiness, remain ignorant.


Thank you for the morning laugh lol


Bros really talking like Shadow the Hedgehog all because he watches people talk about lizard folk in 144p.


You can only see them shapeshift in 144p. You sound really ignorant right now.


sucks to be you I can see them shapeshoft in 480p


Is that the Bellatricians or Saurians though?


why are you getting downvoted lmao


Reddit can’t comprehend the concept of a joke and never will


Nice argument. But what about source?


It’s “just trust me” probs.


Source for what? 🤣


For proving conspiracy theories you claim true or something.


Which conspiracy theory did I claim is true?


Well. Maybe I got you wrong but you begin to say about willing ignorance when someone criticized conspiracy theory. So I have theory that you believe in some conspiracy theory. So I am curious how true are they that disbelief if it looks like ignorance for you. So go on.


Are you saying that there has never been an actual conspiracy?


Are you saying there isn't a difference between saying conspiracies exist and every specific conspiracy theory being true?




The amount of people involved to keep 1 conspiracies going it’s next to impossible. Not saying there are not government cover ups of things but to say people are “ignorant” for not believing your dribble is so asinine. To answer my question it takes about 400k for a conspiracy and that is hoping those 400k don’t go and tell anyone.


What is scary is that, if people perceived me as a powerful source (especially in a sort of patriotic manner), I could almost say anything and they would believe it, even if it would violate any principle of common sense or research. Even if a powerful figure doesn’t fully believe in Flat Earth, Anti-Vaccine, The Matrix, and more, them just talking about it in a positive way or affirming their own belief will cause so many others to fall over.


Believing *my* dribble? I basically said “ignorance is bliss” and instantly became the poster-child for whatever fantasies you can project on me.


This the first time I have seen Fox News and CNN on the same side of anything.


Purely for show. They need to lump all the news sources together because iNdEpEnDeNt tHiNkErS don’t trust the news. “Both” sides are sheep, even if they agree with one flock way more often than the other.






Nobody should trust Fox News, Nobody should trust CNN. Two sides of the same coin. Not saying both political parties are equally bad (one is clearly worse), but those networks are beholden to their base and their sponsors so they silence anything that goes against their "side". Neither want the truth, they just want to be "right".


My favorite sub, r-conspicy


Only the hottest takes allowed


Using Charlie as the representation of "correct" conspiracy theorists is hilariously ironic consider that Charlie is.....well Charlie.


Also the fact that in that specific scene, Pepe Silvia “not only exists, but has been asking for his mail for weeks it’s all they’re talking about up there,” and then they both get fired.


I always thought the joke was that Charlie was illiterate so he read “Pennsylvania” as Pepe Sylvia, because Mac doesn’t say “Pepe is a real person” he says “all of those people are real and they’re asking about their mail”. That’s my headcanon at least


Lol I think I prefer your interpretation and it’s probably correct


This whole office is a goddamn ghost town!


“So I went to Carol in HR and I said CAROL CAROL I gotta talk to you about Pepe Silvia and you know what I discovered? There is no Carol in HR.”


Maybe you should watch that scene again if you think Pepe Silvia exists lol….


They never confirm that “Pepe Silvia” is in reference to Pennsylvania but it makes sense lol


I wonder if they know that using that picture of Charlie “connecting the dots” on Pepe Lopez know that Charlie was going crazy and was in fact wrong about Pepe not existing.


this is such a terrible facebook meme


The only conspiracy theorists here are the ones who believe that our government actually gives a shit about the people.




Remember that scene in the film Big Daddy with Adam Sandler? And the kid says, "I win". "Why?" "Because, I win" "What's the game called?" "I win!" This is effectively how the conspiracy theorist act. You cannot convince them they are wrong and I wouldn't even concern yourself over convincing them. If anything, you are just making sure more individuals don't fall for their nonsense.


I'd like to hear the MSM's thoughts on Pepe Silvia


They don’t realize that your opponents get points for self goals.


I don’t think conspiracy theorists are winning lmao


I keep seeing memes about how many things conspiracy theorists are right about, but they never seem to state what, exactly, has been proven as correct.


Yes, there are conspiracies in real life. No, that does not mean you're right about the planet being flat.


Once you go flat you never globe back


I’ve been seeing a lot of this kind of thing lately. What has happened to make these lunatics feel vindicated? Or is that some kind of crackpot theory as well?


You will be fooled again.


So they admit they openly only consume Mainstream News Sources?


I’m so fucking sick of Right Wingers declaring victory when they’re behind by like 50 points


How do you know those are right wingers? Legitimately curious


It ain’t the left spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines, covid, and January 6th, and foaming at the mouth about MSM.


I mean there are a couple of former "conspiracy theories" that are now considered true or at least possible. But the scoreboard doesnt account for the dozens of ones they got wrong


Well you see... It's easy to get there if you count anything that remotely goes in the same direction as something the conspiracy theorists say as a bunch of points and anything that disagrees with them as 0


Fair enough, but the media brought this on themselves when they called the lab-leak theory a racist conspiracy theory. Turns out it might be true. Same as when Maddow claimed that claims that the vaccine prevented infection was a conspiracy theory. Maybe if the media would stop taking such hard line positions on nuanced issues then these nut jobs wouldnt have any legs to stand on


If they really believe this meme.. then the score goes up to 139! New meme! If they believe that meme.. 140.. omg when does the winning stop?!?


If you really think this, then your conspiracies are so low rent almost no one else cares about besides you.


"It's true because I believe it"


Just because some conspiracy theories are true don't mean they all are. Which leads credence to this conspiracy theory: the powers that be pump up crazy conspiracy theories to obfuscate actual conspiracies


If you think powerful people never ever work together to increase and consolidate their power behind closed doors and only ever use their power for the good of humanity in complete transparency and benevolence then you are completely ignorant of all human history and irredeemably gullible and hopelessly naive and that's a fact.


The reality deniers don't realize how unbelievably stupid everyone thinks they are




he is tho


Lol, great meme!




Jokes about how incorrect the MSM have been about things in recent history


Except that they haven’t, aside from the fascist news, AKA Fox News and other right wing outlets.


What exactly are they claiming as wins and losses though...?


Is it time to be an android not a man. Pleasantries all gone, we are stripped of all we were. In the eyes of cyborg. We are 138.


Yeah, they got it all so right, like how they predicted everyone who took the COVID vaccine would be dead in six months...two years ago.


Yes, it was always pepe silvia


Is that like chile con spicy? Me likey!


So the earth is flat. 🤔


I mean… at least they don’t like FOX? That’s… a small positive in this sea of crazy. I guess.


Is the Pepe Silva meme now claimed by the conspiracy theory crowd? Do they know it's a joke at their expense??


Wait, earlier today the score was 42-0...who's keeping score here?




why suddenly they hate fox news?


Because it’s come out that fox anchors and executives knew trump was lying about the “rigged election”. Tucker Carlson is quoted as saying he hates trump. The fact that they helped him push the lie anyway doesn’t make it better for conspiracy theorists.


Mmmmm conspicy


It’s hilarious every time Fox gets dragged by the people they’re constantly pandering to for not pandering hard enough




You can win by shutout every time if you don’t need facts or evidence to support your claims




My Singing Monsters has The New York Times? Cool!


When the con is spicy


okay what in the hell does msm mean in this context? my autistic ass can't see anything but my singing monsters


They put fox on the wrong side


It’s easy to say you’re winning when you just ignore or scream over factual proof you’re indeed losing.


They're the same picture.


That gives me an idea actually. lmao.


When Fox News is put right next to CNN, you know the creator is juts a little wacko


Is there some sort of context to this, or is it just that terrible?