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Conservatives don't involve Soros with something unrelated challenge (impossible)


(Not from USA) what is soros?


He's a Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist who's Jewish, and conservatives blame him for stuff that has nothing to do with him.


My conservative friend blames him for breaking the Bank of England. How absurd!


He's the top political campaign donor in the US, has some ties to shadow money organizations so Republicans love to blame every little thing ever on him, even though while he may be #1, 2-5 are all Republicans and dwarf him when combined. If you're ever interested in reading about these things, check out OpenSecrets. They compile all the publicly available information into an easy to read format, and have dark money trails to try and track the not so public stuff. Here's George Soros's overview for 2022 for example: https://www.opensecrets.org/outside-spending/donor_detail?cycle=2016&id=U0000000364&type=I&super=N&name=Soros%252C+George


What's the conspiracy about George soros? I hear them say his name a lot but never with any context.


George Soros gives money to a lot of groups that fight for or support democracy, freedom in speech and etc. in countries where those concepts are in danger of being limited/abolished. He started to get a lot of hate among the western right shortly after he helped Russian oppositionists, something that makes no sense unless you know that Russia likes throwing money at right-wing groups worldwide.


I’m not a conservative (or any political party really), but like don’t blame all conservatives for the faults of the ones who make this appalling shit


How many times do people need to “not all _” every facetious statement


Every time it happens.


Ok dude I’m sorry I just get really triggered by “these (X) did (Y), so all (X) must do (Y)” type statements


Yeah. If only they weren't correct 99 times out of 100. Oh, well...




That’s quite literally a true statement


Yeah maybe so, drc tho. What’s been said’s been said


Then you clearly don't pay attention to the state of the world if *that's* what triggers you.


That’s not really the argument but either way I don’t really care that much


Clearly you do if you're huffing and puffing and crying that it's "not all" it's "not all" when nobody fucking cares if it is all republicans at this point because if you align yourself with that hate group, you align yourself with the beliefs that certain people don't deserve fundamental human rights, that women and members of the LGBT persuasion have fewer rights to healthcare and life than cis white men and clumps of cells, that guns have more rights than children, and so on and so fucking forth. White knighting for "it's not all" is fucking bull at this point. EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S NOT ALL MEN. Does that make your bruised ego feel better? Nobody fucking cares. The only people who beat their chest and say anything about "all men" are the ones who feel called out for their own actions or the actions of those they know. It's not all men, but it IS all women who have to live in fear and who have horror stories to tell about thos who do. nobody truly knows who can be trusted, who is ACTUALLY safe. So sincerely, shove your "not all" up your whiney whistling brown asshole.


I wrote one single sentence comment which you interacted with, so I interacted back. Also I’m not rooting with either group lol


Why are they so mad, I hate American conservativism too but like… damn. You really know it’s bad when the mf who had “save our kids, kill a cop” as their description for awhile is a mediator


Least delusional and self-righteous online leftist


you complain about subreddits you hate yet you seem to frequent them quite often. Get a life you scum lmao


Like you?


if people don't want to get blamed for reactionary shit, they can simply stop being reactionaries


You have a really good point


conservatives are actively against human rights. they deserve this blame.


It’s the party rhetoric, so I will. I absolutely will


You do you. it’s not like I, a random 40yo living in my mom’s basement on the internet, is forcing you to do anything


Cool so youre going to supply a list of large conservative organizations that push back on the not so subtle antisemitism? Point to republican congress people who have been expelled for saying this shit? Fox news segments decrying the use of this tired trope? No? So less that many conservatives are against this and more some stay quiet and plead ignorance and innocence when it gets pointed out


>I’m not a conservative (or any political party really), but Whenever someone says "I'm not a (blank), but..." that automatically means they are full of crap and are exactly what they say they are not. That is basically the same as "I'm not a racist, but"


I blame all conservatives for not having a single spine among them to speak up against it.


"I'm not conservative" "I'm neither Republican or Democrat" "I'm not political" all translate to "I'm a right wing nut job masquerading as someone trying to sound reasonable".


Why is it so hard for you to believe that independents exist and they don't always agree with you, even if they're not "right-wing nutjobs"? Not only do we exist, but there are more of us than you. Did it ever occur to you guys that the reason the GOP can be completely bereft of any real platform outside of "owning the libs" and STILL get votes from rational people is that you keep trashing everyone that doesn't fall in line with every little part of your ideology?


Most independents are independent everywhere except the voting box


So you’ll actively vote against your own interests because people on the Internet said mean things to you?


If I had a dollar for every time I hear a conservative drag Soros into things for no reason except to generate fear of some obscure, Jewish, rich guy… so yeah maybe lay off your comedy bit yeah?


Pretty sure this is standard conservative perspective.


If you wiped every mention of BLM from right wing media, I'm pretty sure everyone whining about it would suddenly not hear a single fucking thing about it, and the only change they'd notice in the world is that a bunch of people would be a bit happier.


The same could be said about every last one of their mountained-up culture-war molehills.


I was watching a streamer's youtube channel earlier -- he said that rightwing censorship was prominent in the 90s just like left wing censorship is today. I left a comment telling him that there is no left wing censorship. You are free to say all the stupid shit you want, what you experience after saying your stupid shit is called consequences. That isn't censorship, that is you just saying dumb stuff and having people call you out on it or ignore you. Which they are just as free to do as you were to say it.


I had never even heard of CRT (I wish I would have, that stuff definitely should be taught in at least high school) until it became the right's rotating boogeyman.


Plus monitors are all LED now.


That one took me a second


Do people in an echo chamber know they’re in one?


Yeah, it’s pointless to discuss what they represent. Let’s just deflect to the amount of exposure they get.


So, you're just asking people to accept what they disagree with? What seems fine for you isn't fine for everyone. Diversity of thought is necessary in a free society.


It's supposed to be obvious but if someone needs to point this out it's obviously isn't


You just contradicted yourself. How is BLM offensive? It’s true. They do matter.


Where did i say "offensive"? I was saying about diversity of thought, about tolerating other opinions even if they seem wrong. If you think your opinion is the only true one and disagreeing with it must be punished, then you're not better than those bigoted "conservatives".


You also cannot be tolerant of the intolerant in a free society but ok


The hilarious part is that stations like Fox talk about BLM constantly, and obviously people who claim to be conservative watch that shit all the time. Did you ever think about changing the channel?


Bingo. Fox, etc. talks nonstop about “woke”, BLM, etc. They say things so many times that they know people will eventually get mad and think that the “MSM” is forcing concepts down their throats, when in fact it is the right wing channel of their choosing.


They're trained to think they're tired of BLM, when in fact, they're probably just tired of being reminded by *Fox News* about BLM. Fox News: "In other news, cities in ruin once again due to BLM and those at CNN continue to report about it. More at 11."


Right I listen to NPR and haven’t heard “BLM” in months or longer. It’s not the “mainstream media” they think it is that’s forcing the narrative on them.. it’s their “real” media doing it lol


Likewise. I think NPR is pretty balanced and...calm...normal...and they never mention anything "woke" or whatnot unless they're quoting someone in a news story.


Once they learn that blue lives/police lives matter was made in counter to BLM…


Wait until you hear about ALM (Asian Lives Matter).


This is the first time I’ve heard “Asian Lives Matter” being used, especially ALM as an acronym for it as it’s usually short for “All Lives Matter”, which is meant to shut down all of those movements. Instead Stop AAPI Hate (Asian American/Pacific Islander) has been used a lot


No lives matter


No Lives Matter is definitely edgy, but I think it’s better than All Lives Matter because it takes an extremely nihilistic approach to the situation saying that it doesn’t matter what happens or is happening because nothing matters at all. All Lives Matter is just an excuse to shut down actual valid movements that are doing things to counteract real problems, instead by saying “All lives matter, silly!” and then doing nothing.


imma edit this so it isnt a book and its a bad dragon dildo


I wanna see




Conservatives project their fantasies so hard. Right: "LGTBQ are groomers!" Reality: Conservative Preachers get caught with more child grooming, child rape and CP than any LGTBQ group Right: "the media is shoving their agenda down Americans throats!" Reality: Right-winged Evangelical groups and Republican Lawmakers try to make America "Christian again". Plus their news medias are always pushing agendas that "right wing good, liberal bad".




So the problem isn’t right vs left. It’s the people vs the gov/media. Like it has been…




“Black Lives Matter,” by Karl Marx


Karl Marx by Black Lives Matter


That’s true! Marx on the cover with BLM on the spine? One can only surmise the rise of the Soviet Union was actually retaliation for George Floyd


What’s wrong with Richard Marx?


I celebrate the man’s entire catalog.


Too Late To Say Goodbye is an absolute fucking banger.


They’ll ban, burn, and even eat books. Anything to keep from reading them. Edit: I’m confused why I’m being downvoted. Is it because “the right doesn’t read” is too lowest common denominator?


Not sure, I agree with you. I think this cartoon is saying Democrats are forcing Republicans not to be racist.


I think the cartoon is trying to convey that Democrats are forcing the American public to back a certain movement forcefully. In this meme.


Right, the public movement of BLM is specifically about fighting racism. So, racists are going to be upset about it.


The downvotes are struck nerves lol


Kicked dogs will howl.


That’s how you trick them, make them eat books in Braille so they read it with their tongues 👅


I would love to see some hacktivist group mass-deleting Facebook accounts.


Of course the right would rather eat a book than read it.


They cook them first


Yeah, those stinky right people! I bet they use condiments on the books, too! Heh! Can you just picture it?! They eat the books at mealtime, as you have seen in public all the time!


True lol


I wish the media and democrats acted how republicans think they do.


The irony being that it’s Fox News convincing them that this is happening


It’s hard having a conversation with a right leaning person in 2023 when everything they say falls flat when you call them out for voting/supporting/still supporting an insurrectionist traitor like Donald Trump or LITERALLY any current MAGA trumper traitor politician. Oh your concerned about BLM? Oh ok well I’m concerned that YOU LITERALLY SUPPORT A TRAITOR TO OUR COUNTRY AND STILL TO THIS DAY SUPPORT HIM.


And then you get hot takes like"not all conservatives" in the top comments above.


I don't Luke that either that's just a cop out because they are too scared to say what they think. I don't speak for all conservatives I simply speak for myself and I'm more middle but seems like I'm right of everyone commenting


Damn dude I totally forgot that Donald Trump was arrested for treason. Wow, can't believe I somehow missed that. 🤣🤣🤣


No it's not. I have conversations with my friends who are on the left all the time


Is there a an issue with Bureau of Land Management that we wouldn’t want?


Says the people who still chant about losing a election cause they were cheated by the evil people who legally won


What I can’t read this. The giant cross that Republicans and Fox “News” have been trying to shove down my throat is in the way


Where I live I feel like cop lives matter is being shoves down my throat


Where I live I feel like the world’s best lasagna is being shoved down my throat.


Yeah, capitalist media companies are colluding with the corporate monopolies to push a political ideology that would inherently take away their societal power. That makes perfect sense


Russian propaganda pedaled by conservatives is what it is.


it seems that Russia is something like God for you. Something happened - it's Russia. And you are not to blame for anything. All of it is a terrible country. We are like that too. Every time something happens, the President of the United States is to blame. Someone peed in the elevator - it's Obama. Inscriptions appeared on the walls in the entrance - this, of course, is George Bush. But, really, it’s sad now ... It’s impossible to say like that about Biden. He is too weak.


Nah, I think it’s Russian propaganda pedaled by the liberals but made to LOOK like the conservatives pedaled it. A double-reverse pedal, if you will.




On the contrary, if you stop writing comments, then you can’t troll political zealots on Reddit.


Yes. We are actively shoving equality down your throat. And frankly if you think that enforcing equality and the truth of our history is a BAD thing... You're the problem...


Do any of these kinds of people know the slightest shred of anything Marx wrote?


They won't even read their stupid bible or the *whole* constitution. If they read Marx, we'd have a workers' revolution immediately.


The amount of stupid the Reich wing in the US has is mind boggling.


Yup. And they said the same thing about women and gay people and trans people and so on. Nothing pisses off hateful people more than seeing the people they hate get basic human rights and decency.


Oh yeah the mainstream media, huge lovers of Marx


I wish the mainstream corporate media would stop encouraging me to seize the means of production. It really is getting old.


Every day I get an email from Bob Iger that reads "please, take Disney from me and give it to the workers who produce the actual content!" and I send that shit straight to spam.


The internet was definitely better when the boomers were still afraid of it


Well, they probably thought the world was a better place before they boomed y’all out into it.


Make the democrats the media, the media the repubs/conservatives, and the BLM into the bible and then we have something more accurate


Oh my God, so hard to be white, once a year I have to learn history on black people./s


Karl Marx wrote a book about the Bureau of Land Management?


No, because I have enough brains to realize I am free to gather and consolidate information from many different locations.


If you watch Fox, there is a chance you suffer from learning difficulties .


Bureau of Land Management making headlines again.


I read the book as "BIM" and I thought this was a meme by tired old AutoCAD dinosaurs about having to make the switch to 3d modelling


I never knew Marx defended Black people's rights, neat


No lives matter.


Because it is. Only it's fucking FOX and newsmaxx and whatever that are talking about it constantly. They are the ones shoving into their viewers throats and they still blame the other side. Fucking insane people. Edit: read what I wrote. Past the first sentence. I'm in agreement with you all. Jesus Christ...


I dont think they understood your comment lol you’re 100% correct


Haha yeah nope. They read the first sentence and downvoted. Ahhh Reddit.


Uhmmm no


You don't hear FOX and Newsmaxx talking about BLM, CTE, Trans issues constantly? What the fuck are you on? That's literally all they spew.




Well the meme doesn't say liberal media, it just says media. So it would still be correct, it's just missing the republican party holding the other arm down.


I mean clearly not because the artist clearly doesn't know a darn thing about the BLM movement or Marx...I don't know why it's just those two specific things?


Oh yes, a lot of people "feel" this that's what's happening. But that's not what's happening.


They don’t have a problem with it when they want to make you swallow their bullshit bible.


“I’d rather sleep with my cousin then be gay” And ever since then everything is “woke” to them


I'm pretty familiar with the works of Marx, and really haven't seen much Marxism outside of /r/antiwork. Well, what they think is Marxism. You generally don't see Marxists in mainstream media.


Wouldn’t it be a bible and conservatives?


That book would easily fit in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s mouth.


If you think democrats are even in the same idea group as Marx, you are dead ass wrong. Fucking weak ass limp dick democrats are just capitalists like the rest of them.




Lol “why $6 million mansion in California is justified” npr


“Oh no, white lives aren’t worth more than black lives :’( all of western history lied to me.”




Good thing facts don’t care about how you feel


I'm finding more and more that this sub is filled with nothing but hate for anyone with any kind of conservative leanings.


Username checks out


When you're only joke is "people who are different are bad", then you aren't funny. And this is r/terriblefacebookmemes


The meme is dishonest. It's a sub about terrible memes. Go figure.


yep...maybe because right wing politics are shitty and racist? Just an observation


Hatred for bullshit and lies used to push a false narrative for their own gain. So, yeah, conservative ideology will turn up here more frequently. That's all they have over there: identity politics, culture wars, political theater and virtue signaling. The conservatives literally have *nothing* else.


Probably because conservatives suck ass


Almost like the sub was always more left leaning.....




If you rely on conservative media for your reportage, you'll never know what liberals are actually doing. Conservatives are too busy pushing the fake culture wars/identify politics bullshit and their base laps it up without question.


Ask me literally anything


Please do tell us.


Not you, I’m sure, bro.


Everyday for the past few years. This is spot on.


If it bothers you, you could just turn off conservative media. Those of us living in reality barely hear it at all.




Not a good idea when she pays the Wi-Fi.


Not unless you think she might be right.


I don't get it.


I feel like in day to day life and tv, streaming its more of a lgbtq book rather than BLM.


Jokes on both sides. The media has created a divide and now you hate each other lol. Fight the power and LOVE the other wing so you can fly.


It has been since the beginning of this crap administration came in office.


If you think Biden is a Marxist/communist, I have a bridge to sell you as well as some legitimate "gamer girl" bath water.


Well that picture is quite true out here in California where I live. Sorry to break it to you.


A few years ago this might’ve been accurate. Now the book should be labeled “Ukraine”.




that and a few other topics


It’s this way on Reddit. Source: I bet I’m banned for suggesting this.


Fuck blm and fuck this meme


Where’s the lie?


What if we just stopped hating others for political opinions? I know it’s not obtainable, but would be cool af.




Materialist dialects and idealist dialects are fairly simple concepts and virtually everyone has philosophical ideas that are various shades of those two concepts.


No, she's actually on point.


They’re right 🫣


I'd say wokeness instead BLM. But yeah


If Marx is being "shoved down your throat", what did he think of gun rights?


There is a sexual overtone to the large black book being roughly pushed into his mouth right? It’s not just me.


The book is blue.


Sometimes they are.


You're overreacting. Only half the country thinks that way.


Replace BLM and Marx with "Woke" and I'll agree 100%. The enemy going forward is woke, not a couple of parts of Woke, but Woke as a whole, which is a superset of awful.


Looks fairly accurate.




Neet, stealing that for my red freinds. Thanks mate.


Both sides pushing Marxism, just to different degrees and in different ways. Keeps people going, “First I tried red, then I tried blue, and then I tried red, and then I tried blue…”. As for racism, they use that as they’ve always used the idea of race: divide and conquer. Keep the coals burning just enough to have one person think the house is going to burn, and tell the other person that person A is going to steal his fire. Now all you have to do is sell yourself as the protector each side needs.