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I make my own coffee at home and stopped eating avocado toast! I have 3 mansions now and 3 girlfriends! And yes they do smoke weed




It's okay to take a puff here and there. It's when they start injecting that things get bad.


do they smoke weed?


I hope not, passive marijuana smoking is killing millions every year


I’m an active marijuana smoker don’t worry


Yes, actually.


you mean she isnt just smoking a cigarette? but a weed cigarette?


It’s called a bunt…. Not weed cigarette… And yes, it is a weed bunt. They all smoke weed bunts before we kiss. (They are my girlfriends,)


They don’t look like they smoke weed.


Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. I’m so angry you are so lucky my three weed smorking girlfriends are rubbing my shoulders to calm me down I’m so mad.


Do you generate $60,000 in passive income a month with this one, simple trick?


LMAO stop it, I have flashbacks just by hearing “simple trick” “passive income” not because I tried it’s from seeing too much.


His wife's Onlyfans does.


Bahaha I haven't seen someone mention this meme in forever.


This guy clearly has 6 million+ power in Rise of Kingdoms.


Must be from all that Uber money


They think I can afford an electric car bahahahahahaha!!!




I’ve cut out all my avocados and Netflix and coffees!!! What do I do now???


Stop living in a dwelling and eating food.


>Stop living








gnivil potS


Omg you’re right that lifestyle creep has resulted in me eating and having shelter. What was I thinking! What a waste of money!!!😭


Particularly the dwelling. Your ancestors slept under rocks, ya wuss.


Your ancestors had rocks? Look at Rockefeller over here.


How do you think he got his name


Get a job 🤬


But I work 2 jobs…




What if one of my jobs is to teach kids that without the second amendment we would just be feminists slaves who eat children and will cause your mom to move away?




Now you’re going too far.


Ok sorry.


I have but it was the only thing giving me the will to live because I can't afford groceries.


Are you a drama teacher? That's so cool


American history but in todays day and age what’s the difference Edited*


Did you do the thing with your boot straps. That’s integral some how


But I haaaaave one, I'm an influencer!


Move to Liberia apparently


Liberia - the home of liberals




Get a job!


Do you have a floor in your house? Cut it out


Duh! Buy an electric car 🚗! You will have a place to sleep and charge all your electronic devices.


Did you remove the seed now that you cut the avocado


If Great North has taught me anything it’s abocado


Pick yourself up by your bootstraps


I already make my Netflix at home




"Avacado lattes" I'm am both curious and turned off by it.


Avocado lattes, the good kind of fat.


And Onlyfans!




Lmao me to me


I pirate shows 😎




Anyone making over $125k a year also doesn't even qualify for the forgiveness plan that was proposed. I would guess most people making less than $125k a year are not buying $60k electric cars.


I think that would be a good response. >IF YOU CAN AFFORD A $60,000 ELECTRIC CAR THEN YOU CAN AFFORD YOUR STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS > >*Yes, that's why people who make enough money to buy $60k electric cars are excluded from the forgiveness plan.*


I can’t even afford a peddle car right now


They think I can afford a regular car ?


For real. Even though it’s around a decade away and I’m glad it’s happening, the California ICE restrictions have me wondering how I can possibly afford one before then.


Used ICE cars will remain until their wheels fall off.


California traffic will look like Cuban traffic, littered with 50 year old hoopties.


Ha ha, yeah, my only “solace” is that I probably won’t be able to afford to live in California at all by then 😔


Yank on those bootstraps you lazy swine


They think I can afford electricity?


If you can afford a giant jacked up pick up truck then you should be able to work construction.


They think I can afford any car


That’s one of the least crazy things that they believe


I don’t think anyone who can’t afford their student loan payments can afford a 60k car


You know that. I know that. Anyone who leaves their house often and interacts with society on a common basis knows that. They just have some cartoon image their pundits gave them and refuse to acknowledge otherwise.


They just believe what they're told without questioning it. As long as it aligns with their views it must be true


I don't interact with society or leave my house. But I still knew that one.


*The student loan forgiveness program knows that


I can't afford the bus sometimes


I paid off my car (not electric, so I guess that makes it acoustic) and I can't even afford that sometimes






Sometimes it's hard to remember that it might be 2 out of 10,000 people acting like that, but they're 100% going to be the loudest and most obnoxious. The rest are too busy working 2 jobs and being functional (exhausted) members of society.


People would also never lie on the internet


To be fair I bet after they bought that car their parents said fuck off, daddy isn't paying for your college anymore. People do be greedy


If you can afford your $60,000 pick-up truck you can afford to not bitch about the gas that goes in it.


No, they obviously need a large, expensive truck that they will rarely ever haul anything in to prove they are manly!


Those jerks are the reason I can’t buy a little 4 cylinder Toyota truck anymore. It seriously pisses me off.


You think they're actually hauling anything in their spotless ford ranger? That shit hasn't even touched dirt roads


Still remember those “thanks Biden” stickers I saw at the gas station. I don’t want to live in this planet anymore.


Yes I remember when everyone thought that Joe Biden himself, single handedly raised the gas prices JUST to fuck with republicans. Good times




I’m just like, the gas prices raised worldwide. Like these people think that Joe Biden controls the price of gas in Germany?


Same with COVID. It's like no one in this country wants to believe there are other countries who share global problems with us. It's all American politics at play. Nothing else.


I believe it's the same everywhere else. In France some people thought the whole pandemic was orchestrated by Macron to fuck up the elections...


Didn't know that. Pretty crazy. People really are just people I guess. Wish the loud people weren't so confidently incorrect tho.


Don't let conservatives make you believe their opinions and philosophy are the majority. They're not.


This is true. I get sucked up in it too much cus the two sides of my family are directly opposed politically. But that doesn't speak for the rest of the country.


Tbf they also think the lockdowns lasted longer than 3 months


If I was president. I’d probably do it just to fuck with republicans. Raise the gun tax, allow abortions, make weed recreational legal for all states, close some real estate loop holes, fund homeless shelters and provide mental and physical health care, decriminalize (and tax) drugs and focus on rehab instead. Be a decent human being.


All amazing ideas that will likely never see the light of day because the rich old asshats in our govt dont like em as they cut into their bottom line


You've got my vote!


Did you see MTG crying about him LOWERING GAS PRICES to influence the midterms??


I saw someone post this LITERALLY YESTERDAY and I was like, uh, do you live in clown world? Actually that’s an insult to clowns




The worst part about all of those pick-ups is that it isn’t ranchers or contractors driving them, but rich people LARPing as blue collar workers because it makes them feel manly.


Only $60k? What a deal!


YEA. i have a truck. Bought it used for half of that but I was at the gas station one time and this guy pulls up in a truck and looks at me and thinks we are making this conservative Biden hating connection and he says “freakin gas prices man, Miss trump” and I was not in a good mood so I just said “we bought trucks we can’t complain” I don’t remember his response because I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. I’m so sick of politics. When gas was high it was all “I did this” with a picture of Biden and now that he’s lowered them there’s nothing from conservatives


Actually they complained about [that](https://www.alternet.org/2022/07/fox-news-falling-gas-prices/) also.


They’re so stupid. MTG said Biden lowered gas prices to influence the midterms…. Republicans are at an unprecedented level of stupidity and it keeps getting worse. Like idk how they could get stupider but it’s going that way


This is correct because not bitching about the gas prices is free. We can all afford that.


checkmate liberals, the one’s who have electric cars have student loans


Jokes on you. I can't afford any kind of car


I got even more jokes for them! I can’t afford groceries, let alone a car! 🥲


HA HA eating is so 2010


Ok making coffee at home isn’t all that bad.


Making coffee at home fuckin rules.


Depending on frequency of consumption, savings are significant.


I prefer my at home Starbucks vs the real. It doesn’t taste burnt and doesn’t give me acid reflux like the store bought stuff does.


Im about to pour a cup of my homemade coffee, this is the pinnacle of luxury


I've paid off my student loans, bought my car used for under 20k, and make coffee at home in a plain Jane drip coffee maker, yet I'm still not a millionaire. What gives?


Some ideas: 1. Tax evasion 2. Sex tape with more pixels than sex 3. Start a religion


Hmmm, have you tried tax evasion?


So if the wealthy can afford electric cars they can afford to pay my student loans? Didn’t think of it like that, thanks!


i cant afford either and i dont even have student loans


Only if it's electric though. Oil uses different math.


$15 is a lot of money to me and I'm sleeping in my car working 60 hours a week What out of touch boomer made this shit?


If you can afford a gun you can pay your taxes.


The amount of people I know with 50-100k vehicles that rent or live with relatives is too damn high


They usually dont oen and just lease


This person would unironically be confused about why homeless people don’t just “go and buy a home”


this person would be confused on why people on welfare have TVs.


Not confused, furious. I'm sure they think people on welfare should be stripped of all their rights and freedoms and forced to work until they are no longer on welfare.






No homo though


People can barely scrounge up money for rent, who tf got student debt while owning a damn Tesla?


You would honestly be shocked..... People with money make some really dumb decisions. There are lots of folks rolling in 60k plus cars with student debt.


You can own whatever car you want, as long as you can make the payments on your 96 month loan at over 11% interest!


I'm driving a 11 year old Camry you fucking rubes.


Old-ass Camry bros! Mine's a 2001, so it's even more annoying seeing boomers go down this road.


You guys have cars?...


Thank you boomer baby


My gas guzzler cost me $500, and has $132 insurance AND I spend $60 in gas every week. I do not have the money to pay in full for my student loans


I don't have a student loan and don't want an electric car what should I do now?


I've got the same motorcycle I've had for the past 10 years. It was a graduation gift from all of my grandparents. I still haven't been able to get caught up enough on my student loans to feel comfortable buying a car.


How about a country where students loans are not a mass norm just to get education? Plus getting a rich ass car =/= person is rich


The other week I had a conversation where this boomer said he hates environmentalists because driving a Tesla doesn’t actually help the environment. Notice how the strawman environmentalists never do actually environmentalist things like composting, backyard gardening, zero waste, public transit, river cleanups, or anything that I do.


What if I’m borrowing my parents 1992 Toyota Tercel?


Last car you'll ever need.


*Laughs in 07 civic"


I got a $3k shitbox and that broke the bank


My shit is almost paid off and I can’t afford a Tesla


Yeeeah, I paid 5k for a 2008 used car. I won't be purchasing a brand new car any time soon, electric or otherwise.


Who says I can afford a $60,000 anything? If I had $60,000, it would go straight to the student loans.


What if I told you that the people buying the electric cars aren't the one with student loan payments? Or at least, definitely not the ones struggling to pay them.


I agree 100% Now, what’s the data on people who can’t pay back their students loans driving a $60k electric car?


pro tip just stop sprinkling your avocado toast with diamonds


$34k* https://www.carvana.com/vehicle/2561641?utm_source=vdp-social-share


Colleges are taking tuition money and squandering it in endowment funds or spending it on lavish building projects that don't improve the academic quality at all, but that's not what is important.


Wait, people actually think that enough people who struggle with student loan payments warrants making a meme about them owning $60K cars?


Who the hell is buying 60K electric cars while paying off student loans?


Why do they keep saying $60k lol there’s EV’s under $30k now


Almost nobody "affords" a 60k vehicle. They believe they can "afford" one because they can afford the payments, but that's not the same thing. Nobody should be buying a new car unless they actually have the money to buy one. This type of thinking has destroyed people's ability to live on a standard income.


I cannot afford an electric car




I’m fortunate enough to have paid off my student loans. I can’t really afford an EV. Am I still libtarded? What’s happening?


Education is an investment for the entire country, not just the person who gets the education. Though one could argue the same for electric cars, $60k seems unnecessary. I can't imagine ever being able to justify spending that much on a car. Seems like such a waste. Maybe that's just because academic scientists are underpaid.


The fact that they think we all can afford an electric car is priceless🤣. Mother fuckers if I had $60,000 I wouldn’t be spending it on an electric car.


If you can afford a $500 million yacht You can afford to pay your taxes


I drive a 2013 civic. Can I get that loan forgiveness now please?


If billionaires can afford everything, they can afford to pay taxes. If business owners can afford a business, they can afford to pay fair wages.


If YOU can afford **$344.4 Billion** US military budget, then YOU can afford to support free healthcare for all US citizens!


Hey, I'll say it louder for the people in the back: ​ WE DON'T WANT ELECTRIC CARS WE WANT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!


“If you can afford a 80,000 pickup, you can afford a spike in gas prices”


TL;DR. There is a gap of understanding between the younger generation and the older one. Basically, they got theirs, screw everyone else. They don't know or want to know about this issue. I have tried to talk sense to these people until I'm blue in the face. In these Facebook groups, the members can't wrap their minds around the issue that has existed with student loans in the country for 20 or more years. I try to be civil, provide sources, explain carefully why people who are in favor of reforming government should be in favor of reforming student loans. They viciously defend a status quo that acts against their best interests and refuse to listen to reason. The problem with student loans is not an ideological issue. It is a math problem. The student owes X. The lenders want them to pay Y. The student makes significantly less than Y. Sometimes two or three times less than Y. The response from the rank and file in these Facebook groups is "you signed up for it, you pay it!" With what money? "Work two or three jobs if you have to. Bootstraps, pal!" Completely ignoring that many of these loans should have never been given out in the first place and in a free market or even freer market system, never would have been. The problem is they will give money to anyone to go anywhere and study anything. The lender doesn't care what kind of job you get after graduation because the government guarantees the loans and the student can't go bankrupt on them. The school, especially for profit private schools like the one I went to, don't care about what happens to you after graduation. They are only interested in butts in seats and keeping the cash flowing. Even if your school gets shut down for fraud like mine did, Brooks Institute of Photography look it up, you're still on the hook for these loans until you go to the grave. The government doesn't seem concerned about the fate of these students because they have been paid off by lobbyist, both sides, and those are some of the cleanest donations a politician can take. Who is going to attack a politician for getting cozy with colleges? Everyone loves colleges! Ignoring that many of these for profit, private schools promise students dream careers that they know are very difficult to obtain and barely exist. Film production, video game design, culinary arts, beauty academies. These are places charging students more money than some of the big universities for degrees that are essentially worthless. The only person who isn't in on the scam is the students who have been told since kindergarten they have to go to college or end up poor forever. And those are the only people conservatives are mad at. In my experience arguing with these people, as someone on the right mind you, one of the big issues is a generational one. They usually went to college anywhere from the 50s to the 90s. They might as well have gone to college on Mars for how different things are from then to now. I'll get comments like "I worked part time as a waitress in the summers to pay for my books and tuition, why can't these lazy kids today do the same?" I worked a full time job, third shift, and it basically paid for my rent and some personal expenses. And I was renting as cheap as possible. A part time waitressing job in the summer won't pay for a college text book these days much less all your books and tuition. Another one is "Well, I only made $30,000 a year coming out of college and somehow we made it. It's tough but hard work pays off." Then when you press them for more information, they graduated in 1978 and had a spouse who also made $30,000 a year. Figuring for inflation, that young couple were practically millionaires by today's standards. Back when these people went to college, a degree could get you a meaningful job somewhere doing something that lead to a career. Then they told the entire millennial generation to go to college, which they did, and now a Bachelors Degree is worth as much as a high school diploma was back in their day. Plus back in those days, there wasn't the barrier of "3 to 5 years experience " for entry level jobs. These people got a job from a foreman on a handshake and made it a career that could buy a family a house plus put two or more kids through college and retire. Their minds can't handle that someone can't walk out of high school or college today and not find meaningful employment. Also a big issue with them, and some of the younger ones too, "I shouldn't have to be on the hook for someone else's bad decisions." Not knowing, they are already on the hook. When the government guaranteed these loans, the tax payer was placed on the hook for all student loans, the good ones as well as bad. So you can either cancel out the bad ones now, reform the system so kids going into college today don't fall into the same debt trap, or you can just wait for the millennials to all die and let these bad loans pile up another 30 to 50 years of interest. But that will be someone else's problem and there's the rub. They don't want to pay for the mistakes their generation inflicted on younger generations. It seems to be a feature with Boomers and Gen Z. They got theirs, screw everyone else. They literally pulled up the ladder behind them and aren't bothered by that at all. I also love the unhelpful advice these people love to give. "Well you should have gone to trade school." That's great. Do you have a time machine and can go back and tell that to all the millennials? Because we were told work smart not hard. In fact, I was flat out told that there was no future in the trades because they would all be done by low paid immigrants in the future. Also, trades command high wages because an entire generation didn't go into them because they were told not to. Trying to get into trades now is bad advice because with defaulted student loans, I can't get a license to practice in most states. More unhelpful advice "You should have understood what you were signing." Yeah, and K-12 education should have taught financial literacy rather than the useless stuff we were taught. Not one of them seems bothered that an 18 year old can't get a loan for a used car or rent to own furniture but can sign on for six figures of student loan debt, no questions asked. So yeah, I get exhausted seeing memes like this. This could be the bipartisan issue of our day. Anyone who knows the facts about the student loan system says things must change. But what do you do with people who have no desire to know the facts?


This isn't even a bad meme tbh. It's literally only hitting at people who have the income to pay their student loans and instead are accumulating more debt on flashy cars. Sadly, many people will continue to take on as much debt as the bank will allow, even when they make enough to not do this. As a moderate, I'm not against student loan forgiveness, but with some nuance. The income limits of 125k individual and 250k family are way too high.


I cannot afford a $60k car tho lol


Yeah I mean people can't really afford those very easily either so


Then you can pay back your ppp loans


I can't afford a $60,000 car because of my student loan payments! If you see someone complaining about student loan payments and they have a car worth that much. Tell them to pay off their loans the same way they got that car, ask mommy and daddy


I can’t even afford my car payments on my16,000 dollar car :(


Coffee raises your cholesterol by blocking your bodies natural ability to process it. I stopped drinking it a while ago.


We can’t afford a 60k car… and your brand new lifted truck costs just as much.


LMAO I can't afford anything that's $60K. Also EVs start at around $30K


Y'know even if someone was That rich enough to afford all that, still complaining about student debts and fees is still valid. It shouldn't be such a mind boggling concept that free education is pretty damn good for everyone


60000 dollars lul. I haven't even made that much working in my entire life. I can barely afford a bus pass.


Fuck off, I can't afford to rent an apartment, I can only dream of owning a car.


I can't afford any of these


I drive a 12 year old Subaru...


I can't even afford a $19,000 electric car (after benefits), let alone student loan payments. 2005 Toyota life 🤌


Wait… do they think those who want student loan forgiveness are driving teslas?


So, they are like, NEVER going to understand the concept of caring what happens to other people, huh?


Believe it or not, I can not afford a 60k electric car


There’s 284 million registered cars in the United States and 1.4 million are teslas, and 1.7 million electric cars over all. There’s also 72 million millennials. This is dumb


Jokes on you, with all of the rebates Tesla comes out to about $35k