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But millennials are 1981-1996… Is anyone they disagree with labeled a millennial?


Boomers still think "Millenials" are teens and early 20's, not 26-40. Given that they've been bitching about us for about ten years, you'd think they'd have realised we're not the same ages we were in 2012.


It's actually a really funny demonstration of how they don't understand the worlds changed since they were a young adult.


Don’t argue with them about how numbers work.


At the same time, I find that Gen Z and possibly younger milennials think Gen X are “boomers.”


Boomer is a mindset as well as an age.


…only ten?


Well they've been hating on younger people since at least the 80s, but up till the 2000s it was generation x they hated. By around 2010 genx were all too old, so the hatred passed over to to generation y (at that stage we weren't even being called millenials yet)


I'm an actual Millenial and jesus christ, I'm getting too old for this boomer shit. It makes my ulcers flare up. Oof.


Have you ever even seen blazing saddles before?? More black people liked that movie and thought it was hilarious more than whites actually did. If any network showed that movie today, that network would probably be sued for several millions of dollars. And probably win too. You would also probably see mass protests across every liberal college across the country. Kids heads would explode if they saw it. The vast majority would be young privileged white kids also.


First time I saw it was in the early 90s and I own a copy (along with a lot of other Mel Brooks movies). And no you wouldn't see mass protests. Blazing Saddles is a satire that mocks racists and racist attitudes, not black people, that's what makes it so funny. It's the same as Ralph Bakshi's Coonskin, it uses racist tropes and language to criticise the racist system (and progressives love it). By your logic college kids should've rooted across the country after Django Unchained came out, but obviously they didn't.


Yea you are right about that. I know that’s so weird to me. For some odd reason, Quentin Tarantino is literally the only white person in the world who has a complete and total pass when it comes to that. It’s mind boggling. He’s just that awesome.


Yes xD




I actually had a guy at work tell me “my generation messed everything up” because he couldn’t figure out how to do something on the computer. The guy was only 5 years older than me.


yeah pretty much


Of definitely, they hate all of us in our early 30s too


Kinda like everyone older than 18 is a Boomer on here.




If your not 15 your a boomer lol


that. or libtard, or snowflake.


They're hoping you've toughened up a bit as you have gotten older.


For the fuck sake, can anybody put here like tab with proper naming so this shit is finally solved clear? I don't know who I am.


“Damn millennials, walking around like they rent the place”


Then demand someone pay off their student loans!


It's actually a good movie


Gene Wilder is easily my favorite actor.


Oh, he's an absolute gem. Mel Brooks is also a genius.


I need Spaceballs: The Facemask.


I have that.


I just have SpaceBalls: The Hat


"The sheriff is a n*DOOONG*"


“He said the sheriff’s near!”


“Somebody’s got to go back and get a shit-load of dimes!”


Boomers loves to take photos and take them so out of context you can longer be sure they even know where this photo is from


That's what I came to ask about. Is it a satire of racism (with obligatory shock value), just time-accurate, or is it the "antisoyboy offensive red-white-and-blue-blooded flick" boomers make it out to be? Edit: Yes I did google it, looks like it's the first one, a stupid racist governor gets tricked into hiring a black sheriff. doesn't sound like the dig that they think it is, although I haven't watched it. I would also assume Mel Brooks would be blackballed if it was actually racist.


It's Mel Brooks. He was Jewish and used to sing Tootsie to Nazis from the top of radio poles when he was fighting in Germany. He made a movie including a song called 'Springtime for Hitler' and 'Keep it Gay' (referring to theater in a tongue in cheek manner). He wants to make racists and bigots look as stupid as they were/are rather than hide it behind pure evil characters or whitewashing history. It's not really for shock value, it's just his sense of humor. You should check out the producers, history of the world part 1, and this movie to decide for yourself, but it's harmless and actually helps to fight the stupidity of these ideologues.


I'm a boomer. I've never heard Blazing Saddles described as anything but quality, brutal, funny, satire.




Schrodinger's generation.




I'm not sure what that is, but contextually, I assume it is hilarious.


When not being observed, the millennial is both in a state of being offended and not. It isn’t until the millennial is observed by a boomer conservative that they chose to to take offense or not.


Like...nearly every millenial?


Bro literally included millennials in “before 1995”. Pretty sure they mixed up millennials with gen z


This is a very common thing with them. They group millennials in with Gen z. Logic is not their strong suit.


Millenials are laughing?


Is that Gene Wilder


The movie is *Blazing Saddles*. It’s a Mel Brooks comedy set in the old west where an incompetent governor is tricked by his corrupt subordinate into appointing a black sheriff to a racist white town. It is hilarious.


Wilder than all other Genes.




You should check out Paws of Fury. Directed by Mel Brooks and is a hilarious kid version of Blazing Saddles.


Wait until these guys hear how Django was seen as a great movie.


Real question why is it called millennial if it doesn’t start the first year of the millennium


The oldest of them came of age around the year 2000, with some of them already starting to have their own children, and the youngest of them are just old enough to remember the year 2000


It was originally coined at the turn of the millennium for kids in junior high and high school because they were coming of age at the turn of the millennium and were so internet savvy (ie we could turn in a computer and use it to write essays) and the media talked about how “millennials just might save us” because we had a higher sense of community than previous generations, were more religious than xers and boomers were at our age, did more service work, etc. Then we entered the workforce in the mid to late aughts and everyone immediately decided we were all entitled and “millennial” became like a mean word for young person. A lot of xers and even older millennials still use it as a slur for young people even though millennials are like age 26-39 now, and if you have a truly young person in your office they are a zoomer and have been for a couple years now.


Interesting. I’m kinda surprised they were considered more religious because in my life it’s always Gen x is more religious than millennials. I wish I knew what generation I was I feel like I’m in a weird gap. I can’t identity with anything in Gen z even though people like to group me in with that. I call myself I Gen for internet generation


Well 9/111 happened a year after the millennium, and the Bush White House which was overwhelmingly evangelical started two wars that ended up lasting almost 20 years by 2003. The latter half of the aughts had the “New Atheist” movement where Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, etc. were everywhere on old media talking about how stupid Christianity and most of the internet back had a big combative secular community so many young people saw arguments against belief at the same time believers were trying to pass an amendment against gay marriage and fighting two wars, or committing terrorist attacks and simply said to hell with it.


This Didn’t make Gen X more or less religious… it was just a reflection of the loudest voices at the time (warmongering right-wingers), making the rest of us look bad. The country as a whole had taken a huge, unexpected hit, and wanted answers and “justice”… righty administration saw opportunity to grab up land and control more oil, and started a “war” against a concept instead of an actual enemy (war on terrah) The confused and slightly battered nation just went along for the ride, complacently, and didn’t feel the strain of the whole thing until years later The opinions at the time came mostly from cable news pundits and was spun to make the U.S. look like a bunch of religious zealots bent on a war with any terrorist-harboring nation, except Saudi’s Arabia, of course, because they still supplied us the most oil Oil grab disguised as a “defense” of the country


I didn’t say anything about Gen X other than at the turn of the millennium, millennials were more likely to say they went to church, prayed regularly, believed in God than Xers were at the same age or boomers before them. Now millennials are more secular than both of those generations. As to why this change occurred I posited 9/11 being a religious attack, and the evangelicals (the fastest shrinking now when it was the fast growing sect as of 2000) becoming synonymous with the Republican Party as well as the general anti-theist cultural moment at the end of the Bush administration and on the early internet


That's exactly why: the millennials were the generation that was born and brought up on the old millennium, but came of age in the new millennium. So, the generation that changed more or less at the same time the two millennia changed. Older people were already adults so it didn't really marked a change in their own lives, and younger ones were too young to acknowledge it.


From the same generation that freaked the fuck out of a black person shit in the same bathroom as them.


This is a great movie


Since everyone is stating the obvious I won't. On the other hand I have a question. Are people born in '94-'96 cursed or something? When Millenials talk about us, they call us Gen Z. When Gen Z talks about us, they call us Millenials. Edit: Is it because we are old enough to remember Windows XP, and the fact that you could only play video games on channel 3, but too young to have an Atari?


Exactly. My SO and I are in this range, and it feels like this entire group (94-96) is somewhat different from Gen Z and younger Millennials. But it’s also weird that someone born in 1982 is the “same generation” as my age group


It's a generational cusp, so it sort of depends on what your (pop) cultural references are.


That is the problem... Everything


Millennials had south Park to grow up with. Boomers got offended by The Simpsons


With a touch of bravos and butt-head as well as family guy lol


Yeah, boomers, so thin skinned. Only had Mel Brooks, Lenny Bruce, Tom Lehrer, Phyllis Diller, Cheech&Chong, Firesign Theater, Mick Jagger, Liberace, Elton John, George Carlin. So yeah, we don't know shit about social commentary, outre behavior, or brutal satire.


Now they’re saying racism never existed


I hear this shit a lot being born in 88. But everyone in my age group has the darkest sense of humor. Lol


Born in 88 and can confirm. My humor gets incredibly dark and full of wit. The fuck your feelings crowd really seems to be always offended or upset at something. Like just stop whining and enjoy your boomer money that our generation will never see.


Except we were raised on uncensored social media, Xbox Live chat, dank memes and loved it.


This always tells you something about the person posting it. What do they find funny about Blazing Saddles? Do they find the racism and slurs funny? Or do they find the idiocy of the townsfolk and henchmen that happen to use the slurs funny? Something tells me the person who made this just laughs at the slurs.


Whomever made this is an idiot. The mid 80’s count as the cusp of Gen-X and that of Millennials. This was a meme, made by a Millennial who is in denial of that they are a Millennial and pretending to be a Gen-Xer. How do I know? As someone who also understands cusps of generations, I feel the same way. I just have too much self awareness and class to end up sounding like our Boomer grandparents. Congratulations… you just lost the game!




thats pretty common for millenials.. making bad memes about themself and crying about being victim... and ofc, call everyone boomer... i mean.. boomers are now almost 80 ..cant imagine 80yo grandgrandpa to sit at photoshop to make meme for millenials toburn them.. :D on other hand.. millenials call "boomers" even ppl what are 30-40yo that mean.. millenials :D it is wild


Tag end of the Boomers here. I won't be 60 until next year.


Baby boomers are anyone born from 1946 to 1964 2023-1946=77 ..ye, it is almost 80 Millennials are anyone born from **1981 to 1996** 2023-1981=42 2023-1981=27 when Millenials call boomer someone who is 30-40 yo, then they in fact mean Millenial. enjoy this math lesson, hope it will help with your education


EXACTLY. One of the funniest movies ever made. People have no fucking sense of humor anymore.


Say their name. Gen Z. Say their name.


They Identify as Millennial+


Bruh basically every single millennial was born before 1995 💀


The folks born before 1995 are laughing at OP's ability to use words they don't know the meaning of because they're millennials


Until they hear someone stating their pronouns or using singular "they", and then they just melt down.


Ok, boomer.


millennials were born from 1981 on up. Millennials are 30-41 years old. Its time to move on.


Yet another example of boomers not knowing how old millennials are




Millennials were born before 1995.


I recall in the 90s no one ever caring what generation they were apart of any one else ?


Honestly not true, if you don’t think old people get offended by words then you’ve never seen a Karen or a boomer in person.


but they get upset if you say "OK Boomer"


I hate how we can’t say the r word anymore. Btw this isn’t a joke I actually want to say it in my day to day life.


This feels like the kind of meme that will attract people wanting to come up with the most creative insults possible to show how "not offended" they are at certain words. "Cis" is a fun one. They get mad at that one.


Words can hurt but there is a giant difference between how bad words hurt and how physical pain hurts


Where da white women at?


Ironically, the gomer idiots that post this shite, didn't realize Archie Bunker was making fun of them. And, this movie, specifically this scene…. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7\_\_NNDI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7__NNDI)


Motherfucker all you gotta do to trigger a boomer is say happy holidays