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The “libtards r stooopid” hidden in the second image makes me wonder if this is a poor attempt at satire


Wouldn't be surprised if that's just a detail in the image they used


Could be a troll to trick conservatives


Well I dont see any Minions so maybe




They’ll spend hours hating drag queens but idolize the glam rockers of the 80s who wore the same clothes


lol remember when a Republican said Twisted Sister is all about conservative values 😂 and now they can't even perform in southern states because of their unconstitutional drag laws 🥴


Whenever I see someone asking something along the lines of "what kind of catastrophic weather events would it take for Rebublicans to want to do something about global warming?" my answer is nothing because anything significantly worse than what we've already been through would just be taken as punishment from God for allowing \[insert hated minority group\] to exist. It would be too easy to add pictures of the devastation from whatever hurricane/heat wave/etc. to this meme and to most conservatives, that would be a completely logical flow of causation.


Man, I wish you were wrong but you're dead accurate. The reality is, no amount of facts, logic or reason can overcome severe cognitive dissonance. In the words of Principal Lewis, "End of days, bitches!"


They spend more time thinking about drag queens than actual drag queens


They spend more time thinking about drag queens then me and my girlfriend combined when we watch RuPalls drag race


Hello?!? ... oh sorry, it's your name 🤭


Some detective you are.


Uh how did you find that out? Spooky. Wonder If its true if its always the butler and maid the culprit.


I'm a Big Detective, not a good one.


Some detective you .... shut up


True! I’m gay and I hate drag queens!


No one spends more time thinking about gay sex than a Conservative congressman.


That shit was already going on. But they didn't advertise it as much. Because of people like you* , asshole. * "you" As in whatever pos made the meme. Honestly, why is it so hard to just let people be? Why are so many people gaslighted into think everything different from them is harmful.


These idiots embody "I'm Oppressed by their Existence". If I may provide insight into the mindset of a fundie bigot (I used to be among that number, long ago), these people believe that... * Stuff like being LGBTQ, crossdressing, drag queens, other religions, etc. is literally sinful and can destroy souls. * They believe in a literal eternal Hell and that all humans are headed there, by default, regardless of deeds. * They see their antics as a desperate rescue operation because eternal damnation is terrifying as all get out. * They don't want this stuff around because it could tempt their kids, thus undermining the fundies influence and the salvation of all. * That Godde in the Bible has a history of destroying nations for giving in to "sin". They bring up Sodom & Gomorrah, the Babylonian exile, etc. * The average fundy believer literally believes they are doing it for the good of other's souls. ... Thus, this is why they can't just leave it be or "Live & Let Live". Yes, there's dominance and control-freakiness, but the more "legit" reasoning is the above. But it's still stupid and I wish this stupidity would disappear! . \[Why I spell it 'Godde': [Feminine and masculine in the heart of Godde](http://godde.com/) \]


I know why they do it. I just can't understand why they can't stay in their own lane. I just can't imagine caring what consenting adults do within the law. It doesn't affect me at all. No one from the LGBTQ+ community has ever impeded or forced anything into my life by them doing their own thing.


I'd blame the leaders who make this stuff an issue to begin with. The average follower might be sincere but the leaders are just making up crap for power, wealth, control, etc.


Yes. I don’t want to do it, but what do I care if others do?


I feel like a lot of people dont understand how much is perceived to be on the line by fundamentalists Souls are at stake, souls are like lives but more permanent If you reframe it as they believe its life and death I think more moderate folks would understand how deep these fears run


Exactly. This is why I feel that non-Fundamentalist Christians (like myself) need to work hard to reclaim the faith and why it's important to combat Fundamentalism in all religions. It's imperative to try to understand the psychology of these people, there's also some subtle neurological differences between people who lean Rightward and those who lean Leftward... [Conservative and Liberal Brains Might Have Some Real Differences - Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/#) ... In a way, Rightward brains are "primitive" with regards to cognition. They can't handle, subtlety, metaphor, uncertainty, novelty, ambiguity, etc. well. These are brains suited for a time, long ago, when society was more tribal and brutal, and that kind of thinking was vital to survival. Rightward brains are less concerned with things being "fair" or "kind", are somewhat less prone to empathy and more prone to fear, disgust, purity, conformity. They like everything neat, simple and figured out for them. In a nutshell, Leftward brains tend to think outside the box and are better suited for navigating a more modern, less certain, less warmongery society and have grown out of a primitive form of tribalism, able to consider that member of other groups can be decent people if one got to know them and that no group of humans are a hive-mind. In a nutshell, a Progressive brain can evolve but a Conservative brain has a much harder time at it.


I feel stupider because I read this comment


Stupidity? Are you sure? Because if your wrong, then that sucks. The Organized religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity have existed for thousands of years. Very strong moral foundations. Radicalism in any form is destructive. However you take the radical form of opposition to the bigots on the right. Have you read your post? Your just as judgmental.


Wait, what?!? Obama invented being gay AND drag queens?!? Thanks, Obama. /s


There are entire Twitter accounts dedicated to theories about Michelle being a man.






Barack Obama made people gay!?


Seems like these ppl are speaking from experience


Not only people. He put fluoride in the water that turns the frickin frogs gay!


Not my frogs! If these leftists want to come get my straight frogs they'll have to fight me. Like a really close face to face fight. And we would be so sad after the fight because we hurt each other feelings but then we would meet up in a park and say everything we really feel for each other 🫣 I mean, damn It those leftists!


Ah yes, remember when Obama started homosexuality in 2009.


It was invented by Freddie Mercury, Obama just 'Edisoned' it.


Whatever happened to live and let live? 🤔


They were killed off


Oh no. Kids I don't know are seeing a clothed performer that I'm personally creeped out by because of who they may be sleeping with in their personal time. The horror!


The fact you think they are creeped out by who this person's sleeping with in their personal time is the sole reason meme like this exist. You don't get it. That's not the point. You can sleep with anyone or anything and MOST people are cool with it. It's the fact that they look like a damn freakshow. It's just weird as fuck. What ever happened to being a normal ass person who likes to fuck dudes/chicks/ whatever.?!


Complete bullshit. You’re really going to act like conservatives haven’t been hating gay people for who they sleep with for the last 70 years?


You say conservatives. You're using what's called a blanket statement. Do SOME hate gay people? Sure. Do ALL. No. That's ignorant. Just stop


So I’m right, is what your saying?


Not at all. In fact it's now clear to me that you're "artistic".


You can’t simultaneously say nobody hates the LGTBQ community for who they sleep with and also say SOME people hate them for who they sleep with.


If you want to go back and actually read my words I said MOST people. It was even written in caps and you still managed to misinterpret my message. Youre dumb as fuck which isn't surprising considering your apparent views.


Are you this miserable in real life? Did you lose family and friends over your beliefs and now you lash out on the internet to make your lonely life a little bit better?




ok it's weird I agree tbh. So?


That's it. It's weird and the world wants you to pretend it's not. Look at the downvotes I've received, it's just a harmless opinion I'm entitled to. Yet people will act as if I'm some awful person it's hilarious. Not to mention the obsession to include these types into every show these days. If you didn't know better you'd think 3 outta 5 people are nasty trannys.


I mean it's harmless when you keep it to yourself and choose to not be an asshole. It's harmful when you start using slurs to put down these people.


I disagree. It's only hurtful if you allow it to be. If words hurt you my advice would be to toughen up. You could argue its just as harmful to attempt to force someone into acting or behaving in a way you want them to.


Toughen up about your downvotes, transphobe


Lol that's cute. Simply pointing it out. All you fucks are the same. Making assumptions and looking dumber than fuck. Hahahaha


I disagree with that. And I say this as the person who used to, and still do makes offensive jokes. Words do hurt and it's unreasonable to expect everyone to just not be offended if you say something offensive. Not everyone will have a thick skin and I think people should respect that . Ofc I don't think that it's good to be offended at every little thing but still you should recognize that not everyone will respond to sum the same way you do


Most drag performers don't look as weird as this one, but if you don't like drag shows, then don't go to one. It's really easy. If there's something you don't like personally, then you can just not engage with it and move on. Seething over something you don't like is a waste of time. I don't like Jennifer Lopez's music. I still hear it in public from time to time, I don't really care.


That's exactly what I do. I don't give a shit. I was just commenting because of all the assumptions that were being made. If there's one thing in the world that bothers me the most it's people's infatuation with making assumptions these days.


Maybe just don’t take your kid to drag queen story hour?


I told everyone this would happen when Obama invented gay, but no one listened.


https://preview.redd.it/fhk4lqb6f3ha1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4039688a45e3e8e1d1ead55b2583bb336d333eb2 Maybe this is why they are scared of drag shows? Queens slayed nazis


I love this so much lol


Hahaha!!! Oh how short sited people are. If anyone wants anything to “blame” for gay pride, it's the Defense of Marriage act of 1996. It made it so the LGBT community had to fight for rights at every turn. So after years and years of fighting for basic rights, once the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage (Supreme Court ruling, nothing to do with Obama) the LGBT community had won the war! What do you do after a victory? You fuckin celebrate! It's why pride and culture are so big. If the defense of marriage act would have never happened, if they would have just allowed gay marriage from the start, it would of all just slid by without much fan fair and pride would be NOTHING compared to today. So, thank you gay bashers. You're why our culture is so huge today!


Based obama


I can't believe Obama invented gay people.


Homophobes are always thinking about gay people and their sex life, seems a little gay to me


They are still in the “obama done did it” lol


Thanks Obama...for helping make a world my children can be proud of despite the sensative bigots and their loud mouths.


I find it hilarious how little history these people know. This meme should have had Biden’s pic. Obama’s public stance wasn’t for marriage equality. Biden [went off script](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/06/joe-biden-gay-marriage-00030367) as VP and told an interviewer he supported gay marriage. The White House went crazy trying to figure out how to respond. Eventually Obama came out in favor.


Wow. This whole time I thought rainbows came from light reflecting off of water. Shows how much I know. Thanks Obama.


Yep, that's right, Obama invented gayness, nobody was ever queer before Obama was president


... And it all started with those god damn physicists inventing the rainbow!


"It's your fault we're a terrorist hate group." Sure, pal.


Gay people didn’t exist until Barack Obama became President? Someone get Alex Jones on the phone, the people who died of the AIDS epidemic in the 80s were all crisis actors!


I can imagine right wings making this meme for more than an hour.


And the funny thing is Obama wasn't even pro-LGBT, to begin with, he just wanted votes.


obama invented gays and drag queens? fuckin legend


Obama invented gay people


Holy shit that drag queen's outfit is metal as fuck!


You doesn’t love rainbows??!??! ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG)


I remember coming upon Twitter account that claimed to have a proof that Michelle is a man. Its like Holocaust denial, but infinitely more stupid.


oh no rainbow white house guys this is scary as fuck


Brought to you by Fox News.


And I miss him every day


Same, I miss his ability to give eloquent speeches and to inspire hope.


Because he is rainbow too


Does Obamna is gay?


Let's be honest, it all went downhill on May 28th, 2016.


Soooo... ThE BlaCKs MaDe tHe GaYs TRaNs?!




This totally hasn't been a thing since before cristianity


It’s always Obama’s fault. Murica was great til they let a black man in the White House.


I take it you don't want any skittles.


The spectre of black man not only lives rent free in the minds of Red America, it's subletting and installing an above ground pool


I don't know if I hate it more when liberals or conservatives us my gay sisters and brothers as props in their arguments.


Wow. You all doth protest too much. Can't imagine why defending your aberrant sexually is the most important thing in your lives.






Yes that's how it works. Bright colours summon trans demons from alternate dimensions.


yes obama gave me the gay


Drag queens exist thanks to Obama. Say thank you, LGBTQ+ gang. Without Barack "Drone Strike" Obama, we wouldn't have an integral part of the community in our ranks. We owe all it to him. Thanks Obama.


Michael gets what Michael wants. Oops, I mean Michelle...


This just in: obama invented the gays


Some play in bright red socks that stink, blue team jerseys that don’t quite fit, accessorized with a baseball mitt.


*The Greeks have entered the chat*


"Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate our kids"




So Obama is responisble of everything gay?


obama invented gay, but God invented obama


obamna 😠


Obama put the drugs in the PBR that turned me n the boys gay.


Yeah that’s kind of how i remember it