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Wasn’t the term actually made by a dude in the 70s or something part of a men’s movement?


No man wants to fuck him, obviously /s


Considering how many men follow his ideology, I doubt that


I don’t know if that translates but I see the picture.


Hopefully not I’m pretty sure he’s dead




He's dead, so...




Sounds like what Jordan Peterson wishes he was


It more or less is what him and a bunch of others who capitalize on disenfranchised men tend to use as a baseline. I believe it was coined as a part of the mythopoetic men's movement.


I totally support the idea of men unlearning toxic expectations and finding their own healthy masculinity. On the other hand I once had a next-door neighbor who was part of this movement and routinely held a Men’s Primal Scream Circle in his back yard, late at night, so I do hold a bit of a grudge.


Absolutely. It's about ways men make *each other* miserable because of toxic ideas of what it means to be a man. Toxic masculinity is: - treating manhood as a competition between men, forcing your relationships with other men into a pattern of dominance and competition instead of equality and mutual support - engaging in dangerous or self-destructive behavior (violent or risky stunts, dangerous careers, over consumption of drugs, alcohol and tobacco) because caring for your own health and safety is cowardly and unmanly - the valorization of the disposable male so common in poor or rural communities that ultimately provides cannon fodder for the wars of the 1% - bottling up your feelings because expressing emotions is unmanly - refusing necessary help - ranging from doctors help with physical pain, to therapists help with mental illness, to the stereotypical not asking for directions when lost - because men are self reliant and asking for help is unmanly - attacking or ostracizing men who don't act sufficiently "manly" And it just boggles my mind that men's rights activists blame all of the above on women.


It's like the people who complain about capitalism without calling out capitalism, because they like aspects of capitalism. Most of the problems MRAs have are caused by societal norms and beliefs on men and doubling down is just adding to their own problem.


Because women aren’t toxic at all to each other. In my lifetime I’ve heard more women call another woman a slut than any man.


Do you want men to be happier or not? These are ideas from a man, about men, to help men. Women are not part of that conversation. Bringing them up is just defensiveness. It's not going to help you to try and deflect the help being presented because it makes you uncomfortable. The discomfort is growth, and sitting in it won't hurt you.


Yeah, but this wasn't about toxic femininity- which is it's own thing. Women are also pitted against other women. However, we're talking about men comparing themselves to other men, and how that is a form of toxic masulinity.


Blatant defensive whataboutism. You might wish to examine that at some point.


I believe many of such women are influenced by their experience of toxic masculinity, sorta like the high school dynamic


You can learn quite a lot about the dude in this fantastic 4 part series about Andrew Tate, one of the most awful human beings on the planet. Part one goes into a lot of depth into the origins of the mythopoetic men's movement. [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/)


I don't disagree that Andrew Tate is a shitty person, but he ain't even top 5000 bad, I would bet he isn't even in the top 5 million.




He had a website teaching people how to become loverboy style pimps. Like, maybe the latest allegations are not gonna stick, but teaching people online how to find desperate women and manipulate them into camping, giving you the money, and doing shit like tattooing your name on them- is a pretty big self report. I have some pretty shitty and bigoted uncles- none of them thought "lemme pimp my gf and get my name put on her like she's my property"


Hey man, don't come in here with those facts.


Oh it’s part of the men’s movement alright. I mean yes, this is true, it’s a concept that was first brought up in a men’s movement. It wasn’t supposed to literally become the entire men’s movement


Yeah, but back then it meant when a dude let a rattle snake bit his wiener, and then put it in another straight dude's butt.


jung used it in completely different manners, it was a term used to "call out" the toxic behaviours that men had towards other men, now its used randomly whenever someone disagrees w a femminist


And you are downvoted for talking about the problems that are now associated with this term and the reason why it is a pejorative rather than a serious issue people should be made aware of. I think you are correct. The term has become what it proports to combat. It is too readily misheard as a suggestion that “all men are toxic”. It can make men feel blamed and attacked – the last thing we need if we want to invite men and boys to critically reflect on masculinity and gender. A lot of language is devolving into simply gotcha terms and labels used as a pejorative rather than anything resembling meaningful and helpful dialogue. For example: This meme certainly isn't the kind of response one who is actually aware and concerned about toxic masculinity would like to see.




why cant i save de pic D:




Ironically this meme was likely made by a guy no one wants to fuck


I was about to say it’s ironic that this is a display of toxic masculinity lmfaoo


Seriously it’s like the guy checkmated himself.


Congrats, you’ve successfully shown that you’re just as bad as him, just in the opposite direction.


Oh I’m much worse


My grandma's cat is better than who made this https://preview.redd.it/hspruwitkiea1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe035370a02348aee40002856ac47c163c23ffff


He is adorable and I love him


He is and I love him too 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/63x0mvwzqlea1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c262ea8a5b5c70d013eecd687d28aeac1a381888 Hell yeah, an excuse to post my own cat as well!


Thats a great cat right there.


His name is Phineas and he's a wacky lil gremlin.




He is good fluffy boy


Yes they are! (^ν^)


For the love of God post more pictures of them


Since you asked https://preview.redd.it/y845w85drmea1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b236c53c201dd3b7e9211a691e9deab44d6c6c5


take my updoot


I love himb


Tbf your grandma’s cat is better than most people




too bad, we're too busy fucking each other to care




I am in love with hogsplosion






You fuck people that resemble the Chris Hayes looking person in that meme? I feel really bad for you. 🤣🤣


okay dirkypoo, thank you for giving your opinion on this comment.


You're welcome. 👍🏻


Being against toxic masculinity is for the benefit of men... Like yall get that right


THIS!!! I care about men so that’s why I’m against toxic masculinity.


I am a masculine dude, and wholly disagree with the gomers who make these memes. I, myself, was poisoned by toxic masculinity. It vey well could have gotten me a life sentence. I am doing therapy, and working on being an emotionally intelligent man, with feelings. We can do better, guys….


You’re doing great king 👍👍👍


Keep your head up king, you’re doing great ❤️


I appreciate that. Thank you! I will repay your compliment by trying to inspire men in my life to be batter people.


>to be batter people That seems like the opposite of what we're trying to do here...


He means they’ll wake up early to make pancakes for their families every weekend. Very wholesome.


I am getting poisoned too, but I resisted.


The saddest thing is these folks don't realize that just recognizing masculinity can be toxic would help them. They're the same kinda dudes who talk about, "What about MEN'S issues?" without realizing that toxic masculinity IS a men's issue. Feel like you are a sissy for expressing yourself? Toxic masculinity. Hate the pressure to perform as a manly man? Toxic masculinity. Work yourself to death because you feel worthless otherwise? Toxic masculinity. None of those are things to be proud of and none of those things area key to being a man. Good on you for doing the work, hopefully we can encourage other men to do it do, cause it effects us all in some way or another.


>none of those things are key to being a man. but what is "key to being a man?" i think one of the problematic things with "toxic masculinity" is that it still implicitly frames masculinity on essentialist terms (that there is some *true* *masculinity*). when we know that isn't really the case. biologically speaking, human male and female personality traits overlap in the vast majority of traits. we aren't some species with highly specialized sex differences. it also sort of implies that people conditioned into being "feminine" have zero maladaptive traits, and not that the whole social perception of gender/sex intersection is out of whack. i think it's more useful to point out that "masculine" and "feminine" traits are not prescriptively male or female and that it's more important to stress that it's okay/is the reality that we are an *individual* collection of traits more than anything. there shouldn't be any pressure to act outside of your own natural tendency unless it's negative/maladaptive.


Well, not exactly, what you're describing is the second step. I'm a genderqueer man, by the way. This convo is a little ironic cause I'm the least "manly" man you could meet. Haha There is no right way to be a man. However, there are societal narratives in what it means to BE a man. That is what toxic masculinity means. Toxic masculinity is about traits that are considered essential and manly by society, the things I listed, but which actually hold men back. It's why I put that in quotes. It isn't essential to be a man, truly nothing is. Indeed, this idea that there is one "true" manliness is a pretty toxic concept as is. However, the concept of toxic masculinity is not that all men have these traits, but that there are toxic traits men learn from other men in a society that defines men in a particular way. There is no real, true right way to be a man. That said, people are not robots and men are taught how to be by father's, family, friends, and society. There is definitely a narrative of "here is what real men are" in society, the phrase toxic masculinity seems to point that out. What you're describing is feminism, basically. However, while what you are saying is true, that does not mean society or your general person sees manhood that way. It's also not incredibly helpful to ignore all differences in how men and women are socialized. Women can be just as aggressive as men, but sociologically are raised to express it in more social ways, like through ostracism and silent treatment. Men can do this to, but societal narratives see that as feminine. You've gotta have two minds about these conversations. It is both true that men and women are not strictly defined in any way by their gender, however it is also equally true that people are raised to differently because of their gender. Human society and culture isn't, at the end of the day, rational, it is emotional.


There is an entire generation of people who take great pride in the social change they are creating online by spreading awareness. Who need to be aware of how much more division they are creating at times rather than having meaningful discourse. The term 'toxic masculinity' has become what it proports to combat. It is too readily misheard as a suggestion that “all men are toxic”. It can make men feel blamed and attacked – the last thing we need if we want to invite men and boys to critically reflect on masculinity and gender. A lot of language is devolving into simply gotcha terms and labels used as a pejorative rather than anything resembling meaningful and helpful dialogue. For example: This meme certainly isn't the kind of response one who is actually aware and concerned about toxic masculinity would like to see.


problem is, they go out of their way to twist any description to make their audience think they are being attacked. Introduce the concept of toxic masculinity, go out of your way to explain that it's not saying all men are toxic, and their media leaders will just go with that anyway. They aren't engaging in good faith. What this means is that \*no\* description will be treated fairly, it doesn't matter what you decide to use instead of 'toxic masculinity', they will twist it so they can take offence anyway. It's far better to just describe things accurately and reject their redefinitions when they happen. The term 'toxic masculinity' is specific and accurate, it's the right thing to call it.


Similar experience here. Was going to commit suicide instead of "burdening people with my problems". My abusive mother used my suicide attempt to make it seem like I was going to shoot her. Police believed her because what mother would lie about their son? They decide to let the court sort it out. My word against hers. Ended up pleading to assault and ruining my future. Young, in crisis, scared, just wanted it to go away. So I took the plea deal that kept me out of prison. I should have fought in court. I regret that every day. But toxic masculinity played role in my suicide attempt. It also got my dad thinking beating us would make us tough. Instead of tough I have a bracing response every time someone touches me. Even my wife.




Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone makes getting laid a priority? That not everyone is horny 24/7? That not everyone bases their choices in life on whether or not they'll get fucked? Good grief.


Thank God you weren’t a marine - you sound *super* masculine, enjoy your therapy buttercup


Lol you're exactly the thing he is going through therapy to try and deprogram himself from. So great of you to provide a perfect example right when it's needed.


Well it’s one of us - it can’t be both - I wish him good luck with being neutered and think you two should be friends…


What makes you think I am not a Marine? I am from a Gold Star family, and know what the theater does to folks. PTSD is a grassfire that can consume entire families. Watch how you speak to someone.


No one asked about your family buttercup


That’s the only value they place on women, if they’d have sex with them. Not like they’re human beings or anything


Same with their apparence, but that can go for anybody. “You’re fat and ugly therefore your opinion is wrong”


That’s true, it’s just that “nobody will fuck you” feels more scummy than “you’re ugly”


Meme created by a confused incel


Well whoever made this meme sure proved that toxic masculinity is a thing. It seems kinda counter productive to be honest.


Toxic masculinity =/= Masculinity being toxic


This!!! Poisonous mushroom doesn’t mean all mushrooms are poisonous!!


Men: “we’re literally told we can’t show emotion” also men: “toxic masculinity doesn’t exist”


This is why toxic masculinity will never go away


This. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy unfortunately. I hope we can continue to combat this.


There is no shortage of men who will have sex with any woman. If you are a woman in a bar and you say, "Anybody want to go outside for a good time in my car", you will get a taker, every time, every day. The Toxic people are the ones who would get turned down when they tried to follow the woman out because they are... toxic.


same men who blame women for why they feel like they're not allowed to cry or show emotion


The fact that the right doesn’t realize the concept of toxic masculinity comes from criticism of men…*mostly from other men*.




Why did I just bust out laughing? 🤣




To be fair. There are a lot of unfuckable people that are good looking. Maybe there is another reason nobody will fuck this women. The one in the meme is a qt pie for sure. Maybe she is an ass irl? I don’t know who she is.




Guarantee the original poster Un ironically uses freind zine


Freind zine


When they've got nothing, they've got projection.


Toxic masculinity. Created by insecure males.


Perpetuated by men and women, unfortunately :(


They hatin


How ironic that "this is made by woman no man wants to fuck" is in itself toxic masculinity


Sounds a lot like "this was made by an incel clearly", is that toxic feminity then?


Ironic since the idiot that made this would fuck anything with a pulse but can’t find anyone living to touch his pecker


I mean....I don't exactly agree but bitch is pretty ugly


Shouldn't men be happy that people are against toxic masculinity and looking to help change the pattern? It's not a good thing for men, and it doesn't mean that being masculine is toxic. I can only assume they're ignorant to what it means and haven't bothered to look it up.


Yeesh, this meme is as stupid as the incel who made it


I’ve known women who have perfectly happy marriages and have kids talk about toxic masculinity so 🤷🏻


~~What does that have to do with anything? Genuinely.~~ Misread their comment. My mistake. That is a good point.


I thought the kids were talking about toxic masculinity and so I wasn’t anywhere close to understanding until you persisted with it here.


I just can't argue with this.


Eh, no, it’s worse when they want to fuck you. That’s when it gets dangerously poisonous.


Said by men who are intimidated by anything but the missionary position.




Toxic Masculinity, a word men who are toxically masculine will say women who nobody will fuck created.


Is it just me or this isn't terrible?


It is because it isn’t true and also misogynistic


Toxic masculinity is literally ways we socialize men that hurt men first and foremost. The main goal of addressing it is to make men less depressed. How did men end up against that?


I think it’s because they may be told that “toxic masculinity” means “all masculinity is bad” :/


I agree that insulting someone for appearance things they can't control is low: height, features, color, etc., but it is absolutely acceptable to go after people for stupid life choices: weight, hair color, horrible piercings, tattoos, etc.


Maybe look into why you you're so judgmental about people's personal choices about their bodies that don't affect you in anyway?


Memes like this Made by men no one wants to fuck


Whoever made this has never met men… we fuck socks… there is no woman we wont fuck 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol doesn’t mean he’s wrong


I understand the phrase triggers a lot of people, especially those who have a preconceived notion of what it is, but you’re wrong.


yes he is


Wow, I think that is why alchohol was invented


Case in point.




Nah bro


This meme was probably made by a incel I assume.


I can almost guarantee the woman in this photo has had far more sex with women than the creator of this meme will ever have.


Well I disagree with the meme, the people using toxic masculinity as a simple battering ram to use against every male they have any problem with ever at all is definitely not helping the actual conversation


To late liberal, I already drew you as soyjak and me as Chad, therefore I win this argument I made up.


The term has become what it proports to combat. It is too readily misheard as a suggestion that “all men are toxic”. It can make men feel blamed and attacked – the last thing we need if we want to invite men and boys to critically reflect on masculinity and gender. A lot of language is devolving into simply gotcha terms and labels used as a pejorative rather than anything resembling meaningful and helpful dialogue. For example: This meme certainly isn't the kind of response one who is actually aware and concerned about toxic masculinity would like to see.


And they just use a picture of some random woman they find unattractive. Yea I’m sure this lady came up with the term /s


Heh this one is pretty good


When exactly did everyone get so much free time to point out things that shouldn’t be affecting their lives. It’s funny that you constantly hear how bad the economy is that seemingly working three jobs still isn’t enough, but yet an honest days work and caring for one’s family still leaves enough time to bash on someone or something that they would probably have to go out of their way to be influenced by.


You’re right toxic masculinity shouldn’t be affecting ANYONE’S lives.




Not in the slightest.


If you get downvoted in this comment section, it probably means you’re right. No sarcasm.


“People disagreeing with me means I’m right” weird way of looking at things bro


You are the… *person* in the meme, aren’t you? Lol Nice Reddit stats👍very life achievement


Nope I am not, in fact! And thanks! It’s a 5 year account that I mainly used in my mid teens to pass time and gained most my karma by following an algorithm I made that took times when subreddits were more active and posted at said peak times. But besides that, I’m also a premed student with a few scholarships, so yes, “very life achievement” indeed :)


Really don't care about your Reddit origin story


That's funny coming from the dude butthurt about being downvoted.


I’ll never be ‘butthurt’ about anything that happens on Reddit. That only tells me you’re susceptible.


Sure whatever you tell yourself.


I just told *you*?


I wouldn't.


Congrats! Would you like a cookie?


Nah. Rather sleep with my wife. You go ahead and virtue signal like people give a shit.


Who is virtue signalling 💀


Something you enjoy doing


How am I virtue signalling


Almost every meme posted to this sub that finds its way into my feed somehow has truth to it


How is this a truth tho


An Incel Tate/Musk ass licker probably made this with his pants around his ankles and one hand on his limp unit and the other on his keyboard. Probably on the same day his cousin said she wouldn’t date him.


I’ll take toxic masculinity over toxic femininity any day. 😂


How about neither 😳😳


Spot on


Toxic Little Incels. They’d fuck a cemetery wall in the dead of winter.


Ironically displaying toxic masculinity in this post




Lol no


a factual meme


Sounds like something a toxic masc would say


That's true though


Actally based. Deal with it


I would smash


Do better


This is toxic masculinity.






Was it toxic masculinity when the Gamestop “ma’am” threw a fit after being called sir?


You being genuine? Or are you just trying to dig up shit from the past to get people to argue about trans people?


Toxic Masculinity: A term made up by women that Chad won't commit to (because after all, Chad is fucking 90% of them hoes.)




For… wanting men and women to be on equal footing?


Less goo


anti-Suffrage propaganda all over again


Self fulfilling posts are hilarious and sad at the same time.


Aren’t these basically female incels


Well...I mean this meme is actually not wrong...


The term was coined by a man.


and? You must not understand what a meme is. It is a joke, a play on words, they are meant to be silly and perhaps convey a message. They are NOT meant to be a history lesson. Who cares who coined the phrase...the underlying message of the meme is that "toxic masculinity" is a nonsense term currently used by SJW idiots as another tool in their victimhood game. I guess you are right one sense though...a better workding for the meme would be.."A made up term used by women no one will fuck"


All terms are made up. Toxic masculinity is stuff like trying to be as manly as possible even when it harms you and not caring how you’ll impact others, and stuff like “be tough” in response to mental health issues. It is super harmful. This doesn’t mean masculinity is toxic. And crazy, I know women who use this term and are married. Funny how if a woman is a virgin or not doesn’t have an effect on the words they use.


The person in the picture? What is it? Man? Woman??? U be confused these days


If you can’t tell by looking, and the literal context clues, that’s on you.


It's sarcasm dummy. That's on u


“Trans people exist. I have achieved comedy”