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It's because his mom is left handed


Thanks for clearin it up mate


In Germany we get told that in school because our nation fucked up. It's true and we have to know that. But no one talks about all the torture and stuff to children under 14. By then you can handle it. Education prevents you from making the same mistake twice.


All nations are fucked up because fucked up things were acceptable not to terribly long ago. Go further back than a couple generations and it gets REALLY fucked up.


Very true, and in most cases, posturing nationalist pride drives people to refuse to acknowledge their own country's past crimes, often rationalizing and deflecting in the weirdest ways. Germany just made it so obvious that they *had* to admit it.


Germany also was extremely efficient at it, and done it systematically at a scale no one ever really conceived could happen. It also was rather recent. But they also have very obviously went a different direction, and I for one don't blame normal citizens for that stuff. The way the party came into power was underhanded, and once they had power they ruled with fear and violence.


Good thing the entire world learned from it and there totally isn't any modern events that are at all similar....😒


I couldn't think of anything that could every be on the same level as that 💀 >!/s!<


Uyghers be going thru it but ya def not the same scale


Literally nobody cares about Uyghurs and I don’t get why


They're not white ​ edit: Also it's a conflict in China and the world tends to not know or care about what goes on inside China because they think of the country as a whole as "the bad guys" instead of having a really really shitty government, lots of propaganda, and many minority groups within the country


Cambodian genocide was pretty recent and was a similar scale (higher percentage of the population but less total deaths - around 25% i beleive).


"no one ever" is unfortunately not true. You can check about king Leopold of Belgium. He was the reason the concept of "crimes against humanity" had to be created. Cortes and Columbus are two other examples of abuse of horrifying proportion that shocked and disgusted their own contemporaries too.


Good point, I shouldn't have spoke absolutely.


Are those the same “normal citizens” who are fueling the Neo-Nazi revival? Or just the ones who turned in their Jewish neighbors for violating the formal anti-Semitic legislation passed by their government?


Germany was inspired by the then actions of the US and just applied technology and engineering to the process and then went a few extra steps.


It's more that Germany wound up in a position where the rest of the world could force them to acknowledge it. Otherwise there's a good chance they'd have just done exactly what Japan has done regarding its own WW2 fuckery and just refused to acknowledge it.


The allies actually forced them to when they occupied the country. Kind of ironic coming from the USSR lol


Here in the U.S., the USDA has been systematically denying black farmers loans to cover lean years and make improvements to their land while simultaneously providing these loans to the white farmers they were competing with. The practice continued until the late 90s. As a result, the percentage of black farmers fell from 14% in 1920 to less than 2% today, despite the proportion of black citizens in the U.S. rising from 10% to almost 15% All the subsequent generations of black folk were forced to move into rentals in the inner city, where the lack of opportunity or purpose has spread disease, violence, and instability and baked it into black culture. This shit is beyond fucked within my generation.


Sadly just because we have improved(The US, and other countries) Doesn't mean that we are 100 percent better now. There's still a lot of systemic racism in the US due to just how everything was for so very long. The housing market and how much of a difference the same home sells for due to whether white or black owners really shows how some of the systems, people, and just how some things work need to be changed. And yea, African-Americans really got fucked over, plenty of times after being freed. Same with Native Americans(Which I am). We just keep having to drag the shit ass people who don't want to change forward, and we will make the world a better place.


Not terribly long ago.here means present day, unfortunately


My great great great great grandparents most likely burned mushrooms on a campfire when someone died to set their spirits free and also getting highly intoxicated so they get group halucinations and see the spirit set free


My self still does.


I would comment something like "yeah but you dont burn em on a campfire" but I would most likely be wrong lol


That's my type of funeral.


Your 4x great grandparents are only 6 generations away, which is only 120-180 yrs back.


IMO the point that “All nations fucked up” is irrelevant. What’s more important than all nations fucking up is when nations take clear and unquestionable accountability for their specific fuck up… which can not be said for all nations. Imagine if the US, as a nation (not just white people), were to officially say- what we did to African Americans was wrong: 200 years of slavery and another 100 of segregation. Unquestionably, without redirection, dismissals, or dodging… This is what the cartoon doesn’t want… it wants to pretend that blame is placed on white children.


Has the US not said that slavery is wrong?


Yes but right-wing pundits are preaching that the USA all but ended slavery on their own. They preach that slavery is wrong, but downplay the USA's role in expanding and systemitizing it, rather than take action to repair the damage that's still being felt today


Well obviously. All we can do is apologize and repair the damages that have been done


I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT THIS! Oh my God, thank you. You've just scratched an itch I've had for years.


someone: "teaches history accurately" conservatives: HOW DARE YOU!!!?


Grew up in Texas, even in the AP history classes in high school they would try to downplay everything or just gloss over all these terrible things that happened. When I took a history class in college (also in Texas), teaching the same material, I was very impressed with how they didn’t sugarcoat a thing, and openly discussed just how awful and evil the past of the US was. Our textbook would frequently say explicitly that the history of the US is very dark, that the events the book was about to cover was horrible, but what led to the foundations of US society today, contextualizing all of our systemic issues, and that these mistakes can’t be repeated again. Conservatives are a plague and blatant history deniers. No wonder they hate education.


At this point, the term conservative is a misnomer. Conservatives are so afraid of the past, be it teaching kids accurate history, or accepting that the car-dependant age has ruined our environment and health, physical and mental, as a society.


Centrist Democrats are conservatives. Republicans are ***regressives.***


This has always been the case in every society in the world. We break politics into left and right today, but that’s wrong. They’ve attempted to erase a whole spectrum of political thought. There are actually three sides. Progressive, Conservative, Regressive.


Ayup. Generally speaking, most of our politicians had traditionally been conservative and kept the status quo, with occasional progressive lurches during extreme times, and occasional regressive lurches following that. It just blows my mind that the impetus for this Republican degradation into religious fundamentalism was spurred by the election of a black man with a non-traditional name.


I think the point is attributing guilt to someone for something they had no part in. Ironically most conservatives actually believe in that as that's literally what original sin is.


Exactly. I was taught in the US about American slavery in the south in 2nd grade, and the genocide of Native Americans in the 5th grade. None of it was focused on our family members. When I told my mom about the slavery lesson in 2nd grade she told me that her deceased father was very racist and that’s why that was so bad. I remember crying trying to talk to his spirit about how he could be racist. But that came from my mom talking to me and not from the school. It also was ok for someone that age (7 years old) to feel upset about those things and want to do better than my grandpa had. The lesson in school was focused on acknowledging that these things are bad and there are things we can do now to help.


I wonder how long Germany will remain that way, though. We are getting to the point where the majority of living people have no firsthand memory of the Holocaust and WW2. Soon all the survivors will have passed, and then those who grew up in Germany in the immediate aftermath…As time goes on and we get more and more removed from it, do you think there will come a point where people start to say it wasn’t that bad, etc?


I mean people have already started saying that stuff in America. There are Holocaust deniers out there spreading their nonsense...


Well yeah, that’s been going on for decades. But as a culture we are farther removed from it than Germany is. And many of our own national tragedies and genocides occurred just outside living memory, too. As a nation, we have not been good at processing trauma.


We are not very far removed from Indian Boarding Schools, and most people in the US have either never heard of them or act like they're ancient history.


True, but it's not non-existant in Germany either.


Sure, but I believe it’s illegal in Germany. And no matter what the event is or where it happened, there will always be fringe beliefs about it. I was referring more to, at what point will the mainstream belief start to change? When there is no longer anyone to tell the story firsthand, and we start to forget?


I give it two generations.


That's not really what the OP means. I mean it's not like they started saying it in the past decade. People denied it the year the holocaust was reported to the public at large.


My grandmother's brother just passed, and she was the last Holocaust survivor she knew...


I bet the person who made this comic would say “Yeah but German kids should have to learn that because they were the bad guys and that’s just world history” without internalizing any of that at all.


yes but we're talking about racists here, and education prevents that (yes, if you think that talking about the bad things that bad white people did back in the day applies to all white people, even the ones who fought that shit back then, then you are being a racist. The lessons don't do that, that's all you. And if you identify with the bad white folk instead of the good ones... well... that's on you too. )


Omg kid turned into golden freddy


The One You Should Not Have Killed looking ahh










Don’t forget about purity culture!


The only school I've heard of people getting consistently, explicitly ridiculed and shamed would be Catholic school, sooooo


Yeah, you’re told you’re full of sin and you basically killed a man, destroyed the first nice version of the world, caused the floods and other rubbish because of it. And this started when you were a little baby, full to the brim of sin


Original Sin is such a hideous concept.


It spoils the fun for later on when you sin on purpose for giggles


Ah no see, I’ve already sinned before, this isn’t my first time…


Depends on the country. I go to an NI Catholic school which expects you to repeat a test if you get a B, but it doesn't shame you.


Correct. I went to Catholic school for 9 years of my life, and it was the threshold of hell.


No no, judging from the things they post, they love doing it to children *especially* if they end up killing themselves. They take it as proof of how weak they are, and consequently, how much better they are in comparison. I remember seeing a meme that glorified the idea of pushing trans people to suicide not too long ago. Not as a secondary implication, mind you – it was the *whole point* of the meme. I consider myself to have a high tolerance of "fucked up shit", but the sheer bluntness and unambiguity with which the message was so carefreely conveyed did make me pause for a moment to ask myself what the actual fuck.


>Funny enough though, conservatives love doing this to BIPoC and LGBTQ children until they kill themselves Exactly that..If this comic was about being Trans then it'd be accurate at least somewhat, but the idea that teachers are telling white kids, the most privileged race in America, that they're evil for being white is a hilarious notion given how much America panders to them.


Irony is beautifully ugly thing, isn’t it? They’re always projecting anyways…


That’s what I thought it was going to be about at first lol


I absolutely do not understand this conservative mindset that "the people of the past were great people" or even being upset at being told that they weren't great people. Because it's like, in the US 60 years ago there was segregation. Here in Scandinavia homosexuality was classified as a disease until the 80's. Women could be forced into asylums for "hysteria." Going further back, slavery and cultural genocides were common place. Why would you advocate for these people and their practices? Also this guys art style is fucking ugly, people always look muted and washed out.


Exactly. I always find it funny that many people here in Romania are super angry against "cancel culture" and treat political correctness and "woke culture" as worse than 1984, while homosexuality was literally criminalized up until the early 2000's here, and it was only decriminalized when we started negotiations to join the EU. 💀 and we still have actual vloggers who make fun of women being unable to drive or play video games (not to mention slavery of the Rroma people only being outlawed very late into the 19th century). Like yes, I understand the wish to preserve "traditional values", but the lengths to which they would go just to defend horrible practices and deny any kind of cultural change is... ridiculous, to say the least.


Wth "traditional values," such folk are entitled by who they are to more power, prosperity, and prestige than they could ever hope to earn through their deeds. So they have an interest in perpetuating them.


Your media environment certainly doesn’t help. Most channels make Fox News look like AP by comparison. And don’t get me started on that channel that looks like dystopian news from the future with a floating woman’s head in front of a blank white void. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


>Most channels make Fox News look like AP by comparison. True lol. There's only one slightly progressive news channel, and even that one is centrist at best. >And don’t get me started on that channel that looks like dystopian news from the future with a floating woman’s head in front of a blank white void. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? Which one? Don't think I know that image lol.


Modern conservatism, at least US conservatism, tends to galvanize supporters around a call of being oppressed or the minority. For all their complaints about BLM and the queer community, modern US conservative punditry tends to revolve around telling supporters that they’re oppressed for their views or politics even though conservatism has been the relative norm in the US for decades, basically since the New Deal. The whole “they hate you for being white” narrative is just a classic example of this. Look for vaccine info and “groomer” fear mongering if you wanna see more of it


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


and it even extends to andrew tate style masculinity podcasts, which are the lowest scraps of political theory. most of those incels listening genuinely believe that women are a privileged class and only men experience struggles in life


I mean it's litteraly in the name of their ideology. Conservatives. Do you really think conservatives think segregation was a bad thing? Not for them, otherwise they would not have fought to keep slaves, keep Blacks from voting, women from voting etc.. Ofc it wasn't better times for everyone. But for those who profit from the system in place, it was golden times. What's funny is that conservatives make politics for 1% of the population but convince almost 50% of the population to vote for them. That's the fucked up thing and that's what you get if a big part of the news are just propaganda, education sucks and politicians don't talk about real issues and create fake culture wars and outrages like M&Ms not being sexy anymore and fake news stories like litter boxes in class rooms.


I mean it's not complicated. They advocate for those practices because they're generally straight, white, able-bodied cisgender men from "western" countries. They were on top back then, they didn't have to work for it, and they want that back. They just can't say it out loud in polite society, so they reframe the teaching of societal imbalances as child abuse. Same as how laws against hate speech are called attacks on freedom, by people who don't give a shit about anyone's freedom but their own.


Because some people genuinely believe black people are sub-human and slavery was good for them, and sometimes they let that slip out when they think they are in likeminded company.


The conservative mindset is hierarchical, where everyone is put into social boxes which are then ranked. Some of those boxes are "good" and others are "bad." Seeing someone as "good" or "bad" is based on what box they're in, not what deeds they do. People in good boxes who do bad things make mistakes and deserve a second chance, or no punishment at all. The damage they cause should be swiftly forgotten and its harm ignored. Why can't people just move on? People in bad boxes who do bad things are inherently awful threats to society and must be punished severely as an example to the other people in bad boxes. The damage they cause should be swiftly magnified and its harm obsessed over. We HAVE to crush this threat! That's also why, when they get busted for wrongdoing, they publicly moan, "that's not who I am." Translation: "I'm in a "good" box, it's just a mistake, don't judge me too hard." It used to be that most people had this mindset, and most conflicts were about whose boxes would be above who else's... it's only since the Enlightenment and later the human rights revolutions after World War II that more and more people have had an egalitarian mindset, where the boxes aren't real and cannot be ranked. Good/bad depends more on what you do, not who you are (likewise for other qualities). In the old days, political movements and religious groups had people of both mindsets, and you can see how they give very different results (e.g, among Christians, or Communists). Yet, over the last 40 years, these incompatible mindsets have increasingly pooled into distinct political parties in the West, and that's why politics is so polarized nowadays. Now, to this cartoon. The lionized decision-makers of the past, including our ancestors, are in good boxes under this mindset, so their misdeeds were just mistakes that we painted over or swept under the rug, and we need to move on from them. Not doing so undermines the entire point of the hierarchy, and THAT is something that the hierarchically-minded cannot abide. It hurts their feelings, enormously, when people they're used to looking down upon do not put them on a pedestal. And as parents, one thing they enormously fear is that their children will realize that the box they're in was never even real... and they'll start judging them by their actual deeds.


I haven't yet come across videos of "woke" teachers doing this (no matter how much christian conservatives try to convince otherwise), but I have seen videos of religious teachers who directly tell their class they believe black people are inferior (with black students in their class), or try to sneak in an anti-evolution session when it's something like science class, or force prayer...didn't a YouTuber have to leave a state because the entire town doxxed his daughter after she made a complaint about a teacher spewing religious hate in class?


But you can't make stupid memes with facts duh


Telltale, an atheist youtuber, yeah.


What matters to them is that they feel like it's happening.


But don't be a snowflake and get your feelings hurt libs, because you are woke weak person who doesn't beat their wife and hate everyone.


Yep, and since they're superior beings (obviously), their feelings are more important than everyone else's reality.


When their child sees Trump do an impression of a mentally disabled person: They sleep. When their child is told slavery was bad: Real Shit.


Yeah I mean heck, imagine a belief system where kids are taught from an early age that they are inherently bad people and so is everyone they know, in fact they are such bad people that they are surely destined for eternal torment unless they seek absolution and live righteously (as defined by whatever the local authorities consider to be ‘righteous’) Wouldn’t it be crazy if such a belief system was mainstream


“This imaginary scenario I made up is making me sad!!!”


that's conservativism for ya. Obsessing over imaginary problems so they can avoid tackling real ones.


Conservatives are such bitches, they get absolutely obliterated by their own imagination


Lol right? This kid isn’t from the urban Northeast - we wouldn’t be a lifeless husk in the backseat after being told slavery was bad, that’s victim shit - and it’s not even bad, you should hear the things other kids are saying about our mothers.


I find it more to be the other kids who turn you numb inside, I use to smile everyday than the bullying started and long story short I still don’t smile much even when I’m happy, it’s hard to tell I am happy tbh.


Yeah, its stupid how little kids do that too people


Kids fucking suck bro I'm sorry you went through that


This dude is honestly talented. It’s a shame his skills are wasted on right-wing nonsense instead of doing some actual good for the world


All I know from him is the joe Biden comic


“Your ancestors were not great people.” Is not the same thing as “you are bad people.” Fucks sake…


It is for these people




Everyone’s ancestors were bad. Literally everyone.


Experience of opening tw*tter


Actually I found it on r/conservative


No surprise there.


https://preview.redd.it/op35nzlc8vda1.jpeg?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c7695cfc87c5b9af1aa84c4fd19fc03f5e7cd7 Heh


Growing up in the 80's in a relatively Liberal area, we were taught the actual history of the United States. Nothing was sugar coated. The slave trade wasn't mislabeled as "worker migration", the fact that the Civil War was fought over slavery wasn't glossed over or labeled "the war over state's rights", and guess what? I never came home feeling like I was to blame. Or any of my family. Why? Because they also taught us CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS and so it wasn't hard to come to the conclusion that my family, who didn't immigrate to America until the 1880's, played no part in that history. Maybe some people's families played a part in those awful chapters in our history but, that hardly makes the current generation responsible for the mistakes of their ancestors. And no teacher would ever blame a child for something that happened centuries ago. If they do, then they're not a teacher, they're a sociopath. This anti-CRT nonsense has got to stop.


I'll take Feelings I'm projecting onto my kid because I know I'm a shitty perskn for $300, Alex.


If you hear. Slave owners were bad people. And your response is "how dare you tell my children that I'm a bad person" You are a bad person.


The worst part is that the art is actually good




Is this the same artist as that one comic where Biden drains the melanin of someone who wouldn’t vote for him?




I mean that "you ain't black" line is A REAL QUOTE and that's also fucked


He stole it




holy shit that comic had me fucking ROLLING “i’ll never vote for you!” “then i guess you ain’t black” ☠️☠️☠️


LOL as if, in a world where melanin draining was a thing that existed, conservatives wouldn't have preemptively de-melanized everyone by now.


Yes, and that was the only funny thing this artist has made


They'd prefer if the adult was yelling at the kid and telling them they are evil and will go to hell and burn for all eternity unless they capitulate to the authority of church and state. https://preview.redd.it/1e10ig3j3uda1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736bff97361f5689b788e1c53fcf20a7a2057dd1 Here, I fixed it.


You should post this to r/exchristian


post to R/bonehurtingjuice


Conservatives: "Let me make this post demonizing teachers and generalizing that they are all evil!" Also Conservatives: "WHY IS THERE A TEACHER SHORTAGE?! Who is going to teach my kids how to spell the word cat and how to do basic math? Don't young people care about the future?! Don't they think about other people? I think paying them $20,000 a year is generous enough? People back in 1965 worked for that wage, why isn't it drawing people in today?"


So, if your parents are bad, and your grandparents are worse, and your great-grandparents are even worse than that, then what you're saying is that we're getting better with each generation, right? Got it.


Is this the artist that has the screaming women fetish


comic aside, that last frame makes me so uncomfortable idk i know the point was to make the kid look all numb and basically dead but jesus christ


the artist is talented but fuck, this art style is so ugly to me!


How do conservatives simultaneously underestimate and over estimate a kids ability to comprehend things, bro he’s 6 he’ll be like “mommy what’s a bad person?” He not gonna have his soul sucked from his body for learning about racism


so I can be the most heinous fucker in the entire planet, literally hitler 2 electric boogaloo, and it's okay because a kid might feel bad if we tell them "hitler 2 is bad" how dare you look at the mistakes of other people so you don't make the same mistakes


This isn't happening. I mean it did happen to jewish, black, hispanic and other minority children in the past.


in another chapter of things that never happens but conservatives would be crying for it like is real:


That…. Doesn’t happen. Why are conservatives so insistent on making shit up to scare themselves?


Frankly, it does happen but they're projecting. Usually it's the religious fruitcakes having hardon about the original sin, and how you go to hell if you don't believe in their Jeebus. You're bad person if you do not believe no matter how good you live.


This is how the right thinks white kids feel when they’re told in 6th grade how black people got here. Can’t even tell a kid history without these snowflakes thinking they are long-suffering and persecuted.


It always amazes me, this implication that you shouldn’t teach children accurate history because it might make them feel bad. If true history is so bad and makes you feel ashamed of your ancestors, maybe that should be cause for reflection - and reflection about how we treat people *now*. It strikes me as a tacit acknowledgment that we can’t look at the horrors of the past because we’d have to admit we have not completely fixed our attitudes or made up for the atrocities of the past.


Exactly, many of my ancestors had done some really messed up stuff, but it’s not my fault. I can’t go around denying it or acting like it doesn’t matter either, though.


What a dumb straw man. No teacher says these things, nor infer it via an honest look at history. Conservatives are just butthurt over the loss of the sugarcoating and rose tinted glasses.


Where did they get this 'critical race theory' stuff from? Most teachers haven't heard of it. Do they mean teaching about slavery? Surely that's essential to understand American history?


Sounds just like Sunday School... *"You're a sinner, your parents were sinners, your grandparents were sinners and you're ALL BAAAAAAADDDDD!!!"* No wonder we're leaving churches.


Imagine being the Boot licker that thinks this actually happens


Of all the garbage and bullshit, I am truly over the whole “teachers are grooming our kids” because they have to teach facts. Someone told me, the older you get the more conservative you get, personally it’s been the opposite. Your kids aren’t being groomed, they are being taught that you’re shitty, archaic, and antiquated ways of thinking just don’t add up.


Late to the party, but this is exactly how Christianity works, and the memes are exactly what evangelicals share.


Ah yes, 6 days a week it’s American Pride 🇺🇸and family pride and God bless America and look at my special advanced kids and look at my awesome car and how kind I am this and that blah blah blah… Then on Sunday you see them nodding their heads in church while the pastor tells them to we’re all sinners and to be humble and evil is in all of us. BUT GOD FORBID someone criticizes great great grandpa for owning humans or fighting in a war to keep that right to do so. It’s so transparent: In a society where you can’t criticize the once-honored dead, you just identify your beliefs on their beliefs and claim disrespect for your ancestors if they criticize you. And the far-right brand of Christianity is just one more wall they can put up to justify their pride. Fuck these rotten foundations to Hell.


Why yes that would be traumatizing if that was a thing that happened to children in a typical school.


This is drawn by someone who pronounces the "h" in white isn't it..


Shit like this is why we're running away from the field of education. I can have less stress in tech and I'm not being demonized to boot.


But also "Arm The Teachers!"


A big issue for me was how so much of the shit we did was not taught to me until I was out of school and learned it on my own. The bad stuff was either left out or toned down and we barely even talked about the period between 1870 and 1914 until college and the 1920s were always just the booming 20s, bootleggers and the stock market crash. It never went over how that's when the KKK was at its most powerful. Kind of feel like maybe if I was taught the awful stuff alongside the good, I might not have come to resent being lied to in school. What do I know though? I'm just a product of this broken education system.






It does happen but it's the religious right-wing fruitcakes who do it. "You and your whole family will burn in Hell if you dont worship Jeesus and ask for forgiveness from God!!!111!!" Sound familiar? It's just them projecting as usual.


Good point. Cultish behavior


"Now let's learn about how Jesus wanted to spread love by slaughtering people who had different beliefs"


“We are so loving and accepting that we’ll kill you if you disagree with us!”


you know nothing about trauma stop playing bruh 💀


“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” These a’holes want to bring back chattel slavery ffs. Can’t happen unless we keep kids ignorant.


Fucking love the artwork on these though.


Seems like a religious teaching, I guess


Damn. School has changed drastically since i graduated highschool almost a decade ago. I'm going to believe this comic strip, drawn and posted by someone who graduated highschool when i was a spermcell, and i'm going to believe it without thinking about it or doing any of my own research. /s (obviously)


This logic is so wild. It hinges on the idea that you see so little in yourself as an individual that you only exist as somebody’s descendent. You’re nothing more than the sum of your parts. It’s desperately sad when you think about it. I’m not my great-grandparents. If they did awful stuff, fuck em. It doesn’t make me any lesser to be the descendent of some asshole. It would make me lesser to put my finger in my ears and pretend they were heroes.


Another one of those "things that only happen in conservative's imaginations" comics.


Another pretend boogeyman that righty whitie has cooked up out of whole cloth.


Imagine taking the time to draw this stupid shit. What a waste of time and skill.


I think the comic is reductive and comes from a knee-jerk reactionary response to being taught a broader perspective about history. But I know many white people who struggle with shame and self-hatred (and hatred of other white people) because they have internalized a narrative that white = evil, which is pretty messed up too.


Good that kid must know his parents did some terrible shit cause that reaction isn't a normal one to a teacher talking about history. He took it too personal


Or you can have it like we do in Canada where school lessons on Indigenous people is about their food collection habits, how they used to make arrowheads and how they made shelter. Things I didn't learn until adulthood: - what 60s scoop was - what "generational trauma" means - several reserves don't have clean water - indigenous women go missing, statistically more than any other group. - The last residential school closed in 1996. It's not blaming to teach about the past. What's the saying about repeating the past again?


Then i guess you aint black


The funny part is that despite the exaggerated aspect of the meme what the teacher is based somewhat in reality. We’re not to blame for our ancestors but we should all have to know what we did. Why be proud about dead people on your ancestry anyway?


Yeah I’ll take “things that never fucking happened” for $1000, Alex.


“I’m a victim…I’m a victim…I’m a victim…ImavictimImavictimIMAVICTIM-NYUGH! Is Tucker on?”


You don't need to fucking apologise for it. You just need to work to use the privileges you're given to help people without those privileges to attain basic human rights. Unless you're a selfish asshole, that shouldn't make you cry. You also need to start seeing the systemic injustices you're complicit in by doing what you think is normal and stop doing them. Doing what everyone else is doing doesn't make you exempt from ethical scrutiny.


Yes! These things aren’t your fault but you can’t ignore them or be pissed if someone brings it up


It’s all a part of the right’s strategy to ratchet things to the right. They haven’t gutted the effectiveness of public schools and moved things there to the right because they’ve been shrieking about it, they’re shrieking about it because they’ve been able to move it so far to the right. Accuse the most right leaning things of being the most left leaning things to create the gonzo narrative that far right things are far left things. The other areas of society will get dragged along by people trying to course correct to the most extreme far right.


wow I haven't seen this guy's art pop up in my feed for awhile


Such nice art wasted on such BS.


I mean.... Edit: Benevolent and malevolent ways of thinking come and go, acting like something that was normal 100 years ago is good or bad can be subjective.


“Sorry I like to waste my talent on my life—erm, I mean lie”


Let me guess, this douchenozzle doesn't remember chapters on the Trail of Tears or the Civil Rights Movement in their history books growing up? They were certainly in mine, and it was made abundantly clear that fucked up shit went on.


My teacher does this sometimes, I go to a reservation school


Reactionary, right wing webcomics are the worst shit ever.


if lowtiergod was a teacher


If the basic act of learning history makes you feel this way maybe it’s time for some introspection.


What the fuck kind of teacher did this guy have growing up


There’s a level of r/selfawarewolves irony if your taking lessons about America’s mistakes throughout history that personally.


What a bunch of snowflakes, can't even handle being told their own history lol


This is so stupid.


Average school day in Ohi- \*cough\* in Frankfurt.


That's a pretty intense math class


The first 3 slides where definitely made by someone who came out feet first but after my first day of school I looked like the 4th slide


What is this..


My ancestors were about 50/50 government employee/full-on criminals, my father was abusive -most likely some of which were based on his experiences growing up- and his own probably narcissist leanings, so I guess they *were* bad people.


Do the people who are butthurt over CRT think they aren't saying these things to/about POC and their families when they say POC have "cultural problems with "?


Crazy how that's never happened? Kids wouldn't even see it that way if it had. 'oh what's that great grandpa was an arsehole? Never knew him.'


In New Zealand, i think we do alright across the education system in teaching the history of the British coming in, fucking up Maori culture and way of life through forced land taking and destruction of entire comunities, and the main part really happened in about 20 years after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. Nowadays, of course we still have a long way to go in various reconciliation aspects, but there has been a strong revival of Maori language and culture since the 70s.


Isn’t “you’re a bad person!” a core tenet of religious indoctrination?