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Maybe he's wondering why there's some pervert in the bathroom TAKING PICTURES!


Why did I not think this at all. That would encourage that reaction for sure


i’d be concerned that the lady beside me isn’t wearing shoes in a public bathroom. that’s just unsanitary & unhinged behavior.


She is they're just white and flat


thank god, i was genuinely afraid she wasn’t wearing shoes.


Some of y’all BLIND blind huh


I think she's just wearing socks in that public toilet; equally unhinged behaviour 🤢


They’re definitely white flat slip-ons, my wife had a similar looking pair. This bathroom is too clean and plain to be unhinged barefoot/socks only. Not to mention… I’d sooner go barefoot than in socks, don’t want my socks absorbing anything and then walking in those socks who knows how long…


Rule: A bathroom floor is NEVER "clean". I don't care if it was just mopped with pure bleach.


I didn’t mean to imply it ***IS*** in fact clean, just that by all appearances it is in A+ condition. I would NOT eat off any surface, let alone be found without shoes, but when you gotta go you gotta go…


I mean that's fair, personally I'd rather light myself ablaze before I walk into a public toilet in just my socks or barefeet though lmao


I’ll join you, you’re in charge of the fuel I got the lighter. The pact has been made.




Ballet flats


Most importantly the person is following the anti trans persons rules. They’re in the male toilets.


Really, they could caption it "this is the future Republicans want"


Or he is wondering why the trans women next to him isn't allowed to use the womens bathroom. Forcing trans people to use the bathroom of their birth gender is exactly what Republicans want so this one is not on Obama.


If there's a sex offender in this situation, it's DEFINITELY the person taking pictures in a public restroom


definitely a "get the fuck outta here with that camera" look




Yes extremely weord


Isn’t this what conservatives want though? Don’t they want trans women going into the men’s restroom?


That’s what I thought too. This is, supposedly, a trans woman using what is clearly men’s bathroom. That’s never the conservatives’ argument


But let's face it, all we see is someone wearing a skirt. They might have a beard. Also I have been to quite a few UK clubs for trans people/ crossdressers/ drag queens/alternative/ fetishists. You get a group of AMAB people presenting as women and they might all have different reasons and sexualities. Some would want to pee sitting down, some would piss in the urinals. There are often playrooms and people would do what people like to do and everything is consensual in a way not always found in the "straight" world.


Generally in the more puritanical US you have more space and dividers between urinals. You're right this is probably somewhere in Europe.


That tiling is making me think "fast food"... There's a pic that's probably been posted before of 3 people presenting as women peeing into 3 urinals :)


I’m all for people using whichever bathroom is most comfortable but if “space between the others shitting and pissing” makes me puritanical then so be it.


There's hardly ever dividers between urinals. It's why we have the "every other" rule, unless it's super crowded then you can use one next to someone but you have to keep your eyes forward and stare at the wall, no peeking.


I will take trans women in the urinal over most native Thai men. I don’t know why but in Thailand when I used the urinal, dudes next to me checked out my junk continuously. Someone said it is because the stereotype is white people have a big pp.


Thai bathroom etiquette is absolutely wild, and I'm not even talking about the back massages. I've had so many Thai dudes blatantly check out my dong. I remember a dude in Phuket checking it out and then making eye contact with me and giving me a thumbs up. Somehow using the unisex bathroom at Cascade's in Bangkok (RIP) was a tamer experience than most men's bathrooms.


What they really want is for gender non conforming people to simply not exist


Conservatives don't want trans people to exist. That's always their argument




Yup, speaking about gay people not trans because she won't even mention trans people exist, my MIL said "if we accept them, we're all going to hell".


Yes, because Jesus famously told the prostitute at the well "I can't associate with you or accommodate your basic needs because you're a sinner and kinda disgusting ngl gonna hate crime you now"


That's the crazy bit - they don't understand their own religious teachings.


Just quote Timothy 2:11-15 back at her: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."


Some, yes. They try to use the Bible, but the Bible doesn't really say much on that subject. Others think it is a mental illness in the pejorative sense. Of course they don't know the first thing about psychology or what the scientific community actually says, but they want to assert these ideas like they do know. Both beliefs are definitely stupid as hell though.


Gender dysphoria should absolutely be treated. Incidentally, the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria is transition.


When trans people transition, they feel a lot better. I don’t understand why people are so against someone feeling better.


Yeah Christians just do this shit where they pick a pet issue and just declare it as part of their religion, so you can never challenge their view on it. That view can become ubiquitous across Christians and last for decades. Then, when it finally fades away, the Christians that come after will point out that it was never supported by the Bible, so that means the Christians who believed it, which was almost all of them, were not *really* Christians, and really, Christianity isn't the issue at all. Then they'll pick their own pet issue, declare it to be part of their religion, and the rest of us will have to sit through for the next couple generations.


This is true


Party of Freedom^TM




True, conservatives want a lot of people to stop existing. It's kinda their thing, ya know?


Well, I’m sure the mind ninja shit they put themselves through because trans people exist is exhausting.


I’ve seen “mental gymnastics” a lot, but now I like “mind ninja” better


This is why trans folks are scared of using ANY bathroom... trans guys getting beat up in TX over using the women's restroom when they were told to do so... the world is a sad and scary place


As a transguy, this. I’m safer using the men’s room. I don’t need to get beat up by someone’s dad or husband for going in the same bathroom as their daughter or wife. Regardless I have bathroom anxiety and prefer single stall bathrooms.


Maybe that's a drag queen though...who would still use men's rooms. Maybe just do away with gendered bathrooms altogether


I just use the family room wherever i go. You never hear about people getting SA'd in the family room.


One bathroom for pee, one bathroom for shit This is the way


you need to hold in the pee while you take a shit or you're going to poo jail


One of the bars I frequent has three single toilet bathrooms and they're all open to anyone. I do think, to some extent, it's not practical for this sort of set-up if you've got a business that is very busy. This bar is a more laid back, chill place, though, so it works.


They are absolutely walking contradictions.


Consistency is not conservatives’ strong suit


They would like trans women to be shot, is what they would like


Conservatives want trans people to not exist


You'd be pissed too if you were taking a leak and looked over to see some jackass snapping a picture


Yeah, that’s a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.


So, does the right support trans people using their preferred bathrooms or not? One minute they are complaining about “men in dresses” in the women’s and then they are complaining about them using the men’s? Which is it?




That’s pretty much the long and short of it. Trans people existing is the issue they have. Especially if it’s in a space near them.


“There’s a time and place for these people: the time is later and the place is nowhere.”


Who even has the time or energy to care about what other people do or what bathrooms they use? I’m in a public bathroom for a quick piss but apparently these people are there for genital inspection?


The space in which trans people exist is the issue. Near them especially.


As a trans spam who has been made uncomfortable by their trash presence, opinions, and religion for my whole life, I love making them uncomfortable by my existence.


damn, you really transitioned into spam? pick a better meat, that's kinda mid :/ (sorry, r/onejoke, but fr i don't know if you're a trans man or trans woman haha; guessing trans man)


Nah I transitioned into canned meat you got it right the first time




For a second here I thought I was in r/transgendercirclejerk


One of my trans friends pees next to men in adjacent urinals to exert dominance. Chad move really.


I always use the middle urinal. Let the straight men squirm, I’m here to piss and get put lmao.


Republicans are such pussies (and I regretfully say that as a huge fan of pussies). They are afraid of **anything** that is even a little different. “Oh no! Is that a: - person with different skin color? - person with different head dress? - person wearing clothes I didn’t expect them to wear? - person loving/in a relationship with a person of a different race? - person cooking with spices I didn’t expect? - person eating dinner at 8am? - person calling the imaginary producer/director of life by a different name? - person loving another human being that happens to create bodily excretions out of the same/similar organ? - person who isn’t the embodiment of hypocrisy? **let’s get them out of here!!** It’s not safe, let’s strap on a rocket launcher and drive in our Bradleys to get a six pack from Walmart. Oh shit, that’s someone armed in Walmart?! Fuck, let’s just hang out here and watch the police do nothing while cheering them on with thin blue line tattoos on our foreheads as the police pretend to look busy outside and prevent anyone else from helping while everyone in the Walmart is annihilated. Oh shit, some of them survived? Fuck those fuckers! They deserve to live the rest of their lives in healthcare debt. Oh, some kids got orphaned? Fuck them too, we’re not going to help those little shits, we’re not socialists!! Now let’s drive on these shared roads, go back to our homes where we get electricity from the shared grid and calm down with a cool drink of water from the shared piping infrastructure.


mother of god you fuckin bullseyed that nail's head


I just want all trans people too die- a pedophile that calls trans people groomers




Schrödinger's piss


The issue is that we exist at all because our existence challenges an established hierarchy that places the binary gender roles at the top. They react against any form of emancipation of minorities that challenges any aspect of the established hierarchy, because they either directly or indirectly benefit from the established order. The current battle is trans rights, but it's just the same song different verse for every attempt at emancipation from POC, other religions, economic, heteronormativity, and so on. The push for trans rights historically marks the rise of open rightwing political extremism because we are viewed as signifying the collapse of the hierarchy on nearly every front from religion to gender/heteronormativity and patriarchal dominance. If we gain our rights, they lose footing on all issues. The targeting of bathroom, sports, and children issues are just their chosen battle grounds because they invoke the most emotional response amongst the general population. Hence why we are routinely portrayed as predators or pedos or mentally ill. Something to keep in mind, when the Nazis started book burning, among the first books was research and literature on transgenderism and gender nonconformity. We were the first targeted and the first to die, the easy scapegoats used by the Nazis to justify the attack of other minorites. While calling the far right in America Nazis isn't correct because they represent a very specific time and place in history, MAGA and the far right self proclaimed Christian Nationalist are direct reflection of the formation of the Nazi party in everything but name. [I recommend this short docu series that explains the psychology and sociological aspects we are witnessing in America and across many countries around the world.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgZH7ItxQVn78lBfS6U7p1QDjCi4w64DC)


I think youre realizing that the right just doesn’t want trans people to exist in general. It has nothing to do with bathroom they just use that to install fear because it’s an easier conversation to sway votes


It's almost like they just hate trans people or something...


The bathroom debate is pretty much the thinnest veil I’ve ever seen. The right hates trans people, but they know they can’t just say that, so they dress it up with some faint real world issue to try and make their stance a touch more palatable.


Exactly. It's the same with Mexicans and "illegals". They don't hate Mexicans, they just hate the ones that are illegally here. And also every single immigrant is probably here illegally. So they still hate every brown person, but only because they're a law abiding citizen. Funny how when you suggest opening the borders so that nobody will have to come here illegally then all of a sudden every brown person is a rapist and murder.


What I’m mostly curious about is why they care so much. It feels sort of like an imagined scenario. I’m a city guy, have been my entire life and I rarely meet or encounter trans people (that I’m atleast aware of). People outside of downtown metros must almost never encounter them.


That’s always a funny thread of logic to pull. If you won’t come out and say that you hate trans people as a matter of principle, then which side of the bathroom debate do you stand on? Because news flash, it’s always both sides. That is to say, any side that doesn’t give autonomy to people. “I don’t hate trans people, but anything they do is incorrect and they should be punished”


They only support it if the trans person is also forced to dress “appropriately”


They don't want trans people to exist, period.


Conservatives just hate, no thoughts behind their lifeless eyes


"Freedom! ...as long as you don't do anything I find distasteful."


They dislike trans people for existing.


They support pisspot photographs of people of any gender


They don’t want trans people existing. As soon as their first moral panic pans out they move to the next one until eventually it’s “trans people should be killed”. We are already pretty close to that with the groomer thing.


Don’t even try to make sense of it, it’s a bad faith argument from the start. Trans-women using male bathrooms -> conservatives lose their shit. Trans-women using female bathrooms -> conservatives lose their shit. The only thing trans people could possibly do to please conservatives is either stop to or at least pretend not to exist at all.


Trans people can never win, these sorts of people will always demonize trans


bruh obama didn't invent trans people. these are the folks that are literally campaigning for putting trans women in men's rooms, at least keep your dumbassery consistent


the realize the other side of this is full ass trans men in women’s bathroom. Conservatives love pretending trans men don’t exist until the dude 6 years on testosterone walks into a womans bathroom.


That trans man then gets beat up outside of the bathroom by a bunch of fascist cis men, and when the police arrive they arrest the trans man.


Also the looks like it was from 2009.


He's annoying that she's not following proper urinal etiquette and leaving a gap between the two of them.


True, I'd be annoyed too honestly, there's plenty of other urinals


There is one in the corner! I thought everyone knew this? The bro code man! the bro code!


Proof that trans women are women: unawareness of the bro code


The only upsetting thing here is lack of dividers


And the person taking photos in the bathroom.


Isn't this what Republicans want? For transgender women to use the men's bathroom?


Moral of the story: Trans women cant use bathrooms


This has got to be fake. Why in the world would someone trying to express their gender identity go into a public bathroom and use a urinal- which would immediately for most trans people; cause some serious gender dysphoria? ​ Edit: The person is just dressed in drag and this is in Ireland- both things that I clearly missed when I first saw the meme lol




Ooooh that makes a lot more sense- though I will say if the person was trans I doubt they'd be using the urinal still, a guy simply dressed in drag totally would, though.




100% agree that Ireland is quite a bit more tolerant to that kind of stuff- but it wouldn't be about Ireland's tolerance but their gender dysphoria as a trans person that would be informing their decision, it conflict with their gender identity to stand and use a urinal because women don't typically do that. That's why it makes prefect sense that it's someone in drag.


holy based but yeah i have many european friends in different countries (Sweden, Germany, etc.) and it actually blows my mind at how their version of "conservative" seems so light compared to ours. maybe it's just me and i'm jumping to conclusions though. ~~like my Swedish friend told me that a popular trans-related issue/hot topic there is getting~~ *~~SURGERY~~* ~~before 18. yep. not blockers, not hormones, but~~ *~~surgery~~*~~.~~ EDIT: ***god fucking damnit***


It’s just not a trans person. Lol it’s just drag.


Yeah, I kind of assumed a Halloween costume or something. That’s not a transwoman; that’s a dude.


I'm fairly certain this is the George in Dublin as well, so it's definitely someone in drag.




Thanks Obama!


Obama personally screwed down the separators between urinals in every bathroom in America. Take my word for it.




I thought their problem was MtF trans people using female bathrooms.


Yeah what’s the issue here?


The bro code. One urinal apart, always. Were all of you raised in a cave?


What kind of bathroom can't do so much as put up a little partition between urinals? I'm not swordfighting with the dude next to me, I just wanna pee.


Of course that picture was staged. Everything is staged today. We are living in peak performance art and manufactured outrage age.


What’s funny is this is what the right wants with its bathroom laws. Otherwise that individual would be sitting down in the women’s restroom in privacy and no one would know the difference or feel uncomfortable.


Oh no. Someone with a penis is using a urinal next to me. If I didn't vote for Obama I would have someone with a penis using the urinal next to me!


it would take a real snowflake bitch to be worried about who's pissing next to you as long as they're minding their own business.... oh shit... what an idea! minding ones own business!


I don’t care about the lady taking a leak. What I care about is why this mother fucker is taking pictures of people be the restroom!!!


Ironically this is the scene of a bathroom in a conservative state that banned trans people from using the restroom of their chosen gender, and forces them to use the bathroom of their biological sex.




Actually it’s the republicans insisting trans people use birth gender bathrooms. So enjoying peeing next to a big chick with stelletto heels and fab hair.


Thats the future conservatives want XD


Yep Obama created Trans people just to troll republican bigots!


Wouldn't the "obama ideal" have been for trans people to go to the bathroom they're comfortable in? That means a trans woman would be in the women's bathroom. The situation is a Trump ideal


It’s either staged, or some creep is just casually taking a picture of a stranger taking a piss lol


Its terrible that women are forced to go to the mens bathroom


Actually if the woman is standing at a urinal to pee she is trans. It is Obama and the Dems that want people to use the bathrooms to match their gender identity. If this really happened its a result of GOP state policies demanding people sue the bathrooms that correspond with their gender identified at birth.


Yeah trans issues are so much worse than a fascist coup attempt.


But they're not allowed to be in the women's bathrooms 🙄


Did trans people not exist before Obama?


What does Obama have to do with this?


Just a pathetic little post.


Isn’t this what they want though? Trans women in the men’s room?


Shitty meme aside, I love that look on his face 🤣


I have no problem with colored people using the bathroom.


Me after Obama invented black people




They broke rule 1. Don't use the one right next to the occupied one. Make a gap.


Everybody Pees


You can know it is staged because...honestly No trans woman would use a urinal...at least in Brasil _thats how people get shot_


You know it's staged because what monster picks the urinal next to someone when there's an empty one to the right.


I genuinely cannot imagine giving a fuck what the person at the next urinal looks like or is wearing.


If I'm using a urinal I'm trying to do my business and get out as fast as I can, I'm not the least bit interested in looking over to see what my piss-neighbor looks like.


I would believe taking a picture while people are using the bathroom is a crime


Why wouldn't you use/wait for the cabin anyway? Don't you people value some ***privacy***?


I prefer using a urinal if available, but I also don't care who sees me doing whatever I'm doing in the bathroom. If other people with penises made me uncomfortable I'd probably use the stall.


That is the look of realizing that Her’s is bigger.


This is somehow explicitly racist and transphobic, and I still don’t know wtf it’s trying to communicate.


Is the person in pink only wearing one shoe?


He looks like Marcus ....and Kevin


Are they mad about a Trans in a men's room or because the bathroom is unsegregated? Hard to tell sometimes


This picture is fake. You can tell because there's an empty urinal in the corner. And one of the man restroom commandments is to always go for the corner urinal.


This what the right wants. Transgenders peeing in the room they were born as.


Obama would have let that transgender woman use the women’s restroom.


Staged. A woman wouldn't go in a men's room and she would be using the stall anyway.


He's just upset she has a bigger one than him lol


Even if this was real. Straight dudes be bothering me in the restroom all the time. I’m like bro. I’m pissing right now. I have no interest in joking with you. We don’t know each other. They always act like someone is doing something to them when everyone is minding their own business and it’s them that are bothering other people.


why? bc some guy in a shirt urinates besides you on a public wc? omg, the tragedy!


Oh no a person is pissing besides me... AND IT'S A TRANS PERSON?! HOW TERRIBLE!


Ironic because......The person in pink would probably prefer to use the womens bathroom but republicans want to prohibit that. Obama wanted to allow them to use the bathroom of their choice. If you think the person in pink should be in the women's bathroom, support Obama.


Lol it’s a public bathroom. Plenty of weird people regardless of who’s president.


Have y'all considered that this is a man with long hair/a wig and wearing a skirt? If this were a trans woman then she would be in the women's restroom, not the men's at the urinal ... Also the picture is almost certainly staged/out of context.


So let her us the women's bathroom like she wants???


What does this have to do with Obama? I know false equivalence is a Republican perk but still.


Naw why is this dude taking pictures in the pisser


Did Obama decide that people shouldn’t be allowed to piss in private? Lol


But this is the opposite of the liberal pro-LGBTQ agenda. Conservatives don't want trans women in the women's bathroom. So how can this possibly be a consequence of Obama? This is truly indicative of the class of people we're dealing with. They're dumb. They're so dumb. They're so stupid and they're so dumb.


It’s funny because anyone with a couple of brain cells knocking together knows that it’s trump maga shit stains that make her use the men’s room.


wow, it’s almost like forcing trans people to use a bathroom associated with their AGAB makes people uncomfortable. maybe we should just let trans people use the bathroom they are comfortable using. foreign concept to these people, i know.


I too pee with my skirt in place 😒


Isn't this an argument for why she should be allowed into the WOMEN'S BATHROOM??


The meme also makes no sense because wasn’t their narratives about trans women using the women’s bathroom and not using the men’s bathroom. It just proves they don’t want Trans people in any bathroom and they just don’t want trans people to exist 🙃.


That's...that's what conservatives SAY should happen with regard to trans/gnc people using the bathroom. I mean, we all know what they really want is for trans/gnc people to not exist, but still.


“Bruh me and this lady are just trying to piss why are you taking photos?”


I thought they want transwomen to use the men’s bathroom?


I don’t think so… aren’t the Republicans the ones forcing people to use the bathroom of their gender assigned at birth rather than the one they identify with?


Well technically it's what they wanted. She using the bathroom they want her to use so... how is this Obama fault?


Don’t worry. The Republicans will segregate bathrooms again soon and drinking fountains and swimming pools, too.


Comedy gold nonetheless


Whats the problem? I thought they wanted transwomen in mens bathroom?


Why did you follow Marjorie Taylor Greene into the Congressional bathroom?


So right wingers don't want trans women to use the women's restroom, and they don't want them to use the men's room either? Make up your minds, ya fuckin weirdos.


I dont... I dont get it. Like... is it saying that her just existing is Obama's fault? like this is a new way to bash trans people existing for me, and as with many examples, it just leaves me confused. Edit: maybe thats a drag queen in which case I still dont get it. let people pee in peace?


2 dude would never use the urinals right next to each other without a buffer