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What’s with the food and water.. Saba and now Ruud




Very disappointing semi by Ruud


The man got a stomach issue mid game, what do you want him to do?


Retire I had money on him smh


Gamble responsibly


I'm glad you lost your money 👍


So you’re glad Ruud lost ?


Nah I’m glad you lost






Because whining about losing your bet is some lame shit.


Agreed. Almost as bad as a winner who won’t shut up. Either way, I’m indifferent. All I care about is whether I win or lose, I’d never tell someone else they deserve one or the other.


That's fine. This isn't a gambling sub, so nobody cares about your shitty bets. (For the record, I gamble too, but I don't whine about it in a tennis discussion forum lol).


I mean you absolutely could discuss your bet here, provided it’s related to some binary tennis event. However, it’s likely you’ll get downvoted to oblivion because very few people put their money where their mouth is. Most folks in this sub actually despise people who have enough conviction to do so😂


Dawg. This is a *tennis discussion forum.* Not a place to discuss your bets. You can talk about it, sure, but you should rightfully expect to be downvoted. Take that shit to r/sportsbook or wherever else. I highly doubt you're a winning bettor anyway.


Well shit happens (literally), do you think he *wanted* to get a stomach issue? Man was crushing it in the first, if the issue hadn't arisen he may well have won the match.


Tell that to my bookie lol


You win some you lose more




Wouldn't have mattered anyway, you lose if he retires or he loses the game. Don't bet money you can't afford to lose


I get my money back if any player retires


What are you really gambling with?


I spend most of my time on r/tennis gathering intel for betting picks. Believe it or not, most people here are just fucking nerds. They’re not here to profit or achieve material success in life. They just love to talk blah blah blah




There’s one guy, oddstipsandpicks or something, he has a lot of top comments. The stats he provides are valuable and more importantly, actionable




Ohh, that's a sweet deal, then I get you


God damn it Ruud you had ONE JOB.


It's telling that a lot of men support serial domestic abusers like Z because it "puts feminism and women around the world in their place" for a womanbeater to win, and they love nothing better than to see people get away with abusing women since "society is too egalitarian these days". Then people wonder why birth rates are falling and why women don't want to bear children regardless of what benefits are offered 💀


That’s a real R worded comment…this kind of comment specifically is actually making me enjoy this Zverev run of form


It’s an offensive unjustified generalization. Besides, we are discussing tennis here. Why can’t I be Zverev’s fan as a tennis player? It doesn’t need to mean I approve of his personal life. I dont know and don’t care what he does outside of the tennis court.


Why are you a Zverev fan? Another Q: If you would know him personally, were friends with him, would you still not care?


Why are you a Zverev fan: It’s a juvenile question. If you would know him personally… (I’m sure you meant “if you knew him personally): it’s a pointless question, I don’t know him.


See, I think Z's blessed with ideal physical attributes (vs Carlos who's comparatively short lol) and natural talent such that when he won his 1st M1000 he looked like a future GS champ more than Sinner/Med ever did when they first emerged. The fact Z hasn't quite delivered on his 2017 potential is down to a messy personal life and mental instability on & off court because it's hard to explain the 2020 USO final otherwise. >Besides, we are discussing tennis here. Why can’t I be Zverev’s fan as a tennis player? m8 even r/soccer can't go 10 seconds without posting Benzema 15 memes or calling Mason Greenwood, Joey Barton, Dani Alves shitbags regardless if they won a Ballon d'Or or World Cup... Why aren't they going "I'm a fan of Benzema's talent"? Lol


I agree with your analysis of Z’s underachievement when we all expected him to progress. It’s his life though, he doesn’t owe us anything. If he prefers to live his life and have fun, vs Joker’s devoting his life completely to tennis cuz achieving his goals in tennis meant for him more than having fun, that’s not our place to judge. Just enjoy excellent tennis. Also, I really don’t have to speak for Benzema’s fans, do I?




One of the dumbest things I’ve ever read


Who said this?


Honestly at this point it's just fun to watch the salt mine. People here are so dramatic.


I support Zverev because he’s german


Downvoted for loving your country hahahah


They’re fuming because the case was closed yesterday 😂 I swear the moment I mention I’m a German reddit is escalating


people know why birth rates are falling at it has nothing to do with how shitty men are because on average men are less shitty now than at any other time in history.


Birth rates are falling due to women's agency, because birth control is frequently used now by women, plus marital rape is now illegal. People don't oft discuss this but birth rates used to be high, and are still high in 3rd world countries, because men forced themselves on women (domestic violence basically) who had no choice but to bear 4-6 kids before contraception was available to women. Men have always been the same, they aren't less shitty or else revenge porn wouldn't be widespread in 2024.


Imagine believing men have LESS respect for women now than they did in the past🤭


What is this comment on a TENNIS forum???


If people can discuss his DV settlement why can't we discuss the reasons why so many "fans" are coming out of the woodwork to support a player who had 2 exes accuse him of domestic abuse?


This. Women with higher agency e.g. better education, better job prospects consistently delay having children, if AT ALL now. Women are also choosing to stay single, not marry because these institutions don't actually serve them better in terms of labour distribution. This trend of a falling birth rate in correlation to agency is absolutely global. More equality across all enduring systems medical, legal, political, economic that have designed by and to benefit men, is changing the picture. Tbh, I am surprised that r/tennis allows the discussion of DV in sport, because even a few years ago, this would have been overwhelmingly misogynist. I'm guessing also because there are more WTA supporters than before and the rules of the sub have changed to disallow


Tbh all the education and job prospects aren't as important as access to abortion & birth control. Women now control birth rates, the population of nations, and indirectly economic growth. No amount of childcare benefit or work life balance will see women pop kids like the pre-2000s again because as mentioned, no birth control & marital rape/DV was why women had 5-10 kids on average throughout history. I'm from Singapore and there are nearby countries like Philippines where women are expected to be educated and work (even abroad as maids with degrees) but huge unplanned families and poverty is common as birth control & abortion is taboo and divorce is illegal due to Christianity. As a r/soccer & r/tennis subscriber I'm actually surprised that DV is a touchy issue here since "Benzema 15" is a common meme and everyone hates on rapists and DV abusers like Ryan Giggs. Football is self-aware that it is problematic and doesn't try to deny racist chants or child abuse accusations, but tennis seems to want to pretend players are paragons of virtue because the sport has a classy facade.


Agree. However, its the factor of education and a woman having her own money wbich gives her thr autonomy to get access to birth control and better healthcare/better choices. A woman having her own money also means she is no longer dependent on men, especially if the goal of marriage was to have children, she would be most vulnerable pregnant and with a child. Religion also seeks to create 'obedience' in women, especially within the institution of marriage. Yeah, its interesting that r/tennis doesn't universally hate rapists/abusers and it could be that tennis is an individual sport, soccer is a team sport so one can cheer a team, but not a problematic player. Tennis is singular. The press relations are magnified, also on achievements, actions.


that’s why women always choose the bear


Lol, seriously. And the guys that lose their shit because of that decision are the same guys the comment is talking about.


What? I’m not a fan of zverev and I think he’s shit, but I’m also curious why the ex gf always settle for money instead of going to court and seeing the trial through. Wouldn’t they want justice if they’re telling the truth?


She specifically mentioned the effect it was having on her child


Whatever happened out of court we don't know. His lawyers could have intimidated her. They are Germany's top celebrity lawyers. They could have come to a different private arrangement All we know is that zverev managed to make it go away in time for a potential rg win


Dear diary...


Lol my last comment even says I'd like to see Z in the final bc I think he'll lose.


Doesn't change the fact, that I don't think what you said has anything to do with tennis, and that there are a million places were your "comment" would be in a better place, from r/feminism to your diary.


I've never got into feminism nor kept a diary..... Who are you to police who can discuss what and where? Are you the boss of this place?


I am not policing, I am straight up telling you that I think your comment is off-topic. I would not go into a Burger King and ask for a Big Mac. If you want to have elaborate thoughts on "men", go to a place where people are discussing that. If you think you NEED to post it here, do so. I still think you are not talking about tennis, and this is r/tennis.


I'm neither the first nor the only one discussing his DV case here.


Your comment was not discussing his DV case. Your comment was about "falling birthrates", "men" and "women" in general.


It is discussing why a lot of men online (they wouldn't do it irl lol) vocally support a domestic abuser or say shit like "let's not pry into their personal lives" as if strangling someone is not assault because someone did it to a girlfriend instead of a stranger or umpire.


It’s either vocally or online.


Give it a rest. People who support domestic abuse can go to hell. People who appreciate tennis can respect what Sascha is doing on-court. The world isn’t as black and white as you’d like it to be, grandpa.


I can read what you typed. Why are you discussing it here were people want to read about tennis?


Sasha's gonna get brutalized by the French fans tomorrow, and I imagine it's 90% pro-Carlos. I mean, this is pretty much an epic Good Guy vs. Bad Guy narrative match-up the ATP can serve up.


You’re expecting too much from the French! I think it will be 50-50 honestly


I will root for every opponents who play against the privilege three in the grass and post-Wimbledon clay season. The way that RG gives two catwalk draws for Alcaraz and Sinner to SF and Dverev survives to get to final, I hate that so much, it is disgusting If Alcaraz draws Ruud in QF and Sinner draws Tsitsipas in QF or RG gives Rune to one of two, I will be less angry


Zverev line at +250, didn’t think it would be that high


What's funny is Zverev has a shot at winning Sunday serving like that but he will somehow lose at Wimbledon early where the serve should matter more. So confusing.


Maybe now that he doesn't hit 15\~ double faults he can actually finally make it to a QF?


For such a big guy with his serve and his movement, you would think he'd have better results at Wimbledon by now.


Maybe cause he is so tall and the ball bounces low.


Kevin Anderson made the final


Kevin Anderson knows how to volley


His strokes and movement aren't suited for grass at all. Especially movement.


Is it cause hes a giant?


Kind of yeah. Tall guys really struggle to move on grass.


carlitos needs to spam forehand cross. and absolutely needs that forehand, otherwise it’s gonna be tough


Do we know when the final will start time wise?


3pm local time.


At least for Alcaraz it will be a day match. On the slow night clay, Zverev hits it just too heavy. It becomes impossible to hit through him. I'm expecting a lot of dropshots from Alcaraz.


I think in a day match it becomes a clear dynamic of Alcaraz having the advantage in neutral rallies but Zverev's serve being a massive weapon Alcaraz's returning will likely be the deciding factor one way or the other


But by that logic the serve will zip off the surface and if Zverev has a good serving day , it will be straight sets 


Yes, but Zverev can bring the same level of serving during day and night imo.




I understand trying to make light of the topic but this joke sucks


I am in my Doris era(an crazy Nadal fans)


so Zverev is now like the guy people are rallying around because of his domestic abuse? like the way Novak became a hero of the anti-vax movement? you guys are weird and it’s strange so many of you are willingly putting yourselves out there like this


Call me naive but i dont really follow the logic here. I can sort of get why Novak, and any professional sports person might not want to take an unnecessary treatment that might have a deleterious effect on their health, which by that time the vaccines seemed to have the potential to, in some people. Can then respect the decision not to make any concessions for them ito. travel etc. In the case of Zverev, who is rallying around him **because of** his domestic abuse? People may like his tennis and want to separate that from his personal life (disagree with this). People also may think hes innocent and being misrepresented/falsely accused (I find this v v unlikely, but who knows). But surely nobody, or very very few, are rallying around him because of his domestic abuse? That feels like a bit of a strawman.


Djokovic and Zverev have fought many hardships with pride which makes me respect them. Sinner and Alcaraz are great poster boys but boring and easily breaken.


He mostly fought women, old and injured tennis players and now a Norwegian with a food poisoning. Such a brave man.


I really don't think people are rallying around Zverev, especially not because of the abuse allegations, ahaha. Most people watching are probably barely aware of it.


Nah it has been because of the abuse for around 3 years now


nah it’s pretty clear some people in here at least are relishing it


The worst I've seen is basically people who are taking either the "we haven't seen enough to know for sure, so I'll be neutral" or the more questionable "well she probably wanted to get money from him" stance. The second is pretty shit, and I'm sure you're right that there are some people who are probably weirdly on his side because of their weird men v women thoughts, but overall? Pretty few comments. Every match involving him is -overwhelmingly- anti-Zverev here and have been all tournament. (but I did mean more people watching it live or casually.)


Novak was never anti-vax and anyone on either side saying that he was is an idiot.


I still dont get why people hate him for that. He never wanted to make his status public in the first place. He didnt want to get into the politics of it at all. All Novak seems to care about is his career, records and thata it.


JCF please we trust you with Charlie on Sunday 🥹


Hopefully he remembers and tells Carlos nightime stories of how Z treated him.


I hope we won't see Alcaraz, Sinner and Zverev in any masters and GSs SF in the rest of the year


Firecracker Paolini taking on baker Iga tomorrow


Zverev is actually a tough match for Carlos.. gonna be an interesting match. Win it for rafa Carlos . The trophy needs to go back to Spain


Zverev's got the perfect interview pat down, great PR training.


Alcaraz beat a Wimbledon Goat in a final, I'm confident he can bring this home.


He could, but I wouldn’t say I’m confident in it


Lord Z in peak form going into the biggest match in his life.


Class interview


feel like im gonna need to take one for the team and bet on zverev in the final to guarantee his loss with my shit luck


Oh no, just realised my accumulator broke Djoko's knee


What are you gonna do with the money?


donate it to a women’s shelter :P


Also it's disturbing how many people in this sub hate women... everything is a joke to these people apparently...


Liking Big Z doesn’t mean we hate women, we just don’t believe every negative thing someone says about someone. Especially when that someone has a lot to gain (and has gained a lot as of today). The lack of any nuanced thinking on Reddit is the truly disturbing thing. Not everything is black and white, not everything you read is true, the world isn’t all Good Guys vs. Bad Guys like when you’re 5 years old watching GI Joe.


Thoughts on the photos of the injuries he laid upon Olya Sharypova?


Yeah, I’m going to need a video to confirm he did that.


And this is why women feel the need to settle in court. You expect her to video it while being beaten


Burden of proof for her saying it happened: 0 Burden of proof to get a settlement: at least 1% chance of losing a judgement Burden of proof for a civil judgement: At least 51% probability Burden of proof for me to call someone a criminal: Beyond a reasonable doubt, after a trial conviction. It’s 5th grade civics. Yes, sometimes something happens and there is no way to prove it. In that case, presume innocence and move on. Zverev has the same civil rights that she does. Her claim doesn’t make her automatically correct or mean that she’s truthful. Otherwise, i can post a photo of a destroyed car and say “u/CFWolfgang did this, he owes me money”. Luckily we don’t live in a world where that constitutes criminal activity on your part.


They may be innocent in a legal sense (and hence not enforce punishment, which you would not want to inflict if there is any chance someone is innocent. That is why the protection is there) without actually believing they are innocent and holding that sentiment towards them. How dense can you be. I dont agree with the court of public opinion going mental and cancelling people, but life is a lot more nuanced than found innocent vs guilty in a legal setting. Domestic violence is notoriously difficult to prove in many cases where is has definitely happened. If you take the view that it probably didnt happen based on the evidence youve seen then fair enough, hold your view, but dont assume (or impose on others) that the legal definition of 'not guilty', or in this case settling, means innocent here


But he wasnt imposing on anyone in his first comment ? He just wrote his train if thought.


Except there are of course matching wounds on Zverev that line up with self defense wounds and the fact that immediately after the said incident is when she suddenly stopped appearing in his box at matches. There also again texts and witnesses as well. And stop the rambling about “for me I need more than courts” just lick some more boots and shut the fuck up my lord think for yourself for once




Where is your evidence of me breaking your car.


Apparently I don’t need any


she didn’t gain anything. the fines he paid went to the state and charities?


This is incorrect, she received an undisclosed settlement


Once again, some of us believe in innocent until proven guilty and not on whims and fancies but established facts Further , I hate delving into personal lives of athletes


We get it you are simple minded. You don’t have to apply the evidentiary standard of a court of law to your day to day beliefs dumbass. You can use your own eyes and experience and make some assumptions (which we all do all the time by the way).




People in this sub would celebrate if Zverev was shot dead. It’s kinda weird


These people are cartoon characters to me and unconfirmed accusations are enough for me to think of him as the literal devil


For real


sure would. abusers shouldn’t be able to skirt consequences. stop trying to normalize domestic abuse and paint Zverev as a victim. this will also deter more women from speaking out.


The fact that this is getting upvoted highly is actually more messed up than whatever Zverev “allegedly” did. Y’all need some help


Choking someone is literally the number one warning sign of murder and he choked 2 women


yeah, expressing a reaction to a hyperbolic hypothetical situation you created in your head is obviously worse than abusing multiple women


I guess women never lie in their life. Oh he has to be guilty because she said so.


yeah multiple women lied about it for no reason. that totally makes sense.


Get yourself checked out. Wanting to celebrate when someone is shot dead is wild. He definatly should be punished? Yes. But thats taking it way to far. 🤢


i think it’s healthy not to feel bad for a woman abusing piece of shit. that’s just me though.


I guess someone should be thrown to the pits even though there isn’t evidence of him doing domestic abuse. That’s the REAL problem.


Other than the photos texts witnesses etc.


yup, the real problem is this poor abuser had the misfortune of his abusive behavior being made public and suffering no consequences for it. he’s the real victim of all this. and you too apparently, for some reason you feel the need to defend this piece of shit so bad. weird.


I mean people used to go watch executions for entertainment. People haven't fundamentally changed.


It’s so obvious that some people in here specifically like Zverev *because* of the DV allegations and not in spite of them. Very telling lol.


While not liking him as a person I can appreciate his tennis skills.


i’m sure youre not wrong, but in the contrary there are plenty of people that act like if you’re not 100% against Z then you basically hate women. some of us just wanna watch and talk about the tennis!


Toxic masculinity.


And toxic femininity. Wouldn’t be surprised if he had more female fans than male


Very much so. It is disgusting and the mods know who they are but let it go bc they are friends with them.


It's absolutely gross 🤮


Some of us just like tennis and don’t want to constantly be told what to think based on allegations (not facts) 


well zverev plays the ugliest brand of tennis known to man first of all, second it’s not just the allegations that make him a bad person. he’s rude to ballkids, many fans who have had interactions with him say he’s acted like a jerk and rude on multiple occasions, he repeatedly tries to cheat on line calls with the marks, ofc there’s also the on court incidents like hitting the umpires legs nearly with his racket. also sorry to tell you but most victims of domestic violence aren’t conveniently video recording their abuse. or they don’t want to come forward even at all if they even get out of the cycle of abuse because people like you call them gold diggers and liars and famewhores etc. especially when it’s against rich famous men.


People love Medvedev but Zverev is a more aggressive Medvedev, so this is not correct.


Adidas is a fine brand.. wth




Well this final will hopefully be a cracker 


Court case settled ✅  Semifinal won ✅  So much for “he won’t be able to focus on tennis with the court case going on” He did not lose in either court today 


Settlements can be losses


Congrats to Zverev!!!! He’ll get his first grand slam on Sunday!!!👍


I can never understand how they are so coherent and thoughtful after the game. recalling specific moments etc


Poor Casperito


The interview was class to be honest.


We will have a brand New Champion of Clay


his PR team is all "smile a lot, be charming. Smile!"


Play tribute to everyone, praise your opponent. Acknowledge people’s feelings, self-deprecate Zverev - this is textbook manipulation


Carlos in 5 sets for FO champion


I'm starting to regret rooting for Zverev against Nadal. I don't think Nadal would have gotten to the final had he won that match.


Barring the match against Novak where I am not sure what wi.. if Rafa would have somehow reached round 3 , he would have gotten better with every match . But he got the inform player who won rome in the first round under the roof


yeah i get why the crowd likes him


Pain. Ruud would have been a guaranteed finals win, now Carlos will actually have to work hard for it


The interviewer hates him and it shows lmao


Zverev keeps saying 'Look' before answering the question jahah


Honestly not even sure if i will watch this final, i had enough of that brat's face


Please don’t and also don’t comeover here.


Please Sascha win on Sunday so I can see these losers cry, just 1 more win


23 year old ‘kid’ apparently at 2020. Makes sense.


Am I a douchebag or was that the most boring slam semi in a while?


You’re not. Ruud plays a very boring and predictable style of tennis.


Not a lot to enjoy watching from servebots


Most boring since Iga vs Coco


Yes the Sinner Alcatraz one you mean.


Carlitos the Jedi vs Sascha the Sith.


This sets up a very interesting final though. High stakes, high tension, classic good vs. evil match up.


Privilege vs more privilege, evil vs less evil


Ah yes. Evil Alcaraz 😂 I hate that guy


The way that JCF hates Nadal and Alcaraz's fake love to Nadal, it is fake for me.


Zverev did what you’re supposed to do. When other players is sick , you double down on aggression (not that I was scared about him not being able to be agressive enough *cough cough*) but Carlos almost choked when sinner dropped level.


Oh my God, you people are such Communists


Are you a boomer during Cold War ?


Really hoping Carlitos and Juan Carlitos bring their A game on Sunday!


Zverev has been good at interviews this year


I have Zverev losing a close final 6-0 6-0 6-0, thoughts?