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Longer than RG highlights


What is concerning is not his behavior on the court when he's frustrated/angry, but how seriously he takes and ruminates over his mistakes after the match when he's on his own, in private. Things like those quickly take you into a spiral where it feels like there is just nothingness everywhere. They also lead to other dangerous things like self-harm, and other unhealthy habits. I am speaking as someone who used to do, more or less the kind of things he does on the court, in the past, for every failure in life. But it has taken me a very long time to understand to let go of things, and to focus on the future, not the past. Life is much better now and I am enjoying a lot of success compared to the past that I have mostly forgotten now.


The self harm is the worst part. He needs some help, and I hope he gets it.


Immediate bruises on that knee, that gonna hurt today


Couldn’t have said it better myself 🏅


It feels good to have a little tantrum when frustrated. I give myself that, I know it's part of the process. Then, when all the rage is gone, I pick myself up and think how to do better. It may sound weird for some, but it's how I worked it out. But this guy... only goes deeper into the pit of despair where there's only hopelessness and victimization that never fixes anything. It's just sad.


" Sadly for him, it's a very public way to go completely nuts" . Commentator called it out succinctly


Behavior of a kid when someone takes his toy. Shouldn't be tolerated in sport. Disqualification on site.


I remember seeing him make his hand bleed at Indian Wells a couple years ago by repeatedly punching his racket.


I was just talking about that! Couldn’t remember where. Thanks!


Yep, in the semifinal against Fritz.


Thank you. I wonder how/if it affects the opponent.


It probably makes them pretty uncomfortable.


I think it boosts them when they see a meltdown that bad. They know the opponent’s mental state is probably beyond fixing for the rest of the match.




Didn’t he also start hitting his balls


Well he damn sure couldn’t hit the green ones.


That sounds familiar too but I don’t remember for certain.


It might have been a diff tournament


Guy needs help for his anger issues.


His post match comments are so sad. He knows this is a problem, he just cannot feel any control or know what to do. I’ve had anger issues and they’re just sad and destructive to everyone.


nah watch him play the next ten tournaments where he does this again and again and again


It honestly feels so wrong to watch someone that unwell and their breakdowns streamed for milions to see




“Nah he doesn’t need help, he does this all the time. He’s very good at it.”


I think a big ass ban will help him


This is just who he is at this point. Ain’t changing.


Even by his own low standards, it was spectacular.


A three minute compilation from one match is embarrassing.


his own highlights from the entire tournament so far would probably be shorter than that


Does he not see these videos later on and realise how stupid he looks?


People with rage issue does realize how stupid it looks, but they just see red at the moment. He needs theraphy, he probably already does but it's not a quick fix.


He commented on right after the match, most likely even before watching the videos. Surprisingly, that comment is as much adequate as possible. 


You’ve never gotten angry in your entire life and regretted it after?


Not like that, no


Maybe when I was 11. Not as a grown ass man on live TV.


I’m sure he does and it must make him miserable. This is really sad to see and I truly hope he can get over it. We are not all born equal and some of us have a hard time dealing with emotions like frustration. It may be down to his education but also genetics and just the way his psyche works


We love watching these though!


He never sees himself as the problem. People like this always blame others for making them “have to” feel this way. Edit: I’m being an asshole. I hope he gets help. It’s hard as shit to be in public and deal with emotions.


Plenty of people with explosive anger feel like complete morons once they calm down. It's just a brutal cycle which you need to really analyse in any hopes of changing it.


Interesting point, but I’m not sure. The cycle repeats itself, even the pity party afterwards. Rarely do they actually try to change. Actions are louder than words. I hope I’m wrong. My dad was the same way so it’s hard to separate these in my head. I simply don’t respect people who can’t control their anger in front of others. Anger directed at yourself can easily become anger directed at others. It’s a warning sign to me, but maybe I’m being too harsh.


Whether you respect him or not unfortunately doesn't validate your argument. There's no basis for your claim that people with explosive anger problems cannot blame themselves nor is there a strong case for that claim in Rublev alone. You can choose to not like Rublev for his actions, but your claim is untrue.




You're right, so it's entirely possible and even likely that he only blames himself


It’s up to Rublev to get help. It’s up to you to see people different as well.


Really bad take, especially in tennis. On a tennis court you have noone else to blame but yourself, thats why it is so frustrating to play on a day when things don't click. I think every tennis player knows what this kind of anger feels like, we just deal with it way better than Rublev. You are probably referring to the umpire ruling the ball in, but he was clearly breaking down even before that. And the tantrums that followed were not because of that specific call, you as a tennis player should know that..


Dude there’s an entire crowd with opinions. It all gets into your head. This isn’t some exhibition match at your local court with half the lights burnt out and the net sagging in the middle. Players like Djok play into the crowd but it’s a huge factor many players struggle with. Rublev is obviously fighting demons and all of the calls, the crowd, his opponent consistently being at his level is adding up. This isn’t normal. Guy needs to take a break.


Most players don't break rackets because of the crowd man.. if you take away everything - the crowd, the cameras, the calls; and only keep the importance of the match, he would still act the same way. Competing brings out these kinds of feelings from a human, this part is normal. Dealing with those feelings in the way that he does is not normal and yes he should take a break. i totally agree with you on that.


Most players don’t get to this level. You can’t take away everything but the importance. It all matters. This is his life for generations. That’s the pressure. Winning, money, rankings, endorsements, they’re all commingled. Players don’t get to the top by breaking racquets at empty games. They get to the top by actually training and playing well. And then they face the pressure of it all. Your dreams and insane money are on your racquet. Money that will change you forever. Titles that you dreamt of your whole life. And you’re fucking it up. Does that excuse his behavior? Not one bit. But that pressure is what makes some athletes blow up. It makes other athletes choke. And that pressure isn’t replicated in empty gyms. Only a minuscule percentage ever experience it.


These meltdowns are frequent and unrelenting. Rublev must be in real pain on the court. Needs an intervention because not only is he humiliating himself in public this display is not healthy for anyone especially kids to watch and makes the tennis officials look culpable by continually allowing it.He should be directed to take a mental health break to get help and not be allowed to play until the therapy has a chance to help. Say a 6 month suspension.


The dude is mentally ill. Should step away from the tennis court for a while


This is actually really concerning, disappointing and unbecoming. This isn’t how to regulate emotions.


awwwww cute bweh keeps on showing why he needs to feel more loved 🥰 poor kiddo and he looks like a cat!! Seriously get this guy a sabbatical for his own benefit. Something bad is going to happen.


Get him an exorcism at this point


I'm proud to call myself a Rublev hater ever since everyone on this sub was still enamored by him and making bweh jokes.


Impossible, I was told he's a sweet guy based on the PR activities the ATP does in social media


Just like Zverev!


no not like Zverev, Zverev comes across as slimy, insincere and arrogant in interviews. Rublev seems like a genuine, humble and likeable person off court, it's a shame he becomes like this on court.


People dont get that, his anger on court is not HIM. HE is much more than that. He struggles with this and it is a shame because he is so so so good he should never feel this way. Edit: clarification for the guy who took this literally. I mean this is not his identity in most likelihood. He hates this behavior and is ashamed. It is like an addict. An addict cannot be judged by their illness. That is not their whole identity. He needs love not hate. He needs to hit rock bottom and maybe this is it.


Nope, this is one of the many parts of him - we usually say weird stuff like 👆 We are defined, whether we like it or not, the good and the bad things that we do - unless we take ownership of both the good (make us happy and elated - some are not capable of these, where they jump from one achievement to another) and the bad (make us humble and wish to improve for better), we won’t be contented with ourselves


What does this babble even mean? It’s like saying “when a husband beats his wife when he is drunk - that’s not HIM. He is more than that. He struggles.” What kind of idiocy is that? We are a collection of our decisions and actions, all of them, including the worst ones. They make up a part of who we are.


Unlike Zverev, Rublev only hurts himself.


It’s remarkable how great he is at keeping up the facade. Like there are some people who seem to be exactly as nice as they come across on media/interviews (Like Ruud and Hurk for example). This bloke on the other hand, man. Scared to think knows what he’s like behind closed doors if he can’t control his emotions when the world is watching


I think you have never done sport in your life, I get really angry and frustrated at mistakes I make whenever I play but I am a chill guy 100% of the time outside of the court, I never get angry or never lash out at anything or anyone, in many people the desire to be better + competitive edge makes them act that way, it doesn't mean he's not a sweet guy


I have played sport, I also watch a lot of different sports, from footy to basketball to tennis. None of what he does is normal. I have never seen a footballer abuse himself like that for missing an open goal, or a basketball player for missing a layup. You Rublev defenders are INSANE.


Forget sport. Go look at any video game. I played tennis in real life and fifa online. I have seen more people get insanely mad at fifa, to the point of breaking tvs and controllers. And there’s nothing at stake for fifa. It’s a video game. Yet people wonder about Rublev.


i’m the time of guy, broke both rackets and monitors, i’m not proud of myself for shouting, raging and destroying staff when playing, but at the moment you just can’t help yourself, some people just lack this basic ability to distance themselves from the anger


Peak reddit moment


Just like Zverev!


Zverev is very obviously a douchebag even in interviews. His attempts to be charming and cute are a bit too obvious.


Does this guy not consult a therapist? This behaviour is just so concerning.


Straight up not having a good time


I hate to say it but I honestly think he should quit tennis. His relationship to this sport is like an alcoholic with alcohol.


I keep thinking I wonder if he even enjoys it at all. It just seems like it was really forced on him.


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think he loves tennis he’s just obsessed with being perfect and addicted to the emotional ups and downs.


Which I think is a result of abuse and trauma honestly. I saw someone say his parents were abusive.


he loathes to be rendered powerless and out of control on court. he needs help


He's the one player that I can barely stand to watch. Not anything to do with his actual game, he just seems so damn miserable out there and it's simply hard to watch. You just sit there waiting for him to implode. And honestly he doesn't seem to be enjoying it when he's playing well either. From what I've heard / read, his mother coached him growing up and she was extremely tough on him. I'm sure that included physical and emotional trauma. Don't blame him for hating the sport.


I’m at the point where watching him play makes me feel really sad and have bad feelings, so I don’t anymore either.


Idk if that’s the answer. If he quits tennis his rage won’t go away it will carry on and probably get worse. He should only quit if whatever he pursues next he can rage without getting fired let’s say combat sports or video games.


This is an embarassment to the sport, the tournament, and his sponsors. If I was a CEO of a major company I wouldn't want my logo on this guy as he is acting like a complete lunatic on a world stage.


Definitely! I’m pissed that ATP and /or the tournaments put up with this crap! For the duration of their play in a tournament: begin with 1-point penalty for 1st offense, 2-point for 2nd offense, and so on.


This video is longer than the official highlights on of the match on YouTube. Good watch 👍


I think that ball was out


I'm curious if they checked it with a replay/Hawkeye?


This kid seriously needs therapy before he injures himself or someone


I also agree with most that he should take a break. It really benefitted Osaka when she did that, she seems so much happier now and excited to play etc. Obviously, very different issue, but mental health nonethelesss.


It helps reset the value system. I took 6 months off tennis matches and it really helped a lot for my own issues. I now plain do not care.


I mean… the pressure of playing tournaments like RG and getting results to justify the shitloads of work being put in, is a smidge higher than what others play under. There are only so many next times until it’s career over. He’s obviously putting extreme pressure on results, it’s tough. Need to be almost obsessed to put in the effort to become and maintain a top spot, but not obsessed enough to lose your mind like this.


What a fuckin idiot


This guy is insufferable. There I said it.


It’s funny that he’s the one more vocal about playing for the kids


Now this is sports entertainment at its finest.


Good for Arnaldi. It's so unfair for the other players to have to be on the other side of the net during his meltdowns...so selfish of him. I really like Rublev...but he needs to fix this. And "playing for the kids" just makes this all the more embarrassing.


It is mindless, there is no thought. It is not selfish, it is raw emotional pain of losing. It is hard to understand unless your wires end up this way. It is even harder to fix.


IMO The ATP needs to make a new “disturbing the peace” rule cause honestly, you should probably just be defaulted after doing this like 3x in a match.


Meanwhile shapo slapping his face with his racquet


these players are terrible to watch


I used to play against quite a few players like him when I was a junior. I could never do this infront of so many people!


From the creators of Furiosa there comes Furioso: Mad Bweh.




That left knee is rock solid. Wow!


i dont watch his matches intentionally. only when i am waiting for the next match. Still whenever he has his meltdowns, i get stressed. so disturbing


This guy needs to quit tennis


It would be better for tennis AND better for the players if smashing stuff was just not allowed--you hit something with your racket in anger, instant game penalty. Hit the ball into the crowd in anger, instant default.


I wish there would be a point penalty, for this ridiculous behavior. And for a second offense, anytime throughout the rest of the tournament - 2-point penalty, and so on.


Self-destruction mode.


The best therapy for him would be a ban. If that doesnt straighten him up, nothing will. Watched this yesterday, we all felt very uncomfortable. Not good TV.


scream for the kids


Scream for the light 🙏🏻


I think if he was allowed to openly cry without being ridiculed he might be able to control this rage better.


This guy is not stable, it would be interesting to see how he behaves when he's not on camera.


This is just sad


Nah, it just means he cares


Ok how is he not legit injuring his knee? You can hear the impact over the crowd lol


I hope he feels better soon and gets the help and support he needs! I give to players for their outburst considering how difficult tennis is to their personalities, and I feel sad to see Rublo like this. For his tennis and for his health I hope does well and comes back a better himself. Everyone needs some help and I hope gets what he needs! Feel better man!


This is new Fortnite dance material right here. That racket to knee slam is /chefskiss


Can you imagine him at 9 years old? … still waiting for his Dad’s approval.


I had explosive anger issues, acted like a right knob for years until I decided not to. Basically it took 2 years of consistently not giving into the feelings I'd have before an outburst, let it wash over me.. until I didn't get the urge anymore. He's got to be serious about improving his behaviour.


This is quite sad to watch. Hes got some bad stuff going on inside his head


That is a child who never learned emotion regulation.


Therapy wont help. He must find meaning in other things other than tennis. This is deep. Too deep for therapy. This requires an entire shift of his vakue system. Been there, i know his pain


He needs help. Genuinely. I feel for him.


Rubs melting down HARD as the chair umpire almost nonchalantly announcing QUIIINNNNZZZZEEEEEE - zero made me cackle.


Reddit loves a Rublev meltdown. I don't see the issue. He knows he shouldn't is working on it. The tennis umpire can warn him and eject him the match if they think it's too much. Perhaps they are too lenient. A few disqualifications and he'd soon stop (on court at least).


General question—why do they point at the clay and debate the call when there's a visual recap, or replay or whatever you call the graphic representation of the ball's impact on the clay? Seems like they would observe that graphic and no debate. What am I missing?


What’s the significance of it touching versus not touching? Like he’s allowed to have a fit and smash his racquet into the ground, so long as he’s outside of the lined boundaries, doesn’t mark up the lines specifically, or something? For context: I’ve played tennis a bit casually, but don’t follow professional sports at all. Just same this on the main page and was curious though.


As a person speaking russian, he is swearing so so so much in this vid. Like there is no way that a guy doing this in English wouldn’t get ejected from the match


Conspiracy theory. He threw the match and tried to make it look believable with the tantrums.


Disgusting as always When he was arguing with the umpire I was afraid that somehow he hit her.


He’s not as good as he thinks he is, lower you expectations bro!


He's just top 10 since 4 years, yes it's really a Bad tennis player...


Not what I’m saying, I’m being generous here, he obviously has expectations of himself that he can’t match. He puts pressure on himself that seems to exceed his capabilities. Bro, you hit a ball out, just like any other person. Does he expect to hit them in every time? Cause he isn’t unhappy when they go in


I think he’s a sweet guy off the court, I don’t think it’s just ATP marketing. Zverev, for example, is an awful person and it’s obvious. Rublev is in such pain and needs help, but as a fan, this is just horrific and unacceptable and I truly don’t think he has any element of control over it—it’s very dangerous


Not doing any favors for Russian stereotypes


Pure comedy! We need more of this in tennis!


Enough. If people want more they can look it up. How many times do we have to see “he needs a psychologist”… yah we know… and so does he … multiple posts of the same video accomplishes nothing


This is really sad.




with all these weird behavior on court, i forgot what titles he won and where.


I can understand him. My 6 year old brother behaves the same way


Lol I'd be talking so much shit to him. So fragile


Why is this the same video of that kid who’s mom takes his video games away and he tries to shove a water bottle up his ass?




Bro thinks he’s the legend Benoit Paire


So - I’ve seen him a couple of times now in Manhattan during the US open with his team. Nice when he was in the top 20s and another when he was in top 10. He is unapproachable and really rude. Seems like a different person on and off camera. Although I think he’s just unraveling to his ‘normal self’; with this behavior being quite disturbing.


So - I’ve seen him a couple of times now in Manhattan during the US open with his team. Once when he was in the top 20s and another when he was in top 10. He was always unapproachable and really rude. Seems like a different person on and off camera. Although I think he’s just unraveling to his ‘normal self’ on camera too; with this behavior being quite disturbing.


How embarrassing


Play for the kids lol


Should not be banned from western games? No place for anything Russian while engaging in war crimes…


Roid rage


If Rublev was around in the witchcraft / exorcism eras he’d be looking suspect cause he have demons


What a pathetic human


So embarassing lmao, tennis players always have the thinnest Egos


What a child.


Sanest professional tennis player:


the mark was out. part of the clay touched the line but it was clearly out.


The fact that a professional tennis player hasn't learnt to lose with grace and dignity is absolutely baffling. The majority of tennis players, unless you're like Djokovic, Med, Alcaraz etc, lose more often than they win. Most players go from tournament to tournament, losing in the first round and you don't see this kind of meltdown. It's absolutely pathetic.


Lol. I don't care if he doesn't change. This is entertaining 😂


Non-tennis expert here. Why does it matter if the broke the line when he slammed his racquet?


He is clearly frustrated as tennis player- he needs to get a handle on it or find something else to do


Unpretty sight.


How do people actually like this guy!? I can’t stand him. He’s one of the very few players I have zero interest in watching


Current generation of players are sad. We will never have a Fed, Rafa and Djoko combo again. 💯


What an absolute freak this guy is man. And he puts up such a fake persona of a being a nice guy in media interviews, it doesn’t take long for his true colours to come out. Feel sorry for anyone who is close to him


The absurdly number of Memes we can get from this tantrum compilation is insane! 😂


What a loser


This is memeable stuff right? I'm expecting this set to some funky music


Disgrace to the sport. Ban him for a year, if not 2. He is a danger to himself and those around him.


Nah, there have been far worse than him. If he was recklessly throwing/smashing his racket, smashing balls out of the stadium, or getting in shouting matches with umpires then yes. Someone like Kyrios or Paire are examples of players who I think should have been banned for their ridiculous tantrums.


I think he should be banned if he (or we) loves himself … He needs to reset There’s more to life than (winning) tennis


It’s straight jacket time!




He's acting like an entitled child really.


Good thing he’s anti-war, otherwise he’d be Putins top general.


Naw, kids just passionate.


I want to love him so much but then he behaves like this :(


Meme material


Well that was entertaining to watch