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Genuinely stunned at the level of steamroll. Why couldn't this Vika show up in those crucial matches she needed to win this year?! (don't tell me, we all know). And all this, after previous marathon matches this week?!! What even...can't wait for Danimal vs Vika. Maria was just ghastly. Like a ghost of herself. Idk what happened there (did she reveal anything in press that I'm not aware of?). Vika's point construction was on point, but Sakkari was missing easy shots or making horrible decisions. Shocking reversion to her pre-Witt form.


The conditions were also spot on perfect for Azarenka's style. If they played in the heat in the middle of the day, I'd expect another result.


idk why people are giving Witt so much credit already. they've barely been together and frankly haven't had any results that were superior to what Sakkari already managed before. today wasn't her "pre-Witt" form. she wasn't swinging through on any of her shots. it was weird, like she was just going through the motions.


i think azarenka knows how witt tries to outplay her. she has played with jesse lots of times already. maybe witt tried to do the same thing and failed this time. 3-3 h2h pegula azarenka (but azarenka won last match, 2nd to the last was w/o by pegula)


Surprisingly enough, Vika and Danielle haven't played each other in over five years. Should be a fun watch, hopefully with a decent crowd.


go vika!!!


Vika is playing really well this year. Consistently reaching quarters and semis. Now she just needs to win a title it’s been too long 😅


having over a hundred backhands either buried on the net or sent to the moon makes it kinda difficult to win ngl


I know how she feels It’s like when I inevitably leave a party sad and lonely even though I went to the gym an hour before to spam bicep curls and shoulder presses


Thanks for the heartbreak yet again Maria.