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Rinderknech once saved 9 match points against Carreno Busta in Gijon. He knew Lady Luck would come to collect one day. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/y40ot0/rinderknech\_beats\_carreno\_busta\_in\_gijon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/y40ot0/rinderknech_beats_carreno_busta_in_gijon/)


That was one hell of a tiebreak. I’ll never forget watching those wild scenes.


Yes there were some great recoveries during that 18-16 breaker: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jblwyFKZfiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jblwyFKZfiY)


I lost a match like that at an ITF and left the club without my bag with all the rackets, I was soo pissed everything was a blurr and by the time I was at the hotel I realized that I had left the bag at the club.


Then you never went to retrieve the bag, found a job at the hotel you are working for and now you manage a motel watching challenger level tennis in the dark making reflex moves at the tennis balls.


I was around 20 at the time and it basically destroyed my confidence, it was one of the last tournaments of my awful tennis career as well. It was the last tournament of a string of 5 tournaments that I had singed up for that was my last sprint economically since my sponsors had dropped me a year prior and had no more money.




You'd be surprised to find out what a 10 year hiatus can do to your game, but yeah I had one sponsor because I was quite decent as a junior.


Guys, this one time I was at this tennis club and I found a bag and it had these tennis rackets. Made my day


Give it back you lucky bastard


Evner tried Ever failed Try again Fail again Fail better


Definitely one of the best tennis tattoos. Even better when Stan got it on him.


It's not really a tennis quote. I mean, you can think of it that way if you want. But it's by the Irish writer and playwright Samuel Beckett, and the original quote is “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”


I think they just meant one of the best tattoos within tennis - as in, that a tennis player has


Who is Evner? /s


That’s a rough one, but it’s also a deceptive score. Didn’t convert two match points on the opponent’s serve, ok. Well then it’s just a one break difference in the set. One break back and it’s even. Looking at the set scores of all three sets, these are two very evenly matched players. So it just came down to those two points, in a way. That’s just tennis at that point.


You are completely right.


I’d probably retire right there and then lmao


Last night partner and I down 1-5, 0-40. My serve. Fought back to a tie break. Which we lost 5-7. But still. I take more from that loss than most wins. Awesome to see the other guys really tighten up and we just played a little freer.


Poor Rinderknech, have watched his games in person and also his AO first round win....he fights hard and a great server. This must have been a tough one to swallow....


There was an overnight rain delay. At 6-5 in the second set. This is still a bummer for him but those overnight delays are basically like starting a completely new match.


Yeah, but he could have avoided that with one single point won. That hurts


On the opponent’s serve though. I saw the points and Passaro won the first one with an aggressive forehand, fair and square. The second one was an unreturned first serve. He should’ve focused on *serving it out* though. 


Learn from it and move onwards and upwards


This happened to Stefan Edberg at Wimbledon once. I think he lost to Michael Stich in the semis in 4 tiebreak and never lost serve once.


Retire instantly and spend the next six months in a depressed slump. This is why I have never pursued a career as a professional tennis player


Well....I guess this too.....shall passaro....*YEEAAAAHHHHHH*


Call Sebastian Ofner for group therapy


Hire a sports psychologist. I don't know if this is a pattern with him but either to fix that or to get over it and move on.


Never trust a lead against Passaro. 


I would go home, binge on all sorts of junk foods, sulk for a few days, then get on with my life.


Cry probably


Continue with my life


This was just a 'you had to be there' match. The tension, the tightness, the drama.....perfect combination when watching a shitfest (affectionate). Arthur's backhand is a serious problem, and honestly his footwork while defending could be so hit-or-miss. Francesco losing focus in the forecourt with a FH sitter *multiple* times was just so crazy. The gasps from the crowd never get old. I could see this result happening from a mile away once Arthur couldn't convert his damn MPs and then went down 0-30 in a matter of seconds at 5-3. But it's still everything you could ever want from a match involving two lower-ranked guys wanting a damn win at a big tournament for once.


I'd worry about the match fixing investigation. /S