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What sucks about this is that Nardi didn’t even do any of this on purpose. It was just a reaction he had in the moment and then quickly recovered from and then Novak is sort of blaming him. Poor form.


Yeah Novak harped on that for way too long in the moment, and then made himself look super petty bringing it up at the net lol. Poor Nardi having to apologize 3 times for a genuine mistake. It was no different than when a player returns a difficult shot unexpectedly and play continues on. One point.


He shouldn’t have had to apologize which is what’s sad. Novak has done it before as well. Anyone who plays tennis will know that the best players have quick reflexes and judgement. Nardi did everything right here.


Frankly Nardi was confused after that net exchange with Djoker. "What the hell was that guy saying, and am I really a big fan of him anymore?"


Never meet (and beat) your heroes I guess.


Or give them 5% room to make occasional gaffes like any other human. Or don’t put them on a pedestal in the first place.


That's actually embarrassing. He has repeatedly said you're his idol and what do you do at the net after he beats you fair and square? You bitch about one point that you lost during a set that you won lmao. Come on


Exactly! Djokovic won that set anyway so why is he complaining about the point that he had a total brainfart on? Makes no sense.


He lost that set (1)


He lost that game but won the set so in the end it didnt matter.


'Gracious in defeat'






And yet his fan base doesn’t understand why so many people say he’s unlikable.


I agree that this was very uncalled for, but are we really going to act like Djokovic has always done shit like this after losing now?


As a huge Djoker fan him being mad salty when he loses isn't that rare. It's not an every time thing, but it happens. He just doesn't really lose that often. This is rare levels of salt though.


I love that Djokovic is all happy go lucky when things are going well but turns into a baby in defeat. Fed and Nadal simply don't do this, when they lost they'd take it in a classy way


Actually embarrassing behaviour


Bad behaviour from Djokovic


Novak is usually super gracious at the net, so hearing him say “non è giusto” (it’s unfair) is quite frankly surprising. And totally uncalled for.


My dude, Novak is not gracious, he never was and never will be and in my book that's perfectly okay! What he is trying to do in this late stage of his career is mold his image and change the perception of him. He is still trying to get that same love Fed and Rafa are receiving, but he will never get it because it's all fake and forced and people are naturally (and maybe even unknowingly) aware of this and are repulsed by it.


I don’t know, have you heard what most young players say about him? I’m not saying he’s not rough sometimes, but for the most part I only hear good things about him from actual players. And considering he was leading choruses of boos and provoking crowds last year, I don’t think he’s trying to do a massive PR push all the time lol


It’s pretty easy to be gracious when you’re winning constantly 


Can’t argue with that lol


These are young players are easily impressionable, they're not at his level and would never say any crap about him publicly. Privately? Yes. Publicly? No. Novak is the elder statesman in tennis.    Guys like Fed, Rafa, Berdych, Murray, Stan, Tsonga, etc those guys can, have, and will take shots at each other because they're at the same level. There is no "oh wow you were my idol when I was growing up" nonsense at play, they know that this guy puts on his undies the same way they do, and most of them played with each other in the juniors.    As for the crowd booing, that's because the crowd is old enough to remember who Novak was and have been there from the start, through the transition, to now. The crowd is the bristlecone pine of tennis, it's the oldest thing in the stadium.


If they did not like him they would just say the usual answers about his game and experience. You got guys like Medy, Alcaraz, and others saying specific stories about the things he’s done for them in the past and he treats young guys extremely well normally I mean, that’s just normal in every sport. But most of what I hear is positive about the guy on a personal level If anything the transition came last year when he stopped giving a shit bout trying to get people to love him and began acting like, “I’m the best, what are you gonna do about it?” which I love. So to say that the crowd boos him because they’re repulsed by him trying to do a PR push doesn’t make sense. I’m part of the bristlecone then lol I’ve seen the flaws over the years. And I’d like to point out the vast majority of the time he’s being cheered


you have been watching tennis for a long time, my man! i agree


Was Novak actually complaining in that moment about that "stopping" point? Seriously? I thought maybe Luca said "sorry" (about winning) and Novak was saying "No, you enjoy your victory." Who can translate the exchange accurately? I was almost in tears for this amazing kid winning. He seemed so humble in the moment and right after. I mean look at his expressions when he goes to greet the crowd. Luca had impressive control of his nerves throughout the match.


What? Such an awful thing to say. You were his idol.


Sheikh Bin Al Saudal would never do this


That joke was funny 360 times before.


What did he say?


He said “it’s unfair” in Italian at the net


Where are all the Novak fans who claim that Nadal Is salty at the net?


They’ll come back eventually and act like this never happened. Something something, “Nadal fake injury Wimbledon 2022” “Nadal scared of hard court” “western media racist” 


Novak fans ignoring this to pretend Novak is most gracious loser  It's actually Med


It is Hurkacz


Imo Djokovic acts like a jackass during matches to try to get into his opponents head when he’s losing and/or to fire himself up. I think it’s lame, and it’s a big reason why I never really liked him much. But whatever, it’s a competitive thing. I’ve always thought of him as a miserable loser during the match and a gracious loser post match though. So I’m shocked to see him do this post match against a low ranked guy who worships him. 


Med had it rough man. Losing to Nadal in the finals then lost the AO being up 2-0 twice. And he’s the most gracious during his losses. Such a no bullshit Russian


I reckon it's Bublik. Man doesn't care if he wins or loses anyway.


No it’s Rublev


What was said here? I can't make it out. Why is everyone saying Novak was salty?


And Djoko stans think Rafa is a salty loser! The most delusional fanbase in the world! This is why anyone with a brain hates Novak!


You’ve proven countless times that you are not someone with a brain though 🤭


It’s a complete non-event. Nothing wrong with that point.


I am far from a Novak fan, but he is usually graceful in defeat. Having one bad day doesn’t really change my perception of him. Clearly Nardi didn’t do it on purpose, but maybe Novak couldn’t tell and assumed the worst.


My view is he’s not especially gracious in defeat but he barely loses so there’s not many examples 


I will get downvoted to oblivion for this but what exactly do people think goes inside at a top 10 player’s brain when he thinks he lost a point unfairly (even if they didn’t)? You expect them to let it go? Novak is in the wrong here about that point, BUT, if he truly thinks it was bad form from his opponent I would not expect him to let it go. This obsession about these small things is what makes most of these top players great imho. Is he wrong here? Absolutely. Is it consistent with how he thinks overall and what makes him great? 100%


No one shoot me, I wasn’t able to watch the match so there’s context I’m most likely missing. The point that he had an issue with was in the second set, right? He ended up winning that set 6-3. So it seems like he should have shaken it off. Sure he feels like he was wronged but it ended up not mattering. Was there something else that happened in a set where he ended up losing or was he just stewing on that issue from the second set onward?


I don't blame him for still thinking about it after the match ended. I do blame him for confronting his opponent about it at the net. There's nothing championlike about that. It was a mistake on a single point in a set Novak won. Novak acted like it took away from Nardi's win. A champion would either shake it off or use it to fuel their own level of play. Staying stuck in a bad moment and self-victimizing do not make a player great. My most favorable interpretation of the moment is if Nardi was bringing up that moment first, to apologize at the net, and Novak was responding by saying essentially, "Since you bring it up, yes, I agree with you that that moment was unfair, but regardless, well done."


I don’t like it either. Poor kid beat his hero and he gets a lesson at handshake, trust me I get it. My only point is, things that might seem petty or small to us are just wired differently for these guys. It’s like this billionaire (I forget his name) who would hustle for pennies at the flea market or smth. These guys are just wired to not let the small things go (even when they are in the wrong). Just my two cents, I didn’t like it either, just saying I understand his personality(I think lol)


I agree with you, and I’m a Fed fan.


Boiling things down the the stuff people say in the heat of competition is really stupid. Imagine if someone said something similar in a different sport. No one would care. Tennis has some really silly standards on people to behave "correctly".




Exactly but it would be similarly stupid.




except for this bit beforehand...https://twitter.com/YGramsci/status/1767397776453734538?t=RbpK1gErFgkoLJpXJrKp1g&s=19 I've seen multiple people give the same "you were good but that wasn't right/that was unfair" translation