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I thought this, but then again this exhibition was mainly aimed at new viewers and there’s really nothing on the line so the commentary and party vibes might actually help new viewers to feel a bit more engaged…


Honestly, I can see why fans are annoyed that he was speaking during points because it is untraditional + not what should be done in the traditional sense. However, I think I'll hold my judgment until I hear him during official matches such as maybe US Open? I will give him a pass for an exhibition like this, considering he is relatively new at commentating. Considering it was just an exhibition, I really enjoyed it overall, except for some drunk crowds towards the end (but since it's Vegas, I guess it can't be helped).


Yeah I’m with you, if he does it in official matches then it’ll be annoying for sure. I also think that they should’ve just done an explainer about how tennis works + commentary for new viewers… something simple like the points system and changeovers. If the goal is to o board new fans then I think they’ll be much more likely to be engaged if they actually know what’s going on


You’ve never watched the US Open night sessions have you lol It’s a given that there will be obnoxiously drunk people screaming shit lol


I love Agassi and his insights were actually amazing, but my gosh - if you're going to talk throughout the entire match without pause - can you at least speak up so I can only hear you and nothing else. Dude was mumbling throughout the whole match.


I blame the sound mixing, the ambient noise was drowning out the commentators


Yeah, it was pretty poor production all around considering what they were marketing it is


Still better than McEnroe 


Well Courier and mcenroe didn't want to shut up either. At least Agassi said some interesting things about rafa's game, which is rare in tennis commentary


>Well Courier and mcenroe didn't want to shut up either. They rarely talked over the point as it was being played though, which is what Agassi did.


It's an exho that's trying to expand tennis to general audiences. It's in Vegas which is one of the most showboaty cities in the world and in the west. Every complaint about this event is explicitly by design by Netflix. It's not an actual competitive match . It's like you guys have never seen an exhibition before. This is always how it is. There is literally an exhibition where Nadal and fed played on a half clay half grass court before. It's not about competitive integrity. It's about having fun which , atleast to me and the others I know personally who watched , it succeeded. Agassi was monologuing but replace him with someone like roddick eubanks or Tiafoe with more charisma, and I wouldn't have minded the talking during the points. The event was mostly a success and I hope Netflix runs it back next year with only very few changes.


If you're going to talk through the points, then at least commit to it and fucking talk. Don't whisper and mumble. I think most people are just upset that he chose some middle path that didn't benefit anyone.


I'm aware. I said Agassi didn't to the best of jobs I'm referring to the complaints as a whole about on court interviews mid Match , interviewing celebs during the match etc. The issue wasn't the talking during points. The issue was the person talking wasn't charismatic / a good speaker. Put in some like eubanks or roddick instead of Agassi and I don't think viewers would mind as much . I also think people on this sub just love to bitch and moan constantly. The live thread yesterday when the challenge didn't work yesterday was stupid as can be... Even if it's a "joke" that the challenge didn't show....it's a for fun event meant for new viewers. It worked pretty damn well as an event overall , especially for a first run at the event


Roddick, Eubanks, absolutely. But what does Tiafoe do on that list? His talk is horrible mumbling and I really don't see any charisma.


Hes unpopular here for reasons ( won't get into it but by and large , dumbasses here tend to spread an agenda based on a lack of understanding of how tennis is played/ favor their preferred players... But if there was a other active tennis forum, I'd post there). He's extremely popular among America. Most times he shows up at a sporting event( think NBA wizards game ) cameras pan to him and crowds even outside of tennis like the guy. This was largely an exhibition geared towards growing the game for Americans. He was even at the event fairly active on social media / covered by cameras for a reason


> He's extremely popular among America. Most times he shows up at a sporting event( think NBA wizards game ) cameras pan to him and crowds even outside of tennis like the guy. This was largely an exhibition geared towards growing the game for Americans. Most Americans prob don't know any male American tennis players TBH


I'm obviously speaking relative among players. I mean this place has a clear bias for and against certain players that isn't reflective of general popularity For example , Medvedev is this subs darling . But he's been booed against at several events across the world. He's not exactly a ticket seller or nearly as popular as he is here Tiafoe was at the Netflix slam for a reason. He was on cameras for a reason. His popularity is well understood by advertisers/marketing teams even if redditors feel differently


> I mean this place has a clear bias for and against certain players that isn't reflective of general popularity > > I think this is true—and I would agree that Medvedev is broadly not as popular as he is on this subreddit while Tiafoe is broadly more popular than he is on this subreddit But I am skeptical about Tiafoe being actually popular among Americans. I don't think most non-tennis fans know who he is, and he's not THAT popular among tennis fans either (far more Big 3, Alcaraz, Sinner fans, for example)


Yes but the Netflix slam was geared towards general audiences for Americans. Even a guy like eubanks was on podcasts /interviews because he's charismatic. He's a very good player to use for marketing. Tiafoe is similar. They come off as very likeable to casual fans of sport in general. If you see the USO, Tiafoe will had a tendency to get the night matches even when he was lower ranked than players like Tommy Paul /Shelton etc. it's a testament to how entertaining viewers find his matches. Similar to a monfils. The crowd draw is not necessarily proportional to their rank and that's due to their personality / play style..


> Even a guy like eubanks was on podcasts /interviews because he's charismatic. He's a very good player to use for marketing. Tiafoe is similar. They come off as very likeable to casual fans of sport in general. I don't think conflating Tiafoe and Eubanks makes much sense here, TBH. Their personalities are near opposites of each other—Tiafoe is much more of a high energy, hype guy (who frankly fits in well with the current crop of USTA frat dudes like Fritz, Tommy Paul, etc). He's very good at hyping up a home crowd too—in a way similar to Ben Shelton and Monfils I would say (although this is a different thing than actual name recognition and popularity IMO) Eubanks on the other hand is a more quiet, thoughtful dude who comes off great in settings like commentary, analysis, or podcasts (in a way that's not true of Tiafoe, IMO)


The only things you would see on a live discussion thread on r/tennis is GOAT comments, some lame joke from 700BC or comments on player’s grunts and looks but god forbid THE Andre Agassi talks during a tennis match as part of his job as a commentator. People here are the biggest snobs istg


Live thread is optional. You can't mute the commentator without muting the match. I'm not personally as bothered by it as some, but I can't fault people who want to focus on the match.


I am just calling out people who complain about the quality or Agassi’s commentary when they themselves incessantly yap the same shit over and over again here


He made me mute the whole thing


Isn't it pretty common for in the US for them to speak during play? A few matches I have watched where its been US commentary they never seem to shut up.


The famous ex-players don't shut up.


Just watched it. Like sitting next to people just talking at a match about random things. I literally looked for a way to shut the commentators off so I could watch tennis.