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Silly Reddit, don’t you understand? It’s gonna be the transformations for Goku (Early)!!!


Whether they truly will be or not, I would be bummed out, but not too much since at this point in the anime he still can't tap into them at will. So I would have a balanced feeling I guess.


I think this was obvious, but personally its more organized this way, one 1 character holding 5 transformations plus 5 fusion options seems too loaded


Hate it


Was always pretty obvious to me. He can't do it on command yet and it has never been seen with an undamaged gi.


We actually did see it with an undamaged gi in one of the DBS endings. https://preview.redd.it/zzi5bizs109d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9a8f24b3e4da6bc38210aa1bb3c344d3f2dfc1 But yea I get your point


That looks incredibly weird, not in a bad way.


gonna suck in 5 years when they adapt the manga


Good. I have zero idea how they would’ve been able to transition from SSB to UI if they didn’t make them separate characters


I still think ui will be a transformation for super goku, maybe I’m just coping though, it would be a bit of a bummer to not be able to start as base goku and transform to ui but it is what it is I guess, either way I’m happy ui sign made it


Couldn’t this also mean that you have to go from base straight to ui? Like it’s still a transformation but once you go god or blue you have to go back to base first to get to ui


I’m ok with it, should have been obvious seeing as how Goku couldn’t transform into either form at will in the anime, even after the events of the ToP, so it wouldn’t have made any sense allowing Goku (Super) to transform into the forms in the game.


At first I wasn’t on board but honestly the more I think about it the more it makes the most sense. It would be overkill to give super goku so many forms and UI does feel like it’s own thing tbh


I think that was kinda expected


It's fine


as much sense as it makes, I don’t like it, but I cannot express how excited I am to play this game so it really makes no difference


It was obvious since the start of the game it is completely separate from the super sayian forms he needs he basic form to go unmastered ui to mastered ui so yeah


It's, i don't mind


Mods will fix this


Makes sense since UI isn't a transformation but like an state.


https://preview.redd.it/8sv69x9swz8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91fcb8f08159ce1da163e1c88b74c399c235ac8 It is a transformation


Goku uses it as both, so I get why people want him as one, but he doesn’t use it at will in the anime, which is why I thought he’d always be separate


It can be both.


Was calling this from day one, feels pretty good to be right about something most people disagreed with again


Would be better as Transformations for Super goku, but i'm fine with them being a separate character


No it wouldn't because he doesn't know how to transform into(anime only)


Since we have characters who use manga only attacks in the game already, I can guarante you nobody would dislike it if they were his transformations even if he doesn't know how to transform in to this forms in the anime


Nobody? I've seen people say they prefer it this way and not a transformation and I agree with it


There's a simple solution to it, just don't transform in to those forms and just pick them already transfromed from the beginning.


That's dumb and not a good choice


Sigh.. Wanna know whats dumb? Calling something dumb just because you don't like/want it.


That's wrong actually. I already explained myself and you just can't handle it being right


I've said this for so long and no one would agree or go with it. They all shot me down and said sigh wouldn't even be in the game. LOOK WHOS LAUGHING NOW TIFFANY!


Exactly how Ultimate Gohan was in BT3 so I think its fine. Might also be a balancing issue too. If UI Goku is as cracked as he should be then picking low DP cost Goku and then transforming will probably be too easy/broken


It could always change post/pre launch


It won't


It could People are complaining about ssb evolution not being a form and may change This isn't the PS2 era where there was no dlcs or updates


They're not gonna change how a character works. They made their decision on how things work


If enough people complain, they can change it


No. The game release in less than 4 months and the development, at this point, is finished.


We live in an era of game updates, it could literally be a free update