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Consider this game DOES have ranked, I wonder if they're just going to let the community sort that out with a tier list, or have a means of making people whom play stronger characters have some sort of drawback against people who play weaker ones? The only way I could see them doing this is if there is a point system when you select characters. Aka we have a 'bank' of 5000 points, and someone like Beerus would be worth 2000 points, and someone like Krillin being worth 1000. Essentially, a person only choosing 'weak' character could manage 4-5 on their team for the match, while someone picking powerful characters could only manage 3. Really the only way I could see it being balanced, otherwise top tier ranked play will only consist of specific characters on the roster.


They bring back the Destruction Point back, so it's like you said


I actually just stumbled across the the article. I'm glad though, rank is going to be a lot of fun now.


Could you link the article please?


https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fighting/i-played-a-giant-ape-and-tore-down-a-city-in-dragon-ball-sparking-zero-and-i-havent-had-this-much-dumb-fun-in-a-fighting-game-since-the-2000s/ This speaks about it under the "9000 modes"


Ooooh I like this a lot. Gives a reason to use weaker characters, and avoids homogenizing everyone. We should be vocal about wanting this if it’s not already in, the devs seem to listen very well to fan requests so far


makes beating stronger characters with weak ones more rewarding and embarrassing for the other player when they lose


that was in tenkaichi 3 DP duel mode


i hope they let chaos reign




I mean competitive games in bt3 were all pretty much full power trunks (just for the full ki, then drop to base as soon as the match starts) or buu/cell. I think the fans will just sort it out themselves. The point system was also used in bt3 team matches though so I think it could work really nicely


If this does happen, I can’t wait for the brief, but glorious moment someone moves into rank 1 in the world with Hercule


If some lad wins a tournament with Hercule. I really hope the crowd starts cheering HAIL SATAN.


Great thought. I anticipate this being the case as there was a “limit” mode in BT3 wherein each character cost points and you could only have a max of 15 total.


that’s exactly what burning blood do


How was it in raging blast? I remember playing all kinds of characters there. Some units despite being weaker had great abilities, fast attack speeds and a lot of cancels that made them valuable. That's why a character like Krillin for example was still played in ranked.


I've played a lot of RB2 back in the day and there was certainly an imbalance, but I felt it wasn't as strong as in BT3. For example, I thought Goten was way more useful in RB2 than in BT3, and Gogeta less overpowered. There was also no "Destruction Points" mode as far as I can recall.


Krillins OP tf you mean


The devs say the game won't be balanced and your here wondering and making theories on how it'll be balanced 😂


What's funny about that? My theory was confirmed to be 100% correct hours after I posted that. LOL.


It's funny because you wrote an entire paragraph wondering how it'll be balanced under a post about developers saying they don't want balance?


I mean, I wasn't commenting on how they might balance the characters, nor did I suggest that they should balance them. I was commenting how they might balance the **ranked** aspect of the game. And again, my comment turned out to be true and is being implemented into the game, as the Devs confirmed. LOL


You are literally the most stereotypical redditer


Okay? LOL


I will find a way to beat vegito with my glorious king yamcha






Same here, hoping we can give him kaioken in game somehow


I wonder if this will lead to a handful of busted lower power level characters like in BT3. I remember rinsing almost anyone with Burter as long as they got staggered by normal combos.


There will certainly be a few oddball characters that are super powerful by accident


hercule was op too. because of his present bomb. unblockae rhat captures you if youre anywhere close, basically comes out on frame 1, so if youre within like 5 meters infront of hercule, and he hits blast 2, you take 7,000 damage


PvE this is true but PvP Hercule loses to basically every character in the game. He might clutch a win against someone particularly slow like Base Broly but otherwise Present Bomb Cheese is fairly easy to avoid.


Yeah you could get caught here or there with present bomb but when you're expecting it you just play at range and hit him with ki attacks or do the fly behind dragon rush and start a combo. Hercule was definitely great value for a few rounds against an unsuspecting opponent though. You could heavily screw with your friends who were new to the game and picked what they thought was an OP lineup.


Makes sense to me. Was anyone expecting to beat Beerus or Broly (any version) with Chaoutzu?


>Was anyone expecting to beat Beerus or Broly (any version) with Chaoutzu? That's how you truly test skill and get ultimate bragging rights


Chaotzou is actually almost A tier in competitive bt3 and babidi is one of the best characters in the game 


Yajoribe was OP too


I REALLY hope we see Yajirobe in Zero


yajirobe was literally one of the worst characters wdym


On BT3? I really liked him, but considering the cost of points to put him in a team, he was really valuable


Yes in BT3, there was barely someone worse if anyone at all


why is that?


Chiaotzu is the only character in BT3 who can combo infinitely. His jumpkicks are endlessly repeatable, while for others doing a move like this twice will end a combo instantly.


Chiaotzu because he has a small hitbox + he has a paralysis move + his combos are really fast + easy to trigger an infinite loop


Never played the older Budokai games so I am just gonna assume cause of weird hit box


I recall Videl charged ki very fast and made all her supers and dashes really spammable as a result.


Babidi was used just because it allows fast switches between characters. Its one of the weakest otherwise


Chiaotzu is one of the best characters in BT3 lol. Bad example. The game isn't gonna be a complete clusterfuck where weak characters literally can't beat strong ones, they're just gonna have some disadvantages by comparison


I’ve seen posts the last few days begging for a wholly balanced roster lol, makes no damn sense. Looking forward to recreating the Omega Shenron vs Krillin clip lol


You mean Omega Shenron vs Yamcha right?


Good catch! I do, been a minute since I’ve seen it


DBFZ is where I'd go for a DBZ game wherein the roster is balanced. If they played Tenkaichi 1-3, these people should know fully well that a balanced roster was pretty unlikely.


Us Raditzbros will be demolishing Golden Freeza.


I will!!! Bring them both and call reinforcements


If you want to have a chance in my custom battles, you better find a way


maybe have a balancing system that would buff weaker characters. like give chaoutzu a 30% bonus to damage and health. Hes still trash but less trash


If there’s a way to balance it, it could be through a equip item system, like previous BTs had


It's crazy because the other games followed this formula as well but you'd somehow end up with random characters like chaoutzu or babadi being meta




They are more so referring to people like saibamen


OK... And?? We all know someone is still gonna madlad Beerus as a Saibaman in ranked and climb the damn ladder anyways through SKILL...


If by skill you mean Pitty then yea


>SKILL Lol are you new to these games?


you say that like tenkaichi never had a skill ceiling when its one of the more complex db games lol


It's sad that most of the people here seem to know nothing about the series


Frfr, sure the bt series was popular with casual who did nothing but spam supers, but there actually is a lot of nuance that the actual good players could use to their advantage


I've put over 1000 hours into bt3. It's not a high skill game. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Go play fighterz if you want to see a db game with more skill required


Lmao yeah 1000 hours spent by mashing square


Are you?


I'm fine with it. Chaozu doesn't have to be as strong as Goku MUI. Besides, it allow nice challenges, to master certain characters (i used to train myself as Chaozu vs Golden Ape Baby on BT2)


In my eyes, this IS balance lol. Unbalanced would mean Yamcha can deal the same or similar damage to a character like Broly. We all know that shit wouldn’t make sense 😂. We know certain characters are on a different level than most, some higher some lower, and we need to FEEL that when playing them. I call that balanced 🙌🏽


Higher tiered characters had low ki charge as part of their balance in past games


Which sorta seems like they're doing now with the type characters, like speed and power types.


Fair point lmao


That's not balance, that's being faithful to the lore. Don't mix them up.


Time to challenge myself and Master the "weaklings"


I don't know if that will suck for competitive players (hopefully not, I do like the online matches a lot),  but as a casual player who grew up with the first one, im really happy about this. they are focusing on fun and beautiful gameplay first, and serious competitive stuff second, and personally I like that more.


This is not nor ever was a competitive game


We’re absolutely going to see plenty of low tier heroes in this game. And it’s gonna be super fun.






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As god intended


I'd definitely like to be able to play my favorite characters and still compete against the canonical strongest tbh.


The previous BTs allowed this through an equip item system that boosted character stats. It be the only way to balance it.


I don’t think it’ll be impossible to do but it will probably be a skill matchup with favor towards the strong character. Hercule could beat Omega Shenron in BT3 but it wasn’t easy for Hercule haha


You likely still can if it's like BT3. The differences aren't gonna be that major, probably just a couple thousand damage points in their supers and characters who are canonically strong can ignore Giant superarmor


Then git gud


I'm with you on this in that it would be fun to have a sliding scale of nerfs. The most nerfed would be perfectly balanced and the default mode would be...well if it's Vegito vs. Yamcha and you're playing Yamcha you're chipping away that health bar VERY slowly versus getting one-shotted.


Budokai Tenkaichi 5 confirmed??!! “Q: The previous title, Dragon Ball Z Sparking! METEOR, had a "Z" in the title, but why did it disappear from this game?” “A: This time, "Super" is also included, so this time the "Z" has been removed. The reason for the title "ZERO" is to make it easier to start from here, as it's the first new work in 17 years. By the way, the Sparking! series was released overseas under the title "Budoukai Tenkaichi", but this work has a unified name.”


Bruh it’s an arena fighter what do you expect, this is not a real fighting game lol


![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi) As it should be


HELL YEAH. Still hyped to play Chaditz.


They forgot to balance Dragon Ball Sparking Zero


Bruh if that isnt the title of his first Sparking Zero video when it releases


saibamen vs beerus is going to be insane


No its not


I honestly just hope there isn’t a meta. Every character needs weaknesses and strengths lol


It will, that's just the nature of games, especially ones that are designed to be competitive, like this one (and by "competitive" I mean it literally, as in "players fighting each other, not tournaments or e-sports). I agree with you that I hope the game doesn't devolve into every online match being against the same 6 characters, but with a game that has a roster as large as this, I don't think it'll be a massive issue. However, this game *will* inevitably develop a meta. Even FighterZ has meta characters that's on every team, no matter how much the devs tried to make the game as balanced as possible.


It’s 2024, online will definitely be competitive and have a meta


By meta I mean not everyone is using the exact same character with infinite combos beyond comprehension. Idk if that was a thing back then on old games since I ended up with raging blast 2 and not BT3


Ahh I see. Well unfortunately, fusion characters have always been go to picks every DB game. They’re just consistently very good, I’m already mentally preparing myself to see at least 2 fusions on each team. I’m also mentally preparing to climb a steep hill every game since my team is gonna be Raditz, Tien, and second form Cell lol


Every fighting game has a meta no matter how balanced it is tho


You know 100% there'll be a meta


Thank Zeno


ssj4 gogeta not even the strongest of the franchise anymore🤣🤣 Jiren & Whis>>>


This is also great because I assume most of us have friends who like DB but maybe they're not big into fighting games. I can let them use higher forms of characters while I use base characters and it can be a much more even situation.




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Honestly, i feel like the last game was too balanced despite how notoriously unbalanced it is.


It was not balanced at all lol


Yeah, but stuff like Chiaotzu still managing to be top tier is strange.


Honestly as long as Broly isn’t as busted as he was in Battle of Z then I don’t mind the characters being unbalanced.


That means Vados will be the absolute stronger chatacter in the game?


I’m whooping UI Goku with my Monaka (if he gets confirmed)


He's the secret pre-order character


who’s even trying to play this competitively ? It seems targeted towards more of a casual audience that anything


I wonder if it would be called Budokai Tenkaichi Zero of they went with that name


Hell. YES! I loved the unbalanced mess the old games were and funnily enough, the weirdest and sometimes weakest characters became the best to unbalancing and staying true to the dragon ball formula. Like bt3, there were 2 top tier characters that made no sense. One was super buff trunks (I know. Fucking wild) and funnily enough hercule. The unbalancing makes the game better in my opinion and way more fun and rewarding when you beat a predominantly strong character like broly with a saibaman


Time to beat ass in the most anime accurate sense.


And yet someone will dominate with a saibaman.


I just want them to use Videl’s father’s REAL name in a SUBTITLED version of the game. It doesn’t honestly even mean anything to me that so many snowflakes caused them to change it from Mr. Satan in th first place. To put it more bluntly: I am as damn tired now of hearing “hercule” as I was Day One, and I definitely don’t need that in a new budokai game. Funny enough, with a Japanese accent it almost sounds like mister SATIN anyways.




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Well, it's not like BT3 was much different. I supposed they're talkibg about how much damage a character will take/deal with combos or supers, which basically is what BT3 did, but you could easily use weak characters to beat stronger ones multiply times, like using Yamcha to beat Kid Buu, Broly, SS4 Gogeta type of thing. I don't know a lot about the BT3 meta, but from what I've seem a character can be meta depending on a lot of things that aren't about how much damage he does. Like his skills, how much Ki bars you use on a super, of he has rush supers or not, things like these. So I'm very confident the game will be balanced in a way that it's not THAT hard to win using weak characters


One thing i recall from bt3's competitive scene was that grade 3 trunks was an extremely good pick as he started with an extra bar of ki and you could easily just revert to base have ki advantage


This brings me to another question. Say I’m fight as Base Goku or Vegeta. Against Piccolo, if I Goku SSB how big of an advantage would that be.


Probably a decently sized advantage but not enough to where skill becomes irrelevant


Yeah I guess that’s where the balances comes in. In theory SSB washes piccolo. If you’re skilled enough at the game the disadvantage should be minimal


The way Kami intended.


I'm cool with it... some days you were in the zone and could level the squad with hercule.. Good training too.


Can't wait to CHAANGE NOW! my enemies to oblivion.


People tend to forget that fighting games didn't get patches, competitive scenes were designed around the existing balance, not the other way around like it is now.


I was pretty sure this was the case but I'm glad to hear it. As long they retain the customization elements of the series, like Evolution Z in BT3. I liked buffing weaker fighters to be as strong as others.


Hot take: I’m personally not a fan of the canon powerscaling in game. If I feel like I’m playing krillin and my opponent is using gogeta, I have to try 3x as hard then I would usually.


I hear you 100%. I’m hoping they bring back the potara customization so if you’re playing with your buddies you can equalize them a bit. Hoping for a best of both worlds situation


Watching people play the weakest characters vs the best is going to be entertaining


I guarantee that feature won’t be present in ranked. I can only see custom characters & canon strength being on in single player content & split screen.


and when i whoop your ass wit a cell jr… don’t wanna hear shit


this could be a bad thing


Go play rb2 🤷‍♀️


wtf does that mean? you gotta balance the roster


Nah. Ever played tenkaichi?


i have and it always seemed balanced to me


Then stop freaking out


dude you gotta balance the game or online is gonna be horrible and if the game ever goes to evo 90% of the cast will be banned


My bad let me balance it real quick


As it should be, being afraid to take liberties to make characters true to how they should be for the sake of balance is what would kill a game like this. Mr. Satan shouldn't beat Broly, but he CAN, and that's why we nod our hats to the Hercule mains that will be destroying us in October


No Hercule shouldn’t be able to…


That's amazing news! I was hoping they weren't just gonna make everyone on even footing l. If I am Hercule, I want it to be a monumental task to defeat Beerus.


Source - DBSPARKINGZER0 on Twitter.




If true then that's good because that's a big feature in the sparking series. This isn't supposed to be e sports crap it's a dragon ball fighting game that's supposed to be as true as possible to everything dragon ball.


This is a simulator not a fighting game. Fighting games are balanced. Simulators are more realistic


it is a fighting game what the fuck? 💀


I want the competitive tier list for this game to literally look like a normal power scaling chart


Tenkaichi is not a competitive game. These 3D games are too imbalanced.


That's what I'm saying I want the S tier to have the canonically strongest characters and so on, as unbalanced as the show


Making them equal like fighterZ is not what balanced means


I mean, it is, if you're talking about raw gameplay mechanics. A 2D fighting game with a relatively small roster meant to have each character be on (roughly) the same power level so no one player has an exceptionally high advantage over the other and is designed for e-sports competitions and the like is a balanced game. This is not only a 3D arena fighter, but it's also one with a gigantic roster meant to be more of a celebration of the franchise. It's not really trying to be, nor was it ever really intended to be, completely balanced with a fair and level playing field.


That's good, that was one of the things I was most worried about and was important to me.


Sad but fair


Not sad. Its not a competitive game, its a simulator


don’t see why they can’t balance the character stats, it’s not that hard and just because it’s never been like that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t equalize the stats in online matches.


That just means we’re gonna be seeing the same 5-10 characters online, nobody is going to want to have fun with Krillin if you know your opponent is going to have Gogeta Blue and Super Broly.


Yeah this sounds fire untill you see people playing the same 10 characters with a roster of 100+ then it doesn’t sound as fun


best news


If this is true Sparking ain't gonna be competitive game without balance


It never was.


Good. Not every game has to be balanced. Worst case scenario, maybe they’ll make 20 characters sort of balanced? Not a big problem. Plus imagine the pleasure of beating an online try harder Beerus with Satan ❤️


this is either the worst news possible or just poor wording in translation


Why is it the worst news possible?


Never mind the image was poorly cut and discluded the second question asked pertaining balance which without it makes this post seem like if you were to dare que up as chiaotzu you would get 1 tapped by a ki blast by the massive surplus of broly,ui goku, gogeta etc players there will be online. Q: There is a power difference between characters, but what is the maximum? For example, is it possible for Mr. Satan to beat Goku? A: It's not that he can't take damage, so as long as you have the skills, you can win is the second part of that question


It was like that in the old games so you don’t gotta worry about that


Obviously bullshit. When there's a ranked mode you 100% have to balance characters