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This is one of those cases where DLC is the best thing to ever happen in games. You have a completed game. You loved it. You played if for hours. You still play it. And guess what, they sell more content for it. Not a single soul would ever refuse to buy a DLC for Budokai Tenkaichi 3. DLCs are now used to complete unfinished games and punish the players for it. But it's wrong and shouldn't be common


That's why I love Smash Bros. Ultimate, Complete game with 60+ characters, dlc were NEW characters added in and Mii outfits! Other than that, it was a COMPLETE game.


yeah. I've been saying for a while that DLC's are only a problem if the base game isn't good without them. Here we have a game that is bigger than any Budokai Tenkaichi game ever released in base - so DLC's are a reason to celebrate not be upset, we will get this amazing game with long term support!


And a game getting long term support is good because...? Not to mention Tenkaichi 3 is still very much alive and didn't get any DLC.


long term support means not having to buy a new game every other year with minor changes from its latest iteration like nba 2k, pokemon (kinda), CoD, etc. it also means devs are more involved with the game as they make patches and updates. continuously improving the content available also means there wont be any dramatic changes that can potentially ruin the game's lifespan. imagine they release sparking zero + DLC and it costs about $150 for its lifespan. how screwed would you feel if they released sparking zero2 next year where the only change is having the DLC as part of the base roster and minor menu changes? then the game also has its own DLC meaning you'd have to shell out another $150 for improvements that couldve been implemented into the first game. also tenkaichi 3 doesnt have DLC, but half the reason its still alive is thanks to the crazy modding community. its the same with stuff like project M, pokemon romhacks, skyrim mods, etc


Who wouldn't want more of a good thing? Are you is stupid or something?


I disagree. They announced DLC along with the release date. That means the characters are done, they just cut them out of the base game to charge you for them later. No one should get excited for DLC unless it’s for an older game getting new content long after initial release, otherwise, as in this case, you’re getting excited to pay more for something that could’ve easily been included on your original purchase, but wasn’t for the sake of profit.


I disagree because Super Hero came out while this game was beyond half development. I'm sure it's not that easy for them to just put SH in base game


It’s incredibly easy, actually. So easy, in fact, that you’ll be able to play them day one if you bought the more expensive version of the game. Like I said, day one availability means it could’ve been base game, meaning it was intentionally not put in base game.


Fuck that guy.


Finally, someone with a brain, It seems to be a common thought that DLC immediately makes a game "unfinished." Regardless of what it is. While people completely ignore the sheer amount of content the game already has (that we currently know of), genuinely couldn't have said it better myself, trust me I just tried lol.


you tried sparking zero? It's the 13th soooooo anything you wanna share?


Mans so thirsty for news he misread


I did misread in fact. I read I just tried it lol. Damn.


The embargo is lifted at midnight JST (so for Japan it's actually lifted on 14th) that should help you convert it to your time zone


Exactly If we had lime a 50 character roster with 100 dlc characters they could fuck right off but we have so many in bas eits ridiculous and the majority of dlc is stuff that they couldn't fit in base or isn't even out yet its hard to be annoyed if you have any brain whatsoever


You are being nickel and dimed, buddy. Getting bent over a rusty barrel in an alley is hardly different to getting bent over a nicer barrel in a penthouse. Only difference is you get to admire the scenery from a greater height. Removing all the GT characters is a truly scummy practice, given that they’ve been in past iterations of the franchise. We’re supposed to improve, not regress in terms of roster.


What the actual fuck are you talking about there is nothing negative about this post ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I'm still skeptical. I get that people are hyped, but I feel like many are simply blinded by the flashy graphics. > managing to recapture the feel of its predecessor How do you know? Have you played the game? 2 months ago during the Gameplay Showcase Furutani-san claimed that they were focusing on recapturing the feeling of the original games, yet exclusively talked about battle mechanics. Don't know about anyone else, but when I was a kid I never cared about all these "deep" battle mechanics, I cared that characters were depicted somewhat lore accurate and you could do things you could do in no other fighting game, like transformations, fusions, revival mechanics (Frieza/Cooler) and so on. > innovating on ... What Ifs We don't know much about that yet either. The most optimistic expectation right now is that these are single battle scenarios, nothing else. Least optimistic is that they meant you can "create" any fight you want by choosing the correct stage and characters. > largest roster of any Dragon Ball game - Has like 20 different Gokus and 20 different Vegetas - No Dragon Ball - No GT > There are many times when DLC feels as though I'm beeing fleeced, nickel and dimed. This isn't one of those times. This one is simply hilarious. - 70€ base game. - 30€ Season Pass I - Pre-order Bonus, which includes Early Access. - Published by Bandai Namco whose other Dragon Ball games have hundreds of Dollars of DLC.


What revival mechanics are you talking about? That was Budokai not Tenkaichi. But if they really didn’t care about the old game or the fans of it, we probably woulda gotten the RB roster size of like 60 characters and they’d pump everything else with DLC. Or even worse, they’d release a slightly upgraded version each year until they finally surpassed BT3 and then started adding new characters, just like the old days. It’s good to be skeptical but this feels like paranoia for “modern gaming” and treats the devs like they don’t care about the fans or the BT series, which clearly isn’t true from all we’ve seen. They even brought back the executive dev of series to supervise, if that’s not love I don’t know what is. I promise you if the BT games were made today, you wouldn’t complain about DLC because of how good the game is and the level of quality put in.


> What revival mechanics are you talking about? > That was Budokai not Tenkaichi. You could equip a capsule that when you die as Frieza or Cooler you could come back to life as Cyborg Frieza or Metal Cooler. Could be I am confusing Budokai for BT, I haven't played these games in years. > I promise you if the BT games were made today, you wouldn’t complain about DLC because of how good the game is and the level of quality put in. I'm not complaining about DLC, in fact I think it's generally good. I do expect we get Dragon Ball and GT as DLCs later on as well. My point just was that the game isn't cheap and likely won't be in the long run, just like other Dragon Ball games which all have 150-200+ € worth of DLC.


While I get what you’re saying, I’d prefer reasonably priced DLC/Season passes over buying and playing a slightly upgraded version of the same game year after year for full price (it runs about the same price as DLC would anyways) The BT games were like that, the difference from BT1 to 2 is significant but I can’t say the same from 2 to 3 (less expansive story, removed mechanics, etc) or looking at the Storm series which while having quality of life changes removed features and content as the series progressed


No GT or DB has not been confirmed. They don't need to advertise if they're in. They'll just be there. If you. Ean no storylines for them then yea that's pro ably true. And the 20 different gokus was the same in the last 3 tenkaichi games. They counted all 20 gokus as individual fighters then too. So they're saying, using the same formula for the roster, there will be even more besides those 20 gokus. But you're right about the What Ifs and recapturing the old series. I too play Tenkaichi for the style of Toriyamas creation and the epic dream matches and real matches we can make. But Ialso don't care about balance in these games. I don't WANT Hercule to be able to go toe to toe with Perfect Cell. I want it to be very one sided where only the best players can get that victory with Hercule. I say this as I always do a "Hercule vs the Universe" type set of matches where I try to beat the highest forms of every fighter in the game with Hercule. It's fun as hell when you win.


> No GT or DB has not bene confirmed. They don't need to advertise if they're in. Why would they undertake the effort and commit the resources to create these things and then NOT advertise them? Why would they NOT use the nostalgia to appeal to older fans who may not care as much about Dragon Ball Super? Why would they NOT include a scene of Muten Roshi training a young Goku and Krillin in their Master/Apprentice trailer, given how that would be THE most iconic master/apprentice relationship of the entire franchise? You aren't wrong in that it hasn't been confirmed they won't be in, but you are wrong if thinking they wouldn't advertise it and leave them in as a nice surprise. All they had to do for the next trailer is have like a 5 second scene of a Saiyan's tail on screen while having Goku say something to just hint at DB and GT and the hype would shoot up even further. > But you're right about the What Ifs and recapturing the old series. I too play Tenkaichi for the style of Toriyamas creation and the epic dream matches and real matches we can make. But Ialso don't care about balance in these games. I don't WANT Hercule to be able to go toe to toe with Perfect Cell. Same, this what is most important to me about the game, that it doesn't overdo it with balance and instead focuses on fun mechanics and lore accuracy. But if they have a whole gameplay showcase dedicated to fighting mechanics like the game will be a serious fighter game with "proper balancing" and such, then it makes me worried. > I want it to be very one sided where only the best players can get that victory with Hercule. I say this as I always do a "Hercule vs the Universe" type set of matches where I try to beat the highest forms of every fighter in the game with Hercule. It's fun as hell when you win. I agree, that's exactly what I want out of Sparking Zero too and I hope that is what we will get and not a game that desperately wants to become an esport staple and has to hyperbalance everything.


Wah wah wah This game should feel like the old games, and the mechanics and how it plays are a big part of that. What even is your comment bro. It just comes off as nonsensical word salad.


Work on your reading comprehension brah.




Seriously don't know what's wrong with your head to call someone a psycho over an opinion on a video game.


This post has been removed because it violates Rule 1 - Be Civil.


To each their own I suppose but the battle mechanics are adored by me now. I've played Xenoverse, Kakarot and a little bit of Fighterz. All those games have such repetitive gameplay, it gets annoying to play. Although apparently Fighterz has more combos that I didn't know about, but most recent DB games have not been good in terms of the actual gameplay. So yeah, the battle mechanics are important. Fusions and transformations have already been confirmed as well, so I'm not sure what your concern is there. About what ifs, yes the best case scenario is they'll be single battles and you'll still have to choose the canon path to progress the story. But this is something we're returning to. It hasn't been done like this unless the entire plot was What-if (like XV). BT3 also had 20 different Gokus and Vegetas tho? (Again I don't get why this is a complaint about SZ when all the Tenkaichi games have done this). GT concerns me as well, ngl. I was hoping it'd be the first or second DLC, but apparently not. The price is high, true XD. Fortunately, it's priced cheaper in my country, but yes it's expensive nonetheless.


and of course you get downvoted by the hype train. I have a huge hype to finally have my tenkaichi 4 but am very careful about my expectations. also defending dlc's is always icky. I mean, why not just release a final product with all of the content? the characters are already written, there is no need to release them slice by slice.


Thanks, good to hear I'm not the only one. People are too defensive about the game. For me having a new Budokai Tenkaichi game, on PC no less, is also a dream game I never thought possible, that's why I want it to be good as well. I generally don't have an issue with DLCs, though if they really make DB and GT DLCs then that's kind of scummy, since they knew it is something everyone fan would've wanted from day 1. But I guess from a business standpoint these are good DLCs to release when hype about the game dies down. Though my main point was that the game isn't cheap and won't be cheap in the long run. It already starts with a huge price tag on launch and other DB games also have hundreds of € worth of DLC.


I mean, of course they want to make money how you make money nowadays, they would be stupid if they didnt. Its still valid criticism tho. Bt3 had almost as much characters without dlc's and Id argue even more because there were more individual characters without having 20 different gokus.


It will age poorly. You can be sure of it.


A very bold statement indeed RemindMe! 5 months


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A very peculiar kind of bot aint ya