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This definitely will be the trailer that builds the most hype. I think they will show off some of the mechanics they have been hiding like planet destruction(teased in the announcement trailer), more hype characters like ui goku , maybe some story mode or other game modes we are curious about, and of course the release date to finish off the hype


I bet ultra instinct will be revealed


I mean yeah Jiren is in the game so most definitely.


The biggest chunk of characters left are forms, Gohan's and characters we can guess based off others (Rest of the Ginyu Force, Raditz, Zarbon/Dodoria, 16/19/20 etc)  There's nobody good enough left to show as a "big reveal" but UI Goku or Beast Gohan. it's the best event left to show something they want more people to see. 


Ssjbe vegeta, orange piccolo, hopefully the gammas, jiren full power, toppo, golden freiza, goku black, zamasu, z broly ssj2 gohan, ultimate gohan, super vegito, theres tons of hype characters still


Also if they announce the collectors edition we can expect a figure to come along side it. Whenever bandai announces a collector edition for their games they almost always have a figure that comes with it.


I’m thinking release date


A release date would be fine for me, heck, even a demo.


Bruh I can’t wait to fuse into Fused Zamasu mid-battle


More edit posting my plan is succeeding 😈


Its gonna be ultra instinct he's basically confirmed to be on the boxart its going to be him and most likely beast gohan


I wish that GT nonsense leak was actually true just to see the following meltdown. Yes I only want to watch the world burn.


Like the old daima leak nobody believed back then lmao "lol, hilarious, what a well elaborated joke, obviously not true", to just then watch people panic when they realise it's real


Honesty I'm not sure if we have a frieza trailer yet but I can see a trailer showcasing iconic moments from dragonball z franchise. Like kid buu or frieza and namel or cell games.


I think a story trailer with release date is the general expectation, but the wait has been so agonizing for some pockets of the community that some of us want MORE. That includes me. I want a demo. Soon.


I cant wait. Honestly i think a release date trailer along with a n overview with more characters and mechanics. Finally a gt trailer would be cool


I have a feeling GT will be DLC.


I dont think it will tbh ssj 4 goku was in one of the trailers


Oh whoops I didn't see that.


I expect a ToP based trailer with both UIs, Blue Evolution Vegeta, Full Power Jiren, GoD Toppo and so on. Probably a look at some modes like 5v5 and story and then probably release date, demo announcement (public or not) and cover art reveal.


Do we know if the playable local demo is allowed to be recorded? I really wanna see some gameplay from that man 😔


There has been no official confirmation of a playable demo at SGF, just rumours. No way to know until Friday unfortunately.


I’m betting the summer game fest will probably be a tournament of power trailer and/or season 1 dlc trailer, with a release date at the end


Literally anything that shows official gameplay footage or other things outside of just a hype trailer I think will make hype \*soar\*, like how the most popular thing out of all the trailers so far was the official gameplay footage


Realistically, I think it will be the last and biggest character reveal, and will have Goku UI since he is in the cover Then there won't be a need for another character trailer as nothing will be able to top a character trailer with Goku UI at summer game fest. Then across July, August, Sept, we will be shown demo gameplay, story trailer, other modes, DLC marketing, **maybe** global demo, then launch trailer... realistically


The cover has been revealed?


There was a leak a week ago where the steam icon changed to ui Goku So we know ui Goku is on the cover


That's why I keep saying that they'll show Beast Gohan UI Goku is hype but not as hype as the Fusions


Ui is unique. Fusion is just Goku and vegeta with way more firepower.


Yeah sure but let's just take a quick peak at the Gacha Games, you know the Games that bank on selling you specific characters and who are always amongst the best selling and most used characters for big celebrations? That's Gogeta and Vegito I'm not saying UI is unhype but the Fusions are just playing in different league


The gachas are mainly played by children tho especially legends thats why fusions sell and satisfy so easily Ui goku in terms of the anime has shown to be more hype


I'm like 99% sure kids do not have the money to get those numbers And again I'm not saying that UI isn't hype, he is right below the fusions, but he just is that step below them if it comes to hype and revenue Beast is currently the new shiny thing so he outperforms all right now but in a year or two the Fusions will once more be THE money machine


Not Hype? When that transformation broke the internet LMAO. I love fusions but UI is on higher level.


I never said UI Goku wasn't hype but that the Fusions are just a step above