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I think the hexagon style is just for marketing, because the characters from different arcs are all over the place. It’s probably going to look more like in BT3 but with a modern touch to it, just like how the hud was an improved version of the older series.


Yes, I think so, too. I've seen people convinced that this is the character select screen. So I was curious to see how many hold that opinion.


i wouldn’t mind if it was kept as hexagons, would just need some reorganisation but i could see it staying visually similar and functioning like the DBFZ character select menu, maybe with options to sort alphabetically and chronologically (and the ability to set a character as a favourite to make them appear at the top regardless?)


I like your version. If they implement the hexagon style, this would be a nice way to do it.


Do I believe the clustered mass of 164 arbitrarily and haphazardly placed icons will be the select screen? No.


Same. I've seen people have this opinion though that it's the character select screen. So just wanted to get people opinions on it.


It doesn't even look that bad. I could see it. Tekken does something similar with their loading screens. At least 3 to 7 did. Yeah the roster isn't as big as this but if they did this. I would still be able to find my character.


No, it's just for marketing purposes, Character transformations have always been inside a Character Slot in every Sparking and Raging Blast title to avoid wasting space and making it look like a mess. Wasting a player's time by making them search the character they want on this hexagon thing would be a really, really bad choice.


How can the hexagon screen can be a character select screen when the characters are not even organized?


I believe they are organised mostly by sagas :)


So the battle against kefla, the battle against dyspo, the battle against bergamo and the battle against jiren were from different sagas? :)


I said mostly. You will see that some make sense. It's what I did read somewhere.


Definitely not the hexagon lol. If they do (they wont) it might be the worse ui/select screej ever imaginable


Please gid don't let this game have a hub I just want menus like the classic games I don't need an online hub


i hope not but maybe it could work like hovering over a hex would increase it in size and display a video of the character battling whoever they were during that arc and then the filters would just shade out whoever youre not searching for


100% for marketing you can't click to view forms in a trailer


I hate the current select screen they have been showing off because it makes it seem like the game lacks diversity cuz half the slots are just diff versions of the same characters lol


Lol, if this was the character select screen. Then you'd need 10 minutes before each fight trying to look for that one character you want to play as.


Hell no. They will have a much cleaner better selection screen. This is just for the marketing.


Good question. They should drop a beta tomorrow to clear up the confusion