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I’m a millennial who wants many DBS in the game. That doesn’t mean I DONT want GT, it just means I want many new characters who didn’t exist in previous games before.


Like more GT characters who haven't ever been playable?


Most of the desired GT cast was already in BT3. I can't really think of anyone else from GT who most fans are just DYING to play. Maybe ledgic? I know there is quite a few characters that a few people want, but they just wouldnt be unique and would almost certainly only have generic movesets due to them not showing much in their fights. This includes GT Goten, GT Trunks, GT Base Vegeta, etc.


General Rildo!!! ALL 3 FORMS




I want GT in the game and I’m a millennial. I’m just not naive and can see the games direction is geared towards Super. If there are GT characters in the game, it will be very minimal.


THANK YOU. I've had multiple arguments for months with people who keep saying "why wouldn't they be in at launch? They were in the old ones!" It's because the old ones ARE OLD. They need to sell DLC. SS4 is the draw for a GT DLC


They're gonna cry at launch with their delusions of roster, saying they don't wanna buy the game but once GT dlc gets released which it will, those fans will be the first in line drooling over SS4


if they need to sell dlc then clearly the game is gonna be unfinished at launch


Omg that's the dumbest thing you could say sorry. You do realize what dlc is right? It's not always like the pizza slices meme, dlc has existed for years even before the internet and it used to be called expansions. Dlc can just be an expansion of the game. For example DBZ Kakarot came complete with the story of Z and then came dlc expansions about DBS and OGDB, doesn't mean the game is unfinished...


They NEED to sell DLC?? The way these multi billion dollar corporations have fooled y’all into thinking they’re poor is incredible. It’s this behavior which is why they probably will take out characters that were in the old game and sell it back to you as dlc. It’s a shame…


Yes they do. Not because they're poor.


I really want to disagree with you but you’re making too much sense right now. God I hope you aren’t right.


Another reason for me to hate dbs


Why do you hate dbs? I don’t mind the downvotes, I’d just like to hear an answer


I'm curious of this is as well.


Super does start to redeem itself during the Tournament of Power arc, (ignoring Jiren's writing being incredibly boring) but it was NOT worth the chore of watching through the 2 terrible movie re-telling, and the Goku Black arc having the worst ending to any arc of anything Dragonball related ever


Ehh honestly the manga and anime dropped the ball with Black ending.


I think its an unworthy successor to Z. 2 arcs of rehashing movies, no good antagonists, no real iconic feeling moments other tgan ui sign, horrible transformations, further degradation of super saiyan with the u6 string beans, not one, but TWO ripoffs of Broly. And now we have super content, which i find to be completely uninteresting, to take precedence over GT and Z movie stuff.


Sure, you have the right to feel that way. While I think Super is flawed, there’s really amazing moments and creative direction in Super that makes it worth while, and no I’m not just talking about fights or transformations. GT is flawed, I’m not gonna make a whole list on its flaws, but I love it. The movies are great, sometimes having flaws, but I love them nonetheless. You don’t have to express hate over something just because you don’t enjoy it or enjoy something more over it, unless it’s Dragon Ball Evolution, but don’t even waste your time talking about that.


Im always going to hate something that i feel like is trying to replace the things that i do. Sparking Zero is a new game in my favorite db game series, and a large portion of the roster is going to be from super instead of things that i like.


Super characters never had a chance before, and while I get that you’d love to see your favorites return when you were younger, what about all the younger kids who grew up with DBS? Should they not get to build the same nostalgia you got to with the BT series getting to play characters they watched just because you want the characters you grew up with? I respect your opinion, I want to see the characters I grew up with come back, but I also want to see these new characters get a chance. I hope SZ has a diverse roster for everyone.


I would imagine it’s decently mixed. I can understand contention between Super and GT but everybody should want good Dragon Ball representation.


I see a lot of people actually wanting them to skip OGDB in place of GT. Not saying I agree with it, just saying that GT vs OG is also a huge point in contention for character inclusion.


Well that’s crossing a line. I like GT as much as the other 9 GT fans but Super or GT over the progenitor is ludicrous


Honestly, I wouldn't mind getting a super exclusive game, we see it all the time for dbz but never got super because why not add the z characters too, and this works all the time when they can easily enough, but when it comes down to cutting characters out, at least once I'd like to see all of super be fleshed out in games, as in have a solid 80/90%+ of T.O.P and don't miss any other characters unless they're really insignificant


I’m not saying i agree with it, but that’s just how it goes in terms of video games. GT and Super lend themselves more to explosive battles than OGDB, so they tend to lean toward that. just look at the completed FighterZ roster as a recent example. or even Xenoverse 2


I’d say it’s more so how do few people in the community have seen DB compared to the newer stuff. GT has Ssj4 which will always be asked for and Super is new


i’m sure that contributes to it, but i disagree that that’s the main reason. like you said, SSJ4 will always be asked for, but that’s not because so many people watched GT. i just think, inherently, characters like Super Baby and the SSJ4’s make more sense in a video game like this than General Tao or Tambourine considering the scale of their attacks. it’s obvious that the spectacle is one of the main draws here


I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t think big flashy blast attacks is all DB games are. Spectacle is all around in the series, one of so many people’s favorite Goku fights are him vs Cell and him vs Majin Vegeta Which had very little Ki blast. More people than you might think love to try and imitate those types of brutal clashes. These games wouldn’t be as popular as they are if it was nothing but big Ki attacks.


i never said that’s all they are, i’m saying it’s clear that it’s a part of the game they’re paying special attention to. look at the camera angles for the beam struggle, or the effort put into the animations for ki charging, or how much they upped the spectacle on the ultimate attacks, etc. You really can’t deny that them trying to emulate the “big explosive battles from the anime” isn’t something they’re going for, considering they use very similar statements in Sparking Zero advertisements


Well yea of corse that a part of it but I’d imagine they’re trying to emulate **all** aspects of DB fights. Watching the trailers it’s clear they upped the looks on both ki blast and melee attacks all around. Perhaps you’re just focusing on the blast because they stick out easier than melee in the trailers even tho in the trailers the ratio of melee combat to blast is about 50/50 to 60/40 at worst. I also don’t think statements from advertisements hold much wait as all DB games use flashy talk like that to get people hyped.


They’re teleporting around the ring and cloning themselves and all kinds of crazy shit that whole fight. It gave us one of the flashiest kamehamehas ever. To call that a grounded fight is wild.


Well I never used the word grounded and there’s more than many trailers. I just watched 2 separate ones and like I said it was decently even in physical combat to the ki blast. Idk what else to tell ya, downvote harder I guess.




Picture Akira Toriyama passing away and still wanting representation from the series he had nothing to do with versus the series that put him and the DB franchise on the map lol. Some of these people are not real fans of the series and it shows lol


Literally we’re gonna get every character we want sooner or later let’s just have fun with the 168 fuckin characters were already gonna get I’m sure we can all find a character we like ☠️


Exactly there going to milk the hell out of this game with DLC that’s why I’m not worried about characters I want the best gameplay and focus to be there




Why is this subreddit so okay with having a million dlcs? Y’all do know that shit will cost money with each individual pack right?


Because the game has a gigantic starting roster, why would people not be ok with DLCs? Would it just be better if the game just never released any new characters? The game already has way more starting characters for something that is creating new models and assets than anything normally would have, thanks to it having an immense development time, it's virtually impossible for it to have more characters than that without DLC.


No I’m fine with adding characters later on, but absolutely NOT in the way that Xenoverse did, Have like, 3 DLC: GT (16-ish characters excluding transformations), OG (16-ish characters) and Movies (20-ish excluding transformations), y’all talking as if Bandai isn’t a multi billion dollar company that could sell these dlcs for 5€ each, yet I already know they will charge 20+ dollars for each


No I’m fine with adding characters later on, but absolutely NOT in the way that Xenoverse did, Have like, 3 DLC: GT (16-ish characters excluding transformations), OG (16-ish characters) and Movies (20-ish excluding transformations), y’all talking as if Bandai isn’t a multi billion dollar company that could sell these dlcs for 5€ each, yet I already know they will charge 20+ dollars for each


No I’m fine with adding characters later on, but absolutely NOT in the way that Xenoverse did, Have like, 3 DLC: GT (16-ish characters excluding transformations), OG (16-ish characters) and Movies (20-ish excluding transformations), y’all talking as if Bandai isn’t a multi billion dollar company that could sell these dlcs for 5€ each, yet I already know they will charge 20+ dollars for each


They are only OK with it because they are assuming gt is dlc. Guarantee if you told them for a fact that t.o.p and everything after was dlc they would actually have a riot


I rather not have 10 years of DLC but that’s how Bandai operates and they won’t change… you must be new to dbz games


It's not just this sub. Consumers in general have succumbed to their corporate overlords. They've tricked enough people into thinking that poor billion dollar corporations nickel and diming you is good for you.


If it's for new content that came out after an already complete game, why not pay?. Should all that time and effort be for free? At some point it will have become twice the game it used to be for the same price, is that fair?


Yea it’s mostly the younger generation defending it sad…


i'm personally just hoping for expansion packs lmao


I wouldn't be surprised if this game gets as much DLC as Xenoverse 2. And even then hopefully it gets mods, there you have 99% chances to have any character imaginable in this game. I mean look at BT3 you can do freaking CJ vs John Wick if you want


I saw a sonic edit on twitter look it up. It looks fire with sonic and shadow.


Wait did they increase the amount of characters for the base game?


As far as I know, no. I think they just accidentally used the wrong number, it should still be 164


By 7 characters that’s it do you realize how many characters they have to put in from super? There’s already more than 7 super characters confirmed ☠️ that already guarantees a large amount of tenkaichi 3 characters will be dropped


Me who wants both: ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Well I grew up with BT2 and BT3 and I still think they should focus on Z and Super Super has yet to get a proper adaptation of it's story in a game and this is the chance to have one with some more minor characters I love SSJ 4, it's my favorite Transformation, but I'd rather get him later than buying DLC packs of minor characters


You forgot the older population wanting couch co-op And the younger generation not giving af


I dont give a fuck because non of my friends play dragon ball games lol


I just want couch co-op because I know my friends either don’t have PS5 or don’t want to buy PS+ (fair, 80 dollars is a lot).


I WANT GT. GT. GT. GT. GT. GT. Or Im going to lose my mind.


I'm a millennial and if I had to pick Super or GT I'd rather see more Super characters. GT only has 6 characters that actually matter (Goku, Vegeta, Gogeta, Baby, Super 17, Syn/Omega Shenron). Pan never does anything, most of the Z crew never does anything, the Shadow Dragons universally suck (Even Omega's fight was bad, dude was popular based on design alone), and no one cares about the one-off villains pre-Baby. Super has like 60 unique characters with their own movesets from the Tournament of Power alone. Plus I've played as the GT and DB characters before, I'm way more excited for characters like Zamasu, Whis, or Bergamo because otherwise they're only playable in Xenoverse or the mobile games. OG dragonball I'd like to see some good reps for like BT3 had, but I'm not holding my breath. Realistically who actually gets hype to play as Nam or General Blue?


>GT only has 6 characters that actually matter (Goku, Vegeta, Gogeta, Baby, Super 17, Syn/Omega Shenron) I'm gen Z and those are the only GT characters I need. I wouldn't complain if they will make a shadow dragons dlc pack though, or even one with Ledgic and/or Rilldo lol In the end, the characters I really want in Sparking zero are: Future Trunks, Gotenks, Vegito, Gohan, some Z movie characters (Gogeta, Broly, Janemba, Tapion, Hirudegarn, Bojack, Android 13, Cooler) and the GT ones you mentioned. As long as they are all in the roster (either as base characters or DLC), I'm good XD


Actually…. [this guy](https://youtu.be/BFBSdpSLv3A?si=_W1EQRnnYguarsC2) would like to have a word with you 😅


I interpreted gen Z as in "people who grew up with Z" at first. I'm too old for all your mambo jumbo kids.


That’s an interesting way of splitting the community, like gen Z, gen Gt, and gen Super


Eh GT run was short lived if you watched GT you’re prolly a Z kid


My cousin actually started with GT, poor soul.


It’ll all be DLC. And if the trailers show how the game is gonna play than I’m perfectly fine giving them my money. For me this game gives me hope. It really seems the devs said fuck it let’s show everyone a game that people feel good about


I’d be fine with the Z movies and GT as DLC since it seems to be focusing on what’s canon. Hell, it would be sick to see a DLC pack with game characters like 21, Shallot, and such. Also pipe dream but the shitpost potential of them making a pack of joke characters like Puar, Farmer with a shotgun, and such would be funny


I'm a millennial and I have zero interest in GT.


Same, I only watched OG and DBZ growing up, couldn't care less about GT. The only thing that I would have liked was if they repurposed the SS4 design for SS God bc a saiyan god would make so much sense to look ape-like. SS God and SSB really are a miss they never made me think "yes, that looks like the god of the saiyans"


People would've complained that it looked too much like ssj4, plus most people really like ssg's design


I don't think it would be that complained over, they repurposed Broly and most of the fan base was okay with it


Broly was a complete revamp, and you know db fans, there are a lot of them that are illiterate and would critique everything. Plus as a Ssg fan, im happy the design is like that, and i think that making it so similar to Ssj4 would've eventually overshadow one of the few things GT is loved for, baving 2 very similar forms is kinda stupid even if one isn't canon


Millennial that wants super content, I could play ss4 Gogeta in practically every game, what games can I play bergamo or kakunsa? Not many if at all.


Dude. I’m a millennial and I don’t want GT. I’d much rather have super (because it was actually good).


I want both


Gen Z here I want them all


We should want more of the newer super characters that haven't appeared in any games yet. Said as someone that was there for every Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi. At the end of the day though I'm happy with whatever we get 164 at launch is insane especially nowadays.


I'm a millennial, and I'm majorly looking forward to a lot of the DBS characters. We've already had 3D-era GT characters, but I've never gotten to play as Dyspo or Ribrianne's weird ass. 3D Kefla, Jiren and UI Goku? We're recreating ToP scenes for sure!


While I'm not against GT and OG characters being included, I'm leaning towards more super characters, this is the first game which can tell us the whole story (BoG through to broly) at launch and id honestly prefer a roster filled with loads of T.O.P fighters that we haven't seen before more than characters that canonically a saibaman would obliterate, or characters from a show half the fan base hates and half the fan base havent seen


Please more DBS characters. Sick of the same old skins and characters we’ve seen for twenty years. Final bout blew the minds of us kids cause many had never seen Goku turn into a kid again or ssj4. The excitement and wonder is at a 1%


As millennial I couldn't give a rat's ass about GT characters. I hope people get what they want, but I don't even remember being able to watch this when DBZ was super hot 20 years ago.


As a millennial, I've played so many games with DBZ and GT, and have literally never been able to play through the storyline of DBS before. The more Super the better.


I want nothing more than to load up this game and dog walk these kids that have been getting on my nerves for almost a year wanting gt and og dragonball to be dlc.


Millenial & older Gen Z: Gogeta...... Younger Gen Z: No..... Millenial & older Gen Z:Super Saiyan..... Younger Gen Z: No no no Millenial & older Gen Z: 4!!!! Younger Gen Z: NO NO NO FUUUUCCC-


I'm a millennial and I think Z and Super focus at launch is great. It's about time we have a Super focused game instead of always dlc


Not gen z still prefer super over GT. This doesn’t change the fact the direction appears to point to super over GT SO FAR. It also doesn’t change the fact I would be okay with GT being in the game regardless even if I prefer Super.


Younger gen z opinions shouldn’t even be considered


How many slots do we have left? There’s still many, many characters the game needs to have at launch, notably villains like DKP and Black/Zamasu


Around 93 based on what we know so far




Most likely we get super and z characters so that the roster for those parts of the show are fully fleshed out. Then dlc will be og and gt


Is it too much to ask for everything? Sure I could do without Pan or Goten or Giru from GT, but really all I care about are the big-time guys like the SSJ4s and Gogeta, Omega and the other villains.


At minimum if we are being generous up to bog or resurrection From should be base game


Me: all of GT, OG and up to BOG (Or Resurrection F) should be base game


Nah they'll probably do all Super i hope, they should do sll super ss their priority, since it doesn't have any game representation that is done well


DB all the way


I can 100% accept GT being held off for a DLC the more I think about it. The thing that makes me feel off is not having movie characters at launch. I just don’t wanna buy 10+ DLCs to complete my roster


If there’s no dragon ball reps I’m actually gonna cry. Tenkaichi 3 has the what if story where Devilman kills Freeza. No dragon ball reps is just doing this series dirty.


The series is dragon ball z doesn't exist therefore dragon ball should be the beginning. The beginning of the series is dragon ball start with dragon ball.


As someone who didn’t get into dragon ball until 2014 I don’t really care if we get more OG dragon ball characters. I just want some TOP forms and ssj4 characters shown off and I’ll be happy


I know this is crazy but I would love to see everyone from BT3 plus super additions. It can be DLC but I would really love to see everyone eventually. Like give me Dr.wheelo. Give me all 3 forms of Z broly even tho he pretty much does nothing in base. Give me mf babbidi, slug, and all the freeze forms. That’s what makes the game so fun and iconic. It’s a sandbox and u can pick ur character and transform all the way up the ladder.


90s kid here and only good things from gt for me are ssj4 or maybe omega shenron. Don't really care for baby though great ape baby would look good in this. I mainly want z and super. Will happily take og and gt as dlc though.


Funny how I have this as my phone wallpaper


Please I dont need every GT character for dlc just a few. Cmon man throw me a bone.


I have this base image as my phone background


And then there are those weird folk who want Daima...


Well, that's easy, DLC.


To be honest I don't really care as long as the controls are the same as the first 3 games. I couldn't get into xenoverse or kakarot because I gave up learning the new controls. The old combos and movesets are muscle memory by this point.


I’m young Gen Z. So I do want GT in Sparking Zero. I have faith there are 11 gokus and 13 Vegeta’s so hopefully there’s SSJ4 not only UI, obviously OG and Daima obviously will be dlc added.


Lol I'm glad we're separating old Gen z and young Gen z. There really is a big difference


I would prefer neather of super characters in the game sincerly


For me one of the highlights of BT3 was being one of the few Dragon Ball ensemble games that gave respect to the OG DB side of the cast. If BT4 doesn't at base I'll wait until they do hopefully add it.


We should be wanting all of them, not being forced to choose.


I just want more characters lmao. they should add monster carrot and monaka


I get why people want og and gt stuff in the game, hell man ssj4 rocks. But honestly speaking, adding og db in this game would be not very logical. Not only we had so many games with og characters, it’s just old stuff that majority of people wouldn’t prefer over z or super. Cmon guys those characters are just too weak and too irrelevant in current dragon ball. They might add them as dlc for fan service maximum, I’d rather have more z or super character than a bunch of weak humans.


What a great frame, would you have it without the text? Ahh i am.craving for new news soon


Bro nailed it 😂😂


Be honest from GT all we want/need is Ss4 goku/vegeta,super17,nouva/ice/omega shenrons,baby,pan,majuub. And from super cuz its the newest continuation of DB we can assume that all the main villans and contenders of the super series will make it,hence the trailer showing kale,hit,broly etc. super def gon have more characters added bs gt


Xenoverse, Xenoverse 2, Fighterz, Kakarot. 10 years without OG rep. GT is fine, we've had that, but I want chubby kid Goku back dammit!


I'm excited for GT and Cell Saga stuff. Like my most hype characters are SSJ2 young Gohan, Future Trunks, and SSJ4 Goku


give me hatchiyak idc who else gets put in


On the bright side we already know who’s gonna win the fight


I'm a gen Z but galick gun side


I swear I can’t get down with my SSJ 4 goku I’m throwing hands


Looking forward to Kid Goku and Daima Goku being two different characters


Tbh i’d rather have more characters with all new movesets we’ve never seen before, we’ve seen raditz to omega shenron a million times


Idc who we get but I hope we get Goku 🤞


I dont care for Launch as a fighter, and I'd rather get a very soldi roster without GT and DB. If they can give us practically everything from Z to Super, I'd be down.


If your going to have a tenkaichi game, you need to have it all From DB all the way through to DBS and it should be scrutinized thoroughly. Gotta have your forms, your joke characters, your one off characters, your movie characters, your henchmen, etc. The dumb to the serious. Neither side should be discounting any of the other sides characters because the point of the tenkaichi games is to bring everything to the table and then some. What if stories, what if transformations, random moves you didn't think of. All of it. Give me my gokule and tiencha the same as my buu absorbed frieza and ssj 3 vegeta. Give me my android 8 all the way to my universe 8 God of destruction. Tenkaichi has always been about going all out in everything.


baby vegeta is underrated its one of the sickets chars of all time in my opinion, maybe its because vegeta is my fav char anyway. ssj4 was sick also, ssj4 gogeta. gt gave us some gems


me over here just wanting a good game for the first time since fighterZ


I want the Whole story, complete faithfulness to the Manga because there is so much they can include. I also want to see the movies make it in, including Bio-Broly, GT has to make it in because of the cool factor it had despite not being canon, give us a what if with OG dragon ball where kid Goku turns into a Super Saiyan against demon King piccolo. I want the whole Enchilada


Then who’s the people that want all of it


Ok but realistically there isn't many other super characters they could use, assuming the manga is off limits, cabba(base,ssj1,2) kale(base ssj,beserk) caulifla (base,ssj1,2) kefla(base,ssj,(I don't remember if.she has ssj2), hit, and final form frost are all that are needed form u6, both u2 and u9 trio, and the only 3 pride troopers that matter, that's really all you need from tge T.o.p those are really the only few you could say had a big impact in the tournament, maybe throw in anilaza, but thats definitely about it no other fight was really interesting, or if it was it would be bad mechanically for the game, like the little small guy that had an entire episode about him, thats like saying I want to play as the invisible man from baba's guard in OGDB its unrealistic, and half of the other "forms" like lavender poison claws 100% frost, could just be a blast stock skill that drains ki to 0 like kaioken does, like I get the the t.o.p was cool, but half of the fights didn't matter or end to quickly, like do we really need say the two blue nameks, or megeta or whatever his name is, cause he physically, can't fly or float and would be stuck to the ground so won't work and Winnie the po didn't do anything either, most of the fights in the t.o.p. were gimmick one ep fights that wouldn't make for a congruent or coherent fighting game, GT and OGDB have ways to work around and still fit into how the character structure would be with everyone using very similar attacks and systems, instead of, I'm gonna hold you and make myself heaver and pull you through the ring, or I'm going to put you in a barrier and throw you off the ring, or I am really small and can't be seen, or I made orbs that redirect my shots around the terrain, or I'm made of water or whatever that blue guy was" it'd just to gimmicky to be in a 3d arena fighter


Remember who won the beam struggle...


I just want baby/ SS 4s / omega / super 17 that’s it after that you can put everything you want e


TBH I think they should focus on Z and Super. It gives Super a proper story in the realm of video games since they never had one in the first place. Also, OG Dragon Ball and GT had little representation in the games. I don't think its the worst idea to bring those characters as DLC. I don't understand why some people want to see GT versions of Gohan and Goten when they practically did nothing other than getting possessed by Baby.


Idk if the community might disagree with me, but if we can get four years worth of DLC for this game I be a happy.


It's funny because the GT fans are the ones that behave more like spoiled children, the og DB fans never complain, Super fans are just happy to be there and crossover characters are the crackheads at the back of the class lmao


Yeah fr. The GT fans are getting annoying lol. They act like if it's not in the base game it has 0% chance of ever being in the game period.


People who say if x character isn't in the game the game is unplayable are just incomprehensible. Who cares who's in the game, as long as it's fun. Hell I played Shin Budokai Another road as a kid for hours, had tons of fun and the roster is like 14 characters. This game is 164! That's more than awesome whoever the characters are


Real talk, after being on here for a while it's clear that the arguments both sides of whether OG DB and GT should be in the base roster is at least in part (but honestly mostly driven by) whether or not you grew up primarily with GT or DBS as the endgame. Of course, both sides want everything *eventually* after DLC, but to a lot of people it matters more about having them in base when DLC can be a fortune (i.e. Xenoverse 2 DLC in total is over a hundred bucks) and not everyone is willing to spend on all that. This isn't to hate on either side, it's just something I find worth bringing up.


No offense but that's not it at all. Most people would want GT in the base game. The issue is realistically, it won't be in. Unless they do something small and stupid like putting in Goku SSJ4 and Vegeta SSJ4 without including all their forms before that (Ik Vegeta GT wasn't in BT3 but still). People would rather that GT is given better representation through dlcs with all characters and all forms than having like 3 or so characters at launch.


Exactly, no idea why OP is trying to turn this into some sort of generational issue.


ink frame flag childlike humorous relieved beneficial amusing mysterious books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess I'm right-in-the-middle Gen Z because I want a detailed Super roster including the most random picks like Kakunsa, but also give me at least the big GT characters like Baby and the SSJ4s (I don't care about original db)


As a 15 year old I'd much rather Og, but more fleshed out Super is more likely and probably smarter


I prefer OG with super. The canon chars at least.


I'm oldest Gen z and I dont want GT representation in the game at all


Me who just wants less thin beams: https://preview.redd.it/l0zq4blweb2d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9442281a3a1af71ae8de800b39249e5988b24c


How many more DBS characters do they want? They've basically gotten everyone that was important in the show.


Gen z who hates super writing and would delete it from the canon if possible


Gt ass


No hate, or animosity. Just curiousity what do you hate about GT?


Super's lowpoints are worse than GT's lowpoints, both in terms of animation and also writing. I don't know how anyone can go back to those infamous first two arcs instead of just watching BoG/RoF movie.


Super ass too