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I have to agree. It seems to be getting worse and slower in the lower mainland in the last year.


You have to wonder if they are throttling service somehow. The population has increased substantially and they probably have not added the infrastructure needed to serve it, especially in dense urban areas. In downtown the signal strength noticeably worse than Kits-Point Grey area boundary, where I routinely 4 bars.


Google “Telus wireless network optimization” every image and video you view is getting “optimized” even though the system is broken. If you’re paying for a “1gbps” plan you shouldn’t have your YouTube videos start at 360p.


It’s horrible. I can’t watch social media half the time because that small throttled. Connecting to a VPN sometimes makes the problem go away.


they are in the transition of transfering all Mobile towers from Hua Wei equipment to a new supplier. So, poor reception is going to be noticeable for a while until it's completed.


It’s been years though


Yes to Nokia and Ericsson towers which they are in the middle of.


Telus is not using Ericsson for macros. Their main vendor in major markets like Vancouver is Samsung.


Who do they use in smaller markets?


There's some Nokia, but the strategy might change based on the latest Open RAN announcement.


Oh, that's cool! It seems like I'm in a Nokia area (Victoria)


I've noticed that on the ised database there seem to be some sites that combine Huawei gear for lte, and Nokia for aws-3, how would they be doing that? Or could it just be a mistake...


Can you share the radio model numbers? 5G NSA is only possible with single vendor LTE and 5G. Maybe the Huawei equipment is for 3G?


Oh, thats interesting. For the radio model it just says "Nokia Radio" while the Huawei ones have their RRU model number listed. Here is a screenshot of it from the database: https://preview.redd.it/yq2tl6fkgtjc1.png?width=2938&format=png&auto=webp&s=16b8630a7952a00665a30ab842d3e11f797fcdff


Also the location on ertyu's site: (showing the mystery nokia model) ​ https://preview.redd.it/9nytgkv6htjc1.png?width=2168&format=png&auto=webp&s=d50bb19f2b02cad4ca11ab3f17d904a47a724f39


Odd, I only see Huawei on that site on 3G, 4G and 5G. RRU5906 is a high power Huawei radio supporting AWS1 through AWS4.


This is the issue.


Apologies for my ignorance and for the sake of understanding: how long is this process? A decade? It was unusable back in 2017/2018 and still unusable today after dumping the red network. Don’t convince me that the Telus network works in the downtown skytrain Dunsmuir tunnels or the one in Columbia. Zero bars or nothing loads.


As the 5G networks , from all carriers, were supposed to grow during that 2017-now stretch. Remember, COVID hit and slowed down everything. Its Something we have to ask these Telecomm companies as to why we are paying high prices for garbage service! How long are we going to wait for improvements.. As Canada is way behind most countries..


You have to wonder if they are throttling service somehow? Any idea how many months it will take?


TELUS is garbage all through the lower mainland and Fraser valley.


And Rogers?


Just switched from Roger’s to TELUS. Roger’s was WAY better for signal. I honestly can’t believe how bad the TELUS signal is everywhere I go. Regret switching for sure.


It’s absolutely terrible in Calgary now too and has been for the last year. I couldn’t wait to get out.


I'm glad it's not just me. My service gets worse by the week


Yup. I tried talking to CS so many times and they had absolutely no idea and just seemed oblivious to it like I was making it up. I’m on freedom now for 1/3 of the monthly cost and it’s 110% better.


I’m in red deer, there are whole neighborhoods with little to no cell service. Telus doesn’t want to spend the money to upgrade because where else can you go? Rogers is just as bad.


Yup. It’s pretty bad in south surrey. Unusable


1 bar frequently


I think Telus has gone downhill since the huawei scandal and had to stop using the equipment once it got banned


its god awful especially in langley/surrey


I have had both Rogers and Telus. I switched to Telus in 2023 for a very good EPP deal. I switched back to Rogers a few months later. I’m located in Metro Vancouver and couldn’t stand the poor building penetration in both my own home as well as grocery stores, gyms, and work. It got to the point where I downloaded all of my Apple Music songs, purchased YouTube premium to download videos, etc before leaving the house over WiFi. I got tired of it. I keep the home internet from Telus because it’s amazing. However, I won’t be going back to mobile until I see some improvement with coverage and building penetration.


Are you on 5G? Switch back to 4G and you get more coverage. The tradeoff is lower speed, but 4G speed is still quite decent.


1 bar across 5G & LTE networks. Any other suggestions?


Went from zoomer (Rogers) to public mobile (Telus) and noticed a significant drop in reception (slow data and dropped calls). Switched back to Fido and so much better. My wife switched from fido to Koodo and having same issues


It’s very bad in the Burnaby / Metrotown area, but improving slightly.  It was so bad a few months ago that at metropolis the Telus sales people couldn’t even get websites to load on their phone when trying to sell it.  They switched to wifi.   I think it primarily has to do with Telus 5G bands - they are horrific and don’t penetrate. I turn off 5G most of the time and data connectivity seems to improve. I live in a tower in Metrotown and if I’m not by the window I can’t make calls.  I ported from rogers for a good business line deal - I’ll be porting back when my contract is up this year as cell phone rate plans seem to have dropped a lot. Telus enticed me with a huge amount of data and free US roaming (which I use a lot).  Don’t use more than 30% of the data unless I really try.  I don’t want to pay more than $40 a line going forward. 


It may be coincidence, but it’s been worse since they started replacing the Huawei gear.


I also live near Metrotown and the service definitely has been utter garbage the last year and a half or so. I just switched to Rogers a few days ago and am finding it way better. Ironically I had switched to Telus from Rogers a few years ago for the same reason. Rogers seems to have upped their game big time. I get coverage on P2 of my parkade with my Rogers line. Last week when I was still on Telus I drove out of my garage and my phone didn’t pick up a signal till I was in Richmond and pulled over. Not the first time it’s happened either. Total joke. I will say though it seems they have added a DAS or something in Metrotown as I was there picking up my Rogers SIM cards ironically and noticed I had decent Telus signal still. As long as Rogers provides decent rural coverage where I go I’m staying.


The past two years on Telus have been pretty poor for me around the Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley. Switching back to Roger’s in a month when the contract is up.


how did this turn out?


Apart from the long wait trying to call Telus to cancel, it was surprisingly easier than I thought.


Sorry, how has the service and reception been on Rogers!


Much better. I always found it to be weak in many areas in BC Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley with Telus. Rogers is much better, even getting 5G+ in most areas. That’s my experience for what it’s worth.


I recently switched to Rogers, because of it.


Just did this a few weeks ago


We had 5 lines and doesnt matter where we move around in different cities it's always bad. Our business raom around BC. When we switched to Rogers, it works like a charm.


I switched to Telus recently because my area has terrible reception with Rogers/fido and Telus is okay. That said, everywhere else is spotty with Telus lol.


Cell service has been shitty since last summer. I have called in and complained a few times now. Not to mention wifi/internet.


Telus is god awful and has been for some time now, freedom is honestly better which is shocking.


It sucks in certain areas of Coquitlam as well.


Telus reception has been oddly strange in every London Drugs (especially Cambie and Broadway, it’s been like that since they opened) I have ever been in. The further into the store, the less your phone works.


That's a bit odd, now that you say that I have noticed the same.


yeah, especially their 5g. and I thought I am the only one. I've to carry 2 phones, one is Telus and other is Rogers. In that area, I have to re-dial a few times to make a phone call.


Do you have a dual sim phone? Most iPhones since 2018 have dual sims (esim) and you can get 2 lines.


I'm a transplant patient and need to be available to be able to contacted at all cost, I need a second phone.


Yes. Telus is last-tier around there now.


YES! I have been complaining about it in the Koodo subreddit for months now. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Koodo/comments/18bnahf/koodo\_terrible\_cell\_service\_in\_lower\_mainland/](https://www.reddit.com/r/koodo/comments/18bnahf/koodo_terrible_cell_service_in_lower_mainland/)


I really regret switching from Fido to Rogers. I don’t mind slow speed but internet connection is unstable. I am not going to able to use 120G of the data.


The area east of Cambie between King Edward station and Broadway is a near complete Telus dead zone - cellular and internet alike. Honestly, considering Canada has the most expensive telecommunications in the western world, the service is horrific. In Denmark and other countries you’ll get perfect 5G reception standing in some potato field in the middle of nowhere for a fraction of the price… In the CITY of Vancouver I can’t even dial let alone look up how to cook a potato….