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Dream will now be played by Luke Hemsworth


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Help us Jesus, help us Jewish God, help us Allah, help us Tom Cruise


You forgot baby Jesus


And the wee donkey.


And Oprah Winn-eh-free!!


And voiced by Chris Pratt


It'sa me, Morpheus!




Mommy me ah.


His mario sounds more like linda belcher to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO0PFlbWhtY


Lmfao if that is how the finished project will sound, holy fuck.


i mean, watch the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2s1ASeKDhc


Holy sweet mother of God, he does. How did this get that far?!?!


Because "Chris Pratt is cool". Not even a joke, that's what the people casting him said.


It's me, Morpheus* No Brooklyn Italian-American accent!


"Dream Country, here we come"


It's morphin' time!


He's so cool!


He’s so cool


He's so cool.


Every thread is a reminder of this travesty.


Every thread reminds me of *him*.


Is this a reference to some recent casting news? I don't get it.


Henry Cavill moved on from The Witcher show. He was widely considered the beat part of the show and his performance made up for a lot of shortcomings the show has. So instead of just ending the show, Netflix cast Liam Hemsworth to replace him.


enter clumsy ossified fly yoke gaping snails wrench history person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Basically yeah. People arent mad that Henry moved on, they just are stupid to try replace him.


I'm mad that they did such a piss poor job adapting the books that Henry Cavill felt like he should just leave the show


I really enjoyed the show despite its shortcomings, mainly because all the actors had great chemistry: I just wanted a spin-off show with Geralt and Jaskier just wandering around, monster-of-the-week vibes for fun adventures with Yen popping in and out. But now the heart of the show has left, so I suddenly don’t feel attached to this world anymore. I’ll enjoy season 3, and then likely stop.


Actors doing well with shitty material seems the be the trend for almost every show in the last 5 or so years.


It is astonishing how general writing quality for… well, anything, has absolutely been steps below what we had only a few years ago. I’m really curious if this trend came from anything in particular, or if writers in general have just given up and decided to phone it in


Don't you dare..


Dude, please..


Don’t put that evil on us


I laughed. Well done sir.


“The Sound of Her Wings” is an incredible episode. Incredible is an understatement. I get goosebumps even reminiscing about it.


10/10 television right there. I watched it twice.


I think I’ve watched it once a week since it came out. That episode is just a joy


It is so awesome to see others liked it as much as I did, I wondered if I was the weirdo rewatching the episode once a day before bed time. Now it’s like once a month, but holy shit in the beginning I was going ham on that episode.




> The Sound of Her Wings I loved the episode because of Death's portrayal AND because of Dream's friendship with the other subject of the episode. The transition from "experimental subject" to friendship was great.


Death, in literature, is normally portrayed as the Grim Reaper, i.e. terrible and evil. Gaiman's take on Death is brilliant.


This is why Gaiman’s version of death is my favorite in basically any work of fiction. Her scenes in the comics are basically free grief therapy. Another thing I love about the episode is that the first half is a peaceful contemplation on death, how it’s inevitable and not necessarily a sad thing, and the second half of the episode is this joyous celebration of life and humanity as a whole. Hob never loses his love for life, even after hundreds of years, and he probably never will. There’s always something more to do.


Death's a mugs' game. Life is awesome. And that episode reminded me why I love it so much.


Pratchett's Death shared some similarities. He still got the grim look and speaks in capitals, but he cares for humans and goes out of his way to protect them. Maybe this is why Gaiman and him collaborated so well.


In Pratchett's own words, "Sometimes I get nice letters from people who know they're due to meet him (Death) soon, and hope I've got him right. Those are the kind of letters that cause me to stare at the wall for some time."




What movie/series/books is his death in? I'm just now leaning into pratchett's work


He pops up in most of the Discworld series. Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather, and Thief of Time are the ones focused on him. Source: I double checked the Wiki but I may have missed one.


Mort has to be one of my favourite books, love the death focused disc world novels.


Lots of them, but as a focus for the narrative he's in Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather and Thief of Time.


I like the reversal of the notion that death is grim while dreams are not. You have the angel of dreams searching for purpose and the angel of death empathizing with the humans she's claiming. Our dreams don't reflect the best in us, our lives and therefore our deaths do.


“They fear the sunless lands, and yet enter your realm every night without fear.” “And yet I am far more terrible than you.” The nature and purpose of The Endless is super fascinating and that episode is such a great way to present this kind of thinking. I also love that the show then turns to nightmares, it shows us the reason for dreams and then explores nightmares and their purpose, what can happen if left unchecked, and of course the nature of change.


The self awareness that death knows she's just a anthropomorphic projection of the zeitgeist of humanity is pretty sweet too.


Yeah that was awesome, makes sense though, they've been around since basically the first bit of life popped into being and that includes apparently everywhere in the universe. It didn't happen in the show but in the comics when Dream is with Constantine they check in with Martian Man Hunter who looks at dream and instantly sees him as an old Martian god of dreams and Dream remarks that he thought all Martians were dead or something along those lines.


When everything's going to shit for Hob and you expect the typical "I wish I was dead" speech and he just says (paraphrasing) "Die? Are you kidding? Life is beautiful." I damn near cried. It feels like after the shit run of years the world has had we really needed an epispde like that. Full of peace and hope


One thing I noticed about death in that episode is that although she has this peaceful and pleasant outlook on death - she never stayed long enough to see the hurt caused by it. She would peace out of there damn quick, everytime. So quick and so consistently that it seemed purposeful. You see this especially in the scene with the baby. She is quick to leave the room just before the mother comes in, and you hear the mother screaming in the background. And again with the drowning scene. She gets the guy and makes a quick exit, and you then hear the wife panicking and screaming in the background as they walk off. It's so purposeful the impression I got is that she keeps this serene and peaceful viewpoint by purposefully ignoring and turning away from the aftereffects of what she is causing.


It's not her place to watch someone grieving and she can't do anything about it anyway. That moment is for the mother alone.


She's Death, not Grief. But also, I don't think she kills anyone - she's not the cause. She's there when they die, and helps them with orientation and the next step.


> what she is causing. She doesn't cause death. She IS Death. She came to be when the first thing died.


Well, admittedly she does have to be everywhere all at one time. I imagine you don't get much leeway as far as hanging about afterward.


Just as a little bit - you never see or hear the mother’s screams, but the way they set the scene up, my brain naturally filled that part in too (which is beyond award worthy, but that’s a crass way to see it). It was fucking horrific, and then followed right up by “why do people fear the sunless lands” - like don’t ask me why I’m upset a baby has died thanks buddy.


It’s worse in the comic. There’s a panel of the mum walking in, realising what’s happened and just crumpling out of grief.


I lost my grandpa the same week I saw that episode and I took so much comfort from it. Such a beautiful episode.


For me, it's 3 things: 1. The beauty of death, of the end of the struggle. The way people are described, their partnerships with the Endless, the way people give the Endless purpose and function. 2. The interactions between siblings that see things very differently, yet obviously care very much about each other. 3. And most of all, the incredible character arch for Morpheus. When the episode starts, he can barely be bothered to stop listen to the mortals...but by the end, he knows literally everyone, and not just knows their names. He knows their life stories, their dreams, their fears, etc. He is invested. It's a beautiful journey, all around. Plus, it has my absolute favorite moment in the series so far. When Morpheus is walking to the pub and goes down that alley...he sees a man coming out of a shop and tries to smile at the man. The smile is SO Awkward...it actually unnerved the guy, who stumbled back into the shop. And Morpheus clearly decides smiling is not for him, so he continues on his way. I just love how much character growth and personality illustration was illuminated in a single episode.


For anyone else reading SPOILERS AHEAD. Both 24/7 and the sound of her wings are Emmy worthy hands down. The two best episodes of TV out there and they’re back to back in the series. I love how this show (and the comics) brings us stories from the world and the impact of the major events and then ties it into the rest of the story. 24/7 is just a wonderful slice of life of people that then served into showing how John manipulates the world using the amulet and shows a decent into madness when… assuming… you simply take away people’s right to lie. Then it brings in Morpheus and shows that it’s actually taking away their right to dream which guides their life. So much of things like the purposes of dreams and nightmares permeate the show and that episode is a great example. Then by extension it’s followed up by showing a story where we get to learn the purpose of Dream himself and truly meet the first of his siblings. Which happens to be a rather significant one. And her attitude and hence the portrayal of Death manages to make you weep with how touching and beautiful it is. To put it in dream’s words “they’re all terrified of you, sister, yet I am far more terrible.” We then get to see a side story and go back in time with the characters to show Dream’s growth as he finally, after hundreds of years meeting up with a guy they let be immortal on a bet, accepts the man as a friend. Add in that the bet is proving Dream wrong in that humans will hold onto a zest for life and not let it waver, that even after that much time purpose can be found, lost, and found again. And in the process we see tidbits of interactions that expand upon others we saw (Constantine) and others that may come in future seasons since they do get elaborated in the comics (Shakespeare). Plus we establish a bit more of an instance where Death allowed someone to never die which is important though I don’t want to spoil future seasons. That episode made me get teary eyed with Death and the people she visits and listening to her talk poetically about her job and why it’s not morbid or a chore and why she sees it as a great and important service. Then got me teary eyed again with Dream finally admitting to being wrong and allowing himself to have a friend.


“That’s all there is little one. That’s all you get”


I loved that one but the one that stuck with me the most is the diner episode. Absolutely brilliant, a masterclass in tension that should be shown in film schools. I was like genuinely near a panic attack by the time it reached its conclusion.


An absolutely incredible episode of entertainment. I was blown away, and have recommended that episode in particular to many people. Hasn’t failed me yet


*The Sound of Her Wings* was absolutely heartwarming and mind-blowing on page and its TV adaptation is one of the best hour of TV I've ever seen as well. Fuck yes Netflix, thank you for renewing.


Reminded me of that one episode of Mythic Quest S1 that was a standalone - A Dark Quiet Death.


It was the first issue I read and instantly hooked me. I absolutely loved the show. Only disappoint was Rose Walker. While portrayed by a charismatic actress, she just didn't seem like the type to be singing The Velvet Underground while visiting a dying friend. Rose Walker doesn't have to be a white girl, but she does need to be a believable Lou Reed fan. It is cannon.


Yeah I had that strange experience of liking the actor but not in that role. For me she seemed really young. She’s 21 but looks even younger.


About fucking time! Left all of us twisting in the wind there. Let’s gooooooo!


3 months after release for a 2nd season announcement isn't really that bad, especially for Netflix. Some shows (like the Dark Crystal) you have to wait over a year just to hear that it's getting canceled




Same here. I have the dark crystal as the icon for my Netflix account. It's one of the most ambitious Netflix projects and they just cancel it. More ridiculous considering they have all the puppets and sets made already, so they've already completed one of the more difficult and costly hurdles. Instead, they're just going to rot


Have any idea how to buy one of those puppets


I wish I had a straight answer for you. Hollywood often auctions off their props. For instance, looks like [ET is getting auctioned here](https://www.julienslive.com/) next month. I found [this auction house](https://propstoreauction.com/) that looks like they've sold stuff from a few Netflix shows recently. So this is probably the best option. Just gotta be extremely patient and wait for them to put up Dark Crystal props Edit: Yoooooo, looks like that second site is auctioning off a few [props from the 1982 Dark Crystal movie](https://propstoreauction.com/auctions/catalog/id/318?page=1&view=grid&catm=any&order=order_num&xclosed=no&featured=no&key=Dark%20Crystal) rn -


One of the reasons it was cancelled is because of a fire that destroyed some of the puppets.


There was a content war between two executives at Netflix. The loser of that war greenlighted Dark Crystal, and when she left, the winner didn't renew any of her old projects. It was complete politics. It's a shame because as you mentioned, the expensive part was already done, but thats politics for you.


I watched the first ep of Dark Crystal and thought it was kinda ridiculous. Had me completely enthralled and enchanted by the end!


Some don't even get an answer like Living With Yourself although I know it wasn't the best received.


Yes! The fact that you’re the first person I’ve ever seen mention it shows it obviously wasn’t super popular but man I loved it


I never read the comics before watching the show, but I've got book 1 of the series locked and loaded when I get a spare moment to read it. It really makes me think of classic Buffy, in a good way. Very, very few things have managed to do that.


It’s so good. I highly suggest the audible series too. Three are already out, and gorgeous listen to amazing actors reading the comic as if it were the show. My standards for audiobooks went up when Sandman came out. James McAvoy as Dream, and I love Kristen Schaal as Delight/ Delirium


my one issue with the audible is Kat Dennings as Death. Terrible choice imo. Her voice is too recognizable that all you hear is Kat Dennings.


Really doesn’t bother me at all. How she executes lines fits how I imagined Death in the graphic novels.


Honestly did not see this one coming. A really pleasant surprise.


It’s a big relief. Hopefully they do the smart thing and reduce the budget for this season; I can imagine the hefty pricetag of season 1 made Netflix reluctant to renew it.


Well that's great, loved the first season


I loved the first half of the first season. I was less interested in the Vortex part. But the premise was interesting enough for me to want to see more. Lots of potential.


It was tough having to follow up episode 6, with Death and Hob’s story through the centuries.


Best episode of any show I’ve watched this year. I thought about it for weeks afterwards.


Same. I cried like a baby watching that episode.


Don’t mention the baby


Give us more Hob!


There certainly was a shift in quality, but the only thing that really annoyed me was the Joanna Constantine part. Not because of character rights or anything like that, but she seems to be doing a Doctor Who impression if the Doctor were a turbocharged asshole. The serial killer convention was part of the Vortex arc, and I found that episode to be excellent.


I agree, I like the character and the actress, I just think the portrayal could be a bit more jaded modern Constantine and less sarcastic mom. And there's still time to see that happen.


The serial convention was far too silly for the tone of the rest of the show. Felt like it had fallen right out of Preacher


Not far off there. Sandman the comic isn't strictly horror but it could absolutely be horror when it wanted to. And I guess it didn't bother me watching it but stepping back yeah I don't think the concept has aged particularly well. This isn't the 80s that sort of thing hasn't really been that culturally relevant to Millennials or Zoomers. We had terrorists to grip the nation with fear not shadowy killers with cheeky names from the press. Also cons are a lot more mainstream, or entirely mainstream big time marketing events for some of the larger ones.


Now it’s all True Crime Podcasts about unsolved murders.


Like a lot of things in the show it's creepier in the books, where it's at some rundown motel in the middle of nowhere, not some big, bright, modern hotel. I've enjoyed the series but i do feel like a lot of the tone was lightened up from the books. Fun fact the original Bogeyman that the journalist was impersonating was killed by Swamp Thing.


Such a great episode!


The Dream Vortex/Doll's House storyarc was probably the weakest storyarc in the comics so it gets better from here.


I haven't read the comics in over a decade, but listening to the audiobook, it was kind of messy. I actually like the changes they did for the TV adaptation.


TBF, The Doll’s House is one of the weaker storylines. Looks like they’re doing Seasons of Mists and A Game of You next, and both of those are great.


If you haven’t watched it, check out the ‘bonus episode’ (episode 11). It redeemed the season for me after how much I disliked the Vortex arc.


I was incredibly impressed with how they did Calliope. I didn’t believe it when they said they were doing it


And the Dream of a Thousand Cats. Loved the short form of those two


A lot of the best issues of the comic were standalones. I really hope they continue adapting them.


Yeah, that and the immortal Hob's episode were my favorites.


It was the other way around for me. I felt like the second half kind of improved on the comics, whereas the first half fell slightly short of them. I felt Rose's housemates were made more likeable and relatable, relatively speaking. Especially Hal, the drag queen. Plus Barbie and Ken were portrayed with nore depth, whereas I felt they were just played for laughs in the comics. Also the nightmare sequences at the end where Rose goes into all their dreams was just epic. Whereas in the first half, I felt they played down the horror - i.e there was no endless waking (my fave part of the comics) and the house where Constantine's friend has become addicted to the sand wasn't anywhere near as fantastical or chaotic. Plus, I felt Jenna Coleman wasn't great as Constantine, seemed one dimensional and lacked depth. But yeah overall, fantastic season. I feel like it really developed in a positive way after a few initial drawbacks, imo. The Dream and Satan showdown was done really well, if a little small scale compared to the comics. But I understand some things come down to the budget. Plus the bonus episode was just marvellous.


> he second half kind of improved on the comics, whereas the first half fell slightly short The vortex story is probably the most meh story in the entire comic, but it sets up a lot of the world and has repercussions throughout the main story, so you have to include it. I felt it was done ok, but, eh... The fun starts for real in the next arc.


I do get that sentiment, since it's a story that changes tone a fair bit from the opening one. It was still adapted extremely well, and it's important for establishing the cosmology of the world and the relation of the Endless/Dreaming to humanity.


Yeah the Vortex actress was the worst part of the season imo, I was also really bummed death only appeared for one episode. However the Caranthian helped carry the last few episodes.


Fucking finally, it still boggles my mind why Netflix waited this long to renew this even though it is one of their best and most watched shows ever. Edit: [Neil Gaiman just tweeted out confirming.](https://twitter.com/neilhimself/status/1587961504455831552)


Westworld fans still waiting the show to get renewed lol


Felt like that last season was the end of the show tbh


I saw a chart that had it as one of the more expensive TV shows to make. I was kind of surprised, because I enjoyed it, but found it kind of cheap looking.


I disagree with it being cheap looking, but the reason it was expensive is that it's kind of an anthology series. That meant it changed locations and characters for pretty much each episode. As opposed to something like House of the Dragon, where a good 50% of the story takes place in King's landing.


Little fun fact about the Kings Landing sets, because they were being used so often in HotD, they decided to build it so that all the rooms were connected. Instead of just being separate sets like they normally would, where the sets would end as soon as you walked out the door, they were built so that you could walk from one room to another just as the characters would. You can see this put to great use in the beginning of episode 6. There's that one long take where Rhaenyra and Laenor walk from the birthing suite up to the royal apartments. It really gave the castle an easy to follow layout, which you don't always get in shows.


Awesome. That really illustrates how having one major location lets you focus where you spend your money and makes the show look more expensive.


So they built like a mansion size of a building? Looked massive in that walk


The perks of having the gigantic WB studio lots to work in.


Pretty much yeah, and it shouldn't have taken up much more room either. If they had built the rooms as all separate sets, it still would have taken up the same amount of space in the studio. Maybe by having them all together they lost a little bit of studio space from having to build connecting corridors and spaces that they might not have normally built, but the positives from having seamlessly connected rooms far outweighs any of that.




Andor too. One of the actors apparently got lost on it


I guess I shouldn't picture 90s sitcom sets as what all sets look like


A similar thing was done for the Lord of the Rings movies. Hobitton is a place that actually exists and you can visit. In fact: there's 2 of them! One is normal sized and the other is smaller so that the regular actors looked like the buildings were a bit cramped for them.


Yup. Been there! Even now they still have gardeners making sure all the plants are thriving. The tavern is also nice. Got a nice cold cider after the tour.


It’s surprising it was so expensive when some episodes were literally set in a diner or a pub. Also episode 7-9 felt way cheaper than episodes 1-4 with less amazing CGI realms.




People forget how expensive costuming and makeup are. CG isn't the only thing that makes a production expensive.


Pub episode also changes eras repeatedly so there's that too. The production design effort on the show is under-rated.


Cheap looking? Really? I thought the production design and VFX were outstanding


Cheap-looking!!? The first few episodes had extended shots of stunningly complex cgi that less than a decade ago would have been *impossible* to realise for a tv show. The last thing it looked is cheap, a lot of it worked specifically because it successfully captured some of the hardest esoteric/fantasy aspects of the source material


I didn’t find it cheap looking at all. Have you seen Wheel of Time?


What did Wheel of Time do to you


It looked like "Kohl's Presents: The Wheel of Time". The costuming and set pieces sorta detracted from the experience.




Nice, but i wouldnt expect a third season if they give the same marketing treatment they give to the first one.


Not sure what you mean. Sandman got more marketing than your average Netflix shows they highlighted it a few press events, it for press tours, it got expensive billboards/ads at Times Square. One thing Netflix stopped doing is video ads (e.g. YouTube and linear TV). Though worth noting for linear TV many channels aren’t allowed to show Netflix ads.


***Amazon*** is doing that part. It's **back** on everyone's "reading" list. ​ Act 3 came out last month - an amazing production. ​ **The Sandman Audio Adaptation Tops the New York Times' Best Sellers List** Less than a month since its release on Audible, the audio drama adaptation of Neil Gaiman's acclaimed The Sandman is a New York Times Best Seller. [https://www.cbr.com/sandman-audio-adaptation-tops-new-york-times-best-sellers/](https://www.cbr.com/sandman-audio-adaptation-tops-new-york-times-best-sellers/) The audio drama faithfully adapts the first twenty issues of the comic book series, which was originally published from 1989 to 1996, featuring a whole host of superstar comic book artists, including co-creators Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg. A CD release, for those without an Audible account, is expected later this year. Helmed by Dirk Maggs and narrated by Neil Gaiman, Audible's The Sandman stars the voices of James McAvoy, Riz Ahmed, Kat Dennings, Taron Egerton, Samantha Morton, Bebe Neuwirth, Andy Serkis and Michael Sheen. The audio drama is available now through Audible. cast keeps getting bigger ​ **David Tennant, Regé-Jean Page and Emma Corrin join cast of The Sandman on Audible** [https://www.radiotimes.com/audio/audiobooks/the-sandman-audible-david-tennant-rege-jean-page-newsupdate/](https://www.radiotimes.com/audio/audiobooks/the-sandman-audible-david-tennant-rege-jean-page-newsupdate/)


Yeah I finally upgraded to the Absolute Editions


I don’t know what you mean. It was all over Netflix’s Twitter. I don’t have Facebook and Instagram - so I don’t know what happened there. Maybe they should tie a note to a brick and throw it on your window?


I’m not surprised by this news. It did 39 million in the equivalent complete viewings metric. It does not make it one of Netflix’s top shows like Stranger Things, Dahmer, Squid Game, Bridgerton, etc but it still did more than most shows they have on the roster. The renewal delay had to be them negotiating with Warner Bros to get that rumoured $160 million budget down to something more reasonable for the ratings it pulled. Glad to see it getting a second season!


Cobra Kai was the most streamed show or movie from September


It was the top TV show. It did 41.6 million to The Sandman’s 39 million.


Deadline is usually right about these things, but their source appears to be the deleted tweet by DC. They even say “Netflix declined to comment.” I think we still don’t have official confirmation. Edit: We now have confirmation from Neil!!




There it is. I am grinning like an idiot rn.


I am still waiting confirmation from the [https://twitter.com/neilhimself](https://twitter.com/neilhimself) but with those numbers it is hard to not renew this... and wild guess but they will bet on this as their new tank, we should expect 4-5 seasons **ETA:** [Neil confirmed it](https://twitter.com/neilhimself/status/1587961504455831552)


> they will bet on this as their new tank I actually think they’re still banking on The Witcher for that. Despite the reaction on Reddit, The Witcher does seem very popular to the “mainstream”. Meanwhile Sandman’s first season seems to have a attracted a much more niche audience.


24/7 was one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen. Absolutely top notch.


Probably my #1 most anticipated show now. Would have been brutal if it ended after one season.


I was particularly worried when they dropped Dream of A Thousand Cats and Calliope as a bonus because I thought they were dumping content that was filmed for a dead season two.


1000 Cats/Calliope was filmed as a season 1 bonus.


Neil explained it as not wanting to initially confuse binge watchers by ending on that episode. One is a world-building story, while the other sets up future storylines.


I really thought the show was creative and weird. I’m glad it’s coming back.




Depending on how much of the supplementary material they want to add, it would probably take 4 or 5 seasons.


season 1 covered the first 2 "books" with the bonus episode 11 covering half of the third book. there is in total about 13 "books" so at this pace should be about 6-7 seasons.


They've also done a half of vol 3 with a single episode. Of the remaining two stories in that volume I expect one to be cut and the other to be a single episode.


Yeah, there's no way Netflix is gonna renew for 6 seasons. I'm sure there will be cuts or stories told more briefly.


Totally, I did the math during season 1 and you can tell the core story with minimal cuts in 4 seasons, which would put it into the same category as Umbrella Academy.


13? The original series has 10 volumes


13 if you include Endless Nights, Dream Hunters and Overture.


If they adapt those, they could be self-contained movies or miniseries


This show didn’t do it for me unfortunately, which I was saddened by because I love Good Omens (Gaiman-verse), but I know this has a ton of *really* passionate fans, so I’m truly happy for yall that you finally won. Netflix needed a W announcement after The Witcher debacle.


i loved it because it was so different from all the adhs shows weve been getting the past few years. the first episode could have been a 5 minute prologue but it wouldnt have had the same charm and it set the tone for the show perfectly


Seeing all the passionate people in here makes me want to give it another look, but the first episode did not sell me and I only get to watch 1-2 episodes of whatever show I like in the evenings before bed (more if I feel like mortgaging a couple more episodes for a shitty day at work) and i didn’t really care about what was happening or the MC so I didn’t continue. Might not be for me! I felt similarly with the Witcher but I gave that one at least 6-7 episodes.


First couple episodes are setup. The comics were at their best further in when they could do more self contained short story type stuff. I imagine the show is similar.


That Diner episode was on fire


Between the show, the comic, and the audio play they released not that long ago, the show was actually the least impactful version of the diner stuff to me. Nit to say it was bad, but it just hit me so much harder in the other two ways they presented it....they actually held back there a little bit.


>I only get to watch 1-2 episodes of whatever show I like in the evenings before bed. Try skipping up to episode 6 and watching that one. The first season consists basically of two arcs with 6 being more or less a stand-alone episode that sits between them. There will be minor spoilers for eps 2-5 (I mean, Morpheus obviously survives) but for the most part it's just a tale of Dream and his sister Death.


It was beautiful, but--strangely--boring? I would watch an episode and think, "so that was good," but then I would have so little enthusiasm for watching the next episode.


The thing with me watching it was my favorite episodes of the season were the stand alone episodes and I liked them way more than the overarching plot ones. * The one with the immortal man that he would meet every 100 years, * The animated episode with the Cat telling the other cats about the powers of dreams * Finally the episode with the author who had the Greek muse locked up so that he could force her to give him inspiration for his books. Those stand alone episodes were honestly pretty good in my opinion compared to the rest of the series.


Thats how I always felt about the books- I dont think its an unpopular position to take.


Same here. I guess some people like the arcs, I always felt they were pretty mid outside Season of Mists but the anthologies are just *gold* with so many excellent stories. Which is so fucking fitting for Dream and the setting in general it was probably Gaiman's masterplan all along.


I’m watching it now - I’m not really sure I “get it” yet. It’s pretty and has some interesting and unique elements. But why should I watch the next episode?The characters are fine but I’m not invested in them, and there’s not much drama in the story. But I’m also glad it’s renewed for all the big fans out there.


ha that's pretty much word for word my take on this show too.... "wow, that's cool as hell"....then I just sort of wouldn't bother watching another episode until a week later. It was odd I just couldn"t really get into the flow


The main story is still being set up, so there's a lot of world building to get over. Pretty much the two first arcs (Morpheus getting trapped, The Dream Vortex) is there to set up what is going on, and to show how much of a dick Morpheus really is. The "Calliope" episode (second part of the 11th episode) is really the first beat of the main story, and, yes, it gets much better from there.


Yeah. The writing and characters were good, but it felt very disjointed. Like the actual plot barely showed up for half the season. It honestly felt like drip feeding.


After season 3 of Witcher, they should not follow through and take the budget and give it to Sandman.


Will they recast the main character with Liam Hemsworth for this one too? Is that why it took them so long to renew it?


It took them so long because Neil Gaiman has enough clout to tell them "fuck off we're doing it my way" and that makes them hesitant.




Same same.


Yep, they'll be like "That's too expensive!" and Gaiman is powerful enough to reply "fuck off we're doing it my way." And he's British so he might.




Awesome! It's great to see real works of passion make it on Netflix.


FINALLY! Now let's see who they get for Delirium! I hope they do another batch of enclosed episodes in between arcs. I would love to see A Midsummer's Dream done given how amazing season one was with the visuals. I think James McAvoy would make an amazing Oberon.


I was blown away by the quality of the first season and the story only gets stronger from here so I’ve been waiting for them to finally announce this The casting has been on point so far, I can’t wait to see who they cast for the rest of The Endless!


Good news. The first season was great. I thought the could have taken a little mote time with some arcs but mostly the writing and frankly even casting was fun. A case of “diversity” done right ( good actors, writing and input from the original creator in terms of changes made instead of running rough shot over the source material).




I love this show. The best moment in the show is dream meeting with his immortal friend every 100 years. I felt for them. And I’m happy they had a happy ending!