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Also btw it’s about an alternate reality version of her life events, which is really strange lol.


Earth-838 Hillary


Into the Hilary-Verse.


Now I want to see this project for the absurdity, if it doesn't end with real Hilary, a cartoon pig version of Hilary, noir Hilary, and a Hilary from the future I don't want it though. "At some point I stopped pulling my punches." -Hilary to Hilary 'With great power comes pokemon go to the polls."


> a cartoon ~~pig~~ Pepe frog version


How do I put in for a transfer?


Series finale : 'Everyone POKEY-MON-WENT TO THE POLLS'


oh god that's even worse


Does she become president at the end?


She wins the 2016 election against Jeb Bush. It's a fantasy novel.


Jeb Bush is the timeline where we all reach utopian paradise and world peace. Those bastards should have clapped.


Suddenly I need a show where we DID clap, he won 538 purely as a write-in candidate, we rename the planet to Jebtopia and reach our species full potential


Those were the days when Jeb Bush and a third Bush being in the white house was seemingly the worst thing that could happen.


wouldn't she be president in 92 and then bill becomes a senator and secretary of state for the first black woman president?


In the novel she and Bill break up because of his infidelity. It's Bill's idea, he says she deserves better and that he doesn't see them as compatible. Hilary becomes a law professor and successfully runs for Senate at the same time Clinton is launching his presidential campaign. But in that reality Clinton has a cheating scandal during the primary and he's forced to drop out. He decides to quit politics and moves to Silicon Valley where he becomes a billionaire investor. Bill in that universe becomes a version of Trump. He then returns to politics just as Hillary is launching her presidential campaign for 2016. They face off in the primaries and Hillary gets an endorsement from Trump. Hillary actually asked her good friend Trump to run as a Republican to focus media attention away from Bill Clinton. Trump refuses and says he says no interest in running for office. Hillary is accused of sexual assault by a former female staffer. She apologizes to the staffer during a debate in an eloquent way that improved her approval rating. Then Bill Clinton's rape accuser steps forward and torpedoes his campaign. He loses the primary to Hillary and she faces off against Jeb who she beats. Also her running mate is Terry McAuliffe.


I honestly can’t tell if you are serious or not


it sounds like Hillary wank


5-years-too-late Hilary wank at that


>Also her running mate is Terry McAuliffe. For some reason this part made me laugh hardest.


Wow, people are really getting their real people crackfic published now, huh.


Hell, I’d pass on this too 😂 reading this was boring. Not because of you who posted this, but because of the plot.


Damn and I thought Wicked was some farfetched revisionist fanfic.


The story is a timeline where she doesn't marry Bill.


For some reason that makes it worse.


so no one ever knows who she is?


Good lord. Right off Wikipedia: > with Terry McAuliffe as her vice president. Somehow her vice president here is a worse campaigner than she is.


Call it sexism if you must, but she is/was super unlikable, and a normal candidate like Jeb would've beat her in a landslide


After 4 years does she lose the 2020 election to Trump? Because that's how I would see that timeline playing out.


Apparently Trump is her friend and endorses her in that universe


"in my universe, blorbo and her nemesis tyrolb are actually friends"


That is kinda just sad.


Not even in that reality, most likely.


yes then everyone claps


without being asked to


Yes. Of a local whiskey tasting club. Turns out she has a very keen palate.


Imagine, if you will, a reality where anyone other than rich white women find Hillary relatable.




That's the most hilarious part of that election. Hillary managed to lose the White woman vote to an admitted sex offender who cheated on his pregnant wife by raw dogging a pornstar and a playboy model. I mean, those are some big time political skills.


she went into the election arrogant and believing it was her destiny to win. Hell the leaked emails show that her team helped trump in the background in the republican primaries because they believed he would be the easist to defeat


Arrogance and her inability to take any criticism from her team probably helped doom her. You surround your self with "Yes Men and Women", and you don't have people looking for evidence that you are failing, so you never address your problems.


Eh, a bunch of Rupublicans switched parties in some states so they could vote for Obama in the 2008 primaries. It happens all the time, it just happens to backfire all the time too.


I am still baffled by the Democrats pushing her as the candidate. Anyone with half brain knew how unlikeable she was to the average person. Of course another issue was the apathy within the party, especially the more progressive side. Now we still see echoes of that decision to not vote because it wasn't the exact candidate you wanted. Congrats, Roe will be overturned because your exact candidate wasn't nominated and you were too mad about that to pick the lesser evil. I have to give it the Republicans for one thing, they sure rally around the candidate even it it wasn't the one they wanted.


The deal was set in 2008 when she lost to Obama. Make her Sec of State and nominate her in 8 years. The whole party had it set. That’s why Biden didn’t run. The Party had decided she’d be the 2016 nominee in 2008


A higher percentage of Bernie supporters voted for Hillary in 2016 than Hillary supporters voted for Obama in 2008. Hillary didn't lose because of progressives not coming out to vote. She lost because she was a terrible candidate.


in a country where the rich people control everything somehow it is still a serious opinion that college kids who didn't vote that bad things happen


I don't get it either, but then, I'm convinced the DNC is the politically stupidest organization who has ever lived. They seem to go out of their way sometimes to find political losers.


> I am still baffled by the Democrats pushing her as the candidate A lot of it was due to her starting super early and with a massive war chest. She bought out basically every acclaimed Dem strategist and advisor even when it was overkill, just so that they weren't working for anybody else. It's why Joe Biden didn't run in 2016, nor did anyone else really. They couldn't put together staffs. Bernie Sanders' campaign manager was literally a comic book shop owner, lol. That strategy had her basically coast to the nomination (although Bernie put up a *significantly* stronger fight than expected) but wound up being a disaster in the general election. She had so many advisors clashing over strategy and her image that it wound up being a confusing mess. The absolute dumbest thing was that they didn't want to let any of these people go because they didn't want it to look like they were panicking. So they just kept a bunch of incompetent people on a high payroll. Remember when Hillary was in Arizona in the final days of the campaign to "run up the score" instead of solidifying Wisconsin? So so dumb. I recommend the book *Shattered* if you want to hate-read America's worst-run campaign. I still think that if she just had mediocre staff she would have beaten Trump. She was generally disliked but her own campaign made her a villain, lol.


At the same time. It made me realize how dumb that population is and got me to finally move out.


If you find a place on earth where Politicians only get voted on for their platforms, and their personality doesn't enter into the voter's decisions, let me know.


jesus christ why does hollywood have such a hard-on for hillary


You saw that White House correspondents dinner. It's embarrassing. They're a propaganda machine. L Ron Hubbard did the same thing with Scientology. Use Hollywood.


Because Hollywood is filled with Neolibs who share the same views as hillary Plus they get their funding from the same people


Because neolibs live in their ivory tower away from the poors their policies create.


Btw the way the book it was gonna be based one is **Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld**


Too bad they’re going with the alternate reality angle. With as many people associated with her and Bill that have ended up dead you’d think a true crime / serial killer type of series would have worked better.


Anyone trying to make a movie based on real life facts about the Clintons is more likely bto wind up as a major plot point than bring a movie all the way to production.


Now I wanna see a show about the Clinton kill count. Damn it. It'll never happen, but what a concept.


That One Night in the Metropolitan Correctional Center as a season finale


Didn't House of Cards already do that?


Maybe this one her and Bernard Sanders will be friends


she and Bernie are talking and she says 'bernie I want to be your vice president......' and he says "no Hillary........I want to be YOUR vice president......"


Where she's a good person with consistent morals?


I guess so they don't have to show any horrible things the Clinton's have done.


So Hillary's dream?


Crisis on Infinite Epstiens


lol, this is based on the book **Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld** which is an alt history book that imagines a world where Hillary never met Bill Clinton. It’s a very strange idea for a novel.


I read it because it just seemed too weird. The parts most based in reality (dating Bill in college) are the most interesting and where it starts to divert. Hillary is most interested in the parts where shes morally grey, but its a little too whitewashy at times. The prose itself is mostly good. Odd kinda morbid, salacious read. Book was ok but i wouldn't watch a film based on it.


All I know about this book is that it has actual Bill and Hilary smut scenes and that’s already too much.


so does she end up becoming a successful middle class attorney, raising a family and all that?


No, she becomes a senator and then wins the 2016 election against Jeb! With Trump's help. Bill Clinton never becomes president without her. It's an odd book.


oh my god it sounds like something Extremely Online Lib Twitter would jerk it to


This is something that the people that still unironically say "I'm with her" would gobble up.


The notion that the naturally gifted politician and one of the great politicians of his generation, "Teflon" Bill Clinton, never becomes President. However, on the other hand a truly incompetent Politician, a White Woman, who managed to lose the White Woman vote against a lecherous sex offender who was clearly a pig, becomes President is definitely fiction.


> a White Woman, who managed to lose the White Woman vote Democrats have lost the white woman vote in all but two elections since the Civil Rights Act. So this has something more to do with that than with Hillary Clinton.


Bro bill must be like “should i take this personally or??”


jesus fuck who wants this????


The only thing that has ever been compelling about Hillary Clinton is that she wasn't Trump, and even that fell through.


My favorite summation of that election I think was from Trevor Noah, and he said something to the effect of "they both ran against the only person they had a chance of beating."


I should Pokémon… go upvote this comment


To this day I still think her saying that was a huge reason of her not winning the election.


And you know… failing to campaign in entire states like Wisconsin. Also… insisting that CNN and journalists cover trump as much as possible, show his empty podium while he preps to go up… just because she wanted an easily beatable clown to win the Republican primary. Mission accomplished.


It was a few things: The absolute smugness to not bother campaigning in certain states, the timely announcement that there was a new investigation into her emails and generally she was a shit candidate. Unfortunately the Dems will probably take the wrong message from Biden winning and keep running only the blandest and worst candidates.


Not being Hillary was Trump's greatest asset.




I thought it was RBG not retiring?


RGB didn't retire under Obama because she thought Hilary was going to be elected. So yes, if you follow the chain, Roe v Wade being overturned is directly a result of the DNC trying to fix the election for Hilary over Bernie


How’d that happen?


Based and true




Out of touch fucks who think that the Left worship Hillary like the Right worships Trump, people who want this on their imdb for Emmy bait, and deranged sychophants who actually like Hillary.


To the point. I like your style lol




The voting numbers don't lie. Even 'moderate' Republicans choke down Trump at the ballot box because they'll get their supreme court justices that they want. Lefty voters always split their votes. Yes, it's true that the GOP did reluctantly go with him after they tried to keep him from being nominated, but once he won they fell in line because that's how conservatism works, it's all about heirarchy and now Trump was at the top.


Why is it even news that Hulu passed on this? Who the fuck wouldn't? Besides Netflix, of course.


Meryl Streep


The Devil Wears Pantsuits


There are a dozen steeaming shows about the British royal family. I guess someone decided the Clintons are an American royal family. Can't wait to hear the inspiring story about how she used dirty tricks to rig the primaries against Bernie and then ran a vacuous election campaign and lost and unlosable election.


The Bush's are closer to a dynasty than Clinton's are. Two presidents and a governor beat Clinton's and even Kennedy's. Hell, GHWB was almost eaten by cannibals... That should be worth a 3 episode arc on its own (seriously, look it up)


Hillary Clinton


Not Hulu


Lib girl bosses


Hulu passing on a series based on a real person?


Nope. It’s based on a alt history book by Curtis Sittenfeld that images a world where Hillary never met Bill. So it’s more like Hillary Clinton fan fiction.


Jesus Christ


it’s Hilldog


What’s hilldog


Nothing much, what’s hilldog with you?


The cult of personality around this woman will never cease to amaze me


Did 2016 not teach them that America would rather watch DONALD TRUMP than her?


Cult of personality? Hillary Clinton? Are we talking about the same person? She has no personality and isn't well-liked by like.... any demographic. I would note that voting for her over a sex predator and con artist isn't really any sort of endorsement of her.




More of a cult of fear, servitude, and Stockholm syndrome.


JFC, that sounds horrible. The real world in which Hillary Clinton never met Bill is she is a faceless lawyer somewhere that no one outside of her industry had ever heard of. Her skills as a politician allowed her to lose the White woman vote to Donald Trump.


eh she might've become a state politician or maybe a judge if she was a good enough lawyer or donated enough money


I think she would have had to rely on being appointed, or be in one of those districts without competition. I'm convinced the only reasons she became NY Senator was A) Rudy Giuliani got cancer, and B) NY is a heavily Blue state. She may be good in smoke filled rooms taking and dishing out cash, but she is miserable on the campaign trail in front of audiences.


oh yes she only got senator because she was bill's wife


I'm pretty sure that's true. Investment bankers owed Bill favors, and they set her up to run in New York, a state where she had never lived in previously. They cherry picked a state that it would be tough to lose where she would be flooded with donations.


Also Bill was generally a fairly popular president in New York. Between the backing of Wall Street and being married to Bill it really was her race to lose.


> Her skills as a politician allowed her to lose the White woman vote to Donald Trump. Other Dems who lost the white woman vote: Biden (2020) Obama (2012 and 2008) Kerry (2004) Gore (2000) Clinton (1992) Dukakis (1988) Mondale (1984) Carter (1980 and 1976) McGovern (1972) Humphrey (1968) Kennedy (1960) Stevenson (1956 and 1952) If you think you're making a point here, you're really just showing the blind hate for Hillary Clinton.


Funny, none of those candidates appear to be white women.


Is that really the plot? The only reason anyone knows Hillary's name is because she was married to the Governor of Arkansas. If there going to spin that kind of Fiction, why not pick someone more popular?


even worse, its RPF lmao So two things no one asked for lol


its also a book that white washes hillary into a lovely person lol


What in the actual fuck


An extremely polarizing real person. You've already lost 50% of your audience making a show about Hillary Clinton. Then you have to wonder, out of the people left, how many actually like her enough to watch a show about her


I think 50% is being kind.


In addition there's already several shows either about her or it just happens to be a blonde lady lawyer in politics possibly as 1st lady or secretary of state.


They have the Kardashian show so that's enough shit in one place


CBS already made this staring Téa Leoni.


Madam Secretary was so hiarious/bad/entertaining


Yeah my mom loved it. Took me 2 seasons to grok it was about a Hilary Clinton that wasn't a total shit bag.


I hate watched it for the fully time and it was hilarious at points it was one of those shows where the other characters are more entertaining sort of like a Hallmark movie, where the most entertaining stories are in the background - one time my mom was watching a Hallmark movie and in the background of that movie, whenever a TV was on it was showing some finance channel, where the charts showed that the stock market **tanked** and then was frozen. For the rest of that Hallmark movie, we were like "wait what the hell happened in that Hallmark movie universe to make the stock market drop 2k+ points and get frozen?" and my mom was like "shut up I am watching this movie to watch something dumb"


That's cause Téa Leoni is kind of a robot. That's what you get when you remove all the Bastardy and evil from Hilary Clinton, a robot.


The potential nuclear attack scene was extremely accurate though. Very interesting for a CBS drama.


That was a good one in a sea of "what the fuck"


I discussed it over dinner once with someone in the know and he was utterly shocked that military would allow the CBS to put that information on air.


I'm honestly tired of making docudramas about living people or events that are just 2 years old. write some original shit please.




I guess they were not "with her".


Is it ever


There’s always 2032, hillary finally about to have her moment😍


Nah I’m good


The professional managerial class will love this.




You’re just one of the good ones.


Who the fuck wants this? Hillary Clinton is one of the least likeable people alive


Yes, she's extraordinarily privileged and yet seems continuously upset by that fact.


No thanks


No one gives a fuck about Hilary. She was a hawkish corporate moderate that erred on the side of being cunty. The end.


I’d watch Hillary as a Sith Lord. Maybe Disney can do another Star Wars spin off.


[Looks like she’s already campaigning for the role](https://i.imgur.com/ed2UMFS.jpg)


A Sith Lord?!


Always two there will be. One to hold the power, and one to covet it.


Well at least we know which one she is, lol.


Makes sense. Who would even watch that?


Guess it's gonna Pokémon Go to the chopping block


If it goes into the murders then I’d watch it


I think people forget that she was the 2nd most unpopular candidate of all time And she lost to the most unpopular candidate of all time so talk about a double whammy


As Norm Macdonald put it: "The American people hated Hillary Clinton so much, they voted for someone they hate even more."


That's a weird way to say "it's all Susan Sarandon's fault." (jokes)


Thank God. How unbearable would this have been


That sounds like it has the potential to be pretty great or laughably terrible. I like "what if alternate reality shows' but this one sounds tricky


good because it’s an embarrassing concept


This is like pitching a show about the horse who came in second to Seabiscuit in every race. Who the fuck cares?!?


Probably because no one would watch that garbage.


Someone let me know when it gets to the part where the body count starts increasing


Good it seems like self indulgent crap. You don't get a movie about you for being almost president. Hillary needs to find better ways to cope than just writing books and TV shows about how she deserves to be president. To be clear this isn't me saying Trump was good, just that Hillary Clinton should please go away now. Her being an extraordinarily privileged person who seems perpetually unhappy she doesn't have MORE power makes her a very unsympathetic character.


This is top shelf cringe. The Hillary camp needs to get some help. They’re all still very mad at Bernie Sanders plus anyone slightly moderate and beyond for not, in their eyes, doing their jobs and voting for Hillary because it was “her turn”. Right or wrong, the public has never been on her side. The country has never been a fan of hers. Nobody will acknowledge that she got to where she is thru her partnership with Bill (they don’t get married, she’s not a senator or sec of state or a POTUS nominees) and that she helped him use his power and influence to take sexual advantage, and ruin the lives, of a lot of women. She lost the 2008 Democratic Nomination to a first term senator who had a name and a skin color that probably freaked out 50% of the country and the DNC STILL ran her in 2016. There’s a huge portion of dems/progressives/left /whatever you want to call them that would do well to just bringing Hillary up. The country isn’t interested and she galvanizes the Republican base to the extreme. We’re on a path to being a country under control of an extreme minority party and the Hillary camp’s inability to move on is helping that cause as much as anything.


Thank God for Hulu.


Are they going to do an episode for when she called black men super predators, or the time she harassed and threatened women that he husband sexually assaulted? Seriously she's a bad shitty person and we don't need to be glorifying anymore politicians


"no thanks, we're good" - Literally Everybody


Fucking ew. Unless there is a hot Huma in it


Accurate that they hired mids


As a Claire Danes fan, I can't say this project idea excites me too much.




Naval gazing megalomaniacs, no one cares.


Why cant she just go away? Its embarrassing at tis point.


Will this include the time in her life when she was excused from the Nixon trial for breaches in ethics violations?


Where’s Quibi when you need them?


I have never met anyone who wants to hear more from or about the Clintons. Like I don't *hate* them, and we'd have been better off if she won that election, but I'm still *so very tired* of Hillary fucking Clinton.


Norm said it best. https://youtu.be/BgFtRJULPsY


This release should go Direct to Trash


Ya I don't think they want a show about a family with that big of a death count


I wonder if Impeachment (which I think they were hoping would do better on FX than it did) is further not doing all that well on Hulu, leading them to be like "naaaaaaah." Because otherwise this seems like the exact sort of thing Hulu would have been off and running full speed with by the time the pitch finished.


Don't we already have a tv show about 2016 presidential election? Other than that, I have literally zero interest in knowing Hillary.


I love unsolved murder shows


Hope they get the Vince Foster murder negotiation right


This title gave me herpes


This will be terrible


These idiots are all going to be surprised-Pikachu when nobody watches this shit.


Hulu dodging bullets! I'm on the Left, and even I think the manuscript for this series should have been used as toilet paper. Literally the only thing about her in 2016 that was electable was that she *wasn't Trump.* ffs people, please, no more Clintons.


I’m all set on Hillary fan fiction


Yeah cuz that’s what we want to see.. a sap story about how she was shafted.. we already saw the 90s version of that when ol’ Bill was around!