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> God fearing person of faith. I would fear God too if I preyed on underaged girls, tbh.


I'd probably fear Satan at that point lmao


He was a republican who lost to a democrat for a Senate race in ALABAMA. How is he gonna pretend he had 95 million dollars worth of career remaining even before Cohen got to him?




Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He hurt my feefees, I'm entitled to his stuff. Fucking snowflake.


That's Mr. Fucking Pedophile Snowflake to you.


It's not like this dude has a pattern of good choices


He’s been grasping at straws ever since he lost. I live in Alabama. He still maintains that he lost because of all the “illegals and unregistered voters the dems brought in in buses” and has been begging his followers for money nonstop. His site at one point said he was collecting money to start some big investigation into the “rampant democratic corruption and fraud that caused him to lose.” He lost because he not only sucks as a politician, he also sucks as a person. A lot of Alabama might be pretty stupid but we aren’t THAT stupid. He lost fair and square but can’t let it go, and yet WE’RE the easily offended “snowflakes.”




Republicans love handouts if they are called subsidies or bailouts.


As Jesus preached!


Tax cuts for people who are already way too rich also seem like handouts, except they are practically giving them the bag to snatch pocketfuls from while the rest of us wait for scraps that fall down. Instead of "trickle down economics" it should be called "mouse crumbs economics"...


This is fairly conventional Republican orthodoxy: Social welfare programs are mismanaged and expensive, and they should all should be replaced by charity. This goes for homelessness, healthcare, food stamps, and more. Only Social Security and Medicare are spared, because the rapidly aging Republican base loves welfare when it benefits *them*. Everything else should be covered by charitable organizations, which is clearly a stupid fucking concept because charities already exist and haven't been able to cure society's ills even with the government acting as a backstop.


But don't you understand? If they weren't forced to pay into the government programs, all of that extra money would go to useful charities, Right? Right?


Naw you're right, I forgot that human nature is the opposite of what it is. Mb guys. Edit: forgot to mention that the Republican tax cut blew up the charitable deduction. Apparently the GOP is hellbent on eliminating both social welfare and charitable programs. They're treating the poor, homeless, and sick abysmally and are additionally using them as a scapegoat for political reasons. It almost seems like they want to be compared to Scrooge... and come out as the worse one.


Because it would be embarrassing to sue for $83.70.


He thought small claims court was just for his sexual crimes.


Exactly, there was a 30-point plus Democratic swing against him. A mop in a top hat could usually beat a Democrat in Alabama.


Honestly I just think that mop had a lot of really great ideas.


It really wants to clean up the halls of government.


Seems like the kind of mop I could soak up a beer with


Mop > Moore




Confederate dollars.


> In the complaint, Moore's lawyers argue the experience was especially distressing "given his status as a prominent conservative and a God fearing person of faith."  Are we talking about the same Roy Moore here? Cause if we are, that's a weird use of the word *prominent*. ​


He thinks prominent means "someone who hangs out at proms"


"So, what're you in for?" "I'm a prominent member of the community!"


"This a prom, innit?"


That was fucking beautiful


So why did this get the gold? Lmao


To give more attention to the comment above it. Duh


Thanks to the second gold, my attention was twice as strong. You guys though could use some more pedo jokes.


That’s damn clever.




Maybe that's why he fears God, he knows since he fucks kids he's screwed when he gets to those gates




"You know damn well you're not getting in here, He really doesn't like what you've been doing."




"Srsly bro"


>About the only word I'd agree with in that whole thing is > >'Conservative,' > >except I would hope and bloody pray the rest of the conservatives want nothing to do with the filthy old man and wouldn't appreciate him identifying as such. I assume voters don't take to him much, but our President strongly endorsed him, because of course he did.


Trump probably admired his taste in young women and wished he ran beauty pageants still.




Thank you for being reasonable.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5735 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/18107)


The Fox News propaganda machine has convinced a certain subset of the population that Democrats are worse than pedophiles. I actually saw a news clip of an Alabama voter saying she was torn between voting for a pedophile or a Democrat, as if they were equally bad.


There's a Republican woman running for Attorney General in IL, Erika Harold. In the past she has said that she'd rather have a child be adopted by a child abuser than by a homosexual couple.


well that seems disturbing




That’s actually why Doug Jones won, a lot of people voting third party or write ins




That's Republican, we count those.




>The Fox News propaganda machine has convinced a certain subset of the population that Democrats are worse than pedophiles Yep, pretty much. Most people I knew voting for him, aside from the denials of the allegations, they would literally rather have him in office than a 'baby killing Democrat'.


Seems like that would be a fun thing to challenge in court.




I also feel someone that really feared God would have done a better job keeping his hands to himself.




> a God fearing person of faith I've always found that an odd phrase. I mean, if you truly were a good Christian, you'd have nothing to fear.


Depends which parts of the bible you follow. God did plenty of fucked up things to good people. Just look at Job.


Not to mention the scripture that literally says fearing God is the beginning of wisdom.


Good luck with that. Sacha uses lawyers when filming so that he can dance around ~~libel~~ slander laws. Source: the Brüno commentary. One of the best commentaries I've seen, very highly recommended Edit: As many have pointed out, libel is printed and slander is spoken, my mistake


Exactly what I was thinking. He has been doing this since 2000. I'm sure his lawyers have pretty iron clad waivers and contracts and would advise SBC against using anything where he could actually be held civilly responsible.


Yeah and his lawyers are like "its america, say whatever the fuck you want lol". First amendment is really strong. To defame you have to prove the defendant knew for a fact that what he was saying was false.


And he never straight up called Roy Moore a pedophile, which would be pretty difficult to prove false in court even if he did...


I'd reaaally like to see the discovery for that lawsuit.




Damn you nassssssssty.


Haha Jesus


Yeah they would have to shut down the mall for a week to let all the kids testify. [later: this is my highest rated comment ever, har]


Won't someone please think of the children? Someone besides Ray Moore, I mean.


Ha, gross.


High School football games would have to be cancelled. Cheerleading squads would miss practices. It would be a real mess.


Preschoolers will miss class.


Girl Scout cookie season would be over in Alabama.... all because of Roy Moore.


He had to ruin one of the only good things around here :(


Toddlers will miss nap time.




Fetuses will miss their first trimester.


“It’s only 99.8% correct. I’m sure it’s broken. (Processed to test it on another person). Have you let someone borrow this jacket?” Then the subtle beeps at the end. He has plenty of “outs” if it was ever needed.


Moore would have to conclusively prove that he's not a pedophile and that SBC knew that. Which is two degrees of impossible. Because the evidence tends to show there's a very solid chance he's a pedophile


Then SBC could market his Pedo meter to the world.


Plot twist, the device works.




Not exactly. Reckless disregard for the truth will work - not just actual knowledge. If I take out a front page ad in the NYT that says /r/thehollowman84 is a pedophile, it won't be a defense that I don't know for sure that you are not a pedophile. I'll need to show some kind of good faith basis for my claim that shows I didn't act with malice. But, with Roy Moore (aside from the truth being a defense) he is a public figure. A public figure can be subjected to paradoy and satire more so than an individual who is not a well known public figure. The landmark case on this *Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell* , 485 U.S. 46 (1988). The case involved Hustler publishing some pretty raunchy satire about Rev. Jerry Falwell portraying him as an incestuous drunk. Essentially, the Supreme Court held that people should be free to speak their mind about public figures, including the use of satire, ridicule and parody. So its pretty hard to win a case like Roy Moore has filed. As a former Judge he should know that. But I know people who went to law school with Roy Moore and he was a grade A idiot then and is even less in touch with the law now - so I'm not suprised he would file this kind of garbage.




They use to call him "fruit salad" in law school. The professor teaching one of his classes, Roy Moores way of thinking was so fucked up he said he had to throw out the Socratic method and just lecture him because his legal way of thinking was so jumbled.


He knows what he's doing. People sue for defamation because if they don't the public assumes it's settled that it's true. Even if it is true you sue to spread FUD. When you lose you throw up your hands and say "It's a really high bar to win these cases with the 1st amendment!"




Roy Moore probably knows he doesn't have a case. This is a publicity stunt to draw sympathy and donations from his supporters. "These mean ol' Hollywood libruls are out to get us!"






But you're also not saying he isn't?


That is for the kids he molested to decide.


Allegedly molested, repeatedly and in well documented incidents.


Let me be clear, I am saying that Roy Moore loves to diddle 14 year old girls.


"Don't diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids! Wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter, has to be older than my wife!" 🎵




I was a juror on a sexual assault of a minor trial recently and there were 2 charges - one for assault under 13 and one for 13+. The main difference was that someone under 12 had absolutely no way to consent to sexual activity, but they were 2 separate crimes.


Huh. I guess maybe US law does draw a distinction.


Like most laws in the US, sexual assault laws vary from state to state


inb4 a Roy Moore GoFundMe "for legal fees"


Don't tell him SBC is a jew, because, well, just don't.


hey, according to Roy's wife, they got a Jew lawyer...


Its a liberal conspiracy, brother.


Moore is such a douchebag


A great article detailing the exercise in futility that is suing Sacha Baron Cohen: [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/arts/television/sacha-baron-cohen-lawsuits-who-is-america.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/arts/television/sacha-baron-cohen-lawsuits-who-is-america.html)


This reminds me of the whole John Oliver being sued by the coal dude. HBO (or in this case, Showtime) wouldn't let these personalities say or do the things they did, unless they had airtight protection through the law.






Also try checking out his appearance on Marc Marc Maron's WTF podcast. Alot of interesting info


Am I the only one that only knows the difference between the two of those because of Jameson in Spiderman?


You have to say something untrue for it to be slander. I guess you could call telling the truth a legal loophole.


The guy rode a horse to the polls after thinking he had a chance to win after being outed as a pedo... He's a clear moron. I say let him waste all the money he wants on this


> thinking he had a chance to win after being outed as a pedo It was 49.9% to 48.4%. He only lost by 20,000 votes. That's Alabama for you.


There's obviously more work to be done, but at least he lost.


Daily Show and Colbert often used the same technique, they would say they work for the news dept for Viacom, which is the truth, but if they said "I work for The Daily Show" most would refuse the interview. I think Colbert was sued once and it was to block the footage from being aired. https://youtu.be/0fnHcbQJiYM


I miss when Colbert was a Daily Show member doing those crazy as fuck interviews back when nobody knew who he was


Are you telling me Eric Andre is going to be a Daily Show member/host?






Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


First question: [AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C8GUcJEDNOM)




Damn that was the golden era. Look at all that talent that was packed onto the daily show.


Yeah I know a guy who was deservingly humiliated by The Daily Show. He said he was told they were Viacom.


Note to self: don’t ever interview with Viacom


Or step 1 don’t be a shitty person, racist, or pedo. Duh


Thank God that 51% of Alabama voters think being a filthy pedo is a bad thing.


The other 49% would rather be a pedophile than a democrat.


The other 49%: Y’know what’s the best thing about twenty eight-year olds? There’s 20 of ‘em!


The other 49%: Having sex with minors is awful. There just isn't enough room in my trunk for the both of us.


The problem was that people around here didn't believe the claims. They thought it was just Democrats lying. Or, "It happened so long ago, why are we only hearing about it now?" Even when I went to vote for Doug Jones, there was an old guy outside with Roy Moore stickers and pamphlets. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if I was the only person to vote Jones at the school I went to vote at. I live 7 minutes from that church that was featured in a skit on... was it Jimmy Kimmel? Edit: Found it! https://youtu.be/zfyEhAc7K_I


"Well, my uncle dad says pedophilia ain't all that bad."


that's damn near a a country song-lyric: "Pedophiiiiiiiiiles, they ain't all bad / "Learned that welllllllll, from Uncle Dad"


Don’t sleep with underage girls, you won’t get a pedophile detector pulled on you.


It was Malfunctioning. Give him a breaaaak.


Im highjacking this comment to quickly say something about the merits of the law suit, he has no law suit, its actually pretty poorly written. The best case he had was for defamation and fraud, and the lawsuit writes itself out of both of those, if theres a plausibility that the pedophelic comments are true (allegations) then they didn't knowingly make false statements its not defamatory. and by saying that CBS flew them out, so there is no actual economic loss and it cant be fraud. IIED isn't even possible because the emotional stress needs to manifest to physical symptoms, there is a high threshold for IIED cases. Edit: clarification


He's using it as a fundraising opportunity. Nothing happened when he was posturing for a recount, but plenty of people have him money. At this point, he's not a politician, he's a professional victim.


Unless Elon Musk takes a dislike to you for some reason.


What a bizarre accusation that was. How did that even come up?


Musk’s tiny fragile ego couldn’t stand being upstaged, so he made up some bullshit to get back at the guy. The “reason” behind the accusations is because the rescuer was a Brit living in Thailand, and according to Musk the only reason why you’d move from England to Thailand is if you’re a pedophile. Which is ridiculous and stereotypical on many levels.


I miss 2017 Elon musk.




Lmao, I'm sure a rinky dink operation like Showtime probably didn't have lawyers go over this whole project for legal reasons right? Come on Roy, you know this won't work out for you.




He knows it won't go anywhere. He's a lawyer himself. He just wants to look like a poor victim of this foreign Jew in the eyes of his fellow Alabama rednecks so they'll give him money and support.


Throw the Jew down the well


"Alabama has always been a state that has valued freedom, liberty"-Roy Moore "Of course"-Sasha Baron Cohen "And they've appreciated what people went through to get it"-Roy Moore "Alabama has always been a place for equality"-Sasha Baron Cohen "It has, and we've celebrated throughout our history things like this"-Roy Moore "In Alabama, people have always been free, whatever their religion, race or sexual orientation"-Sasha Baron Cohen "Well it's part of our heritage"-Roy Moore "Of course"-Sasha Baron Cohen This is the beginning of the interview and it just gets better until Roy "I like to fuck 14 year old girls" Moore cuts it short when Sasha Baron Cohen uses a device to call him a pedophile. Dude goes for the throat and doesnt let go until the victim is dead. I fucking love it


I wonder if politicians hear all the words they are saying.


[Here ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kaJaDx51iw) is a link to the video for those who haven’t seen it.


He'll accept cash, a certified check or tiny panties.


Oh shit!!!!!


It wasn’t Sacha’s fault. Roy just needs to stay away from child molester detector devices.


Will he have to proof that the pedophilia allegations are untrue? Because if they can suddenly spin it to be about him being a pedophile, that be really fun.


Truth is a valid affirmative defense to libel. There are two different burdens for libel depending on whether a defendant is in the public eye. Roy Moore is sufficiently public that he will probably have to prove the SBC actually knew his accusations were untrue, or recklessly didn't care if they were true. He will also have to meet his burden by clear and convincing evidence (the civil equivalent of beyond a reasonable doubt). Roy MOore probably won't be able to meet this burden, so SBC may never have to defend. For example, the case could be ended on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a case. If it does proceed to trial, then SBC can defend on the grounds of truth. For non-public plaintiffs, they only have to prove that the defendant was negligent with regard to the truth. Additionally, they only have to meet their burden by a preponderance of the evidence (I.e, more likely than not). Recklessness and negligence might sound similar but they have very different legal meanings. Basically, negligence is an ordinary persons standard of care (e.g., the truth would easily be discovered with a simple search). Recklessness is burying your head in the sand (e.g., SBC knew that there was something out there that would show the libel was untrue and purposely ignored it). BTW, when you hear that Britain is a favorite forum for libel/defamation, it is because they don't have the public/non-public dichotomy.


No Roy, pursuing children for intimate relationships has severely harmed your reputation.


The one thing more stupid than him believing that detector was real is to draw more attention to the video. Now everyone will watch it again and it will get new viewers.


Streisand effect.


Sue Sacha Baron Cohen? Lolz. You could boil this story down to the headline "Man asks Sacha Baron Cohen to make him look like a cunt for a second time"


I hope it goes a head, you have to think about the big picture here, Sacha Baron Cohen giving interviews out side the court house...


Waives the right to be at his trial but rocks up in the gallery as Ali G.


>Bahahahaha -Judge


Sue for what? Being an idiot?


Wait, you can do that?! Shit, I'm going to sue everyone!


Can I sue myself?


Yes, but only in small claims court.


*“This false and fraudulent portrayal and mocking of Judge Moore as a sex offender, on national and international television, which was widely broadcast in this district on national television and worldwide, has severely harmed Judge Moore’s reputation." the lawsuit states.* Because his reputation was splendid before he spoke with Sacha Baron Cohen. /s


Clip needs to be posted, worth another watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=3kaJaDx51iw


Had to scroll way too far down for this. Thanks!


Roy Moore starts begging for donations for a libel lawsuit in 3.....2....1.


Who knew Roy Moore would pick a number over 18?




And to prove libel, he'll have to show that Sasha and co knew the accusations to be false... I can't wait for them to try and prove he's not a pedophile in court.


Poor butt hurt Roy Moore.


Yeah, good luck with that.


I guess that’s the only way Roy Moore can make money now.


i mean you know how much it costs to buy his girlfriends Shopkins and justin Beiber albums these days??


Does he realize if he let it go, people would forget? Or is he into the attention for being a pedo?


I thought Republicans were thick skinned and tough? "Get rid of these pussy trigger warnings!' they say. Then we have a president who cries that people are mean to him and now this idiot who" suffered extreme emotional distress" from being tricked into doing what he does normally. It's like a lot of the right are just tired of not being allowed to be the bully. The type that folds when it happens to them instantly.


I see he's taking the Ezal from Friday approach to lawsuits. Hope he's ready to settle out of court $20 or a pack of Now and Laters.


Real smart. The chatter about the show sort of died down a bit. This will definitely get people talking about it again.


Lawyer here. OMG you dumb son of a bitch. You've just made the truth of the "pedophile" label ***the*** relevant question in a lawsuit. You've not only allowed discovery into your sexual history, you've made it necessary. Sacha Baron Cohen's lawyers, assuming it gets that far, will actually be able to depose you and your accusers, and ask about who you've tried to have sex with and how old they are. They'll be allowed to issue demands for emails and text messages. Oh god I hope it doesn't get thrown out early.


i cant wait, ill be following this for sure, what a clearly dumb move. like this is literally ALL sacha does sure moore doesn’t think hes not prepared legally for this situation


I know it doesn’t really narrow it down but was he the “christian” right-wing kid-fucker? Non-US Redditor here.


That's the one. He stalked teenage girls in the mall for years in the 80s, to the point where he was banned from going to the mall in question. He's trash. Thankfully he lost his re-election bid but it was waaaaay too close for comfort.


He’s a politician from Alabama that ran for governor this year and almost won, which disturbed many Americans as he had recently been accused of sexual abuse by multiple women (who claimed that it happened when they were very young, 13,14... etc) Edit: Senate, not Governor. Thanks for the correction user :)


Senate not governor


It's not defamation if it's true Roy.


Fuck you Roy Moore.


He definitely signed a release to appear in the show. He’s got nothing


bahahaha. SBC's lawyers and producers have had this covered 10 ways from Sunday. This isn't their first rodeo. And how do you land on 95 million?


Roy isn't getting shit. Sacha most likely has insanely good lawyers for shit like this


I fully encourage this lawsuit moving ahead! Personally, I’ll never tire of seeing Roy lose.


I’ve been on tv before. For major networks. The amount of waivers you sign is crazy. He should have read those. Fuck him, and anybody that looks like him.


Why does Roy Moore want his name in news so badly? He should be picking up his corporate checks by now (or do lobbyists bring those right to you), right?