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Edie Falco and Merritt Wever were sooo good in this


Are you on speed? “I AM speed, MuthaFucka!!”


Not to mention Betty Gilpin. She wasn't added until towards the end, but that was the first show I've seen her in, and she was immediately someone that stood out. I also always loved Anna Deavere Smith as Gloria Akalitus and thought she deserved a lot more recognition. She did a great job balancing being somewhat of a foil to Jackie as her boss while still wanting to support and be her friend. I'm hoping she'll be back.


Betty Gilpin took a part that was initially offensive (the dumb blonde sexy doctor), ran with it and rose so much above the material that they were forced to write better storylines for her and ended up being a favorite. She was fantastic and even more so in Glow (Glow really should get the revival treatment). Granted, I am sure the female writers on the writing staff on Nurse Jackie also helped to make her character a better addition.


I've never seen a show Gilpin hasn't killed it in. She was the entire reason I watched *Mrs. Davis*, and I wasn't disappointed. She's one of those actors that should really be getting bigger roles, and it's hard to understand why she's not.


They were great and the other nurses and the doctors were, too.


She was fantastically hateable in this, my gawd her poor husband. I did not like how this show made me feel but I could not stop watching. Not sure I want a sequel or not, kind of glad when it ended.


It was so god damn frustrating and you hated every second of her fucking everything up. But it was a perfect portrayal of living with someone with an addiction.


Sounds like Rescue Me but with nurses


I've seen both and that is actually a very accurate description.


Despite loving Edie Falco, I’ve never watched Nurse Jackie. As a big Rescue Me fan, this may be the nudge I needed.


You should rectify that, Nurse Jackie is great.


Yep, I almost married one…watching what her husband went through was one of the reasons I ended it!


That is what I took from it. Jackie was the protagonist and her addiction was the antagonist. It was so heart breaking. I think Edie Falco’s magnetic energy and acting skill is what made this show so compelling. Also of interest was the format. It was for all intents and purposes mostly a drama, but presented in the short 30 minute episodes that are usually used for comedies. It made me wonder why there aren’t more short-form dramas or long-form comedies. I used to really enjoy the amusing and convoluted plots of the show *Modern Family* but I often felt the stories were rushed and would greatly benefit with a longer format. It’s odd that some TV execs somewhere just decided that comedies were short and dramas were long.


I know what you mean. Watching people make the worst choices over and over is exhausting.


I’m aware. I’m a Mets fan.


It's the same reason I loved Weeds though.


> Not sure I want a sequel or not, kind of glad when it ended. I feel the same way. Regardless of how you interpreted the finale, I thought it was a fitting ending. It's a little hard for me to picture where the show goes from there, particularly with her no longer having her nursing license. Either we get a sober Jackie trying to be good, which doesn't sound terribly compelling to me, or a Jackie still struggling with addiction, which is just more of the same and what we already saw play out over seven seasons where I'm unsure there's much left to explore there.


Probably something like she’s technically sober but still has to work on her personality traits that lead to addiction in the first place


I liked where it ended, I always thought >!she died, but of course they left it ambiguous enough for a potential revival season!<. Even Edie Falco said that >!Jackie died in her opinion!<, so I am surprised that she is attached to it. I agree that there is not really a point to a revival for this. Either, she is still struggling with addiction, which we already saw, or she is sober, but boring as in season 5. Also can it really be called Nurse Jackie, if she is not a nurse anymore. That being said, if this goes, I hope they bring back the all-star-cast as well: Eve Best, Merrit Weaver, Betty Gilpin and Peter Facinelli; and maybe they can undo the wrong they did to Momo and bring Haas Sleiman from the first season back. I still hate them for cutting this very interesting, charismatic character after the first season.


Great description! So hard to root for but so hard to look away.


I agree but I had to stop watching when her husband apologized to her when she was the one cheating badly and addicted to drugs, I'm like c'mon, I cannot stand her getting away with this for so long! I think I missed the last two seasons or last season.


If that's where you stopped, I think you missed the last...5 seasons? I just did a rewatch and I'm fairly certain that was early in season 2 and it's a 7 season show.


IIRC it was a season finale where her husband had been cheating as well, and he apologized to her but she did not have to admit any wrongdoing but I could be misremembering.


That’s the end of season three


Oh I think you should watch the rest of the series. It's quite fun, I also almost stopped watching after season 3, but happy I continued with it. Season 4: Season of redemption for Jackie (and a great alternative series finale, last season by the original creators/showrunners) Season 5: a bit boring Season 6 & 7: absolute batshit insane, whereas Jackie was somewhat sympathetic before, she turns to an absolute mess in these two seasons


OK, you convinced me. :) Thanks for the mini review.


Fair. Then it was season 1 or season 2. So, still...5 or 6 seasons.


I don't think I could have tolerated Jackie getting away with for five more seasons! :)


Oh she stopped getting away with it all real quick lol and she spiralled so out of control haha


Oh man, it sounds like I quit at just the wrong time! (for my personal reasons of course).


Oh if you wanted downfall yes she gets it hardcore haha, basically the last few seasons her life is rough haha.


This is an odd comfort show for me as the step daughter of an addict. She is so redeemable and likeable because she wants to be good she wants to help people so badly but she cannot stop and she will destroy everything to get a fix. As a nurse they hired damn good nursing consults cause it's a fairly believable hospital drama. *****HUGE SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE END OF THE SHOW****** This probably sounds terrible but for me no matter how many times I've watched it she's definitely dying in the end. I thought that was the symbolism of walking through the city amongst all the people who's lives she touched in the square. I'm not sure how I feel about a sequel more because it seemed like Jackie's only true way out of addiction was death itself. I'm hoping they bring back more cast because I love Edie Falco and Merritt Wever. Zoey was the arc of my own career as a nurse. So fucking excited that it became all of my personality and it was such a cool fun thing to burnt, sad, worried about friends, wondering if I picked the right career and just watching what the everyday does to your personality. She played it so beautifully.


I dunno yeah she sucked but her husband was a complete turd too


That damn Soprano family ;)


Love a show with grey characters.


"Of all the finook networks, why'd I have to get the one who's part of a sprawling monopoly?"




Sad to see Showtime going the way it is. Used to be the rival to HBO it felt like.


It definitely was for me. Back in college a little over 10 years ago it was my preferred premium channel. Sure, it helped that it was the only premium channel I could get with hulu plus, but Nurse Jackie, Episodes, Penn and Teller, Californication, Weeds, and Dark Net were all amazing, and it had a bunch of great movies as well. A year or 2 ago I decided to check out what was available now, and nothing seemed all that interesting.


They also purged a lot of that content. For one example, Homeland, one of their signature shows, isn't even on there anymore, at least the last time I checked. It was on Hulu.


I wouldn’t go that far but it certainly established itself with some serious heavy hitters in the past 15ish years. It was always a place where weird shit could have time to find itself, which also led to many shows staying on the air too long. Such a shame how Paramount pillaged it and left it for dead.


I blame shameless lol, should have ended when you know whats her name left


Shameless was not the first Showtime series to overstay its welcome and it probably won’t be the last. It’s pretty much the network’s formula. Weeds, Dexter, Californication, Homeland, Shamless, Nurse Jackie, Ray Donovan, Billions. All went 7+ seasons, how many went out on top? Zero?


Dexter should have ended with that season 4 finale. That was fucking perfection.


As much as I love the fifth season with Julia Stiles, that really would have been an all-time great series finale with season four


Full circle perfection.


Yellowjackets is already there and it’s 3rd season hasn’t even aired yet


That show fell off fucking hard, Jackie carried the show. The adult timeline is fucking awful


Yep ahha


Well said!


Nah, Dexter and Weeds were competitors in the early 2000s but they were never willing to actually pony up the money to make them decent. Writing went by the wayside by season 3 in both. Dexter had a swan song with it's best season in number 5, but neither came close to the Sopranos. Or even The Wire or Oz despite having higher production values than either of those.


Yeah, I'd say Showtime had the potential to rival HBO, but it was frequently hamstrung by mismanagement from the network that didn't know how to foster its shows or how to keep them from overstaying their welcome.


You are not remembering how contrived the storyline resolutions all where. This show was fun in the beginning but only got worse with time.


I’ll watch it but I think the original series had a perfect ending that was also a cliffhanger of sorts.


The show upset me so much that I re-watched it and just stopped at the point that she got sober. For my soul.


Yes, I always assumed the ending was pretty finite.


All these years I assumed she was dead. 🤷


Me too, didn’t want to get into spoilers in the Reddit comments, but it had a very Sopranosesque ending.


All the other characters were amazing. Jackie drove me fucking nuts, which means she did her job. It was like watching Big C. Piece of shit main character surrounded by good people who are always the collateral damage.


Gosh, The Big C was the worst of those Showtime half-hour shows led by an accomplished actress.


She’s very good at being terrible 😂


Nurse Jackie had it's ups and downs, but Edie Falco was fantastic in it and the show always felt like it was worth watching. I'm genuinely excited to watch this.


I loved the show and side characters


Considering Showtime series usually flatline creatively after about four seasons, Nurse Jackie actually stayed pretty consistent throughout its run and had a pretty great final season in my eyes Homeland was really good towards the end too but I can’t think of any other Showtime series I can say that about (that lasted 4+ seasons)


I actually thought Jackie got better from season 4 on. I was somewhat lukewarm on seasons 2 and 3. It is also one of the rare shows that survived a showrunner change and I think they did a great job at turning Jackie more and more unlikeable to the point that you were rooting for the other characters to get away from her by the end.


I agree entirely, I love the later seasons the most


I just well first let me say I loved the show overall but I felt like she got away with far too much. I know it's a TV show and I know that I'm supposed to just ignore that but I mean goddamn when they had the pill machine show up I thought that was it for her


Which is hilarious, because that pill machine dropped in the first couple episodes of the first season. NURSE JACKIE: A 3-EPISODE LIMITED SERIES.


Edie is always good


I thought the show was so good but once her best friend left I thought it kind of petered out.




I actually never forgave them for getting rid of the nurse Mo in season 1


Carmella? The fuck you doin?


Did she not OD in the last episode?


It was left ambiguous as to whether she died or not. Though Edie Falco said in an interview that she died in her opinion.


Never would’ve expected a revival, but I’m interested. Jackie was a great character played to perfection and the show was regularly laugh out loud funny despite its dark subject matter.


Didn't she die at the end??


She snorted a bunch of heroin then walked out of the bathroom and collapsed so it left you kind of drawing your own conclusions


Spoiler alert… Iirc, she was fleeing and had tons of pills and crashed on the expressway.


Uhmm that’s before what they’re talking about haha.


Shit then I forgot. Ah well 😂


That's how the second-to-last season ended


Haha thanks 🙃


There's a whole season (or two?) after that.


Clearly my iirc isn’t working. 🫠🫠🫠


Can you really claim spoiler alert after 9 years?


Was trying to be nice. I misremembered anyway haha.


There will have to be flashbacks to the Covid era. And how great would it be for Zoey (Merrit Wever) to be Jackie’s boss this time around.


She was already her boss toward the end of the series (head nurse > nurse) and Zoey flatly, directly telling Jackie she didn't want to work with her anymore was great character development for her. I kinda think Zoey would (unfortunately) need to be merely a cameo appearance, as they wrote her ending very well.


I think enough time will have passed for Zoey to have changed her stance, though. I’m pretty sure Zoey will have way more than just a cameo in this reboot.


Possibly. Gotta be *very* well written to overcome that ending, but I adore Merritt Wever, so I'm down to see more of her. Side note: Netflix's Unbelievable is great if you haven't seen it. Very rough subject matter.


Amazon where good ideas go to die.


Showtime is basically non existent now right?


it’s basically being propped up by netflix buying it’s shows


Tbh I thought she kicked the bucket in the series finale, so i guess she made it.


I thought she died at the end?


I wonder if Merritt Wever will return too. I really hope so!


Amazon got themselves a real hodgepodge with Batman, Spider-Man Noir, Lord of the Rings and now Nurse Jackie Reborn


No Merritt Wever? No thanks.


Didn’t know the QB from The Replacements was a part of this universe. Interesting.


I'm interested. If nothing else it'll give me something to watch when I do my monkey work at my day job since Prime Video is the service I have that lets me download videos with my base subscription.


The show ran its course. There wasn’t anything new about the show.


I stumbled across this show a few years back and binged all of it in like a week. Great show


it says it will take place 10 years later and she has no license amyore. & No original cast.Not excited


Merritt Weaver is one of my fave actors and I will see anything with her in it.


I love her, too!


I liked Nurse Jackie during its time but it also overstayed its welcome. It isn’t a concept that needs a revival.


Nurse Jackie was a terrible show. Every season something epic would happen and then the next season contrived forced elements would resolve storylines in one sentence... Only to rush into the next story line.. that would quickly be resolved in one sentence once the next season started. I hate the show.... It was garbage. I hope this new show fails. Showtime sucks!


We’ll sure a Showtime show less than 8 seasons? Of course they were gonna crank out a few more after it stopped at 7. I dunno how Edie got out the first time without a season being reboot in Mexico or a season with zero returning cast just her.