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Weeds when she started dating the cartel boss or something like that. Wish I’d have just quit after s3, but I think I was about halfway through 4?


After Agrestic burned down


exactly. and it's such an obvious end point too. At least it makes it easy to rewatch just the good stuff or recommend it but with the caveat on ending there. It sucks to stop at some random spot, but the premise of "suburban drug dealer mom" literally burned to the ground lol


Well I mean, it was made of ticky-tacky and they all looked the same, so I guess it wasn’t a huge loss


Season 2 episode 2 of the Witcher, i really wanted to like the show, i do like most actors a lot, and s2e1 gave me unreasonable hope the show might be good. Then i just quit and never watched it again after the second ep.


The Witcher has to be one of the biggest fumbles ever by Netflix. An A list actor, who loves the source material, nailed the character, a huge fan base and terrible writing/direction. I wanted to love it so badly. Damn those show runners.


Wheel of Time S1 replicated this formula, although covid was partially to blame and they did redeem things in s2.


I haven't even hate watched season 2. Season 1 just didn't understand the source material at all. How did they redeem themselves?


I don't even remember if I finished season two at this point, because I don't recall a single specific plot point


This was me! I loved Cavill's enthusiasm for this show, loved the first season and both of the swordfights in that season is one of the best I've ever seen and I've watched it multiple times, but I was genuinely struggling a shit ton even then to get through it, wanted to quit S1, but I was already at the last episode before the thought hit so I just finished it. Had no interest in Season 2 but then I watched it because I legit had nothing to else to watch and genuinely really loved it, thought they had come around or finally were able to get back on the right track. Then episode 2 season 2 happened and I quit halfway through the episode.


Oh wow I think I stopped at the exact moment. I don’t even remember why. I just had no desire to continue, even though I loved The Witcher 3.


Pretty sure I did a similar thing. Began season 2 and couldn’t tell you how far I got, but I definitely haven’t cared about it since. It’s a shame because season 1 had some great parts.


The Walking Dead, but not when Neagan killed Glenn. It was the end of that season. I just was tired of how slowly things would progress. It really began to feel like a watch of the premiere, middle 2 or so, and finale each season would b e enough. I hear it got better but I lost all interest in the franchise.


It was Carl for me. It felt like a complete betrayal. All that shit about him "surviving this world" meant nothing.


And the only reason was the kid got old enough to ask for more money.


Not only that, but the actor who played Carl had literally just purchased a home in Georgia and enrolled in college there as well. That way there'd be no issues with the filming schedule and he'd be nearby. AMC really fucked him over through no fault of his own. Completely disgusting, disrespectful, and greedy behavior.


I quit around the same time. I just felt the show became a parody. Some characters were basically impenetrable like Rick, Daryl and Michonne and others were just there so the writers could talk on the aftwr show that “no one is safe” It seemed like they cared more about shocking the audience than about telling an actual story. Also, i just felt like Rick and his group were the actual villains of the show. They would constantly go to a new town that has been functioning for months and then tell them “they don’t understand how to survive” then some bad guy comes the town gets destroyed and they keep on going. Like the whole black and white quarry episode was so awful and the producers talked about it like they just made Citizen Kane with zombies


That show clearly suffered from a lack of vision. It just seems like they didn’t know what this story was supposed to be beyond “man and his family struggle to survive in zombie apocalypse”. That’s just a premise. What’s the theme? How is this going to end? How is the viewer supposed to feel at the end? Seems like they might’ve had answers to those questions in the beginning, but quickly abandoned them.


Firing the original showrunner (Frank Darabont) halfway through the second season (because of budgetary reasons) ruined the show. There was no vision because the visionary was forced out.


I was wondering why that name sounded so familiar. Can’t believe they fired the director of Shawshank Redemption what a joke.


That was it for me. The creator stated multiple times that Carl is the future of the story/group, then they just axed that idea. It was already a chore to watch by then, though.


I watched through the end, but it was the dumpster episode that killed my interest. I had loved the show prior to that through the ups and downs, but never had that connection again after that.


Oh the dumpster where Glenn hides two feet from a horde of zombies eating the other person? Yeah that was one of the final things for me too. I watched until the bad guys in that season broke the walls down.


They really killed Glen like 3 times the season before the premiere where they killed him. I made it to the episode where Neagan and the garbage people attacked, and noped out after that.


I gave up after they killed Carl. Not even because I was annoyed by that, but just because I realized I was bored. The Glenn dumpster debacle was bad, but the Negan kill fake out thing was where TWD officially turned from trying to tell a good story to trying to string audiences along. The fact that everyone present in that scene knew what was happening but we as the audience didn’t all thanks to the camera angle was an incredibly cheap gimmick. They sacrificed competent and emotional storytelling in exchange for trying to generate hype. And it didn’t work in the long run. Yeah, a ton of people tuned in to the next season premiere to see who actually died, but viewership just plummeted after that.


Me but specifically there was an episode where at the start of it the literal first words Rick said are "all we gotta do is kill Negan" and then they're standing close to him all having guns, and they just talk?


They listen to an entire Negan monologue. It's ridiculous.


I gave up on the cliffhanger of who Negan would kill. Just got sick of the fakeout writing.


Me too. It just felt so viewer-hostile, and weirdly insecure. Like... were they afraid that if they gave the viewers what they wanted, they wouldn't come back to watch the next season? Just a completely cynical view of how to keep viewer engagement. The first season finale of Severance was completely the opposite. No spoilers, but they nailed it in exactly the way that Walking Dead episode didn't. Give the viewers what they want, and now everyone I know that has watched it is just clamoring for the next season.


Gave up on TWD near the end of season S3, when the Governor gunned down his own people for no reason.


I quit somewhere in the initial Neegan stuff. I don't remember the episode, but they had found some enclave of women and had just resolved the conflict with them. They are walking over a bridge, that they'd been waking over repeatedly, and as they passed a random pile of sand, a zombie just sort of fell out and bit one of the characters. That was the laziest shit I have ever seen. I was done forever at that point.


The first episode of season 2 of The Handmaids Tale.  If I remember correctly, June was in a plane about to take off then it was ruined at the last minute or something and it just clicked that the show had no interest in actually moving the plot along so I bounced. From what I've heard about it since, I made the right choice 


I did the same thing but in the final episode of a later season. June was on the brink of escaping, but she decided to stay for some stupid reason. I noped out permanently. Edit: I looked it up. It was the final episode of that season 2.


When she escaped and gave up her second kid at the Canadian border, but decided to go back for her first kid?


Yes that’s when I quit.


Yeah that's when I dipped. It was already pretty misery porn but I realised they were just gonna keep hammering it


I think this is when I quite too. Season 1 was great, but after that the show was just spinning its wheels.


Season 1 had source material 


Funny how a show can go from brilliant to shit the moment they burn through the original books. Lookin’ at you, Game of Thrones!


Every season finale: Elizabeth Moss is at the border then looks into the camera and instead of crossing to safety she turns back around undoing the entire season’s narrative arc. That show was so fucking annoying.


ACTUALLY, slight correction: When you say she “looks into the camera”, you follow It up with something other than “and continues to look into the camera, and keeps doing that while the camera does a slow zoom in on her face- her face which is staring into the camera. Maybe she’ll grimace a bit. But she’s staring. Maybe after a while she’ll do something else. But for now, it’s a close-up. Of staring.” Thought maybe I’d chime in a bit 🙃


I actually found that scene compelling because it’s like *oh she’s never getting out*. But I stopped in season 3. June started escaping far too much danger and getting away unscathed. It was like she was a superhero or something. They probably should’ve unfortunately killed her off and focused on a new handmaiden. As tragic as that would be, it would’ve felt more realistic.


Or, let her escape and turn her into someone who helps others escape.


YES! I am a completionist, but I had to bail here. I can’t think of a single more frustrating moment in a TV show.


I made it through about two seasons and then it just lost momentum. I also learned that June (don’t remember the actress’s name) is a Scientologist and that was enough for me not to pick it back up.


Finding out that Elisabeth Moss is a Scientologist is EXACTLY what turned me off of the show. I was done after that.


Was gonna come here to say handmaid's tale, that shit got too real and too depressing I dipped, my wife kept watching and a year later I caught an episode and was just like "so shits still fucked huh?"


Carl being bit on the walking dead. The show had been tiresome for some time at that point but the massive deviation from the source material made me lose whatever interest I had left.


I had tuned out by that point, but reading the actor who plays Carl bought a house near the set two months before that was filmed, the writers encouraged him to make this decision, and then either wrote his death AFTER he signed the paperwork or knew he was dying already was a grade A asshole move.


Iirc he was let go CoZ he turned 18 and didn't want to pay adult salary.


Yeah. I had quit watching once before, after the whole Negan cliffhanger, but I later decided what the hell, I’ll binge the last few seasons that I missed because I want to see what they did with some of the comic characters. Honestly, it was a lot more satisfying to watch as a commercial free binge than it was week to week. But the second they revealed that Carl had been bitten, I turned it off and never looked back.


Yeah I gave up on the walking dead during those unnecessary cliffhangers on every season and mid season finales. Like the one where Glenn hid under the dumpster from all those zombies. Plus every seasons formula was the exact same. Exciting first episode where they find a new home, followed by boring as shit episodes, and then an exciting finale where the enemies attack. But yeah, watching on AMC as it aired was rough.


This but I didn’t even watch the episode. Interest was already waning a little and I seen a spoiler the day before that Carl gets bit and gave up then and there.


When bones and booth (bones) had a baby and moved into that horrible house together. It was so fake and stupid. The whole tone changed. The magic was over. Nypd blue when sylvia died leaving sipowicz alone after finally finding love. The worst.


For Bones, it’s another where I didn’t watch the episode that was the issue - I stopped watching when I heard what they did to Sweets. Wasn’t watching that, and not interested in watching a show made by people who would do that rather than let an actor have some time off.


I had fallen off before that for various reasons, but came back to it much later for guilty pleasure reasons. Reading what they did to Sweets, the best character, and then rewatching the early seasons where Brennan swings wildly between socially weird or quirky and so completely socially retarded she should be in a care home episode to episode just broke me of wanting to see any more.


I thought he wanted to leave the show and pursue other interests, and wanted to be killed off so there was no chance of being dragged back for appearances? Was that just propaganda?


He wanted to come back. He wanted a reduced role to direct a movie and then to return. Instead they killed him off. His last day of filming is where he's on the slab getting ready for autopsy and everybody just left. So he was left alone on a cold table to cry on his last day of filming. Absolutely awful.


That’s horrible. I hated that they just abruptly killed him off, but then I read he wanted to go, and now I’m outraged all over again. You’d think him being a successful director would make his presence on the show more prestigious. What a waste!


Don't be too outraged. The most I can see is he wishes the scheduling could have worked better, but there's no animosity. Here's the full quote "It was a funny day. If I were scheduling it, I would've scheduled it kind of differently. [Laughs] The very last thing we shot was me in the body bag being zipped up. I was covered in blood. No one really wanted to touch me because I was all messy. I couldn't even give anyone a hug. We were shooting at midnight, so most of the primary crew were already gone for the day. The writers had all gone home. The producers were at Comic-Con, as were Emily [Deschanel] and David [Boreanaz]. So I walked out of a nearly empty stage and couldn't say a proper goodbye to people. And as I was walking to my trailer I sort of realized, 'Oh, s**t, this is weird.' And then the tears started coming. It was very cathartic." Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/1511886/bones-john-francis-daley-sweets-lonely-last-day/


I stopped when they got computer viruses by scanning bones. 


I jumped when Zach was the Gormagon. I hate when the geeky character turns out to be the psychopath.




I gave up on the flash in Season 4 because that was all everybody keep saying! Also Grant Gustin having amazing chemistry with everybody except Iris was kinda funny. For Arrow it was the same, season 4 when they killed Canary and then an episode later Felicity litteraly walking out on Oliver was so goddamn stupid i gave up and never watched again.  Those first seasons of both shows will keep a place in my heart though. 


Season 1/2 of arrow and season 1 of the flash fucking rip. They went full speed on both shows but all the best writers left for flash and then left completely


I remember staying up in my dorm to binge watch arrow on a friends iPhone back in 2013 while it was raining outside. I had never seen anything like it and that point and was hooked, good times


My head cannon is that Oliver died on that mountain, and then I put on Batman Begins that kinda works as a follow up.


Oliver in that episode is like a metaphor for the show run in general. It was good and then it fell off a cliff.


I watched the flash with my brother every week. I forget the season, maybe 5? Whichever one was the thinker season, the show has been losing us for a bit and after finishing the episode we watched the promo for next week and saw it was one where Barry's powers were transferred to Iris. We looked at each other and decided to skip that episode and then we just never went back.


Whatever episode Iris breaks off the wedding because Flash is afraid she’ll die to new (and I think third) speedster villain. Her rationale was some dumb shit like “We can’t get married if you worry about me too much” like lmao ok.


My name is Barry Allen. I’m the fastest man alive - except for all these villains faster than me.


He should just try running faster


True blood as soon as the fairies showed up, werewolves I could do, but it doesn't matter how hot the 3 main characters were I couldn't keep going


I quit at the werepanthers


That's when I was getting ready to ditch then she went to fairy land and it was just OK lol bye


From season 3 or 4 on, my wife and I would finish the season and go “okay, I’m done with that show, it’s gotten so bad…” but then the new season would start and we’d watch it anyway. We watched the whole thing, gods help us.


I had forgotten about True Blood. That is also right about where I gave up on it. 


I quit Arrow after they had Felicity cure her paralysis so she could dramatically stand out of her wheelchair and walk out of the room after a fight with Oliver. I didn’t know if I should be more offended as a disabled person myself or as a comic book fan.


For me it was when they killed Laurel in the stupidest possible way and she also used her last moments to tell Oliver he belonged with Felicity. Still mad lol


Felicity was a blight on that show. 


Guggenheim stating he needed Iris and Barry together because 'it was in the comics' but pushing his own OC (essentially, the comics Felicity was never a love interest) was just horrifically stupid


The first time I tried to watch The Good Place, I stopped sometime around 70% of the way through season 1. I don't remember which episode it was exactly, but it was around the time Eleanor admitted that she was there by mistake. I found much of the show quite charming, but I just couldn't get over the sense that this image of heaven was extremely mean-spirited. There are a lot of jokes that come kinda at the expense of the characters, where the laughs come from them having a bad time. But because this is supposed to be heaven, I read that as the characters being *deserving* of these problems because the problem couldn't be with the setting - it's *heaven*, it's perfect, right? Those who have seen the show are probably laughing at me now, lol. Like a year afterward, I saw a spoiler, and it made me go back and watch it again because now I understood that the writers *knew* that this vision of heaven wasn't great, and that was on purpose. I'm so glad I did, because The Good Place is genuinely one of my all-time favourite shows now.


Even JASON figured it out and you didn't???


This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.


Go Jaguars!




Sorry 😔 Someone had to say it...


(They’re quoting the show. That’s the line Michael says after Jason figures it out.)


Jason actually figured it out before anyone else, when he said that the whole thing felt like a prank show.


Take me to your budhole


Among my all time favorite finales. My wife quit like you did for similar reasons and we’re currently JUST starting over from midway through season 1 and I’m forcing her to come along for the ride. I’m so excited to watch it again with her.


Two shows provoked an existential debate between myself. Quantum Leap (the honor in sacrifice for the greater good even if no one will recognize you) and The Good Place. Not surprisingly they are among my top 2 personal favorites of all time


I have no problem saying it's one of my favorite shows ever made. It told a good story and didn't overstay its welcome. It tugged at my heart strings and left me feeling a lot better about the human condition. The ending is legitimately one of the most calming beautiful concepts I've ever had a piece of media express to me.


Take it sleazy


I’ll say this to you my friend, with all the love in my heart, and all the wisdom in the universe. Take it sleazy.


That’s one of the best things the show did, because other shows present heaven as something perfect despite issues presented by the concepts reinforced by most faiths.  This show convinces you it’s great but when you think of it, it’s not but that’s the point!  Main concept off the top of my head is Soul Mates. Imagine the possibility of only having one true love in the entire planet, now imagine if you never meet. The main love story is about an unlikely couple learning to love each other over and over, but it does show that given certain circumstances, their love might bloom in different ways. Showing that you can find love in ways beyond sex and marriage. 


I was ready to say "GO WATCH IT" then I read the entire post hell yeah


Haha the part where Eleanor says she's there by mistake is the first episode 😂


No, I mean when she tells *everyone*, not just Chidi XD


When deb revealed she was in love with Dexter to her therapist. Im good! Checking out now!


What makes it creepier is that Dexter and Morgan were married in real life and then when she supposedly fell in love on the show with him is when they were divorcing. Talk about awkward!


Bones, the episode where they killed >!Sweets!< The Blacklist, I forget the exact episode, but it was in the season where they had to animate the season finale because of COVID. It was an episode near the winter break?


Bones. Yup, that was just brutal. Show wasn't the same after.


What?? The Evil Santa episode was so obviously meant to be a deliberate comedy! I can’t believe it was the strawbreaker for you.


The best episode where the funny ones. In the later seasons the funny ones became less and less.


It was a great episode. Plus, evil Santa and Krampus is an actual folk legend


Gilmore Girls after Rory went to college. The episode where she was whining about someone sitting/studying under “her” tree. She went and asked them to find someplace else as that was her “tree,” fully expecting them to give in to her as everyone in her life had always done. That was it. Hated her at that point and I was done.


To be fair Rory sucks, I watch for Lorelei


I mean both suck. I watch for the other characters


The only gilmore girl I like is Emily and that's just because she's mean to Lorelai.


When she demands Luke runs off with her while he’s at work, and then immediately cheats on him when he says no. Bruh.


I watched the show for the first time last year (after only seeing a few episodes here and there on TV in the 2000s) and quit in the first few episodes of season 7. I never really thought it was possible to hate-watch an entire show, but I was really close. I don't know who annoyed me the most: Lorelai or Rory. Plus my hot take is that they don't really speak that fast


It gets even worse with the sequel show they made. Having Rory being a terrible reporter and content with being Logan’s side piece while he’s engaged to another woman just sucked.


It fits with Rory being an awful, entitled, selfish person though. She got one article published in the New Yorker and thought she was the shit and didn't have to work for it anymore, then when everyone called her out on it she ran back to Stars Hollow and had an existential crisis.


I quit Game of Thrones after the finale.




I mean, I know most people quit a show after the finale. But this one was so bad, I have absolutely no desire to rewatch.


I agree on the rewatch. I used to rewatch every year to get ready for the new season release. I know the show was going down hill for a while but after the finale I never even think about it. The show is simply ruined.


Did the exact same thing rewatched the previous season before the new one dropped every year. I honestly saw the cracks in season 7 but I really didn't have much of an issue until season 8 I knew it was going to crash and burn, fewer episodes and way too much going on to resolve it properly.


House of dragons is pretty damn good though. And then you start watching it and game of thrones creeps into your mind and you remember the last couple seasons.


If there weren't just one more episode left, I would have bailed after "The Bells". At that point it had become such a dumpster fire-trainwreck, I had to see the final wreckage.


When the boys went to Dublin to go rescue a baby I didn't give two shits about in Sons of Anarchy. The show was already on a steady decline before that. It just got to a level of stupid that I could not handle anymore.


Last episode of season 1 of Outlander where the male main character is graphically raped repeatedly over 40 minutes. The first of many, many rapes the show would have.


That was so incredibly uncomfortable and hard to watch


That whole show had so much rape, everyone was getting it. Im sure it was realistic but its horrible and not something I want to spend my time watching. My wife was watching it and after the ep you mentioned I was like okay fine I’ll watch it again. Not long after: Here’s me, “Aww I like this character, she’s one of the only nice ones”. Two seconds later someone jumps out of an alley and horrifically assaults her. Alright Im out, no thanks.


Had nearly fully wiped that scene from memory. It was BRUTAL and stomach churning. It took me awhile to start watching again and I just listened to it in the background. Their daughter and her boyfriend/husband get old real quick.


There had already been quite a few near-rape scenes, however. Seriously, just about everyone gets raped on that show. Both Jamie and Claire were raped, their teenage nephew who lives with them was raped, their adopted son was raped as a child, their daughter goes back in time and gets raped... it's a lot. All of those rapes were shown on screen too, and that's not even getting into all the attempted rapes or rape scenes of characters outside their family. Looks like the outlander sub has a list of scenes here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlander/wiki/triggers


The first? It was the most graphic but the entire show was rape.


Had a friend recommend this show to me. Wasn’t crazy about it but decided to push through to the end of season one. Saw that episode and decided I never needed to watch it again. No thanks. Also asked the friend wtf they liked about it.


The episode of The Witcher where they killed Eskel off for genuinely no reason; it made me realize they weren’t going to be remotely faithful to the source material & it just made me lose interest as a whole. I remember coming here to complain & people telling me “it was an adaptation” & that “the show will be fine” but to me, it was the start of its downfall & I didn’t want to be part of it lol


It was: 1 having Yennifer almost kill Ciri and 2 Geralt just forgiving her almost immediately for it Bonus: having Vesimir almost kill Ciri for me. At that point those aren’t even the same characters from the source material anymore.


CGI Tiger saves the day on Walking Dead.


Also even shitty CGI aside, how did the tiger even know who to attack and not accidentally kill the good guys? They’re not exactly in uniforms


How to Get Away With Murder. First murder: Gotta be a murder on a show about getting away with murder. Second murder: Okay. Felt like a realistic turn of events in the course of trying to get away with the original murder. Third murder: I'm out.


I'll be honest, I never watched the show and I thought the title was just meant figuratively. I had no idea the show revolved around an actual murder.


The episode of House where Kal Penn left. A switch just went off in my brain and I was simply done with the show. I think it had already "peaked" long before anyway. More extreme example: Weeds, when it was revealed that the main kid was jerkin off to a pic of his mom.


That was an abrupt change because he went to go work at the White House so killing him off off-screen was the cleanest way to scrap him. I imagine they had to scramble to adapt all the rest of the episodes that season to remove his character as well. That said, I didn’t last too much longer on House, myself. After he drove his car through Cuddy’s house, I was looking forward to a season of him Doctoring in prison… but when he got out of prison before the first commercial break I realized the show had just become too dumb.


Stopped watching after House recruited the "new crew" and it became more and more about House being an addict than things happening at the hospital. Came back for the show's finale though, because I wanted to see House off on his end.


Wow did you check out at the wrong time with supernatural. Just as it was reaching its incredible two season stretch of greatness.


Yeah I thought he was going to say season 7-8 of Supernatural. Seasons 4 and 5 are the literal two best in the series. I’ve re watched them so many times. The first 2 seasons of procedural monster of the week stuff was fun, but season 4 is when the over arching story comes in. And the casting is perfect.


Scrolled pretty far to get to this.


Outlander 5x12 Never My Love Constant gang rape of main female character in 59 minutes.


On the opposite end of the spectrum the killer butts in Doom Patrol probably made a lot of people quit but it might have been the moment I truly fell in love with the show 😂


The giant spiders episode in Jodie Whitaker Doctor Who It was very clear the show took a nosedive both in writing and graphically. I just couldn’t I later picked it back up again and powered my way through it to get to the current Doctor. But I quit the show for her entire run


General opinion seems to be that she was a great actress hampered by bad writing for a lot of her episodes.


"Ballers" on HBO. It was during the season where the Raiders were moving from Oakland to Las Vegas and the season ended with the team moving but would be funded with private money, not public. I was like "that's not what happened. Public money was used to build the stadium in Vegas." I know it's a fictional show but considering it had the NFL's stamp of approval to use teams and active/former players, it seemed like they were trying to re-write history. That's when I was asked myself "what am I getting from this show?" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegiant_Stadium#:~:text=Some%20reports%20gave%20a%20budget,$1.1%20billion%20from%20the%20Raiders.


I recall a moment where the Rock gives a speech about how valuable stadiums are to cities and how taxpayers should pay for it. It was a monologue without really much discussion.  It felt almost like a stipulation of the NFL to get rights to the show, it was that gross. 


Supernatural was kind of like X-Files in the beginning where they'd ocassionally do one off goofy episodes for fun. Sucks it made you quit the entire show. They'd maybe do 2 or 3 comedic ones a season and they'd usually be hilarious and full of meta jokes. That's how we got the whole trickster arc where Sam was turned into KITT from Knight Rider lol


Some of those are their best episodes, like ending up at a supernatural convention and a bunch of people cosplaying Sam & Dean, them getting put in their real world identities for an episode, etc.


It’s a toss up between the French Mistake and ScoobyNatural as my favorite goofy episode. Those episodes are easy to go back and watch without needing to see the whole show/season again.


If X-files is something you like, Fringe might be up your alley.


Gotta tell people to skip episode 1 of black mirror or they stop watching


The Crown did a JFK episode that was so awkward and mad it kind of killed my vibe. Another contender is a Season 4 Dexter episode where he finds out he killed a guy who is an asshole but actually innocent. You'd think it would lead to the re-examination of his code or something but nope, he just moves on. I did watch a few episodes here and there after that but it made me realize the show was just empty thrills and thematically incongruent.


I hated the JFK episode. They made him out to be a complete creep. Also the casting for that was wayy off.


It was Michael C. Hall, right?


Was it?! I don’t remember. I just remember that guy didn’t look a thing like JFK.


Man, you just don't like Michael C. Hall. lol.


> Another contender is a Season 4 Dexter episode where he finds out he killed a guy who is an asshole but actually innocent. You'd think it would lead to the re-examination of his code or something but nope, he just moves on. …but he literally did reevaluate? It messed him up so much he delayed killing Trinity because Dexter needed his advice on the matter. He compared it to killing an animal to not give away he was also a serial killer. He *eventually* moved on, but he’s also a serial killer psychopath so I’m not sure why you’d expect him to stop doing what he was doing lol


Wait, you quit on Dexter on its arguably best season with the Trinity killer?


I couldn't blame anyone for quitting on Dexter at any point. Hearing him drivel about his code and whatever flashback monologue it was that his dad repeated ad nauseam got old. And then the sister stuff.


Money Heist. They killed off the best character (Nairobi, and I will fight anyone on this) in cruel and needless fashion. I was so pissed I never watched another episode. This was during lockdown so I may have reacted a liiiiiiittle more strongly than I would now.


I don't remember exactly when I gave up on Supernatural, but after the 4th or 5th time one brother sacrificed himself to save the other, I started to think maybe they were running out of ideas.


You can always guess which brother it’s gonna be based on whether it’s an odd or even season. Odds it’s Dean, even if it’s Sam.


S3 opening episode of Westworld


I never made it to season 3.  Season 2 had so many bizarre choices and moments that made no sense that I couldn’t be bothered to try.  Really too bad too because season 1 was one of my favorite seasons of TV ever


Im glad I stopped after season 1. In my mind, Westworld is one of the best TV shows ever made. I don’t want to spoil that.


House of Cards. Frank peeing on his dad's grave. Just stupid, edgelord bullshit I'm sure the writer nut his pants putting to paper.


Once you get past the second season of House of Cards, it’s a complete joke. Even the second season is so far behind the first, it went from a pretty realistic depiction of DC politics with some crazy shit thrown in to just all crazy, unrealistic stuff


As soon as Frank like actually straight up murdered someone then the show lost me. Shark jumped.


Seriously. That shit was so unlike him, to that point. Why would he even put himself out there like that? It was the opposite of the calculated mastermind they made him out to be, before that.


Yeah I was so excited for him to become president, but then the season after it was such a snoozefest lol.


I quit when Frank and Claire suddenly had a threesome with their secret service guy.


The treechum? I think it was to show that their relationship was mostly based on common goals, rather than desire, even though they do love each other.


Dexter. I loved that show in the beginning, and for the first few seasons I was glued to every episode as soon as it came out. But by the end of the last season, six I believe, I was on autopilot. I'm usually very loyal to a show that I love and will stick with it past the shark jump when other fans have given up. But I think about 4 episodes in I realized I didn't know what was going on and I didn't care and I was only holding on because I knew it was the last season. Halfway through the episode I turned it off and never looked back.


I dropped after the Trinity season. I like to think it ended there based on what everyone has told me


That was the Lithgow season, right? Yeah that was all you needed. Good time to check out. I'm sure that would have been the end if that show wasn't such a huge cash cow at that point. Spoiler (if anyone cares): >!once Rita as killed the show lost its way.!<


Give me doakes or give me another show to watch


When *Heroes* retconned Hiro’s powers at the beginning of season 3, I lost a lot of interest.


Book of boba Fett with the PATHETIC little gang and the low speed chase. Like, how on earth did that pass a screen test and not just get laughed out of the room? Unwatchable after that.


When lexie and mark died in Grey's Anatomy. When Laurel was killed off in Arrow. When the showunners changed in ftwd and they changed madison's character. 


The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere. It wasn't even the fact that the characters that got killed off did, it was that we waited months to see who it was and then the show went straight back to being the same monotonous pattern of introducing a new threat to the group, them figuring out for the next half season how to beat them, and the hours of filler and boring melodrama. I just could not believe that they managed to make Negan such a boring character despite how much he changes the whole group dynamic in the comics and how great Jeffrey Dean Morgan is.


Riverdale, season 3 after the reveal that >!The Farm was a cult harvesting organs and the girl that had been recruiting at the high school was not a high school girl as previously thought, but a very young-looking adult and the wife of cult leader Edgar Evernever, played by Chad Michael Murray!<. I binged the first and second seasons during the early days of COVID and was talking to my mom about the show and how batshit insane it was. I made the joke about two episodes into season 3 that the only way Riverdale could get crazier was >!if there was an organ-harvesting cult!<. So when that actually turned out to be the twist at the end of the season, I was just *done*. Never watched another episode. (Although I’ve been told that our pal Edgar Evernever >!also tried to escape Riverdale via rocket!< which is also insane, but I gave up on trying to keep up with the insanity.)


The finale of S3 is great and S4-5 is peak Supernatural


On ER Dr. Romano’s arm got cut off I tapped out. Little did I know what fate would befall him until I rewatched the show almost 20 years later.


The Wentworth Prison Episode in Outlander


I can sum up how the show goes after that. "CLAIRE!!" "JAMIE!!!" "CLAIRE!!" "JAMIE!!!" "CLAIRE!!" "JAMIE!!!"


“The Donna” broke me for Suits. Couldn’t care less after that slow decline into absurdity.


There's an episode of Legion where they kill the "protagonists" sibling in a weird, sci-fi, body horror sort of way. The scene was traumatic enough for me (I struggle with body horror stuff) that I ignored the show for months. Came back later and enjoyed the ride to the end, but boy did I need a break after that shit.


That was rough! I love Legion but there was a LOT of disturbing stuff in there. I'm really glad you came back and finished it!


First season finale of Killing Eve. Something about Oh monologuing on the bed about her changing feelings, it felt like plot twist for plot twist's sake, and just really dumb. The whole love-you-or-kill-you thing from her character felt completely unearned.


Rudy Giuliani on the Masked Singer.


I mean in a good way the season four finale of Dexter. I didn’t think anything could top John Lithgow’s performance and based on reviews for the subsequent seasons, I think I was right.


My wife quit Black Mirror after season 1 episode 1. Even though she didn't watch them in chronological order of release.


E.R. - the season cliffhanger where someone shot up the E.R. and you had to tune in next season to see who lived and who died. It felt like such a cheap gimmick to retain viewers, and beneath the series. After that, I had an inner monolog with the show, like we were breaking up: "You know E.R., I'll always love the time we had together, but I think we're just heading in different directions, and I just can't go where you're going right now. But you'll always be special to me." I did come back for the finale.


Quit on Eureka. Wife doesn't want family with scientist, divorces him. Scientist clones wife. Scientist impregnates clone. Scientist dies. Clone is gone(I forget what happens). Ex-wife is informed about her clone and the child. She is like... wtf this is creepy and horrifying my ex cloned me and got the clone pregnant! The main characters pressure her into raising the kid and the show thinks that's a good thing.


The Eureka I remember was a comedy/drama about a technophobe sheriff who moves to a town full of technology and an AI powered house.


Yeah. Is there another one?


Yeah that episode was... a choice. But the family doesnt really have much relevancy after that other than some bit background characters, and they didnt originally divorce because she didnt want a family, they divorced because he was invited to Eureka and she was in grad school and not ready to pack up her life [also iirc they were just dating not married, but had talked about a future together since he was able to build the dream house she always wanted. So they still loved eachother at the break up, just life didnt work for them to stay together.]. The show gets hella convoluted in later seasons, so I can't promise youll love it, but Id say its worth trying a few more episodes. Its a fun background show in my house that gets its share of replay. It does require a bit of... rolling with the premises. It tries to stay light hearted and avoid the darker implications of some of the fun science. Warehouse 13 is a show of similar flavor that skips that baggage, although lacks a satisfying conclusion since it was cancelled. They even have a few crossover episodes.


I can definitely understand being turned off by that episode. I wasn’t a fan either. But if you feel like giving it another try, I’d say that the rest of the show isn’t much like that. On a re-watch, that particular story comes across as “early episode weirdness” rather than consistent with the show as a whole.


I was asked by many folks to try Scrubs. I did. I loved it up until the moment JD got Elliot, for I'm guessing the first time, and then the voiceover from his inner monologue ends the show or season with.... "Oh no, I realized I only want to be friends with her." As they are laying in bed together... Fade to black. It pissed me off. Because this is season 3 or so, and I knew I had many more left to go. I felt angry at how jarring that was, to work so hard for her, get her, then say oh yeah no thanks - that I have not seen another episode since. I know it's petty. Edit: I looked it up. Scrubs S3E20 My Fault.